Friday, May 10, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B-/C+ list very good looking actor has not worked as much lately and can't afford his beard any longer. It is not so much that he would pay her to be with him, but would take her on trips and shopping and to red carpets and it was getting too expensive. Plus, on their last trip out of the country she hit it off with a guy who gives scuba lessons and wants to try a relationship with him. So, no more couple.


  1. Replies
    1. I was thinking him for the earlier blind about the actor with a finished franchise, but Taylor Lautner fit better.... I think you're right on the money. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He literally cried on my shoulder

  4. Poor baby. Broke my heart

  5. I am astonished that someone has the time and energy to spend on being so nasty and childish. Wow!

    The funny thing is your actions make you seem really pathetic and sad. I usually only encounter ranting like this near the psycho hospital. Are you on a manic cycle? are you borderline? If you're off your meds, head back to the hospital to get help!!!!!!

    Otherwise, you really need to look at therapy. I feel sorry for you that you feel you are achieving something through this negativity. Get help soon b/c you are one miserable and unhappy person.

    1. Well, listen baby. My car, um doesn't exist, I miserable? Boobysnatch! Hit me up sweet thing!

    2. Suck my clit, bitch, that'll make me happy.

    3. Fish, I'm a fucking thug and I gonna bitch slap you into the next millennium motherfucker! Peace out

  6. Another one about Hayden Christiensen and Rachel Bilson person? FACT!

    1. But, if he can't afford Rachel, how's he paying for the boyfriend in the condo? Ooh, maybe that's why he can't afford RAchel.

    2. Ding ding ding!!! Hit the nail right on the head!
      Gold Star for you! *******

  7. Blind Item #6

    Everybody’s entitled to a meltdown here and there but this former A- poster is known for his meltdowns which are of epic proportions. Believe a blogger can’t be found, MELTDOWN. Believe there is a superhero lurking, MELTDOWN. Believe you are safe with your internet privacy, MELTDOWN. But he always manages to come back after a couple of months when things have cooled down which makes me happy because I actually like his comments no matter how far fetched they may be at times.

    1. Oh! Oh!! I know this one!
      B Profane!! Am i right or am I right??

    2. I believe you are right!

    3. Rad. I'll take what I can get today.

    4. I suck at blinds, and even I got this one. Lol

    5. The king of the link, B Profane!! These trolls are probably all him.

  8. Oh, well. They think she'll live

  9. MrsBProfane, can you confirm this blind item?

  10. Anyway, I think it's brought Nick and I a lot closer

  11. I don't like to swim..... It makes my hair wet.

  12. I'm just wondering why actors even bother to do this anymore. I've wanted NPH since Doogie Howser when I was 15 years old and his coming out didn't make him any less appealing. A good actor is a good actor.

    Plus, if I can have a couple hours alone with him, I'm still pretty sure I can "turn him" with my magical vag!na.

  13. Well you'll sit with him, won't you?

  14. Shazam BAM, shocka locka lokey
    Shaggy the clown back like scoliosis
    Call me a psycho-skitso freak
    And I'll call you by your name (dick-anus)
    Cuz I can give two shits and a fuck
    I bounce down Verner in a popcorn clown truck
    I'm a circus ninja southwest voodoo wizard.

  15. did I mess something? I don't see a meltdown? And is that entyonmobile really enty commenting from his cell? so. confused.

  16. I meant to say did I miss something

  17. Sorry leon but it's Count Jerkula's turn in the backseat

  18. Aren't you going to tell me to break a leg?

  19. @didi67, trolls. Don't feed 'em, or they'll never leave.

  20. I like the Kellan Lutz guess!

    Let's see how many extra posts come from Enty today to get the troll hits. He's probably jizzing like someone just gave him a side of bacon. And, yes, that is a euphemism.

  21. The first little piggy, his house is made of wood
    He lives in a chicken turkey piggy neighborhood
    He likes to fuck his sister, and drink his moonshine
    A typical redneck filthy fuckin' swine
    I rode into town with my axe in my holster
    Everybody knows about the wicked piggy roaster
    A farmer at the border, he tried to take me out
    I drew my ax with the quickness, and cut his chicken feathers out
    Walked in the village, and to the piggy's place
    He opened up his door, and popped me in the face
    It blew me off the porch, and cracked my head in half
    But I'm a Juggalo, so it only made me laugh (hehe)
    Forty in hand, I rose from the dead
    And threw with all my might, I made a ping noise off his head
    Since we out west, I had a little fun
    And pulled his fuckin tongue out the back of his cranium

  22. This is Christopher Mintz Plasse, or as I call him Chris Mintz Please! This guy has horrible dog breath! He has been auditioning beards for years. I know the blind says very good looking but he has to fudge some of the details.
    Maybe I'll consider being his beard, only if he takes me to Colombia for the good stuff.

  23. Holy crap. Where do they get the energy to keep this up? Drugs? I've read CDAN for years and enjoyed the comments and guesses and even post occasionally. Why the hate for Enty? Is this 2 attacks this week, the first being the site down all day Monday? Anyone know the real scoop?

    1. Thank you. These trolls--theres a ton of them on here today--are horrible. I am thisclose to leaving CDAN permanently. Absolutely horrible. Enty needs to get this cleared up and fast.

    2. I don't even understand what's going in here in the comments. I miss VIP, where did she go? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
      Also, I'm not seeing ethorne

  24. Ugh this site is ridiculous today. I look forward to my lazy Fridays and blinds, but this is flat out obnoxious. Can't you trolls go elsewhere? Please? :(

    1. Well boohoo for you Bravura. You choose a gossip site to come relax. You miss are WRONG!

  25. Anonymous11:51 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Ah stuff it i will bite. Where did you all come from? Is it that time of year already?!
    Also what's with this entyonamobile person? Bitter much?!
    Almost missing 888 at this point. At least he/she was mildly entertaining

  27. Scuba lesson lmao why does this remind me of ALONG CAME mOLLY

  28. Anna - You're going to end up with pink eye if u don't get your head out of enty's ass.

  29. What the heck's going on on here?! Usually my Friday treat is to get caught up on CDAN. It's like Amanda Bynes found the keys to the kingdom around here!

    Oh well, have a good weekend everyone (except the trolls)!! :)

    1. My weekend will be lovely thanks. I'll be getting gangbanged by Count, Leon, and some other gentlemen.

  30. @ Chachi - +1

    Amanda Bynes taking over this site is the most sane thing I've seen on here today!

  31. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Sounds like a plot to a Ben Stiller movie.

  32. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I like to lick armpits

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Holy shit I came in a Lil late today and the shenanigans here are blowing my mind! We have sweet brown, a juggalo, Andrew dice clay wannabe, trolls, and Robin Sparkles! What an insane mix of shitstorm!

  35. Thanks Ella Bella Boo, "mildly entertaining" is a compliment! I like the juggalo, MCL, juggalo for life a lo lol!!

  36. I'm going to agree w/ Libby & all the regular CDaners on this, & bow the fuck out for a bit. This is just absolutely boring me now. What's going on isn't even funny. If you wanna troll, have a fucking sense of humour @ least. The white trash Juggalos is probably what did me in. Hopefully they'll have a community bbq in their trailor park this weekend w/ Walmart steaks & Pabst & give it up. Till then, I'm done. "Check ya later!"

    1. I'm that juggalugga locoroni
      Get the fuck up
      Get the fuck the out of here
      I'm that juggalugga locoroni
      I figured you wouldn't understand

    2. Warecat, I'm sorry but do you know that "white trash" is just as rasist as an N bomb if said to the wrong person? And why all the mud slinging to the lower class? Can you guys not insult someone without bringing money into the mix? Money doesn't buy class and the lack of it does not equal trash. I'm not trying to pick you out specifically, I do not know if this isn't an insult you usually resort to since i do not know who you are. I just hate to see this type of name-calling go about. I realize you're trying to make a point about the trolls but come on, can we do a little better?

    3. @Nothanks- I never said white trash to the "wrong person" I said it in regards specifically to some random fuck Juggalo. Have you ever seen an ICP fan w/ an education or an income? Yeah, didn't think so. Would you of preferred if I said homeless instead? Hope that's a little better for you darlin.

    4. Sorry, didn't mean to get you all in a tiff. I was simply saying I found your comment distasteful. Now after the tone of your next comment I find you distasteful so I'll show myself to the high road and simply say good day to you all.

  37. WHY am I not on the list? Can I be BurritoWhoreLoverMoooooooooooshinator
    ArmpitEater? How about EntyBabyMama? Oops!

  38. You guys leave my Mandy alone! She is a totaly sane and beautiful young flower who will one day spread her lovely butt cheeks while pointing them at a bathroom mirror and snap a pic so the entire world can witness the gloriousness that is her cooch and fart box.

  39. I'm not sure what's going on up there but I'm pretty sure this is Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder. They just announced their breakup yesterday.

  40. B Profane, will you B mine??? Enty's pimpin' again!

  41. I think the legendary blind buster VIPblonde got it right yet again.

    New reports just today about Kellan Lutz & girlfriend Sharni Vinson breaking up.

  42. VIP is BAAAAACKK!!!! Yay..Ian Lutz for the win.

  43. What is happening in these comments? I feel like I've landed on another planet. What the heck is going on?

    1. Evidently its a troll attack. :-(
      I wanna know when Entys gonna get this shiz cleaned up. Im sick of it. Its ruining the website.

  44. @Marisa, I don't know. I DON'T KNOW!! It's like we fell in a pool of YouTube comments.

    It's kind of entertaining... and a lot disturbing.

  45. Enty isn't cleaning shit. He's gooooooooone! Sold you all out.

  46. @Pip, regardless of whether you are a troll or not, I'd love for you to expand on that. I saw some of your group's other comments re: him selling the blog. Who did he sell it to and when? Also, what are you guys so angry about? Appreciate you taking a moment out of your trolling to explain, if you don't mind.

  47. Totally Kellan Lutz. He used to hit on his male cast mates during New Moon.

  48. We are justified and ancient. Enty is a sleazy mofo. He wouldn't even walk me to the door the next day. AND I NEVER GOT MY M'F'ING SIGNED AMBER TAMBLYN BOOK!

  49. @canopener You are ancient? What do you mean he wouldn't walk you to the door the next day? Can you be more specific?

  50. Sorry ya'll, I am aware that this is probably useless, but I figured why not ask

  51. @Marisa: It is obviously a kympossible alt. Enty musta knocked her up, not walked her to the door and stiffed her on abortion money.

  52. Okay. Now I'm even more confused. I think I give up.

  53. Jeezy creezy. Crazy damn schedule with the new job so I can only catch up once a week and it's like some troll made it their full time job trolling here. What they should be out doing is looking for Shelly. Have some class at least and do something with TRUE PURPOSE. Don't you damn trolls know nothin?

  54. Jeezy creezy. Crazy damn schedule with the new job so I can only catch up once a week and it's like some troll made it their full time job trolling here. What they should be out doing is looking for Shelly. Have some class at least and do something with TRUE PURPOSE. Don't you damn trolls know nothin?

  55. Count, it's like you can see inside my soul. I just want what everyone else does--Enty's sweaty bacon bits all up in there. I promise I'm on the pill now. I'll even clean up after. Moooooooshhhhki can watch.

  56. @Marisa,

    I think the basic story is that Enty promised to host a luncheon or something called "CDANCON" with his friend Amber Tamblyn and didn't show. He also asked readers to donate for radio shows, which got everyone excited, and only did one or two. He said that if there was enough money raised for the radio show, he'd give away books personally signed by Amber Tamblyn (I think it was in her Joan of Arcadia days, when she was big), but no one ever got a book. Then "himmm" came along with juicy insider gossip and pretended to be Robert Downey, Jr. A few months ago, someone named "kympossible" had a freakout in the comments and claimed that she was a Hollywood insider (her dad was a big name?) who gave Enty his scoops before he dumped her and their kid, and that he stopped paying child support. She left and never came back, so who knows if she was a troll or someone on the inside like Anna is saying. I may have some of this wrong, it's just what I've pieced together.

    Whoever is doing the troll thing obviously had it planned out. A lot of people were mad about the "old-timer" thing, when people were being called "newbs" and made fun of, and then people getting bent out of shape about going off topic in the comments. Things like "I came here for gossip not to hear about your dog's surgery, shut up!", which I guess worked because a lot of people shut up, and racist/homophobic trolls. B. Profane was a long-time poster who also had a comment meltdown and was threatening people.

    @VIP, I hope I don't come across as your stalker but glad to have you back!

  57. I meant to say a lot of people shut up but not the racist/homophobic trolls.

  58. Kympossible told me tell you that Enty finally threw her a bone. Crap. That SHOULD read, THREW A BONE AT HER. She's healing up nicely, though. He even stopped at Walgreens and bought a bag of Skittles for their child, Sativa. Heartwarming to see.

  59. Is it just me or does there seem to be some extra angry people on her today? Is Mercury in retrograde?

  60. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Trolls. Ignore them. Looks like one freak, or maybe a couple of them with multiple accounts.

  61. @Boxes Little Boxes, thanks for the explanation. I still don't really understand the why's and wherefores of what's going on, but I often miss a lot because time limitations regularly prevent me from giving longer comment threads more than a cursory read. From the looks of things, maybe that's not a bad thing :)

    Here's hoping all who need some meds get them pronto, lol

  62. I WILL NOT BE IGNORED. I will stand my ground, take a stand, be a stand up girl. I'll start right as soon as I finish reading my SIGNED AMBER TAMBLYN BOOK. Riveting.

  63. uuummmm...I'm so confused....

  64. Yep! Cleared up everything except the damn herp 'Entry' gave me for Christmas! The gift that keeps on giving....

  65. Wow. All o my favorite website have gone to crap, noe CDAN. I usually enjoy the comments but today is painful. I'll skip the comments until these people disappear.

  66. Wow. All o my favorite website have gone to crap, noe CDAN. I usually enjoy the comments but today is painful. I'll skip the comments until these people disappear.

  67. Is there not someone who is responsible for monitoring this site? If so, where is he/she? I don't like all the comments from the know-nothings. The language is offensive and totally stupid.

  68. Every time I scroll past a troll's post, "Not now, Ironman!" pops into my head.

  69. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Hmmm. This sounds like Tom Selleck 2 me.

  70. Maggots can't fuck with the Shaggy
    Cuz I got a crew, bitch
    A crew like you aint never even known
    Carnival freaks from the ghetto zone
    All waiten for the day to put you in your place
    I had the fat bearded lady sitten on your face
    Bitch boy bitchy you might get hurt
    Dead Carnival clown puttin in w-w-w-work
    You think you the shit cuz you think you to the upper hand
    But why don't you come and meet my boy, the strong man
    And he'll grab you by the head and squeeze until it pops
    And shake your motherfuckin neck until your head flops
    Cuz I'm runnin with the beaoch your motherfucks
    I'll make a voodoo doll of ya, and flick your nuts
    See I was born because I kill like Carny Rukas
    I came out the neden and started to choke ya motherfuckers
    I leave the screw driver sticking half way out your dome
    The worst part about is, I'm not alone

  71. Wicked, you're meltin' my butter. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Don't stop--I'm about to pop!

  72. Is there something going on here today? What did I miss lol?

  73. The book wasn't for radio shows, the book was for buying pictures to use here. Yeah, I got my book and a nice thank you note.

    Go stand on someone else's ground.

  74. You got a "THANK YOU"??? I didn't get that, even when I let Ent finish first! HOW IS THAT BOOK? WHAT'S IT CALLED? CAN I SEE IT?

  75. What the hell is going on

  76. In an an effort to actually say something productive, Nina Dobrev and her guy just broke up and she became certified in Scuba in March of last year.

    Here is the article:

  77. @canopener, I'm guessing if you weren't so ignored in real life you wouldn't be posting spam every 20 seconds. Such a genius outlet to get your emotions out.

    FYI, annoying does not equal clever.

  78. Good catch, Grace! It looks like we've got it narrowed down to three people: Ian Somerhalder, Kellan Lutz, or Hayden C... Good work people!

  79. Oh wait, I just noticed the bit in the blonde about the actor not working much lately. Would that rule out Ian? Damn.



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