Friday, May 24, 2013

Blind Item #6

This almost A list mostly movie actress likes everyone to think her life is very perfect and very nuclear. It is not that great, but she is a great actress. The thing she loves doing though is once a week she will do a few lines of coke just because she feels like she never can party or go out and always has to be the perfect mom and wife.


  1. Mya Rudolf. I have proof.

  2. I'm going with Goop.

  3. Goop? Or I would say Reese if not for her recent hiccup

    1. Not Reese she is all movie isn't she? I'm arguing with myself lol

    2. Lol... Never seen that before :-)

    3. Reese's family isn't nuclear

  4. I say Jen Garner.

  5. I thought jen too but I'm curious about Ryan's proof its Maya.

  6. Ooo I like Jen Garner

  7. Jen Garner. I don't thin GOOP since she is always going out with her A-list friend...and Reese doesn't look like she has a hard time having drinks/going out with her hubby

  8. Goop is probably A or A+. That, and it doesn't say "lavender-thyme-infused coke baked into homemade gluten-free blueberry cokemuffins" so i don't think it's her.

    1. *snicker* I "sparkly heart" this answer.

  9. @Eris - that sounds delicious

  10. Gwyneth and Reese are both absolutely A list, so it would be rather Jen, who's still an "almost" A.

  11. Jennifer Garner isn't mostly movies though. She's still most well known for Alias.

  12. Is Jen a 'great actress' though?

  13. My first thought was Garner. She has certainly been referred to as "perfect mother " before.

  14. Isn't Maya pregnant again? She seems to have been pregnant a lot the past few years so I hope it's not her.

  15. I wanna hear about the proof about Maya! Except I don't think she can be called "mostly movie" given "SNL" and "Up All Night."

  16. Maya is not mostly movie. Thank goodness!

    Garner is these days.

  17. Every (almost) actress with kids who wants to appear as perfect fix with the coke fiend description.
    In order to be more specific, I would say two-million-bucks-a-breakfast Goopy.

  18. @car54 - I think she's pregnant right now, IIRC. She was on...what, "SNL" recently? And her Eggo was definitely preggo.

  19. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Garner. Explains the perkiness.

  20. I don't think Jen fits the rating description but Goop does and her life according to her anyway is perfect.

  21. Maya isn't married they are domestic partners. Not her.

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  24. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Come on, @Ryan! Spill! I want to hear the proof that Maya Rudolph does coke. Did PT Anderson get her onto it? He used to do it--everyone knows that.

  25. Goop is definetely not A+ she's barely A. Don't let her fool you; the offers for roles are not pouring in like they used to.
    And please don't tell me just because you won an Academy Award makes you AList forever;Cuba Gooding Jr. anyone.

  26. Garner fits, the others are A not almost. Hmmm, who else is almost A with kids and proper acting? I feel like we're missing someone.

  27. Jenn doesn't smoke or do drugs, rarely drinks and is very much in control of her image publicly, which includes how she behaves in private. She doesn't have a staff, she's actively involved at the kids's school and is 100% hands on. I'd buy anyone else as the answer before it'd be her.

  28. Didn't Enty call Jen A+ list in that blind reveal about Jen/Halle making fun of Jessica Biel?

  29. It can't be Maya. She isn't mostly movies. SNL. I still like the Reese guess. There is something so not right there.

  30. Oh boo hoo. What a terrible tragedy! Some poor little woman has to give up partying because she has responsiblities to her family. Whoever this is (and probably is that skunk Goopy) is a spoiled rotten witch.

  31. Jen Garner doesn't pretend her life is perfect. She and Ben have been upfront about their struggles with marriage. She made fun of her familial chaos on Ellen and say what you will, her kids seem the happiest in Hollywood. And finally she has never been that excruciating skinny like the Adderal/coke crew. No one for Angelina? She certainly has no time to party, loves drugs and is skinny enough to fit the bill.

  32. Not Jennifer Garner. She'd not lose control like that, even momentarily. Julia Roberts is a great guess except I think Enty would call her "always A+". I would have Sid Angie before the mastectomy, which makes her life less than perfect. So Goop it is.

  33. I think Jessica alba

  34. It says she's a "great" actress. Alba, bahahaha. Oil liking Naomi watts for this. Although Enty would probably mention her Oscar nods....

  35. Definitely not Jennifer Garner. I ducked into a store ahead of her at the Grove a year or two ago. It was just her, me, and 2 women in the store for about 15 minutes. Paps following her, she ditched them while shopping for pants. She was totally chill and very real, not movie starish at all. Lovely person!

  36. America's sweetheart, Laura Jean Poon. "Mostly movies" because she also stars in mug shots.

  37. You know how I know the website is bullshit? Ads. Ads everywhere. If this was some rich, insider he/she wouldn't need paltry ad money.

    1. Enty isn't rich & has talked about the ads & cost of this website in the past, maybe 2 yrs ago? Block the ads, sorry I don't know which blocker I have but ads are not a problem for me.

  38. Its Alba. One of the great actresses of our time...APRIL FOOLS! ... May Fools... Fools... ;)

  39. Kate Beckinsale. Goop is A-list.

  40. Hey, all you curious (and new) people, Ryan's line "I have proof" goes WAY back for Ryan. One time, a few years back, when someone wanted more info on his "proof," he said (something like), "I have the best kind of proof, composed of facts and bacon." I still find that line amusing, but nothing will ever top his tirade about Jules Kirby.

    Unless this is a new and different Ryan with real proof about Maya, but I doubt it, given that he's using GW as his profile pic.

  41. Reese! She is "mostly" movie because she played Rachel's sister on Friends.

  42. Jules Kirby! That was epic.

  43. i don't think someone could be almost A list if I've never heard of them, hahaha. So, Not whoever Maya Rudlolph is.

  44. I like th le Goop or Watts guess. Jennifer Farner is NOT someone Enty would call a great actress.



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