Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Blind Item #2 - Multiple Choice - I'm Giving You The Names

It has been a long time since there was a multiple choice in one of the blind items. I think I have done it previously, but honestly, don't remember when. When the Tony Awards were announced, one of the names below went ballistic when they found out they had not been nominated. The person yelled at their agent and then manager and then someone very close to them and said some of the most vile things you could ever imagine. I knew they had a temper, but not like this.

Katie Holmes
Jessica Chastain
Alec Baldwin
Jim Parsons
Bette Midler
Scarlett Johansson

I know you are all thinking Alec Baldwin so you can eliminate him, because, although he might have gone crazy, he is not the one I know about for this.


  1. jessica chastain: just because of Vanity Fair's deleted article story

  2. What deleted article story?

  3. ITA, FrenchGirl. You beat me to it.

    Somebody find that and make it clicky! Please!

  4. I need more info on this deleted article...

  5. I don't know why, but I thought Jessica Chastain, too. Keep in mind, I know nothing about her but I just had a funny feeling when I saw her name.

  6. Jessica Chastain or Scarlett. I heard the latter was not very nice.


  8. can't make it click---Google 'chastain vanity fair deleted'--LOTS of results.

  9. Wow i could do well with more multiple choices Enty, so much better than just grasping at straws lol

  10. Thanks, Libby!!! Going to read it now!

  11. Totally Bette "Rochelle, Rochelle!" Midler. There's a reason her Seinfeld appearance worked so well.

  12. But the VF article didn't paint Chastain as a monster as much as it was about the forcing of a weak performances into the favorites for a nomination. That's why the article was pulled (because of pressure) - for voters picking the winners strictly on buzz, it was a major buzzkiller that implied she didn't deserve to be in the final five.

  13. Anyway, the fact that Enty says he didn't know that the person had that kind of temper would disqualify Alec Baldwin anyway. We all know AB has a temper!

  14. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I laughed when Jessica Chastain wasn't nominated. Obviously she should have paid more attention to her performance in that crappy play than the outfits she would be photographed in on her way to and from the theater.

  15. Process of elimination: Jim Parsons is known to be good to work with ie. no sign of temper, Katie Holmes' show was cancelled so I doubt she would have expected any nomination, Scarlett Johannson did not have great reviews so likely did not expect a nom, and we know it's not Alec Baldwin.

    So for me that leaves Bette (no, Bette no) or Jessica Chastain.

  16. Midler. She's an old pro, so I could see some, I dunno, "entitlement" about at least getting a nomination and how her team should have known how to secure one.

  17. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I have no guess but I was intrigued by the "worst thing you can say to a person".

    I. Wish. You. Had. Never. Been. Born. (Said by a parent to a child)

    So I would go with someone who had child/ren.

  18. No no no---But pulling the VF article paints Chastain as ambitious about winning awards, and the image she has been cultivating with the press is an, 'shucks, me?' image. The Fashion Police people have been totally snowed by her. She plays the humility thing super-hard with the press.

  19. Unrelated, I do wish they'd stop trying to make Jessica Chastain happen :)

  20. Bette Midler. I adored her until I saw her on an episode of Kathy Griffin and there was something off and not nice about her.

  21. Tired of the Chastain chick. Loves me some Bette. I vote Ron Howard's girl for this blind.

  22. I love Bette, but I think I have to land on her for my pick.

    I think the "long time since" and why we got a "multiple choice" today, are references to Bette's one woman show, and she hasn't been on broadway for 30 years.

  23. Not Jim Parson, please not Jim Parsons.

    ...tho I am sad he wasn't nominated and might pitch a fit myself.

  24. Chastain. That article is illuminating, btw. Thanks for bringing that whole thing to light for me because I totally missed it.

  25. Not sure on this one, but LOVE the multiple choice to help narrow it down!

  26. All of the above! Lol

  27. I'm going with Chastain for this. There was talk during the awards season where she went into it as the frontrunner for Zero Dark Thirty and then the brilliant Weinstein campaign for Jennifer Lawrence totally derailed her. I read several places that she was NOT happy about that so maybe her displeasure with her "team" has continued.

  28. Bette. I'd heard she's pretty vile, which makes me sad.

  29. I'll guess Bette. Have you ever seen her Twitter feed?

  30. I do not remember there EVER being another multiple choice blind - am I just forgetting it?

  31. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Scarlett Johansson

  32. One more Bette vote. Google "Bette Midler temper" and there's plenty of results.

  33. @DewieThebeaver: the problem is not the article (who cares? it's just the opinion of a journalist)but the pressure of her team to delete the article.

  34. As much as I love Bette--and I have, since the '70s--she's probably the most likely of the lot to go off like that. I've always been under the impression, though, that people knew she has a temper, but perhaps that's what's meant by not knowing just how bad it could be?...

  35. the divine miss m

  36. Anonymous9:20 AM

    thanks Libby, I refuse to believe this is the Bette, I'm guessing Chastain because of the Libby link, and I don't want it to be Bette. Could be, but I hope not .

  37. If it's Bette, I don't care. The woman can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.

    But I think it's Jessica Chastain.

    1. @Maja. If it was Bette, it was clearly justified, as someone obviously wasn't doing their job.

  38. I am guessing Scarjo. She seems like a royal bitch and someone who is horribly arrogant behind the scenes.

  39. Glitter no. Fill us in please.

    Sadly I could see Bette do this, and that gives me the major sads.

  40. Scarlett already has one...

  41. Totally ScarJo. The Chastain one is too easy, so it's not right. Def ScarJo. CANNOT STAND HER.

  42. I read the VF article and I agree with the writer, Jessica Chastain IS overrated. I looked forward to seeing Dark Zero Thirty for her performance and was really disappointed, if that got her an award nomination then the pickings must have been really slim or it's a big fix - I know in my heart it's a big fix.

  43. I like Chastain, but I saw The Heiress and I thought her performance was only ok. She didn't really capture the suppressed rage and heartbreak of the character.

  44. It's between Bette and Chastain. For obvious reasons (I love Bette!) and in light of that VF article snafu I'd go with Chastain, didn't she do something similar about her Oscar loss?

  45. Gotta be Bette... She likes to pretend she's humble but she think she's Queen Of Broadway... How DARE she not get the nom!!!

  46. Why errbody gotta be picking on the redheads?

    That said, I'm going to guess Jessica Chastain because she sold herself SO hard to the paps during that broadway stint.

  47. I think it's Bette.

    I've only seen Chastain in The Help. I thought she was fab in it, although the movie majorly disappointed me because I read it immediately following the book, which I found to be riveting.

    Off to read that VF article.

  48. Yes I love Mutiple Choice. Should e in everyone blind items.

    I go with C.Jim Parsons My mom said if you dont know an answer always pick C

  49. my friend is in NYC acting on Broadway, and she has a bunch of friends who attended acting school with Jessica Chastain. unfortunately, she was told that she is a big B. never very nice to anyone. kept to herself. the biggest ego... i've always liked her in movies, so i was a bit disappointed to hear that.

  50. VF article writer comes off douchetastic, IMO. And the fact that he claims Kristen Stewart could out-act Chastain as a punk rocker - or even as a rock - is LAUGHABLE. I could see why VF pulled it. It was insulting to many people, actually.

  51. Jack Parsons for the win. He looks amazingly youthful PS. Cannot stand the show he is on. Had to google him to see who he was again. He is the one for this.

  52. first, its laughable that jennifer lawrence beat out the brilliant jessica chastain for the oscar. not surprising, because hollywood likes them young, but laughable. not saying that lawrence isn't adorable and talented, but she's not in the same league as jessica.

    so, if there wasn't buzz about how jc was upset that she didn't win the oscar, I doubt that there would be buzz about how she was upset she didn't win the tony.

  53. Bette=diva so this really wouldn't surprise me but like someone above mentioned, I also thought Chastain pulled something like this after her Oscar loss... She was my initial thought.

  54. I liked Chastain a lot until her Golden Globes speech this past January. There was something so strangely off-putting about her sobbing, "I worked so hard for this and I DESERVE this!" attitude that actually, weirdly irritated me more than Hathaway. Chastain has only been in the public consciousness for roughly a year, and she'll have many more award chances. For all I know, Jennifer Lawrence coveted the Oscar too, but she made the whole campaign seem like she couldn't care less. You could tell Chastain WANTED it, and badly. So yeah, I could easily see this being her. But I still like her acting, though.

  55. I love her too, but I'm thinking Bette. Can you blame her?

  56. This has to be Bette, but she gets a pass from me because she is a legend.

  57. @Alicia, how about this one to 10 and 14 year old siblings whose mid 40's dad just died of a heart attack: "It's you two constantly fighting that killed him".

    That's a Thoughtless Parent Hall of Fame comment there.

  58. Scarlette Johanwhatever.

    Slightly OT: I was watching some sort of movie with my friend a couple of weeks ago. I got to his house a bit late, so the movie was already halfway through. Scarlette was in it, but I thought it was Jessica Alba.

    1. Kelgela2: This is REALLY. OT but I haven't seen you here frequently so this very late in coming. A few weeks ago you posted a link to your friend on YouTube who was hoping to get on The Voice or America's got Talent or some such and I commented to you. Upon second look my remarks sounded incredibly bitchy and I've been wanting to apologize to you for that. You were most gracious to not fire back at me but I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. Please accept my humble I am sorry. I hope your friend follows and finds her dream. Thanks all for letting me get that off my chest.

  59. I heard when Bette wasn't nominated, she climbed on top of the stage and started dropping lights on people. A story like that's GOTTA be true.

  60. I thought of Scarlett for this, if Jessica is a raging beyotch, then she is a good actress because she has never come across that way at least to me.

  61. I want it to be Scarlett. I find her bland and think she's been extremely lucky.

  62. I think it is a toss up between Bette & Jessica. Neither of whom have cured cancer.

  63. These are such popularity contests, as long as weinstein campaigns for you then the oscar is urs

  64. Bette several critics have also come out saying they can't believe she was not nominated and Bette can be a vile human being.

  65. 100% Bette. She's beyond vicious and is a deeply unhappy camper, to behave the way she does. I could easily see her verbally eviscerating her manager/agent/s.o. is the space of 5 minutes. Quite frankly, I don't understand how von Haselberg has stayed with her all these years...must be Stockholm Syndrome!

  66. I have read that Bette is pretty nasty.

  67. Didn't know Bette was supposedly a big bee-otch! I do know this though cause I was on the flight. When her daughter was an infant (time flies - she's grown now!) - she made her nanny sit in coach with the baby and her and her husband sat in first class. She sent him back to check on them, my guess is cause not many people would recognize him. I think I've heard of someone else doing this too since then. So I guess it wouldn't surprise me to find out this was her.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I'd guess Bette. On a TV talk show while promoting "Bewitched," she made it clear that she disliked Nicole Kidman. I don't remember, but am thinking Nicole probably held her on in that struggle.

  70. The only one out of the list (besides manbaby Alec) that I have heard is usually hard to deal with is ScarJo. Don't know too much about the others.

  71. I read somewhere else it was Bette Midler.

  72. It's so easy to say Bette but....doesn't she already have a Tony? Why would she get so upset at her team? She's lauded, she's adored in the stage world. It just seems so random that she'd go ballistic NOW. What does she have to lose by missing out on a Tony nomination?

    I'll go with Chastain. Yes, yes, she presents herself as a sweetheart but I think I'm one of few who detects an uppity attitude underneath. She burst onto the scene and after one successful year in film, she immediately did a play thinking 'ah I'll get acclaim for this as well'. I think she believes her own hype. But as it turned out, critics didn't really like her performance and maybe she was taken aback by that. Maybe the Tony snub drove her over the edge and she lost her temper because she expected to get praised. It annoys me when people say Chastain's background is in theatre and stuff, and it annoys me that she acts as though she's so experienced in theatre. She did ONE play before breaking out in film.

  73. I am a HUGE Bette fan, so I suppose I'm biased. But being the fan that I am, I have read virtually everything ever written about her and I'm not sure where this reputation of her being difficult comes from. I have yet to read or hear a story about her throwing a hissy fit or doing anything insane. Does being a perfectionist and caring about your craft if you're a woman in H'wood = bitch?

    What I will say that I know for fact is I've been to see the show several times, she is DIVINE, absolutely hilarious and still on her game at 67 and she comes out every single night to sign autographs, take pictures, etc. The other night someone asked her if she could take a pic and Bette responded, "I'm right here. Take all the pics you want!"

    And it was "Stepford Wives", not "Bewitched". And, yes, she does have Tony, Grammys, Emmys and Golden Globes. However, she was snubbed numerous times for Oscars (2x nominated) and so I think she's used to it. She's too old to freak out about it and laughing all the way to the bank!!

  74. Scarlett already has a Tony and Bette is the consummate professional. This reads more like Jessica Chastain.
