Saturday, May 11, 2013

Anything You Want To Say To A White Guy?


  1. I'll leave this alone .

    1. I'm +1 with Just Curious. That shit was stupid as hell. And that guy with the pornstache.... No, I discuss race with my friends and co-workers. I like it because we have civilized discussions. We talk about everything. I learn from them and they learn from me.

  2. That was like the watered down,
    "feel good" version.

  3. Erm... That was really stupid.

  4. Actually, I laughed out loud quite a few times.

  5. This guy looked like he was nice. They should have gotten a white guy who looked like more of an asshole. Maybe John Boehner. Oops, never mind. He's orange.

  6. I actually laughed a few times too.

  7. Just curious, maybe this was to bait you:)

    1. I didn't even click on the link. The title sounds like a variation of something I would write.

    2. @just curious "What do you call a black man flying a plane?"

    3. The Racist

    4. ;p @just curious <3

  8. Funny as SHAT! Lighten up people it's only a parody!

  9. Just glad trolls dont work on weekends...

  10. I thought it was pretty damn funny!

  11. Didn't Carlos Mencia do something like this on his show? Or is this Carlos? (Can't do videos with phone bandwidth, sorry.)

  12. The show is very, very good. W. Kamua Bell sounds just like Seth Rogen when he laughs. Not good if you find Seth's laugh annoying. Seth Rogen laughing sounds like a car engine that won't start on a winter morning.

  13. Cute...anti white stuff is acceptable but don't ever be anti non-white or you're an evil racist. No double standards there!

    1. Which statements were "anti-white"? Did you even watch the video? Go cry somewhere else with your faux outrage and reverse racism bull crap.

  14. His pink shirt makes him look pretty fly for a white guy.

  15. 888, I missed the offending, evil part of the video. I must not be good at being a white person.

  16. I'm so tired of race issues, arguably it's not an issue in my own life, so I guess that's why I see it that way. Can't we just move on already? Can we leave all of that stuff behind? When can we put it all to rest? When I look at the President, I don't see a black man, I see a man that I respect. Same thing with the guy that rescued Amanda Berry.

    1. @Anna, I have encountered Chuck many times during my trek thru dt Cleveland, to & from work because we both have worked on Euclid Ave. He's an awesome dude! There was a time, about 2+ yrs ago, that I had to walk down Euclid @ like 3am to catch the train home & ran into him on the way. Alone. He walked me to the station, & made sure I got on the train, & all was good. He's an amazing soul. Dude, I remember just sitting @ the train station & bs'ing w him. Chain smokeing cigs w him. Plenty of times!!! I haven't seen him in about a yr, but that god damn do I love that man!!! Such a kickass guy. Heart him.

    2. I was tired of your shit Anna but you wouldn't shut the fuck up So fuck off

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  20. Racism is alive & thriving in America.
    This video showed several racists being interviewed. In the background, you can hear an audience of racists laughing & cheering every racist comment.

    To those who say "it's just supposed to be humorous"...I'll wager Michael Richards thought the same thing when he pointed at those black hecklers and called them "n**gers".

    To anybody who is too stupid or unwilling to realize this: You are part of the problem.

  21. Is it safe to come back now? I guess the scientologists don't work on the weekends..... looking over my shoulder just in case.

    1. Scientologists work 24/7, so be careful!!!

  22. Anonymous7:28 PM

    still all troll, all the time

  23. I'm white but I've hung around with enough black people to know there is a different world.

    Black people experience racism as such an institutional, everyday, blase way that white people can't imagine. It is similar to the mysogny and sexism that pervades our culture, but it's so much deeper.

    I've seen my friends being treated completely differently from me just because of the color of their skin and it really opened my eyes.

    Seeing what I've seen, I can totally understand the anger and hatred some black people feel towards white people...and I don't blame them.

  24. Oh, Jesus Christ, Anna - It's like saying "I'm tired of reading about all the raping and murdering that's going on in Somalia, so can we talk about something else?" Or, "I'm so tired of hearing about women being snatched off the street and held hostage for 10 years, can we talk about something else?"

    Yes, this is a gossip blog, so this may not be the place for serious discussions about how many peoples are victimized and brutalized around the world. But your attitude is a little too nonchalant given the subject matter.

  25. Peeking my head in, looking around...

    Is it safe???

  26. @audrey thanks for pointing that out. It made me think of Oprah, because a lot of people say she is a "reverse racist." Well, I think if she's like that, it's out of deep anger for what she and others have had to endure every day of their lives

  27. Regarding the comments...I read another blog that moderates only temporarily and then allows you to post freely...that kind of a system would be preferable because otherwise it will be too labor intensive and will irritate legit commenters when they have to wait to long for their comments to appear. I know trolls could get through this system, but once they reveal themselves they could be blocked and then they'd have to create a new userid/email. Surely this will at least slow them down if not stop them entirely.

  28. I thought it was rather funny without it being racist. There was no anger just simple question and the white guys held his own. I really like the one about the hair. That is so true. But I understand that white people are just curious about our hair. Had that done to me before. And the one on marrying a white or black guy was funny too. No way in HELL would I ever marry Clarence Thomas. Ever!

  29. I'm just happy to be talking like adults again, and it's interesting to hear everyone's opinions. Not trying to be blase. Cruelty,unfairness,inequality and injustice is wrong in any situation, and I passionately despise all of those things.
    Awesome story Warecat! I hope he gets his own talk show, radio show, he seems like an amazing person.

  30. I really like talking about the serious stuff, like gun control, etcI wasn't trying to say let's not talk about it because this is a gossip blog.

  31. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Anna.....its all good sweetie.


  32. "Bro, I knew something was wrong when a lil' pretty whitegirl ran into a black man's arms.
    Dead giveaway, DEAD GIVEAWAY!!!!!
    Either she's homeless or she gotta problem.
    That's the only reason she ran to a black man ." (Charles Ramsey)

    Mr. Ramsey , I really hate the whole black folk risking their lives for whitefolk shit BUT I hope you make as much money as you can... Just like those networks looking for that exclu$ive interview .

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  33. Anonymous7:35 AM

    you were tired of my shit, but I wouldn't shut up, so I should fuck off? You don't like what I say,so I should be quiet and leave? What am I saying that's bothering you? What specifically? Are you sure you're real name's not David?

  34. I loved this video. REally funny stuff. I think us white folk could learn a lot from listening more and soliciting opinions like this, even if it is done in a humorous way. Good job.

  35. And Audrey, I agree with you totally. I've had some great conversations over the years with black friends about stuff like this. This was done in a semi-humorous way, but the points were still made. The white guy's statement, "I was terrified," is often too true. I was lucky enough to live in a truly integrated community for several years - a wealthy white friend came to visit and admitted to me he was terrified when one of my black friends - a huge teddy bear of a guy who looked like an NFL linebacker - came up to say hi and gave me a big hug. I was incredulous and then realized he had been pretty much only socializing with white people his entire life. To those who claim reverse racism, you are clueless. Who owns the economic power here? Who is still in control of most power structures in this country, from banking to government to media? Who gets paid more and has a higher standard of living as a racial group? I thought the black folks in this video made some valid points. Don't refuse to acknowledge me or say hello, don't touch my hair like I'm a pet, don't refuse to acknowledge my race's contributions or history. What is so threatening about any of that?

  36. Please stop saying reverse racism. There is only racism. If you hate someone for their race, even white people, you are a racist. Al Sharpton is the biggest racist of all.

  37. Exactly brakewater! It is racism whatever color! That drives me absolutely insane.
    I believe no one should be discriminated against in any way bc of the color of their skin (absolutely unacceptable) but you can believe that there are racist African Americans just as there are racist Caucasians. I completely understand the emotionally charged aspect of it for black Americans but it does not excuse those who feel it is their right to be racist towards whites. I would never NEVER say "all black people xyz" and take offense when any race says "all white people xyz." You cannot end discrimination or racism if you are perpetuating it because you feel you have the right due to this nation's history. You didnt get a job bc you are black? You were treated disrespectfully somewhere bc you are black? Blame those racist douches, not me by lumping me in with ignorant assholes just bc I am white.

  38. The video was GREAT!!!!!

  39. The video was suppose to be a learning tool for other races,especially for white people. It seems to go totally over some peoples head.

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