Thursday, May 02, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list foreign born mostly movie actor is having to wear a corset in his latest movie because he has gained 20 pounds in the past few months. He refuses to lose the weight so costume designers had to build him his very own corset.


  1. Dame Russell Crowe, that is.

  2. Christian Bale just because he gained weight for American Hustle

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    nice Kloie

  4. Anonymous11:35 AM

    It wouldn't be Bale because he was asked to gain weight for American Hustle and I believe they're still filming. Also, he'd never "refuse" to gain or lose weight for a role--he's always doing that sort of thing. Per his twitter, Russell Crowe seems to work out a lot.

  5. Yeah russel crowe is the first one who came to my singing coaching for him in les miz, and no dieting for whatever he's doing now...

  6. @dasha---true. Maybe his twitter workouts are just that. ;) could've been for the benefit of his movie director to convince him that he's "working on it."

  7. Can't be Crowe, he needs a 40 pound corset. Might be able to put Butler in a 20 pound corset.

  8. Russell Crowd it is.

  9. SO funny! I said "dammit VIP" TOO! Seriously! hahahaha

    Totally Russell.
    Whatta JACKASS. Pure.

  10. This should have been labeled easy because Russell was my first guess. And he didn't use a voice coach for Les Miz? That 'splains it all.

    Did anyone hear his live recording he did to show Adam Lambert (I think it was) that he COULD sing? And then it sucked just as bad! It was hilarious.

  11. Actually, I have seen pics of Crowe on the set the idiotic Noah movie. He doesn't look fat. Beefy, muscular. Not really fat at all.

  12. @Sean, that corset is working then!
    I wonder where i can get one too... :P

  13. How about D'Pardiou (SP?), the Frenchmen playing DSK

    1. I believe it is spelled Depardieu. That man had something when he was young. Now he lives in Russia to avoid high taxes and has aged horribly. His misspent youth has caught up with him. I don't know if he is acting these days. But his film roster is deliciously full of everything I love about the movies.

  14. Not Russell, for sure. He HAS lost almost 20 pounda and would if asked from what I have seen.
    I'm thinking Benicio Del Toro.



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