Thursday, May 23, 2013

Andy Kaufman Is Not Alive - Or Is He?

I don't think Andy Kaufman is alive. I think he thought about faking his own death and might have wanted to, but it would have been for a very short time just to have people come to his funeral. There is a big deal right now being made over some guy in new Mexico who kind of looks like Andy. he looks way less like Andy than the guy from the 1930's looked like Jay-Z though. That thing freaked me out. If you have not seen that, do yourself a favor and Google it. Look at the guy above. Could it be Andy Kaufman? Sure, it could also be Coach from Cheers come back to life. It could be anyone. That is how you see the Virgin Mary in your pancakes. Believe something bad enough and it will be there. Andy loved publicity. Andy loved publicity stunts. Andy loved people wanting to know what is next. There is no way I think that his ego would allow him to have faked his own death for this long. He would have wanted to keep doing gags and jokes and performing everyday for the rest of his life. I don't think any celebrity really wants to be gone from the limelight or spotlight. I actually think the guy in the photo looks more like George Steinbrenner or Biff from Back To The Future.


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