Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 28, 2012

This A list all movie actor with a charming smile and a fairly goody goody reputation has been banned for life from a strip club because he had hired away all the best performers and has them come to his house every night when he is in the mood. he loves it because he doesn't have to go out and can get as freaky as he wants which is pretty freaky which is why one of his exes broke up with him. The man needs his trippers and she could not deal with it.

Luke Wilson


  1. Is Luke Wilson still A list??

  2. Is a tripper like a popper? Or was it supposed to be stripper?

  3. So what makes him a-list? I never ever would have guessed Luke Wilson as A-list. I think Owen is higher than him but not close to A either.

  4. They're all consenting adults so who cares?

  5. And does he really have a goody goody rep? Wasn't there a period of alcohol and drugs a few years back? I thought he was just regaining his career.

  6. The girls probably get more money doing shows this way than a night at the club. Sounds like a win win for everyone. Not sure why he would be banned for that though.

  7. I always got a strong freak vibe off him. I Wanted him to be a moderately flawed hero type but I knew it wouldn't be free. A list? EVER? No.

  8. Basil, because he's stealing the club's moneymakers! Its like taking all the good waitresses from a busy resturant. Oo, now im hungry, lol. He does come accross as a goody goody. This doesnt make him ungood, just an aqquired taste.
    I feel sorry for my fellow women who are still in dating world, if this is what one must deal with.

  9. Dear Luke, you can get as freaky as you want with me. Sincerely, Bink.

  10. So who was the girlfriend? Unless he was doing something mote with them, i would have put up with it. He's such a sweetheart!

  11. I went back and checked the comments made on Nov 28th. No one even close. the usual suspects- Affleck, damon, Nicholson and some all over the board- The A list was the misleading part- clearly Luke Wilson isn't seen as A list by anyone other than Enty.

  12. Drew Barrymore for the ex?

  13. I believe If I had to strip for a living, I'd MUCH prefer working for Luke Wilson, let your freak flag fly!!!! (loved him in The Family Stone

  14. I'm a HUGE Wilson Brothers (all three) fan but even I question the "A list" of Luke. I think at one point Owen might have been A list but not Luke.

    BTW, Luke has had several ex-girlfriends, not just Drew - which was several years ago. She's just the most famous one.

    I think the ex might have been the Fred Siegal shopgirl he dated for a couple of years recently.

  15. I think he is banned from the Playboy Mansion also, for trying to sneak in a friend not on the guest list.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous10:50 AM

    A-list? And all movies? I guess Enlightened doesn't count as TV then? Could Enty mean Owen?

  18. You mean the unmarried Luke Wilson, father to zero children? That family man?

  19. Anonymous10:59 AM

    wow, and he seemed like such a nice decent guy. I guess this explains that beer or boobs pic from the other day. Strip clubs are so adolescent, I get it, you have the mind of a teenage boy, good for you.

  20. Luke wilson never was A list and the girlfriend can be Gwyneth Paltrow or Drew Barrymoore

  21. @auntliddy. Unless Luke kidnaps them against their will, hiring the most popular strippers from a club for a private party at home is part of the business, and it brings in more business. Now, if he is hiring the girls freelance, and the club isn't getting a cut, then I could see them being miffed, but not that pissed off that they would ban him. Someone only gets banned from a club if they feel the girls are at risk. So I wonder what things Luke gets freaky about that would cause the club to cut off a source of income?

    I have no idea is Luke is good or ungood, but I think you might have read 1984 at some point! Very doubleplus good novel. ;-)

    1. Basil, yes j did read 1984, i forgot about doublespeak! Maybe he's really doing something cray cray. Dont know, afraid to know!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Enty thinks Luke Wilson is A list. This highlights why other opinions and his/hers/theirs diverges so frequently.

  24. Luke Wilson A list and all movies?
    Wasn't he in That 70's Show?
    As for the blind, meh. Get your freak on man. If all parties are willing then whoop it up.

  25. Well. Do what you do Luke. If the strippers don't mind then why should we.

  26. The clubs do mind, very much so, because the girls pay a fee to work each shift, and also a cut of VIP room & bottles sales. (These are substantial, trust me.)

    Top money makers sell more of these, and also draw in regular (often high-roller) customers, who are generally piqued when their favorites aren't there, and may go to a rival club.

    I imagine Luke calls fairly last minute as well, which leaves the club short on girls, which in turn makes it seem like it's not "the place to be." The business is extremely competitive.

  27. But do the strippers wear vanilla perfume?!

  28. Aaaw, I love Luke, I don't want him to be a freak!

  29. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Luke Wilson, on the B list not A list. Awards? Can open a movie? No. Decent actor tho. private life, who cares. it's his life and he is evidently trying to keep it so.

  30. I get the Wilson brothers confused.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Wow. Luke Wilson A list. The blind isn't shocking but I can't believe this for a second. Maybe this is the end of a piece of gossip going through the telephone game.

    Luke Wilson was never A list. Or all movie. No way



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