Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bonus Blind Item - Easy Easy Easy

This almost A list celebrity has been wearing more and more clothes despite the heat and despite her pregnancy, because she has not been able to have any of her regular procedures done while she has been pregnant. Apparently she is dying for some botox and hates the way she looks without it.


  1. Do I even need to say it? It's Kim, obvi

    1. All those extra words in your comment are really offending me.

    2. @rcb- hahahahahaha

    3. Has Kim really been wearing more clothes? Obviously more fabric but she isn't really dressing that modestly? I say Jessica Simpson or Reese, just because can't think of anyone else pregnant..

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Reese Witherspoon isn't pregnant.

    5. There's a shitload of celebrities pregnant right now

  2. In-fricking-deed. It's Kimbo.

  3. I wouldn't doubt if she ever has any more kids for this reason!!

  4. Wait, what does she have done on her body such that she needs more clothes? WTF do you Botox on your body? I've heard of armpit Botox, but that's it. /sheltered from Hollywood

  5. Can somebody explain what the connection is between the extra clothes and the Botox injections. My understanding of Botox is that it is a filler that is injected into one's face in order to smooth out the wrinkles. Is Enty implying that KTurd gets them im her already big fat ass in order to make it even bigger and fatter?

  6. The bigger question is, what procedures? Botox for your face (obviously), but she's clearly not covering that up. Is Enty saying she uses botox on her legs/arms to make them look decent?

  7. And Kim is known to have psoriasis, so maybe pregnancy made her flare up and she can't take her usual medication. Dunno. Totally at a loss as to what these "procedures" are.

  8. I have a hard time believing Entylawyer would refer to Kim as "A list celebrity"

  9. I know people use botox in their armpits to keep from sweating, but that goes against her wearing more clothes...I have no idea what else you would use it for.

  10. Replies
    1. I wanna give this a +1, but you left out the words "bloated" & "cankle"

  11. Botox can be used to stop sweat glands from producing (under arms, etc.) Maybe she's having to avoid that and needs layers to not show how sweaty she is. Or maybe she can't Botox her face, so she's wearing tons of shitastic clothing so it takes the emphasis off her face.

  12. She wouldn't use Botox for anything other than line smoothing via paralysis. Fillers such as Juvederm and Restalyne will add volume and yes, I could definitely see KK injecting those into her already ample posterior.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I would've sworn those "pregnancy" lips were recently injected. :/

  15. Anonymous10:56 AM

    She definitely looks like she's been plumping her lips still. I guess it could be for her psoriasis, but never heard of it for that. The plot and her ass thickens......

  16. I was thinking that since she was "Almost A-list" we were talking Fergie Ferg. She has been wearing a LOT of clothes lately. Anyone else feeling me?

    1. I like your guess.. Kims been shoving her fat ass in skin tight clothes this whole time. Fergie is good at hiding bump with purse and in photos seems to always be wearing layers of clothes..

    2. Yes... This makes perfect sense. Kimye has not been wearing more clothes at all but every picture of fergie she is wearing layers! Enty usually describes Kim as A list reality not A list celebrity.

  17. I like the Fergie guess too.

  18. I took "regular procedures" to mean Botox injections. My stupid. It seems that there are all sorts of things that one can have done, to all parts of their body.

  19. My sister has psoriasis / the most effective topical stuff you can use can't be used if you are pregnant/planning to be. I can't imagine what else the extra clothes would be for?

  20. Thanks Roxy. The pic Enty posted of her going to church had too many layers and her hair was all around her face. She has been reminding me of Cousin It lately with all the hair and loose clothes.

  21. Reese isn't pregnant.

  22. Just saw a headline on a magazine cover about Kim K saying, "my lips just blew up because of my pregnancy."

    Right. Because you're pregnant. That's it.

  23. She was just photographed over multiple days in a bikini

  24. Peter - love it!! "More fabric"... Maybe when she's done with her maternity-wear she can send it to Oklahoma to help build some temporary housing. That god-awful flower-print monstrosity she wore to the Met Ball could provide temporary housing for several displaced families.

  25. Rubber Face Kartrashian.

  26. We know she got that butt from fat grafting

  27. I think Fergie only because I think Kim wouldn't care about the baby & will do whatever she can to look good.

  28. Kim had those recent bikini pics too.

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Fergie who is always completely covered in recent photos.

  30. Yeah...I've noticed she's been dressing for winter/fall...and it's almost summer.

  31. Kim K and yes,she hates her body of pregnant woman and she says it in her tv show

  32. Kim is unable to have the laser hair removal till after she has the baby. guess by the time the baby arrives she will look like a chimp.

  33. I think it's Fergie. She is keeping herself completely covered up and always has her hair in her face. Plus she's older than Kim and probably needs the botox more than her. I also don't think pregnancy would stop Kim from partaking anyhow

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Fergie!! Enty posts pics of her everyday and that neck is getting gobbly!

  36. aw kimbo slice

  37. Fergie Ferg for sure without a doubt.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous1:12 PM

    For those doubting that pregnancy can make your facial features change (i.e., lips swell), I can assure that it absolutely can! I was so swollen during the last few months (!) of my pregnancy I was almost unrecognizable. Two weeks after my son was born, a lady at church commented to me that I had gotten my nose back. Pregnancy just affects us all in different ways.

  40. I'm on the Fergie train, because in no universe is Kim K on any A list, or almost A. Not even in reality TV, where her stock was going way down until she jumped on the Kanye bandwagon.

  41. It's Fergie, Enty made a comment about her wearing a hat again the other day. That girl is so full of Botox she should come with a warning label.

  42. Anonymous1:39 PM

    HALLE FTW!!!!!!

  43. give into the caftans pregnant ladies, like Jessica Simpson, it is cooler anyway this time of year, and actually maxi dresses are in, get some cute shrugs

    better to be long and flowy and sixties flower child than looking like a sausage ready to burst

  44. Anonymous1:41 PM

    i change my post..Meth face ferg

  45. Hoping that without the Botox she'll simply melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West. Of course, that would still leave the rest of the Kartrashians trying to figure out some way to cash in on her sex video.

  46. I read somewhere that Kim owes her butt to botox. Don't know if that's true but it wouldn't show on an x-ray like an implant.

    Maybe she's hiding her lopsided shrinking butt.

  47. Gregor definitely fits

    And I believe that Kim's lips are from her pregnancy. My sister's lips were swollen near the end of her pregnancy. They have a very particular look too.

  48. Can you have laser when you're pregnant? Isn't Kim phobic about body hair? I thought I'd read she had all her body hair treated. It does come back sometimes and the hormones from pregnancy might trigger that.

  49. I read about Kimbo bring unable to shave all her yeti hair off due to being pregs, but Botox? I'm thinking Fergalicious or Hella Crazy Berry.

  50. l would guess either Halle or Fergie. Kartrashian isn't about to give up anything for the baby.That poor kid is just going to be used as a prop to garner more attention for it's famewhore parents. That heifer isn't going to deny herself anything baby or no baby.

  51. Botox doesn't swell your face/ass/whatever. It's a neurotoxin that paralyses your nerves which "relaxes" the skin and makes wrinkles disappear.

    Collagen is usually injected to blow up body parts.

  52. It can't be Kim, because as horrifying as it is, she is an A list reality star. My money is on Fergie, who has been all bundled up and did a ton of damage to her features with her past crystal meth addiction. Meth makes a young woman look like a wrecked 80 year old.

  53. I heard that when you're pregnant all the hair you had lasered starts to grow back.

    God I hope so.

  54. Anonymous7:28 AM

