Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Angelina Jolie Is Being Blamed For Jennifer Aniston Wedding Delay

If you believe those who say Jennifer Aniston is not already married to Justin Theroux, then you should know that the reason Jen's wedding has been delayed is not because of Jen's work as was reported by one tabloid last week. Noooo, that theory proved to be not very worthy when it came to weekly sales so they came up with a new plan. Hmm, what could a tabloid say that would drive sales and get their favorite war on the cover? Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Blamed For Delaying Jennifer Aniston's Wedding. See, apparently Angelina has a date in mind to get married and Jen wants no part of that date. She was going to move up her wedding date, but Justin convinced her to wait until after Angelina gets married which might be never. So, Jen is once again beaten down by Angelina. That my friends sells covers. The only thing missing was a pregnancy and Rob Pattinson as a best man for Brad and Kristen Stewart as a bridesmaid for Jen.


  1. We all know Jenn's doing ass-to-ass with John Mayer!

    Leave my Angelina aloooooone!!!

    1. @reesie, lmao!!! A2A 4evr!!!

    2. They better watch it, Angelina is going smite them down with the power of her arched eyebrow and her army of child warriors.

  2. lol...what else can we blame Angelina Jolie for? Desperation to continue to link these people together.

    Hollywood is incestuous, but we let old relationship connections go, except this one. ;-)

  3. Urgh!!! I'm over it all already.

  4. Ha! Battle of the wedding date. Nice way to keep this non-existent story alive.

  5. As a matter of record, Aniston and Pitt announced their divorce in, I'd be pissed if someone was still talking about my divorce of 8 years ago!

    1. Dude, understatement lol. Especially if I was always depicted as the lonely victim who can't win. I hope she's already married so the tabs can move on to another bullshit story

  6. Does anyone get the feeling no one is getting married?

  7. I can't stand Jennifer Aniston and her shitty acting. No one gives a fuck when this trick gets married. She's marrying a hot guy - though him being with her obnoxious ass makes him far less hot. Also - her hair always looks like shit at awards shows.

    1. I also hate her more for having a John Meyer connection - ick

  8. Anonymous6:49 AM

    It's a shame that Angelina "STEALING" Brad from Jen is the highlight of both their careers.


  9. Do it the way we did it Jen--just the two of you at church, or in the venue of your choice. That way you're focused on the marriage, not the wedding. I just wanted to BE married, with no hoopla surrounding the deed.

  10. I'm as tired of these people as I am of hearing about Beiber. Am I losing my taste for gossip?

  11. Excuses, excuses.....

  12. Sounds like bullshit or that these people truly have the social maturity of 12-year-olds.

  13. The three primary players- brad, sngie and jen- have nothing to fo with this nonesense. Im sure neither cares when or where the other gets married. And why is getting married treated like the ultimate in life fullfillment? Its not for everyone!

    1. auntliddy - well said. So much group think, not enough independent thoughts and desires.

    2. You could not pay me enough to get married.

      I'm pretty sure I couldn't get drunk enough to not sober up enough to come to my senses before I hit the Nevada state line either.

  14. don't they get by now that these stories don't sell anymore...what's the stats on sales for these stories?

  15. Zzzzzzzz...wake me up when there is more interesting, less predictable news. :p

  16. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Didn't the whole Anniston/Pitt/Jolie thing happen ten years ago!!! I don't give a goddamn now and I never did. People cheat and break up, get the fuck over it gossip rags. We don't care anymore.

  17. I have a feeling Justin is going to get sick of the constant speculation and attention and split.

  18. LOL LUV IT this reminds me of those old hollywood dramas,

  19. Does anyone really believe Angie & Brad will get married ?

  20. If there is even a smidgen of this that is true, Jen needs to get over herself! Seriously, Jen, no one cares but you.
    If there is nothing about this that is true, Enty needs to get over the whole Jen/Brad/Angie thing.
    I love dishing on all the celebs, but it's posts like this one, and anything about Biebs, Lilo or Miam that just piss me off. They are way too self serving to even be fun anymore. At least Kartrashians give us something to seriously make fun of! The rest, meh. I'm SO over them.
    But....I can't let it go more thing. Selena, darling. PLEASE dump that little diaper/onsie wearing imp. You are so beautiful and have such a cute personality that you are missing out on some pretty great years of your life. Don't waste another minute on this twit. Now is the time to enjoy life and explore....go for it!

  21. If this is real maybe Jen's PR is using the spectre of Angelina to hide the actual juicy gossip of the reasons for the (alleged) wedding delay.

  22. You mean it wasn't delayed because Goopy had to give Jenn oral sex lessons?

  23. Brad will never marry Angie, ever lololol

    Angie isn't 'wife' material

  24. us magazine is officially the dumbest magazine around for this "story." and i don't know why people are so quick to believe the tabloids saying they delayed their wedding, maybe they never had a date set.

  25. Jenn, your comment made me think of my mother in law, rip. she took the gossip rags as GOSPEL, quoting from them and relaying the stories she read as if SHE had inside info. She did it sooo believably, lol

  26. His blue balls must be enormous. I wonder if he has masturbation privileges?

  27. And what, pray tell, sells blog hits?

    We all know you'd never use a salacious headline for hits. *eyeroll*
