Saturday, May 25, 2013

Blind Item #1

There has been talk of this celebrity couple trying to work things out. She is really close to A list. Definitely A list name recognition. He used to be B list, but you really have to be a certain age to know him as more than her husband. She wanted to work it out for the kids. He just kept wanting to get his freak on, and she has finally found someone she is interested in, so the divorce is coming. She is going to have to pay a lot.


  1. Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale?? IDK...I suck at these.

    1. Exactly what I was gonna say. Most Gen Y'ers know of Rossdale as Mr Stefani and have know idea that he actualy had a career of his own before Gwen.

    2. Dammit Diana! Lol!!! Where's VIP?? I think u totally got this one D :)

    3. LOL! Thanks!! ;-)
      The only reason I guessed Gwen was because Enty posted a blind several weeks ago about a celebrity that was married with kids that was endorsing a company (L'Oreal ?) that was cheating on her husband with one of the company's executives. The popular guess was Gwen. I need to try and find that blind now. ;-)

  2. CZJ and Michael Douglas?

    1. CZJ having to pay because she worked the most during the marriage.

      Diana's guess wasn't there when I posted mine. I like the Gwen and Gavin guess more

  3. Replies
    1. Haha no onr knew her hsband. At any point. Not even canadians. And i used to watch the one show he was on...

    2. Yeah, in Canada we know his ex-wife who is so lucky to be rid of him.

  4. Replies
    1. I like your guess, too.

    2. Yep, the Jenners. The hint about " you have to be a certain age to know him as something than her husband" is key. There have even been some posters on here that don't realize how popular Bruce was at his height

    3. Yep, the Jenners. The hint about " you have to be a certain age to know him as something than her husband" is key. There have even been some posters on here that don't realize how popular Bruce was at his height

    4. Except that Bruce was more like A+ back in the day. Everyone knew who he was and admired him, you couldn't go into a grocery store without seeing his face plastered all over Wheaties.

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    SJP and Matthew Broderick?

    1. Catherine I though SJP and Ferris too

    2. I like this guess. I LOVE Broderick movies.

  6. Tori is a good guess!

    I can't see Micheal D wanting to get his freak on....

  7. I second the Gwen and Gavin guess.

  8. Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sara Michelle Gellar.

  9. Oooo didn't even think of Gwen and Gavin. - good guess. Tori would work except Dean a B lister is a stretch for me.

  10. Bruce is supposed to have a lot of money in his own right

  11. I'm going with Gwen and Gavin even though Bush still tours and gets played on rock radio.

  12. On board with Diana.. Gwen & Gavin.

  13. Gwen and Gavin. If it's them, I hope the new guy treats her well, I've always liked her.

  14. @MISCH you're def right but as soon as I read the part of having to be a certain age to know him of anything other than being the husband made me think of him. Bad guess :(

  15. Pimp Mama Kartrashian and Bruce Jenner. (his freak on would be cross dressing)She seems to have a pattern with the roving eye. Aside from being married to her, an older generation would recognize him as a gold medalist in the Olympics back in the day.

  16. If it is Gwen & Gavin, I hope the new guy makes her happy and who knows? Maybe she will finally break out of that blonde haired, red lipstick facade she has always kept up for Gavin.

    1. I would not be blaming him. Her obsession with her look and that awful red lipstick makes her look so fake. Who woukd WANT to kiss that? Run Gavin! Let your freak flag fly!! Sinfe when did rock & roll become so fuddy duddy???

    2. Blinds say it's his obsession -that when she doesn't look like that then he finds it elsewhere.

    3. Wow. Sad. Dis not know this. Then I change my comment. RUN GWEN RUN. If you have to meet a high standard (tranny look?) then go. Be with someone who loves you no matter WHAT. Goes both ways.

  17. I like the PMK and Bruce Jenner guess. His fame is all from the 70s

  18. Except that Bruce Jenner isn't a former B list. He was A+++ at the height of his Olympic career.

    1. True. And the way a lot of young people follow sports, especially the boys, they would know of his sports legacy.

  19. @Krgl420

    no biggie...I actually stink at these things but I read somewhere that for the most part Bruce's finances are separate from Mama man

  20. Jill St. John & Robert Wagner

  21. I like Gwen/Gavin guess.. Bush came to my city and played in a tiny venue and it wasn't even sold out. Love me some Bush(not that kind) but she's definitely the bread winner and hasn't seemed happy past year or so..

  22. Not sure it's Gwen and Gavin since it says you'd have to be of a certain age to know him as more than her husband. I'm 40 and don't know him or his music, so it must have been 'after' my time. Definitely not before! Someone older, Robert Wagner is a good guess, but I'm not sure that would be all that newsworthy, or if it was him, wouldn't it mention something about Natalie Wood? Bruce Jenner is an awesome guess. Almost too easy. Hate to think PMK is 'really close to A list' though. *shutter*

    1. Another computerish gaffe: it's SHUDDER not shutter. A shutter is what you put on a window.

      Sorry to be a word freak-I rarely bother to say anything. Since the computer language is creeping into English I suppose I shall have to get used to homonym interactions but I do really really really go nuts when I see the wrong word being used over and over again.

      Seems like the cause is lost. Someday soon I shall be as incapable of comprehending these comments as I am unable to fully understand Shakespeare or Spenser. It is ever the way-language evolves. I am trying to accept that I am a fossil.

    2. Im 36 ...bush was definitely top of the 90s crap back in the today could give two shits now. Its them ..good for her hes a tool. And she is known for her low self esteem. Girl..recognize!

  23. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Gwen and Gavin, he kept wanting to get his freak on, alluding to rumors of his bisexuality and male rock star hook ups, she wanted to work it out for the family, their kids are young, she is going to have to pay alot, she's made a ton of money while they were together, plus he hasn't done anything since what 97?

  24. I like the G & G guess, but don't see how Gwen is anything but A list. You can't tell me she couldn't sell out a show tomorrow if she wanted (with or without ND)

  25. Sadly, I agree w/ the Gwen guesses :(...Gavin is a total moron. She fucking worships his ass all these years, KNOWS what he is. Just listen to Danger Zone on her first solo album...."now we share a closet, now uve let me come inside...& ur finally undressing & I think that I might die..." right after she found out about his daughter Daisy AND the boytoy who looks just like her!!! He had it made...she put all that aside & still treated him like gold. ****rant over....can u tell I'm a huge fan of hers???!! LOL!

    1. But marrying someone knowing that their preferences are off the mainstream track seems just so dumb.

      We love whom we love. But our sexuality is so deeply ingrained. Denying that need is just not an option. I know many marriages that blew up because stuffing down inherent needs became too painful.

      Can't we all just accept ourselves & each other as we are?

    2. Actually, Gwen was not aware until. AFTER the wedding, but accepted him as he is. He's the one who insists she look a certain way to suit HIM.

  26. I like the Gwen n Gavin guess too

  27. well at least she will have a new song for the next No Doubt album.

    'I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-wife...'

  28. Enty, I think you should moderate the comments, the vulgar posts that people who don't even care about the site bother to write. I'd rather not see them.

    1. Ditto

      Please note the exceptionally well written (NOT) responses I got after making a similar comment.

  29. @Gingerpop,

    Ignore it, it will go away as soon as the lsd wears off and someone realized they blew their allowance on the bad stuff.

  30. It's a sad, sad world if Olympian Bruce "I won the fuckin' Decathlon Gold Medal" Jenner is better know as Mr. Kardashian.

    Seriously. That's effed up.

  31. @Topper he happily whored himself out as Mr. Kardashian to get off the speaking circuit. He just sits home and lets his wife bring home the money. I don't feel bad for him at all.

  32. Would fans of the Kardashian trash know that at one time Kendall and the other teen's dad was an Olympic athlete? Doubtful.

  33. I"m on the SJP and Ferris bandwagon. She made a lot off SATC and as Exec Producer is raking in money off the reruns and movie.

  34. I used to LOVE Gwen but she came into my husbands restaraunt (high end place on one of her tour stops) and she was awful. Told the waiter not to make eye contact with her, very demanding, sent her food back multiple times and left a terrible tip. I get everyone has bad days, but this place is used to catering to picky celebs, politicians, etc- and she was one of the worst.

    Celebs who were nice? Jessica Simpson was very gracious when the bartender asked for ID because he did not know who she was. Kelly Clarkson was very nice, Snoop (Dogg) Lion and Kiefer Sutherland were both very nice.

    1. That's the worst!!!! I always assumed she'd be down to earth...bruce springsteen came into my friends club and she charged him to get in and he graciously paid. And said everybody'sgot a job to do..hes the best dude.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @elizabeth, that's really disappointing...thanks for sharing. That's really the first time I've seen a negative story about Gwen. I'd like to think it was a bad day, but there's no excuse for that kind of behavior!!

  37. Whoever is guessing Kris and Bruce has not been into gossip for long. You really think Enty would describe Kris Jenner in this way? It'd be much nastier and Bruce does not need her- he has his own money. It's clearly Gavin and Gwen. I love Gwen, I wish she could go back to Tony lol

  38. My guess is Mariah & Nick.

  39. Honey, I don't recognize Bruce from all the facial surgeries. I went to someone's house with cable and there was this Plastic looking guy on there with these 'Bombed out of his mind' Eyes pinballing on the screen. WTF? Burn scar reconstruction? Poor guy... The only way I knew it was Bruce was because some Blonde bitch rattled a drink and sneered "Why don't you tell another Olympic story dear"
    I thought I was watching a Trash Version of "Who's afraid of Virginia Wolff" He used to be a beautiful man with the dumbest haircut Ever. RUN You Beautiful Bastard! RUN!!!!! Just pick up any pieces that fall off and RUN!

  40. Or, you could excuse it as an error and fuck off.

  41. I hear ya, @SophiaB. I have an English degree and at times feel the same way. I've given up on being a grammar Nazi, if spellcheck isn't going to fix it it's not getting fixed.

    Gwen and Gavin for the win. She really has put up with A LOT from him.

  42. Tori Spelling is C list, her husband a D. KZJ doesn't need to wait too long to be a widow, why divorce? Plus he has way more money than her. And MD is A list. SJP and MB are probably a beard situation. So I am going with Gwen and Gavin. Great guess.

  43. Sophie B, I'm with you. Every time I hear some reality bimbo use the word "I's" as in "John and I's date was so romantic," i want to shoot the television. How can you say a word that you've seen in print? Maybe they can't read. The proper use of I and me has gotten so mangled. It's depressing

    1. My new fave (seen RIGHT HERE on CDAN!) is he're instead if here. The homonym homicides make me wanna sob hysterically. There, they're, their. Just unintelligible. My brain HURTS. But this is the new reality and I just live in it. I leave behind a slew of typos myself due to the lovely Android keyboard. Sigh. Thanks for the kind commiseration fellow fossils. ;)

  44. What does PMK stand for? Putrid Mama Kartrashian? Piglet Mama Kartrashian???

  45. This is totally Gwen and Gavin, and apparently I'm old a shit for knowing Gavin as something other than her husband. I have a Sixteenth Stone tshirt from back in the day that I still wear to bed sometimes.

  46. @DontRainOnMyPrada- I know, I've loved her since Spiderwebs and was so sad to hear she was unkind!! I've also read she is a perfectionist which can also be tough to work with. Either way, sad if Gavin has been cheating on her, no one deserves that.

  47. Re:Elizabeth's story-I had an extremely unpleasant experience with Ms. Stefani myself, in the recent years. Some day when I quit my job and no longer have to worry about getting fired for having a big mouth, I'll share.

    Point is, whenever I hear someone going on about how awesome/amazing/super cool she is, I just glare and do that Marge Simpson growl.

  48. I agree this is probably Gwen and Gavin, but I don't know how Gwen is ranked "really close to A list." She is Gwen Stefani, for crying out loud...solo career, No Doubt AND the L.A.M.B. brand. On her own, she has a net worth of something like 80 million dollars.

  49. Agree with @kels. This is definetly NOT Kris and Bruce. Stay together for kids - come on. Clearly someone with younger children. Enty would not describe either of them this way. Bruce is not getting his freak on....

  50. Amy Poehler - Will Arnett (Nick Kroll new boyfriend)

  51. James Brolin-Barbara Streisand.
    of a certain age and she is LOADED.

  52. I was thinking Courtney Cox and David Arquette when reading...

  53. CAtherine got it-Sarah Jessica Parker and matheew broderick.

  54. oh and his freak is he has long been rumored to be gay.
