Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Brad Pitt Keeps Talking About Jennifer Aniston

It has been a decade since they split, but Brad Pitt will not stop talking about Jennifer Aniston. You would think he would be tired talking about his marriage or there would be nothing left to say, but he keeps on finding new nuggets. It kind of reminds me of how Michael Lohan always seems to remember one more thing he can sell about his daughter or how there is always room for one more Marilyn Monroe book.

In a new interview, Brad says that he was doing way too many drugs while he was married to Jen and that his life had little meaning because, well, he was married to Jen. Apparently Angelina was able to unleash the full potential of Brad. Yeah, that piece of gold came from Brad's makeup artist. Who knew he even had one?


  1. I am always wary of somebody who has to talk about how happy they are all the time. It sounds like they are trying to convince themselves that they are happy just as much as they are trying to convince others.

    Some of the happiest people I have ever met hardly ever talk about how happy they are. They just show it. I don't ever really see it from Brad or Angie. I only hear it. That goes for a lot of celebrities, though.

    1. @annie +1 x's infinity. So so true. Because those people can't stand others thinking their life isn't perfect 100% of the time.

  2. Whatever happened between those two, it is in rather poor taste to keep hinting how miserable you were during your marriage. We got the message when you got the divorce Brad.

  3. I think he didnt like his behavoir then, and somehow that became mixed up with who he was married to even tho not her fault. Plus i think he feels VERY guilty and keeps trying to explain why he abruptly left Jen. He could hv changed his drug habits and tried to make the marriage work, but he fell for angie. The heart wants what the heart wants. He did what he did and now he has to live with it, no matter how happy he is now. Life is sometimes a tradeoff.

    1. And notice you dont hear Jen saying anything. Its called class.

    2. No, Jen don't say anything she just gets her puppet Chelsea Handler to say it for her.

      I would be a drug addict too if I was married to Jen.

  4. @Basil. Ha! I totally forgot to comment about that part of it. I completely agree with you. We get it, you were unhappy with Jen. Your life was miserable and meaningless with her. Do you have to remind us of that every time you promote a movie? It really is in bad taste.

  5. I could see that he and Jen might have just led the good life, getting stoned, partying, having fun. Nothing wrong with that, but maybe he's just saying he realized he wanted more. "Uncool" (hehe)to talk about stuff life that out loud though kinda.

  6. Hmmm, pretty sure this is really old news that when he was married to Jen all he did was smoke pot and didnt actually enjoy life.

    I can relate, but dude, tell it to your current wife, your best buddy whatever. dont tell it in an interview!

    blandly attractive and dumb as a door knob :P jk... well sorta

  7. So someone who did Brad's makeup for a movie thinks that Angie unleashed his potential? Or Brad said that?

    Enty doesn't know movie stars wear make-up?

    And I love the probable mischaracterization, out-of-context stuff here, with NO link. Tsk tsk.

  8. Jen is NOT innocent in talking about this marriage either. Let's be serious.

    1. Yes, but shes not blabbing about it.

    2. Just fuck Angie and get it over with.

  9. I'm NOT a Brangeloonie, actually I cant stand any of the three, but I have SO much respect for Angie coming out and sharing her masectomy that i'll let this slide
    Pitt, I dont get him, he's so pretentious. The whole Im-an-architect thingy is a big side eye

  10. Throwing Jen under the bus for 'World War Z' press?
    Real nice.

  11. True, Libby, but when was the last time she talked about it? It has been years since I last heard her mention anything. Also, it is important to note that usually when she did talk about it, it was because she was asked about it. The last couple of times Brad has discussed that time of his life and how utterly miserable he was it came out of a babbling answer to a question that had nothing at all to do with Jen or his marriage to her.

  12. Annie Hall - ITA. Really surprised at the Esquire interview. It all smells like media spin. Would have been more effective to say nothing. And I know of too many long time addicts who get cancer. I am officially suspicious.

  13. First of all he said he had never been happier when he was married to Jen.
    Second he would have stayed with, her she said no...
    And third I don't believe for one minute he's happy...

    Oh and Brad, Jen had you when you were hot...instead of the bloated thing you are now.

    Shut-up already...

  14. All I can say is whomever may be performing as Brad's make up artist is not performing so well.

  15. So, wait, did Brad say this or did his make artist say he said this?

  16. He just cant move on from his life with jen, he keeps reliving it through interviews, move on , i bet they dont have a number for each other

  17. @MISCH - Jen, is that you? please close the lap top and slowly step away from it.. now! :P

  18. It is n poor taste to mention Jen with you have Angie at home. But, I'm sure that the media loves to keep running the "poor sorry Jenn" stories, and this adds fuel to that fire.

    I never thought Brad Pitt was a douche, but these statements from him or "his people" are rather tasteless 10 years after the fact.

    As for jennifer Aniston having class, I call bullshit. She landed Brad Pitt and failed to seal the deal. I call that a dumbass. She won't speak badly of it, because she knows she fucked up, BIG TIME.

    1. Lol, pink, i didnt know falling in live and getting married was a deal!!

    2. auntliddy - breeding is the "deal". 18 years, 18 years.

  19. No, Brad can't talk about his own growth as a person, how his life experiences shaped him, because fans of a 90's TV show will flip out FOR her.
    Jen knows everything he's said. They've both moved on. Except for Jen's buddy Chelsea, I guess.

  20. jen has chelsea handler to talk about it

  21. I'm sorry, what I read at another site didn't mention Jen at all. He said he was a mess 10 years ago. The rest is being added here for hyperbole. But hey, who needs facts around here when there is so much Brad and Angelina bashing to be done...

  22. Just Pitt bashing on Jen to remind people he still thinks Ange is sexy without her boobs. It's kinda a sad PR ploy.

  23. Brad has every right to talk about his personal growth, but the way he words it makes it very obvious that he is talking about Jen and he hardly ever talks about his life before her. It feels manipulative.

  24. He doesn't really talk about Jen at all, it's media spin to even bring her in. He talks about how he was unhappy with HIMSELF, and you can be in a great marriage and still be unhappy with how you are living your life. No matter what kind of relationship you are in, you can still be depressed. Ugh I can't stand this tabloid reasoning.

    1. @msgirl
      Thank you, point well said, and I agree!

  25. My husband spent several days with Angelina due to his work. He said that she is not the vapid btch that people think she is. What she actually is, is not very bright. Bordering on slow. I'm thinking that she and Brad are a better fit and maybe Jen is glad to be rid of him. She seems to be pretty sharp.

    1. ^this. You got it.

    2. My friend did work on Mr & Mrs Smith. She calls them "Goldie" for Golden Retriever, and "The Crow, because Angie was so thin and dressed in all black. They didn't care who knew they were banging in their trailers. She isn't "not bright," she's just positive she's right all the time, & she's definitely not. Pittstank is just dumb. I'd love to see them make another M & M Smith, they were really good in it.

  26. The people who run this site despise Angelina Jolie as much as January Jones, that's pretty obvious.

  27. Annie, these are Enty's words. What is the real quote? Let's find out, shall we?
    Off to googling...

  28. "This was about a decade ago." Direct quote when Brad is talking about how horrible his life was. Who was Brad with about a decade ago? Hmmmm...He knows very well how a statement like that is going to be taken by the press just like Aniston knows how putting her hand to her belly is going to be treated by the press. It's all manipulation while trying to look innocent. They are all guilty of it, but the thing is that Brad is still doing it with his marriage to Jen. It is enough already. I feel the same way about how Jen manipulates the press about a possible pregnancy, too, btw. It's all bunk and annoying.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Or maybe he was just talking about himself, being honest and didn't even think about her because it was about him and she's he's ex so isn't on he's mind all the time???

  29. I still think Brad and Angie are a mismatch. I'm really surprised they've lasted this long.

  30. been on too long...nope I doubt Jen reads this...

  31. He never struck me as being very bright. Did anyone else read that Vanity Fair article about what a financial disaster World War Z is? Yeesh.

  32. Here is the direct quote in its entirety. “For a long time I thought I did too much damage – drug damage. I was a bit of a drifter. A guy who felt he grew up in something of a vacuum and wanted to see things, wanted to be inspired. I followed that other thing. I spent years f***ing off,” Pitt told the magazine. “But then I got burnt out and felt that I was wasting my opportunity. It was a conscious change… This was about a decade ago. It was an epiphany.”

  33. Why is it the wife's job to bring out stupid Brad's potential? Stupid Brad.

  34. Read the actually story this headline is a joke, so no need to pretend this story mention Jen.

  35. @MISCH - i know I know! i recognise your nick :)
    I was just joking.. could not help myself! I am in a 'Puck-like' kind of mood..

  36. Annie, that's my point...HE can't talk about his own life because FANS of a 20-year old TV show can't get over it. He should be free to talk about his life as we all are. He didn't say her name, and it is totally mischaracterized for clicks here. THAT'S the manipulation you're feeling, and I'm feeding the clicks with this conversation. So I'm stopping.

    Seriously though, he should he allowed to reflect on his life when asked.

  37. I agree, Libby, he can say whatever he wants, however, when you look at that quote, the "this was about a decade ago" is very out of place and seems very deliberate. It does not seem like a careless statement. Sorry, but the manipulation is coming directly from him.

  38. I don't give a shit if Brad does bring it up on rare occasion, given how Jennifer Aniston has shamelessly milked that fucking marriage for every last drop and will continue to do so until she dies.

  39. He didn't mention her name at all! He mentions feeling like a drifter and doing a lot if drug in the 90s and I believe at that time he was dating Juliette Lewis and Goopy.

  40. Jennifer absolutely brings up the marriage or Brad or how not cool Angie as her go-to Instant Publicity for every last fucking stinker movie she makes. Brad can say he was miserable with her to get press for his own.

  41. Eve, a decade ago was 2003, right before their divorce, which would have been his "epiphany". The guy knows what he is doing. You don't see that, and that's totally cool, but others do and it is just getting really old.

    1. The timing of all this Brad and Angie info is scrupulous. She had never had a PR person and is a Wizzard at creating the image she wishes to project. Brad is her bitch for sure. Regardless of any do-gooding and spin. She knows what she's up to and this was long before the dumb blonde strolled into her life and donated some DNA.

  42. lol, if his current life DIDN'T make him happy, what could!?

  43. Amy, when was the last time Aniston talked about their marriage? She stopped answering questions about it ages ago. She didn't even make any comments about the last time Pitt talked badly about their marriage. Can you provide a link to the last time she discussed their marriage? I must have missed it.

  44. I'm no Aniston fan, not by a long shot, but STFU, Brad. At this point, Pitt is just showing what an A1 prick he is. I can't believe I ever liked that guy.

  45. I believe Jen said it best. "He seems to be missing a sensitivity chip."

    But honestly if he wasn't being fulfilled he probably figured he was doing Jen a favor too. No one wants to keep an unhappy person trapped in a relationship just for PR's sake. They took a vacation right before the divorce and talked it all out. What better way to say good bye?

  46. Anonymous9:47 AM

    In my experience anyone who boasts about how happy they are--be it a regular Joe or a celebrity--they are trying to convince themselves. And he sounds/looks more stoned now than he did 10 yrs ago.

  47. it's cool...I'm just sooo over Brad....

  48. He's just so angry at her for not wanting kids. She wants to buy houses, decorate, dring her special water and wash her special hair with her special shampoo and make rom-com's and marry Justin. She donates to charity she isn't hurting anyone and isn't bashing anyone in interviews.

    He's a prick for basically saying his life with Jen was vapid and meaningless. He certainly seemed happy with her for long enough.

    It's just shitty behavior on his end. Be Mr. Theresa all you want but don't bash your ex-spouse for not wanting the same things as you.

    Enjoy your litter of children and shut up.

  49. To be fair there are many,many old photos of Brad at that time where he looks baked out of his gourd as does Jen. And as much as the gossip rags would like you to believe the marraige was golden it was generally accepted by the same rags that they were probably separated during the Troy shoot long before Angelina and going through the motions for publicity. I am not saying that there wasnt cheating or that it wasn't handled badly but I can't blame him for trying to set the record straight

  50. He strikes me as someone who has brain damage from all those drugs.

  51. So basically what he's saying is, going from a pot head & coke user to a heroine addict was better for him and it got him to clean up. Or maybe his pot smoking paled in comparison to heroine, so in his eyes...he's not that big of a druggie.

  52. Pitt must really have a hair up his ass where Aniston's concerned. Can't think why that would be, but it happens all the time. Look at Enty and others here who display a visceral hatred of Kristen Stewart, who's never done anything to any of them. Just because something's irrational doesn't mean it can't/won't happen.

  53. cria +1 yes... a heroin user is quite the step up.... sigh

  54. He's such a tool.

  55. Whatever, Brad simply takes on the persona of whoever he is with. Juliette Lewis, Gwenneth Paltrow, Jen and now Angelina.

    He has NO personality of his own.

    Oooooh I'm so deep now because I'm with Angie.... no actually Brad you're just spouting off random crap that you hear her saying.

  56. Sorry, did I miss another article? I can't keep up with the Brange press. But I didn't know he directly said he was unhappy with Jen. The last one I read just said he decided to make a change around a decade ago. Yes, he was married to Jen then, but he didn't say SHE made him unhappy. He just says he was unhappy with what he was doing with his life, you know, with the drugs and the vegetating and all that.

    As for the makeup artist, don't they all have one? You know who wears the most makeup off-camera at events? The guys from theatre, mostly the Brits. So much foundation.

  57. Like he is such a deep thinker now. What everrrr, Bradddd.

  58. Some people move on in life and love their life. Then one day they wake up and realize that their life is never as good as it was 10, 15, 20 years prior when they were with the love of their life.

    Sounds like Brad realizes he's never going to be as happy as he was with Jen.

  59. Anonymous1:30 PM

    jen never came out and said he was on drugs in ALL the shit that happened she never mentioned that. IDK. they have slowly bordering TOM CRUISE hollywood douchyness to me.

  60. Brad Pitt can talk about his life as much as he wants...but what's effing annoying is that he tries to make it seem that his relationship with Angie is special and unique and they are both such special little snowflakes. You left your life for a younger woman, dude, happens a thousand times a day. You're really not that special!

  61. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I also think it's classless and tasteless for him, and Anniston to keep bringing up their marriage ten years after the fact. It just makes me think that their lives must be so dull, so pampered, so uninteresting, so unstimulating, that they are both still bringing up things from that long ago. Is there really nothing that has been as exciting in your life as that divorce in the last ten years? What about his kids? His charities? His hobbies? His movies? No just still, I was unhappy in my old marriage?

  62. Um...that's so not what he said.

  63. What's funny as hell is Enty saying "Brad Pitt won't stop talking about Jennifer Aniston"! That's rich coming from the person who won't stop talking about Chris Brown!I don't believe that BS either. Brad has never spoken ill of Jennifer unlike her and her cronies.

  64. It sounds like Jennifer Anniston had a really crappy husband. He describes a self absorbed stoner drag who sat around brooding. I know this guy usually sounds dumber than a box of rocks, but he can't be so stupid and oblivious to the way tabloids and brangeloonies work that he didn't know the loonies would be like "of course he wasn't happy, he needed the pretty face of saint ange to show him the light" (barf). I could have some modicum of respect for him if he also included a disclaimer like "I was married at the time and was not a good husband to my then wife" to go along with the I wasn't happy as a person trope. I can relate, when I came to the end of my party days, it was a very unsatisfying life, but it was only my fault I was there and if my relationships at the time were lacking, I only had myself to blame.

    To be fair, the statements Anniston has made about that time were honest, when she was pissed she said so, when she was over it she said so. And I can also relate to having big mouth friends who don't forgive those who have done me wrong.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      He did her wrong not really Angie, Chelsea Handler wasn't even her friend then and if she wanted her to shut up I'm sure shed have told her yet she still says stuff

  65. She Jennifer has been talking for years how happy she is. How great her life is. Yet no one associates those comments to Brad. Double standard much. He has a right to reflect on his life. And considering what Angie and he had been going through during the time of this interview It is understandable. He didn't talk about Jennifer nor say her name. Ms. Black has known Brad for over 20 years. she made a comment based on what she knows.

    but the Aniston fans I guess want brad to be going on and on about how he was the happiest in his life when he was with her. Well it was not true. And judging by Jennifer saying in all her interviews that she is the happiest with Justin; is she was not happy either.

    some of you act like this man left you. And you were a part of that marriage. it is going on over 8 years. Nobody cares that brad and jennifer are not together anymore. and the need to make every thing this man says about her is seriously reaching.

  66. he didn't say anything about his marriage to jennifer. People ask him questions and he answers. He was talking about how he has grown as an individual. I think he IS genuinely happy now. I know it's a gossip site and everyone wants to bash the celebs, but I just think he's happy. He has what he has always wanted... the big family, the financial freedom to dabble in whatever he wants and yes... a partner that shares his interests.

    Nothing wrong, really, with Anniston... just always thought it was a strange pairing.

  67. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Yeah, Jen does not seem to have looked back in years. She moved on, everyone else should too.. with a great career and relationship, she's enjoying a fulfilling life. She might not ever have kids. Some people do not and remain happy. I wouldn't trade mine for anything but raising kids is not for everyone.

  68. When did he tell his makeup artist this, like 10 years ago? I think this crap has gone on longer than the Liz/Eddie/Debbie thing, and that was much more exciting.

  69. He didn't say this, he might have said something but it wasnt nasty like this. Later in the article Enty got this from, it says that Brad loved Jen very much, theyre still friends and he still cares for her.

  70. If you read the whole article I think it's clear what Brad means, especially when they reference this to back up his quote:

    In 2011, he told Parade magazine that he spent much of the nineties "sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn't."

    I'm pretty sure in that sentence he is talking about Jen. Brad & Angie are very media savvy. They know what they are saying and when they want to say something. You can talk about growing up without dragging your ex-wife's name through the mud some more. He already cheated on her and then implied it was her fault because she wasn't ready for children. This isn't someone who went through an abusive marriage and has grown stronger. There is no need to pen point that exact moment just to show it was Jen.

    @punk, I don't see it as hypocritical but I think I've always seen her talk about herself as a happy person in general. Pre and post marriage. I could be wrong. Brad, Jen and Angelina are not my favorite people to keep tabs on. XD.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. It isn't as if he has to discuss his personal growth in the manner he does. It possible to discuss what one is interested in their present without demeaning their past. A past obviously tied to someone else who has also been trying to evolve beyond on her own past. She didn't make him a drug abuser loser and Angle didn't make him more creative. These are individual choices on his own. If he would like to attribute his life choices based on others rather than himself then shame on him.

    I do think he can and ought to discuss his interests, life and evolution, but we have heard this crap from him before while indirectly insinuating Jennifer sucked the life out of him. I will tell you when that happens it is a two way street buddy!

    Take your well place words and juxtaposition of ideas shove them up your unclean rear end.

    F your movies and your messy face and slurry words. You are no Joe Black or Twelve Monkey anymore!

  73. He's been doing this same interview for years! His movie is a major turd and saying he was miserable with Aniston is not going to save it. I wish one day all three of this unholy triangle would move on. For the love of God, please stop talking about how "happy" you are now Brad.

  74. @di butler
    I think everyone knows these two were sleeping together during that movie, and I think all this Angie Jo goodwill press has been to sidestep that. Somehow adopting children in third world countries is penance for being the other woman. Pitt is not the first husband to cheat, and he won't be the last. It's time to move on now.

    I still think Angie Jo sleeps with BillyBob. She writes these glowing diatribes about him. She always treats Pitt like a lap dog.

    It's going to be really ugly when these two break-up.

  75. SHUT UP BRAD! Seriously, no one cares about your opinion, every time you say something that hasn't been written by someone else you remind us that you don't have anything going on in that pretty blonde head of yours. You rock about pretending you're all artistic and deep and charitable, but you're really not. You're only really good at looking good (for others, sorry, not really my taste) and doing as you are told.

    I'd rather smoke a joint than look after 20 children with a scarecrow. Just sayin'.

  76. And what? He's stopped doing drugs with Mz Jolie? Yeah, right...cuz she's clearly clean and sober. What.the.fuck.ever



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