Friday, May 24, 2013

Blind Item #5

This C+ list mostly movie actor who really only has one great role to his career thinks he is a big shot. He is recognized for the movie, but not as much as he was when it came out a few years ago. He was hitting on a woman the other night and when she blew him off and didn't recognize him, he threw his drink in her face and told her to Google him and then come back when she was ready.


  1. Luke Wilson?

    (see pic post below)

  2. I bet that changed her mind right? Gross to who ever it is!

  3. ANY Tenenbaum was a great role. His guy in "Old School" could have been acted by anyone.

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    What an absolute pig, where's VIP when you need her?

  5. Dolph Lundgren is married with kids and a really nice and smart guy IRL. I'm going with Adrien Brody who is supposedly a womanizing douche. Still can't believe he grabbed and kissed Halle Berry onstage like that but touching a woman intimately without getting permission is a big no no to me.

  6. Hope he gets impotent.

  7. Replies
    1. This is totes McLovin!!! I'm kinda bummed you gueesed it first (typo and it stays)

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I think we need to accept that our troll is never going to go away. The ignore and report button would be helpful, but that might be impossible given the format of the site. For whatever reason this guy is here, isn't leaving, and has made it his mission to try and piss us off, offend and annoy. The best thing we can do is not get annoyed/offended or pissed. He will tire of it eventually, in ten days or ten years, he will find something else to do with his time and energy.

    1. @Anna Namis,

      I think that troll is actually a new handle for one of our favorite old trolls, and is trying to out-troll themselves. It's kind of funny - "I'll be as nasty as I can be and they'll all love it!"



    2. We have a new troll? *checking under bridge* We're really going to have to invest in some chicken wire one of these days.

    3. Then why even comment on it. You seem overly concerned every time one pops up.

    4. +1 @crazycat. Waste of comment space

  9. what is with all the 'google me bitch' lately?

  10. Vin isn't a c list.

    Someone from American Pie

  11. thanks anna, well said. --

    like to add that for some being ignored can be painful n' frustrating. ignore him

  12. Ooh, @The Real Dragon, good one! The lead guy - Jason Somebody?

    1. @BOXES maybe. How about Stifler like someone mention

  13. Brandon Routh from the last Superman

  14. I second vin diesel

  15. You guys are wrong. Massive G has been around a while. He just pops in ever so often. He's not new.

    1. Oh that's who they were talking about? Naw, he's been here for awhile, I agree.

      IDK, it's the internet... for the most part I've become used to ignoring what annoyes me. CDAN sticks around but the commenters change frequently.

  16. I don't see a celebrity throwing a drink in anyones face and yet it remains a blind.

  17. Could this be Jason Schwartzman ? Perish the thought, but he IS a Coppola by relation, and may be full of himself.
    He's one of my favorites, so I hope not.

    Wouldn't be recognized much since growing up, after "Rushmore" (one great role).

  18. I don't think it's Brody somehow; he may be a poonhound, but methinks that if he ever pulled this kind of stunt, his mama (Sylvia Plachy, a very fine photographer who worked for the Village Voice for years) would hunt him down and kick his ass as soon as she heard about it. Throwing drinks in people's faces, unless for extremely good cause (such as their already having gotten physical with you) crosses the line into abusive, and I just don't see him going that far.

  19. Adrian Brody won an Oscar so that kind of keeps him at least a B.

  20. I don't usually comment but I just wanted to say to Libby (you are like my favorite commenter) that I worked with Jason Schwartzman a few years ago and he was super nice. It was a movie with Ben Stiller and there was a bit of chaos because of it but he was sweet, talked to everyone and an all around nice guy. On a side note, I don't think it is him because of the rating but I could totally see Vince Vaughn doing this, in fact I have witnessed him doing very similar things in a bar. He is not a guy who likes to be ignored or not recognized, particularly if he has been drinking.

  21. So many one hit wonders in Hollywood, I got nothing.

  22. Zach Galafanakis...or however you spell it.

  23. Zachary G is paying rent on an apartment for an elderly homeless woman who used to volunteer at his laundromat for tips. Squinty Zellwegger paid for the furnishings, so they are both do-gooders.

  24. Zach is recently married, and from all accounts a good person. He is the reason Mel Gibson got cut out of Hangover II

    I love Zach's comedy, not him ever.

  25. Vin Diesel has done the Fast & Furious franchise (the good ones anyway), so I guess that's only one role, but I've heard on more than one occasion that he's gay & spends a lot of time in Europe indulging his fetishes. I've seen a couple interviews with Dolph Lundgren & just to confirm checked out his IMDB - he has a Masters in Chemical Engineering and several other fairly impressive credentials. I know that doesn't rule him out, but I think it makes him less likely.

    I like the Adrian Brody guess - he creeps the hell out of me and I can't think of a single memorable role he's been in besides the Pianist.

  26. @Anna, he's been here longer than most of the current "regulars".

  27. Huh, I thought Napoleon Dynamite. John Heder? Only because he's very much famous for one role: it's pretty much the definition of "famous for the role" when everyone knows who you mean when you say the character name, but not when you name the person.

  28. John Heder is a good guess. I also think Sam Worthington is a good guess but he's hot so regardless, I doubt anyone would blow him off!

    My guess is Stephen Dorff.

    He was in Blade back in '99 which made him known and since then a lot of movies that amounted to nothing. In '09 he was in Public Enemies. It had a great cast so I can see him thinking he was the shit.

  29. Anonymous8:59 AM

    interesting that former troll posts acting normal. maybe some trolls just needed to be welcomed into the fold!

  30. Anonymous9:01 AM

    and btw, isn't Vince at least B+ if not A- movie actor by now? No way is he C list anyway

  31. Jon Heder is married and a practicing Mormon, so I doubt it's him. Otherwise, I got nothing.

  32. Zach...Braff? But he's wants us all to pay for his new project, yeah?

    My vote is stiffler, Sean William Scott. He was also in Dude, Where's my car.

  33. okay, was it his time of the month, because to say a man throwing a drink in a womans face is a bitch ass move is an understatement!

  34. Cuba Gooding Jr is I think the best guess so far. He doesn't fit my definition of "known for a role" (in which the character name is more famous than the actor's name), but no matter. He's known to have the attitude and he never got to be as famous as he seemed to think he should have. Great guess, saycheese!



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