Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former A list mostly movie actor had his big run a decade or two ago. Still a B lister and still works a lot, just not with that A list billing any longer. He has always dated very very young, but this is kind of sick even for him. He paid his girlfriend a lot of money to put braces on her teeth. She didn't need them, but he liked the way they made her look.


  1. Burt Reynolds

  2. Burt Reynold's big run was 30 years ago.

    I was thinking Costner.

    1. I thought Costner too immediately, but isn't he married now?

  3. Sounds like a bullshit blind.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Could be Goldblum certainly, he does like them young. I also get a serious case of the pervy-skeezes with James Woods though, maybe it's just me. The braces thing is gross, whoever this schmuck is I hope they get stuck to him in the most painful way possible.

    1. Agree with anna. Both of them are off kilter

  5. Sounds like bs to me, also. I will say that better to pay a younger but legal woman to put on braces than actually go for the jail bait.

    John Cusak?

  6. I hope it's bogus because its disturbing.

  7. Even assuming that a dentist would put braces on otherwise perfect teeth (I know, I know...doctors/dentists in Hollywood will do anything), what guy wants braces that close to his junk during blow jobs? If she's doing it right, no problem, but what if something slips?

    Keep in mind that braces are often used for dental issues that people don't see (back teeth, creating space for implants, etc). I know a lot about this because my dad is a dental technician.

    And...who cares? As long as the girls are legal and he's not trolling for dates at the middle/high school, this isn't a big deal.

  8. Shoot. Was going to add that the girl might legitimately need the braces to correct one of those dental issues that aren't immediately apparent.

  9. Wait, so I'm relatively new to CDAN. Are some of the blinds supposed to be obviously false?

    This is FUCKED if it's true.

  10. @asher, read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page: "Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction...."

    This protects Enty from being sued (I guess), but it also means that he can just make up whatever he wants.

  11. DOesnt Jim Carrey have a thing for the ummm extremely youthful?? Idk why, but I'm thinking it's him

  12. Ahhh. Thanks @Karen. I honestly only focus on the blinds and it seemed like people had mentioned before about things being obviously untrue.

  13. Sounds like a BS posting. She probably wanted braces to fix her teeth.

  14. goldblum was my first thought.

  15. Just saw a recent photo of goldblum's gymnast god and it doesn't look like she has braces. Unless they're clear. But that would defeat his purpose for wanting then, non?

  16. Hungry gymnast girlfriend. Not gymnast god. Geez.

  17. Where did "hungry" come from??? I hate my phone.

    1. @Karen - Gymnasts are probably always hungry because they don't eat much LOL

    2. Maybe your phone meant "Hungarian"

  18. @Kristin: Maybe your phone wanted to try to guess the blind? "His gymnast god[dess] from Hungary," perhaps?

  19. Ha Kristen - I don't think this is Goldblum, he's been with his girlfriend for over a year and while he is exactly twice her age, since she's 30 it doesn't seem as barf in my breakfast to me.

    James Woods and his 26 year old girlfriend just broke up after 7 years in April. They started dating when she was 19 and they had a 40 year age difference. He has a ton of work in pre and post production (Jeff Goldblum only has one thing listed for 2013).

    The blind reads to me like it could be a new relationship so the timing works with James and a new girlfriend.

  20. Jim Carey was my first thought. He has a very, VERY young girlfriend (or did recently).

  21. Kevin Costner has been married for about 10 yrs to the same person. They have 2 sons & they all live on his ranch. (I got to meet him last year when his band was performing at our local fair & his wife & 2 boys were with him.) They are a lovely family & I really liked her.

  22. Creeper Mel Gibson FTW.

  23. Oh James, you pervy old man.

  24. I got it! It's the same chick that put the "dead meat" on her ex's front step!

    Anyone else remember that blind? Is this Enty's quarterly work of fiction (per the disclaimer) for plausible deniability?

  25. Fake braces are alleged to be a big thing in Japan. When my ex dressed up as a school girl for Halloween one year, I couldn't find any for her :(

  26. James wood 4 sure wasn't his last girl like 18 when they started dating,

  27. The dudes being mentioned are toooooo old. How about someone in the Christian Slater/ James Spader area?

  28. I'm ruling out Jeff, he doesn't work terribly often now and you can say that his big run began THREE decades ago. Anyone find anything in the Daily Mail?

  29. @asher - having pointed out the disclaimer, you should also be aware that a whole lot of sick shit goes down in Hollyweird.

  30. Yes, it was Burt Reynolds. And the woman with braces was Dinah Shore, which she actually needs because of the overbite.

  31. It's either James Woods or Jeff Goldblum. I love them as actors but they are super creepy old men. Not that they weren't creepy when they were younger. Jeff has a newish girlfriend, does James? If they really want to pay for some orthodontia, I'm available for braces but not anything else. But to make a girlfriend get braces instead of Invisilign, has nothing to do with straight teeth!
