Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly movie actress should watch out. Rumor has it from one of her nannies that the boyfriend of the actress has been yelling at the child of the actress on a regular basis and has got into arguments with the actress about how she raises her child. He thinks the child needs more hands on discipline.


  1. Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez?

  2. First one that came to mind was Halle. I hope the little girl can go live with her daddy.

  3. D'oh! Of course it's Halle! Girl be crazy!
    And by "hands on" I wonder if he means spankings? He's so nasty to me. Gross and icky too. And smelly and mean. :-)

  4. I wonder how long before she accues him of abusing her...

  5. Halle, girl, if he beats your child, you better pour some hot grits on his ass when he goes to sleep!!!

    1. Yes! and then run like the wind cause after that you'd be in danger, girl.

  6. LMAO I could not agree more @SHAY

  7. +1000000000, Shay.

  8. That hot sperm donor of hers better be hitting the gym & learn where all of her security cameras point so next time his psycho ass tries to sucker punch him he can just step a little to the left and take him out! NO step-parent has the right to lay a finger on anybody else's kid - it doesn't matter how crazy the mom is!

    Oh, and of course I agree it's Halle/Olivier/Gabriel.

  9. When I think of a child who needs discipline I think of Suri, but in no way is Katie A list!

  10. You ever notice how happy Nahla looks when she is with Gabriel? She never looks that happy when she's with Halle. Is Oliver taking it out on Nahla that they can't move to France? He just seems like a real dick. I don't think I would want Oliver within 10 feet of my child.

  11. If it is Halle he is probably right- God knows how she is being raised. Like most kids today she is probably being raised as narcissistic as most other kids today.

  12. I almost never guess these on my own, but knew this one was Halle right away. He is such an ass.

  13. I bet he thinks that now that he's having a child with her it entitles him to more of a say with her other kid/s. Like he's always thought the little one was a bit wild, but never felt empowered to say so until he knocked up Mom with his own spawn. I've seen it happen before, sadly.

    1. Yep, sadly me too. I vote Halle too.

  14. Not going to end well...

  15. There was a photo of him taking her to the beach and a staged peck on the mouth (a no-no in my book, sorry)and after he beat the hell out of Gabriel, I could totally buy him as being PO'd that the kid so obviously adores her Dad.

    I hope that this is a B.S. blind, though. I hate the idea of this little girl having to deal with more crap. Also, if he and Halle break up, she'd better not let him take the kid back to France. She would never get him/her back.

  16. Maybe this is the beginning of Halle's campaign to get rid of Oliver - spreading rumors that he is yelling at Nahla.

  17. I am not sure Halle can be trusted to raise her child correctly. She is a complete whackjob. I am not sure he is necessarily in the wrong.

    I can't wait to see how kids like Nahla and Suri turn out. My bet is they will be absolute, pais hilton style beasts.

  18. I agree with tiger- stepfather shldnt hv dick to say. And no yelling. Idk, nahla looks perfectly normal to me-school,bookbags,all in pink like most girls. I hope shes fine, ive grown very fond of her!!!!!!

  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    run nahla run!

  20. This is not going to end well. Kylie dodged a bullet, literally.

  21. Crazier the berry, the sweeter the juice, right?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. How about Kate Hudson?
