Saturday, May 11, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 9, 2012

Ever wanted to marry or date an A+ list movie actor? This actress did. She dated him for quite some time. Granted, our actress is just about A list in her own right, and she is a little strange in her own right, but talking about dating this actor and you get the feeling that she has never experienced anything like it before and that she is in no rush to go back to that place. She says that when she met the actor he was in character. A lot. So, when he was a little quirky when they first started dating, she thought it was some kind of method acting. Kind of. It turns out the actor dates every woman he is with differently. Our actress spoke to a couple of other people who dated him and they all give totally different accounts of who he was with them because he changes for each person. With our actress he was totally over the top everyday. Manic. Would be going full blast at 5am and not stop until he passed out from exhaustion around 10pm. The same all day everyday. She was tired just watching, but he made her participate in everything. There was no sitting around and part of the marathon days was to have sex at least three or four times a day. When she talked to another actress though, she said that when they dated, he would sit in a room and just read or stare at the television and that in the six months they dated, they had sex once or twice. One other actress says that when she dated the actor he was always cleaning himself. He would shower several times a day and had people come over everyday to give him manicures and that he would keep himself busy all day, but that it generally was about exercising and keeping clean and would only eat certain foods at certain times and that everything was regimented. They never got around to talking about sex. It is like the actor takes the role with the person he thinks he is supposed to have or his most recent film character. They all said he is strange and that no one ever goes back for another chance with him.

Jim Carrey


  1. Kinda saad but not a surprise eietiher. Ok, I'm still getting over yesterday...what a mess

    1. Getting over the mess?

      It's a GOSSIP blog!!!!!!
      You need to get out more if you're catching feelings about someone's post that you'll never meet in the real world

    2. I'm glad to seet the regulars back.

  2. Who's the actress? Renee Zellweger?

    1. I forgot they dated! Weird.

    2. I think it is, with the movie being Me Myself and Irene. Manic and sex obsessed was pretty much his character it that.

  3. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Me too @Me. This is kinda sad, he sounded like a decent normal guy in her book. Why would anyone go back to or stay that environment? I don't care how good the perks are.

  4. That gives me the sads

  5. It sounds like the fine line between genius and madman gets crossed on occasion.

  6. I was wondering who the actress is too. I hope they don't change the format to kinja... Gawker is ruined!

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    oh whatever JustCurious, aren't you just glad that it's not a black guy?

    1. Aren't you glad you only got your ass beaten. Could've been worse : like stayed missing for 10 years until some black guy save soon as he finished eating his McDonald's

    2. WTF? People don't share their personal stories on here to have them twisted and thrown back at them out of context. Step off you ignorant bully. Why are YOU so concerned about the personal relationships of people YOU will never meet in real life.

    3. I'm not really concern. She was looking for a fight , so she got one. Prolly not the best punch she took , but she felt it.

      Good point you made: folks airing their personal shit on a gossip blog as if they have no one in the real world to confide in. There are some lonely people in the world. Using a gossip blog as a support group.

  8. Dude playing some serious mind games with chicks .
    I know guys treat their current woman different from the previous but this is extreme .

    Just when a woman thinks she's got a guy figured out, he pulls a fast one.

  9. This makes me like him more, actually.

  10. Enty is 42, not bald (but balding), 5'4", NOT FAT (just a little spare tire around the belly), dishwater blond, wears glasses, mustache, usually sticks to wearing Dockers. AND HE IS A GOD IN THE SACK.

    1. If you are SO dead set on ruining Enty, why not just out him completely? Why the weird comments, the hijacking, the hints? I'm being completely genuine-the games confuse me.

    2. Can - do the words 'fuck' and 'off' mean anything to you?

  11. Think this was the popular guess, but he usually has long term relationships, shrugs

  12. I bet the wild crazy manic sex phase was during filming Ace Ventura.

  13. I could see this. It seems like there's always something extremely dark about successful comedians. Hasn't Carrey struggled with depression?

    I'm guessing the actresses are Jenny McCarthy (for the most recent), Renee Zellweger, and maybe January Jones?

  14. So when he dated Jenny McCarrthy for 5 years was he a 'normal' character?

    It makes me sad but like him more. I would like to have dated him during the Truman Show phase.

  15. He was with Courtney cox briefly wasn't he ?


    1. Again 'fuck' and 'off' now please do

  17. Didn't he also date Lauren Holley?

  18. I think he was married to Lauren Holly. They can't be THAT weirded out because the relationships usually fairly long-term. These gals seems to be able to deal with whatever he's got going on.

  19. I think the A list actress was Renée Zelwiger (sp), but I don't think this is as odd as people think. It maybe an extreme case though. Hasn't everyone heard of people who change to suit whoever he or she is with? I have. The relationship starts cracking when the role grows thin or person gets tired.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. It's well known that he suffers from manic depression. I believe this was the popular guess. And yeah, classic case of a thin line between madness and genius.

  22. I think he's referring to Jenny McCarthy, saying she's " a little strange in her own right".

  23. He was with Lauren Holly for a very long time, as well as Jenny McCarthy. Don't think he was with Renee Z for very long...maybe she was the 6 month long relationship.

  24. What the hell is going on on this site? What is with the weirdness and bitterness?
    I kind of gathered the whole 'someone is trying to unseat Enty/whether he's real/ghost writer vengeance', but for fuck's sake, hasn't anyone anything better to do?
    I love coming here. I am not a close knit part of this community but I have enjoyed their company quietly for years now. This ugliness is disturbing and super shitty.
    I mean for fuck's sake, its gossip. Most of us come here to get away from the news of dead children and overzealous politicians. Really? Really people? The world isn't horrible enough that you have to start flame wars on a gossip site? Fucking christ, get it together people. Go take your bullshit negativity somewhere else. This isn't the place and for those seeking revenge--what do you suppose will happen when you succeed? You will be outed as petty fucking assholes all the while you are martyring Enty. Smooth move idiots. I can't believe I have to say any of this. Grow the fuck up. Start your own blog and work your way up by your merits. Trust me, no one will appreciate you once YOU are revealed (and I assure you it will happen) so your are actually shooting yourselves in the foot by being such shifty hags.
    Just some food for thought.

    1. I remember reading sometime in the past few months in the comment section that Enty had some type of stalker/ex. If memory serves, she was trying to put him on blast about child support. The way the comments feom yesterday and canopener day especially make me think that it's the same person with an ax to grind. Perhaps they are off there meds because it does have a manic/obsessive overtone.

    2. @Gypsy Thank you. I recently started commenting after reading this site for years. I also like to read it to take a little mind vacation and have some fun. I'm not one of the in crowd and I do add some personal tidbits but its all for fun. I lost my temper yesterday at the stupidity of what is going on but hopefully this will pass. Thanks for speaking up!

  25. Hey guys, I wasn't on the site yesterday so I'm really confused about the mess that happened. Can someone explain what went on or at least point me to the comment thread where this happened (if it hasn't been deleted)?

  26. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I posted this on Enty's first post of the day but wanted to do it again cuz most of the day has gone by blah blah blah
    So sorry for the long post but....

    Censorship & Freedom of Speech

    I get that the ability to speak your mind at any given time, when and where you feel like it is an American freedom we all are grateful for and appreciate a lot because we all know that many countries do not have that luxury. However, IMO those words get thrown about a lot and it makes me hot under the collar.
    To me...going back to its origin....FREEDOM OF SPEECH applies to the ability to DISAGREE with others (more often than not... "the rule makers") about their policies, beliefs, sometimes crazy rules and NOT be hung, tortured, ridiculed for it...plain and simple. To does not mean you get to walk into an establishment (cyber or public) and get to express your every inner thought you are having at any given moment.
    If you were at restaurant and there was a person/s who showed up (drunk or not) and started just spewing loud, racist, pornographic, obnoxious, comments in the middle of the room would you expect the manager to throw them out? I would! I don't want to sit there and listen to this person while I'm enjoying he company of my friends.

    CENSORSHIP is ELIMINATING (by whatever means) what somebody is saying BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE IT OR AGREE WITH IT and are afraid that this person or group of people speaking and getting their word out will affect public's opinion against what you or your group believe.
    IMO, Enty is only trying to make his "gathering" enjoyable by eliminating those who are spewing vile words and racist comments to allow those of us here comfortable to talk amongst ourselves and have a good relaxed time.
    I, for one, want to be here.... where I can feel comfortable at a "party" with a variety of people from all walks of life with MANY different points of view and beliefs and that's what it has always been.
    Enty has the right to do with his guests whatever he pleases and he seems to have always been cool with anyone who shows up... as long as they don't start vocalizing pornographic, racist, vile things that I think we can all agree fall on the negative side of the fence. And btw... it's really really hard to offend me!!! (Cuz my fave shows are Family Guy, Tosh.O and Breaking Bad and the occasional porn (yes I'm a girl aaaand I smoke pot on occasion!)). So I read all day yesterday and hardly got offended but I was know this is kinda funny but I really like to go back to having a good relaxing time.

    Sorry for the long post but the slippery slope and censorship thing gets me steamed...especially when people want to say that it means everyone has the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, where ever they want and everyone else should stand there and take it. That's not freedom of speech!!! For some, that's an easy route to abuse and make no mistake, they know it on either a conscious (or don't on the subconscious) but it's a form of abuse to make others feel bad in one way or another.

    btw...I consistently had a vision in my head of yesterday's scene and it was the scene from Weird Science when at the party Lisa made all the Mad Max people show up to make the boys look like heroes :)

    Love the good guys here so much :) WW

  27. I've made a martyr out of Enty? Holy shit, I can die happy right now! And if I had somewhere else to go, I wouldn't. I like it here. I love being the one you can't ignore. I love that I get such a reaction from you! Such vitriol! I've really upset you. Happy face! When you find out who I am, come on over so I can give you a big 'ol sloppy wet kiss.

  28. Wow,I really like and agree with your post WahooWifey, you said it all perfectly. Nothing to add.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Thanks :) {hug} :) btw at first glance ur avi reminds me of xanadu and make me happy :) gonna go take a toke and watch it!

  29. Comical artistes typically have dark sides after all they are usually denigrating thenselves and others. I'm no comic but people find me funny when I am at my angriest because I say what I feel (aka act like an asshole) and people laugh because they think I'm joking. Look at all the comics who died young or were heavily involved w drugs. So Carrey isn't so extreme. Then look at a guy like Daniel Day Lewis who lives his parts.

  30. Did we finally vote for unicorns and rainbows and Pollyanna and complete ignorance? VETOED. YOU ARE EXCUSED.

  31. I haven't been able to stand this guy since In Living Color. There is no person inside.

    1. So, it's not just me. Whew. He's okay when he's in "someone else's" movie, but whenever he's a "Jim Carrey" vehicle I just cannot stand him or the movie.

  32. He's so blah anyway... That must have been some desperate "actress" trying to better her career who put up w/ his crazy sh*t for six months - I'd have been out the door in six minutes.

  33. And, for everybody who didn't witness the disaster here yesterday, just ignore them & they'll go somewhere else.

    Just like Lindsay & Paris they thrive on attention.

  34. Jim and Renee were engaged, no?

  35. No way in hell has Jenny McCarthy EVER been close to A list in ANYTHING.

    1. ;-)
      I have to say I adore your comments!!

    2. I don't know, I definitely think she's an A list moron.

  36. @WahooWifey Nail on the head! I loved what you had to say and agree how the whole "Its my Right and this is what Freedom means in America" is being skewed.

  37. Anonymous3:05 PM

    thx LBB :)

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Renne z for the actress. They were doing Nurse Betty I think when they got together. Oh geeeeez, I can't imagine how she could date him as THAT character, wow.

    I guess Enty is pre approving now, none of my posts are showing up. :(. I've lurked here for 7 yrs, just started commenting recently & I'm already getting the boot I guess. :\

    1. Or not! Lol! Yay, I like posting here.

    2. You're too cute! Lol! ;-)

    3. Hanna, it appears that the posts aren't always showing up if you post on a mobile. I had several duplicates only show up when I read on my computer.

  40. OT; hopefully no one has the time to post as much as all that yesterday...even they will get bored. Some of it was funny, to an extent. But damn, they had to have sat on this site for 8 hours to comment that much, wow.

  41. I can't stand this guy or his movies.

  42. I have been reading this site for Years and have always loved it, Enty, and most of the regular commentators. The comments yesterday were soooo bad I couldn't even finish reading them all. This site and the comentators has always been fun, and vacation from the at times painful minutia of the day to day. He/She said it himself: won't go any where else because in love with the attention.
    People: Please, don't bite; don't waste your time and energy; don't help the idiots spoil years of a good time. Thanks and Peace Y'all

  43. I read an interview with someone who worked with him at SNL the last time he hosted the show. Said that Carrey exhibited a LOT of clinical ADD/OCD-ish behaviors. I hate to say it but he seems like he's spiraling down into one of those late middle-age manic-d patterns where the meds are less and less effective at controlling the mood swings.

  44. Wow...what is going on guys?
    I've been a lurker/every now&then commenter for years now, and I've never seen the comments section get like this!
    Congrats troll, you've made your mark. Let's get back on track and ignore this shit until it goes away.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think it's possible that he is bi-polar.

      I've also read speculation elsewhere over the years that he is Aspergers, which almost always subsumes both ADHD and OCD, often includes a touch of brilliance, and depression and anxiety are often along for the ride as well.

      Ditto Robin Williams and Dan Aykroid. Oh, and Woody Allen.

      The idea that Aspergers people lack a sense of humor is a total myth. Their humor is typically unusual and unique. There are plenty of Aspie comedians.

  46. Wow. Some serious epic trolling. I knew the chickens would come home to roost at some point. That Himmmm shit jumped the shark for me. Too bad canopener singed an NDA - now that would be some juicy gossip.

  47. Oh, I see now.
    @canopener is a psycho stalker. someone who has no friends so they have to go mock communities of people because even people on line won't be their friends. lmao. The troll stroll is the loneliest and saddest to watch.
    At least now I know to whom I should direct my pity. Thanks, Shrek! Or whatever the ogre's name is.

  48. Anonymous7:39 PM

    You have a choice to make Enty. Either go moderated or the troll attack will destroy your blog. it happened to Ted C in a very similar way. Don't worry about the troll who is spouting off about censorship. Troll attacks are not protected speech under the First Amendment. Troll babbling is not speech at all.

  49. I thought Jim too, he's a little too crazy.

  50. I think he has schizo-affective disorder. He isn't "playing characters".

  51. Also, this is NOT a symptom of Asperger's.

  52. Hey, the wall of text was too long and I didnt/couldnt read it all, but would just like to point out that "Freedom of Speech" has nothing to do with anything that goes on here unless the government is trying to censor or restrict speech/expression.

    A private business, which this site is, can allow or disallow any comments it wants to.


  53. @Hannahbanana I think you mean "Me Myself and Irene". Jim Carrey wasn't in "Nurse Betty." But I picked up what you put down.

  54. I think Gypsy nailed it. This has always been one of two gossip sites I visit (D-listed being the other), because the comments are as a whole more intelligent and interesting, and there is a lack of stupidity and flaming. It would be a shame to have it ruined by some idiots. That said, i don't think the regulars would have any issue with comment approval, since nothing that has been posted 99% of the time since I started reading this site has been objectionable. I think the fact that this is one blog where readers send in photos of themselves and make friends with each other (in an online way) says a lot about it in general. This is an amusing little escape for me at times, and I hope the silliness subsides.

    1. Echo moonmaid and gypsy. There's really not much to fight about here. It's a place to comment on gossip. Thanks for saying what u said.

  55. Although I feel like a bit of a hypocrite for doing similar on the Christina Ricci post, I just wanted to say that as someone who suffers from a couple of mental disorders, it's impossible for a specialist to diagnose someone's mental disorders on a gossip thread, much less amateurs. Seriously, leave the medical diagnosis for the pros, and off the gossip sites. You sound ignorant.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Blake: THANK YOU! Re: Censorship and freedom of speech.

    1. And double thank you. Plus the bill of rights was just protection from federal suppression of speech... Until it was expanded by some other amendment... The due process clause in the 14th amendment...



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