Thursday, May 09, 2013

Blind Item #5

This celebrity couple consisting of a B- list mostly movie actor and a B- list mostly television actress are having a little issue. It seems as if she did not tell the whole truth about her STD past and he must not read the tabloids, so didn't know she has the herp. They have been having unprotected sex and our actor freaked out. She says she thought she told him before.


  1. Minka (Derek Jeter herpes central) and whoever her bf is.

  2. Channing Tatum/Jenna Dewan

  3. Ryan Reynolds/Blake Lively?

  4. Minka was dating Chris Evans, right? He fits the description, I think. I thought he was outed last year as having his own STD.

  5. Chris Evans and Minka Kelly

  6. Disgusting not to disclose...

  7. Sorry, meant to add Blake Lively via Leo.

  8. Yeah, how do u "forget" that?

  9. That's why you should always wrap it up unless your married. Then again in Hollywood it doesn't matter if your married.

  10. Is Chris Evans B-, though?

  11. Defiantly Chris and minka. I think it was a story already on minka and the herp by Derek jeter. Never heard about Leo and the herp but I wouldn't be surprised if he had it.

  12. I'm not saying its right to have unprotected sex, but everyone is pretty judgmental and I'd be shocked if every single person with a neg response has had 100% safe sex. Not too mention that something like 75% of adults have herpes and many don't even know it because they've never had an outbreak.

  13. Chris Evans has had many many STD's since he doesn't like to bag it and Minka was with Jeter so that's a no brainer.
    Ryan Reynolds has herpies as does Scarlett ...and the way Blake was moving around she probably does also..
    I thought everyone in L.A. had it....
    However a condom won't help with the Herp it's a contact STD.

  14. Exactly what I was gonna say.

  15. Nice picture of Minka in the photos today. Just saying.

  16. What CrazyCatLady said. The majority of people are infected with the virus, and it needs to be destigmatized. I caught my first cold sore when I was about 6; sex had nothing to do with it. Playground contact, I guess.

    If you read the wiki page on Herpes, it has been around forever, but Burroughs Wellcome and other big pharm companies "created" the disease in the 80s as a means of marketing their then-patented antivirals. Now that the drugs are off-patent, they've lost interest in scary marketing campaigns, but the public remains largely clueless.

    From Wiki: Since the creation of the herpes hype, some people experience negative feelings related to the condition following diagnosis, in particular if they have acquired the genital form of the disease. Feelings can include depression, fear of rejection, feelings of isolation, fear of being found out, and self-destructive feelings.[92] These feelings usually lessen over time. Much of the hysteria and stigma surrounding herpes stems from a media campaign beginning in the late 1970s and peaking in the early 1980s. There were multiple articles worded in fear-mongering and anxiety-provoking terminology, such as the now ubiquitous "attacks," "outbreaks," "victims," and "sufferers." At one point the term "herpetic" even entered the popular lexicon. The articles were published by Reader's Digest, U.S. News, and Time magazine, among others. A made-for-TV movie was named Intimate Agony. The peak was when Time magazine had 'Herpes: The New Scarlet Letter' on the cover in August 1982, forever stigmatizing the word in the public mind.[72] Herpes support groups have been formed in the United States and the UK, providing information about herpes and running message forums and dating websites for sufferers. People with the herpes virus are often hesitant to divulge to other people, including friends and family, that they are infected. This is especially true of new or potential sexual partners whom they consider casual.[93]

  17. @Jamie - I think the herp that causes lip sores and genital herp are two different herps.

    1. Yes that is true they are different types of herpes simplex 1 and 2

  18. Unfortunately herpes can be transmitted even if you wear a condom as it is transmitted via skin on skin contact not by bodily fluids. This is the same for the HPV virus (genital warts) which can cause cervical cancer.

  19. You can get both 1 and 2 on both your mouth and genitals. 1 is usually more common on oral, but can happen on genitals and the other way around is true for 2.

  20. Two different viruses. 75% might have it if you are talking about Herpes Zoster which is chicken pox and can lead to shingles in old age. This girl is a trashy bitch. You always have that conversation, and he's an idiot for not wearing a rubber. Not just because of the disease angle, but unwanted pregnancies happen when you spread your baby batter. If this actress is such a bitch as to not inform him of her herp situation, then she'd probably also get knocked up to keep him or get a check. Idiots... but idiots who keep me in a job suing folks.

  21. Minka and Chris are still together even though I don't buy the him having herps story. I buy her having it.
    A tabloid reported that on his birthday last year he ran to his doctor's office in LA to get medicine for an STD. It was Bull shit and they pulled that story quick. How could he have ran to a doctor's office in LA on his birthday when he was in Prague on his birthday filming a movie.

    I think people are also going to accuse him of being gay just because his brother is.

  22. @ms snarky:

    Herpes 1 (cold sores) can be transmitted to genitals via oral sex, and I know nobody here has ever performed or received that!

    It's still herpes 1, but it's just as contagious.

    If we want to get worried (as opposed to slut-shaming), the virus we need to watch out for is HPV. It causes cancer, not awkward first dates. Most of us are infected, but it kills only a few. However, it is an STD that kills.

    It kills men and women, it kills via cancer of the cervix, anus, throat, and stomach. Deaths are increasing due to the prevalence of non-vaginal sex between heterosexual couples.

    There is a vaccine for it. Please read the link and consider get the vaccine for your children. For an adult, it's probably too late. The Australian study shows that it makes a huge change in outcomes in young teens.

    The likelihood is that most posters here are probably infected and now you have to see if you're one of the unlucky few who die of a particularly bad case.

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Jamie, beautifully written.

      Less than a year ago my sister, at 30, died of cervical cancer. Presumably from HPV. Unfortunately it was something that went undetected until it was far too late. The problem is it remains virtually symptomless until there's not much to do.

  23. We had the HPV vaccine when i was in year 12. A rumour went around that if you weren't a virgin it wouldn't work as well. So good news for awkward me!

  24. @Bostongirl: Genital warts do not cause cervical cancer. a different type/string of the virus (HPV) causes it. There are tons of different kinds of HPV.

    Quote from the article:
    'The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types of HPV that can cause cancers'

  25. I have both herpes and HPV. I've had five sexual partners and always wore a condom.

    Because there is no HPV test for men, it is essential that women get frequent pap smears for this virus. That is the only way it is detected. It is completely asymptomatic. (Of the non-wart variety.) The good news is that a woman who tests positive for HPV can achieve a negative status through healthy living and no repeat contact with it. The bad news is, you never know which guy has it!

    With regard to the herpes, the partner who gave it to me has had exactly one break out. I have only had one break out and I tested positive for it a year ago, while in a monogamous relationship. He'd probably had it for years and never knew. I never would have known it was herpes (looked like an ingrown hair from shaving) had he not JUST been tested the week before.

    Let's stop with the name-calling and the shaming and get educated.

  26. There are over 100 strains of HPV, some cause warts, some can cause cancers, some can cause both. Some cause them on the genitals, some cause them elsewhere.

    There are 3 basic strains of herpesviruses that hang out in our nerve cells when we are asymptomatic. When they are active, HSV1 and 2 both cause lesions near the oral region and genital, anal, and thigh regions. They can also spread to eyes. HSV3 causes chicken pox and shingles.

    I know I have HSV1-3 and at least 1 strain of HPV.

    If you have ever had a cold sore or wart anywhere, you also have these viruses. Even if you didn't notice it, chances are you have it anyway.

    There should be no stigma, since they are as common as an influenza virus.

  27. The HPV vaccine is only really effective for younger women and men, hence all the drama about middle schoolers and high schoolers getting it. If I remembercorrectly HPV affects about 80-90% of the population but most strains are not harmful and your immune system can fight them off. The HPV vaccine is limited to the specific strains that can cause cancer. Herpes simplex viruses will hide in your spinal column and are not easily remedied. They break out when you're very stressed and travel up nerves which is why many can feel an oncoming breakout. If I remember correctly they're primarily the most contagious during an outbreak but can be contacted at any time. Simplex one and simplex two are two entirely different beasts .

    But as mentioned above, communication with your partner is important. There are medications to suppress symptoms that exist but herpes is not curable.

    HPV causes warts. Herpes causes ulcer like sores. Very different things.

  28. Wish you much good health Liv!

  29. There are 8 different types of herp. We contract most of them before leaving the hospital when we are born.

    Just because you test negative doesn't mean you don't have it. Be sure you get the test that finds the herp even if you don't have an active outbreak.

    And I think all doctors that don't tell patients the above deserve to have their dogs die.

  30. What about Hayden C. and Rachel B.?

  31. @Liv: "Let's stop with the name-calling and the shaming and get educated." AMEN, Preach it!

    And this applies to celebrities too. If Paris Hilton carries an Rx for Valtrex and people laugh at her or call her diseased and a slut, they're also calling me and most of the population the same names. For something I contracted at age 6? Stop it.

    1. I get that your making a serious point, and I agree with it. But please leave Paris Hilton out of serious points - she is now, and always must be, an absolutely open gate where derision is concerned.

  32. Yeah, but if a person does know they have an STD and they don't give their partner the informed choice whether or not to have sex, safe or otherwise with them, this is wrong. And, that's how I read the blind. I'm not calling the woman a slut. I'm calling her irresponsible. And wrong.

    I got my daughter the vaccine prior to her becoming sexually active. I only wish this sort of thing had been available for our generation, might have helped a lot of friends.

    I don't have certain herpes,apparently, because I've never had a cold sore. I had about 20 chicken pox at the age of 16, so I'm not like that kid from the damned Omen or anything. ..maybe a little, but my dog is tiny, so she's just a heckhound.

  33. CDC Atlanta GA Feb 2013-Approx 16% of the population ages 14-49, have genital HSV-2 virus. This is the number you need to focus on, and do not have intercourse of any type w/someone with open lesions, and always use a condom. If you have HSV-2, do not have any type of intercourse during an outbreak, or if you feel an outbreak coming on. If you have the virus, immediately inform all partners you plan on being intimate with. Simple as that.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. What I've learned from this thread: I don't know enough about herpes or HMV and neither do any of you. We should all get the facts, which can be difficult since there are so many contradictory sources.

    The consequences of not knowing can be fatal, as happened to @BreezyBoston's unbearably young sister. I'm so very sorry BB.

    But you've made me determined to insist on a GYN check-up this year. I'm not sexually active and I HATE GYN visits. Enough of that. I will be an adult this year and take the hated exam.

    For everyone else: Breezy's post is a wake-up call. Get yourself checked. The fact that Breezy's sister died before symptoms emerged should not scare you away. The only cervical cancers that are detected when something can be done are via the dreaded Pap smear. Get smeared.

    And for the small minority on this thread who think they are morally superior to those of us who have contracted HPV or herpes - please stop passing judgment. You're on a gossip site. Enough said?

  36. def not Chaning he is probably A- now..Ryan a still a solid B..



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