Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former almost A list foreign born singer is now a C+ lister. If you hear her name, you would know it even though she has dropped so quickly. Everyone thought she was going to be long lasting and she has been in the news as of late. Anyway, at a private party this week, she was paid a tremendous amount of money to perform and not just singing. She was required to perform some adult activities with the man who paid her.


  1. I hope it is Avril Lavigne.

  2. Hmmm... maybe Shania doesn't fit. She is doing Vegas now, and does not need the money. Also, I think she was a solid A-lister, not just almost.

  3. I think the names mentioned so far are nowhere near the level of having to provide adult services. lol

  4. Grace Slick, the tramp.

  5. Susan Boyle

    I'm outta here. I have to go help my BF build a tree house.

    1. Be sure to let us all know when you come back.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM


  6. Paulina Rubio.
    How do you think she got the X Factor job?

  7. Carly Rae Jepson

    1. I was just thinking the same thing (but I couldn't remember how to spell her last name. *g*)

    2. Come on nobody thought she'd be more than a one hit wonder

  8. Adult activities... like Pictionary & poker?

  9. ethorne---Like discussing a home purchase or a pending divorce w/ friends!
    'Adult activities' makes it seem SO sexy!

  10. I'm with Shocky. Leona Lewis sounds good to me.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Olivia Newton John

  13. Natasha Bedingfield? But I think Leona Lewis is a better guess.

  14. MIA or Joss Stone. Both have the reputation for this kind of thing.

    Shania Twain co-wrote every song from her 2nd cd on so no way she needs money this bad.

  15. def not shakira, she just had a baby, is in a committed relationship, and has other things to supplement her income (perfume, etc)

    cheryl is at cannes, but 1. she doesn't need the money 2. was a-list for sure.

    leona is a good guess.

  16. Carly Rae Jepsen is the only one who has dropped dramatically fast. One-hit wonder.

  17. I'm thinking Carly Rae Jepsen, she allegedly slept with Bieber so I can believe this too

  18. C'mon people this is obviously Wing. As heard here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqa-HYihaZo

  19. Did anyone ever think that Carly Rae Jepsen would have a long career? She was a one-hit wonder from the second she put voice to record.

    Shakira and Shania are A list, no doubt. They also have had long careers.

    What about Katherine Jenkins? I don't know much about her, but with Becks retiring, her name has been back in the news, no?

  20. I like Leona Lewis, but I think the reason that she won whatever talent show she was on was because she is definitely Simon Cowell's type. It makes sense to me: he was hot for her, gave her a great song, promoted the hell out of her career, and then got tired of her.

  21. Oh Rowdy..That is precious! I never heard of Wing. I simply must rush to get all her recordings!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Please be Rhianna... Please be Rhianna (fingers crossed)

  24. Paulina Rubio seems like a good guess. Once saw her on MTV Cribs (so old school lOL) and was wondering where she got all the money, considering her career wasn't impressive.

    But I hope it's Avril. She is a douche and I can't believe that chipmunk is dating the Jesus lookalike of Nickelback. -.- I am pretty sure she is bearding for him, or he is immune to being annoyed.

  25. Avril has tons of money; I doubt it's her. Jespen and Cole were never more than one-hit-wonders.

    I really thought Leona Lewis was going to be around much longer than she was. Could be her, but she doesn't come off as a person who would do this.

  26. It's joss stone, she performed on a boat at cannes this week

  27. I go with Carly she takes after her mentor Justin

  28. Joss Stone was in the news recently at the trial of two men who had planned to kidnap and murder her.

    Not very bright kidnappers

  29. never Shania or Celine, they have more money than some countries

    actually Carly Rae Jepsen has or had more singing talent than her one hit shows, I watched her on Canadian Idol her season and I thought the kid had great vocal chops, a very different voice, this is live singing every week

    - but these kids get sucked into doing silly pop songs because they are disposal or interchangeable

    she had hits in Canada before THE song but that just means you can make a living not that you are a superstar like Bieber, I'd rather be the former than the latter

  30. I think this sounds more like Joss Stone. I was going to throw Corinne Bailey Rae into the mix, but she doesn't seem like the type, either.

  31. I am epic win! Joss and the Ruskie billionaire ftw.

    Shame. The girl has talent.

  32. @Faith - Cheryl Cole was in Girls Aloud, the biggest UK girl band since the Spice Girls, has had a bunch of massive singles and was married to a Premier League footballer. She definitely doesn't need the money.

  33. I'm going with the Joss Stone guess -

