Saturday, May 25, 2013

Amanda Bynes

There is so much to say about Amanda Bynes. The thing is, unlike when Britney Spears went through her off the rails phase, there are not paps tracking her every movement, because Amanda Bynes stays inside a lot of the time. Also, I think Amanda is not crazy. I think she has a big drug problem which is contributing to her issues and I also think she has this fear of actually being caught by her parents doing drugs so continues to deny she does drugs. I can't think of another reason why she keeps denying the obvious. She claims she does not drink or do drugs. That has been proven wrong. I thought I would post this post this morning, so everyone could give their theories and also offer Amanda suggestions as to where she could buy better quality wigs.


  1. Wasn't there a blind a while back about another starlet that was planning a Britney-level breakdown for publicity? Too lazy to look....

    1. ^^THIS^^
      Vincent "the Chin" Gigante did the same to try to get out of going to prison (didnt work, even though he talked to telephone poles in his jammies and everything.)

  2. There was @Majik, but I think it was like 2 or 3 years ago wasn't it? Anybody else remember?

    1. Yes. I thought maybe that was Xtina bc she was not selling records so the PR geniuses wanted her to get her name out there. Other than the skeazy bf DUI she is photograped in bad shape but never in actual trouble. Like others we could mention. In a long list.

  3. The gas station around the corner from my house has better weaves and wigs then that cheap azz dollar store crap she's been sporting lately.

    1. Need GPS coordinates so Amanda can up her shopping cred.

  4. I am still so confused about this.

  5. She's pulling a Joaquin Phoenix. On crack.

  6. Didn't Enty once say the her parents have had little to no involvement in Bynes' life for quite some time? If so, why would she (or the parents, for that matter) care if she were caught with drugs? I'm confused.

    I'm a bit late in the game on Bynes and, uhh, this Dan Schneider creep, as well.

  7. I bought a pink wig a couple of year's ago on Ebay for an Officer's wife social that I had to attend..everyone had to wear one while we play games...eye roll..anyways, Amanda can shop for a new one on eBay and she won't have to leave home.

  8. Seriously? U guys, she just smokes cigs & it was a VASE!!! I mean, fuck! LEAVE AMANDA BYNES ALONE!!!!

    1. Haha yes, just a vase and the green stuff in it was just a plant.. lol Just like we used to tell my mom its just incense.. She actually believed us for a long time until my brother informed her otherwise.

    2. Haha Peter! When I was 12, my dad knocked on my door & was like "make sure u put that incense out before u go to bed". Funny, cuz my parents are total stoners, & it was their weed I stole!

    3. Oh and those little rocks? Sea jasper! I'm gonna design some jooree for my next highly successful bidness ventjah. Emphasis on HIGHLY. Hah!

  9. I think she's wearing that wig so people will think she's Lindsay Lohan and all the gossip, arrests, etc will all be blamed on Lohan.

  10. At this point, I think it's possible she suffers from multiple personality disorder. With all the contradictions to her actions it seems that one personality really doesn't drink or do drugs, one wants to be this stripper Blac Chyna, another is an addict, and so on. I don't think she's pulling the same thing Joaquin Pheonix did considering she tried to retire before, but two seconds later did "Easy A". I think her parents saw this developing, but she refused treatment and in the last 4 years somewhere along the line has had a psychotic break. This is just really, really sad.

  11. It's amazing how many lives this Dan guy has ruined and nobody had stopped him. Why hasn't anyone come forward? It's like he is a non famous Michael Jackson, able to molest and abuse without a care in the world. I don't get it. But then look at what's going on in England with that guy that passed away and now everyone is coming forward. But he was famous, so I still don't get it. As for Amanda, I hope she gets help before she hurts herself or someone else

    1. Not everything you read is 100% true.

    2. I married a French model that I met on the Internet so I believe everything I read on the Internet. JK, but those are some serious accusations being thrown at the guy

    3. @F281561 - That is my absolute favorite commercial EVER!!! I crack up every single time I see it!!! "Uhhh...Bonjour!" ;-)

    4. That's the line my now French husband gave me and 8 years later we are still it's my favorite commercial too, the guy kills me with his smartass way of say it

  12. I can't believe I'm saying this but... I agree somewhat. I think this is a drug-fueled, and an act at that (not that she's faking the drugs; I mean, she is using the drugs to fuel an appearance of cray-cray but take the drugs away and she's fine and conscious of what she's doing). They do not let you out of psych *that* quickly even there's a hint of mental illness, which most everyone has been assuming has been 'obvious' from the behavior we've observed.

    And in spite of the crazy wig thing, she sounded quite lucid yesterday. If ever she had a chance to show the world exactly how crazy we've thought she is - what they have said she does in gyms, in cupcake shops, etc. - there it was, cameras rolling complete with microphones, the eyes of a courtroom at her command... and she pulled back. Because, I think, she knows damn well it isn't worth going to the looney bin or jail for this little performance.

    I don't see here what I saw with Britney; it looks like a copycat, weird as it sounds to say.

    1. They sure do let you put that quick. The only thing evaluated was can she understand what she's being charged with and competent enough to stand infront of the judge and respond to charges. That is all. Many mentally I'll people are determined competent enough to answer charges on a daily basis. It doesn't mean they aren't in serious need of treatment.

  13. I think she is bipolar or mildly schizophrenic.. Without therapy and medication, she isn't aware of her behavior. Doing drugs also would increase the symptoms. I think she probably only smokes weed but that still wouldn't be good if she does have a mental illness. Sadly, diseases like these come at a later stage in life(20's) and parents really can't do anything at this point. If she's lucid enough to know what's going on, neither can the courts or NYPD. It's really SAD watching this trainwreck but hopefully she gets help.

    1. Ps what I really want to know is where she got that fabulous wig?! Any bets on how popular the "Amanda Bines" costume will be at Halloween this year? All you need is ratty wig, fake lashes, flip flops and a VASE.

  14. I think mental illness is a component. She either has a mood disorder she is trying to self-medicate or the drugs put her in a schizophrenic state (some people can take years to come down after a drug induced 'break'.)

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I think that it's drug fueled. And also that she's a complete and total dim bulb, airhead, idiot, dumber than Paris, dumber even than Kim. She has zero street smarts/life wisdom from being raised and living in a fame/money bubble. Combine strong weed, constantly being smoked by an immature- famous- rich- unsupervised- adrift- shallow- total and complete moron. She didn't even have the ability to think through her actions of dropping a bong out of a high rise apartment window. she didn't think "then what's going to happen to it once it's dropped?"

    1. I don't really follow her career but watched Easy A a coupke weeks ago. That kid has real talent and is very funny.

      She is also quite attractive. I think this is a combo of child actress burn out, probably a little rebellion, some Hollywood style molestation (hypersexuality evident for years) combined with just enough marketing/PR savvy to confuse us all. Throw drugs into the mix and you've got yourself a Molotov cocktail style party.

      What I do not agree with is your perspective on her level of intelligence. She is clearly not a moron. Blowhan is. Britney is. Not this chick. No.

    2. @SophiaB
      I agree with a lot you are saying, but she is not a kid. She is 27. Regardless of what is wrong it's clear to me she needs some kind of help, getting her off the drugs would be a good start.

    3. No she is not a kid. Neither was Dana Plato when she died of an overdose years after her star faded. The damage gets done early on and affects some folks for life. Sometimes the early damage reverberates forever.

      Judy Garland ring any bells? This nonsense has been going on for as long as Hollywood. And before.

  16. sad as it is in hollyweird "crazy" is going to become the new "leaked" sex tape...

  17. she needs to come to the LORD

  18. I should add, I hope she isn't ill, and I thought in the beginning that is what this was; but as the incidents have added up, something seems off. If you wanted to pick a wig that made you look absolutely crazy, that's the one you'd pick. The pictures of her so-called crack den, that looked more like what someone thinks a crack den would look like than an actual living space inhabited by someone with severe issues.

    In the Internet age, I have seen people pull the weirdest crap - claiming terminal illnesses or outsized acts of heroism - for nothing more than the rush from the attention it generated. And by and large, Amanda's behavior (since moving to New York) is self-documented through social media, getting everyone in a frenzy of concern but never really doing anything actionable.

    She finally does something actionable, ends up in policy/psych custody and then court - where she is not controlling the message - and poof, total 180 in the signals she sends.

  19. I believe she's completely sane. Its all those UGLY journalists & ppl that make up fake stories & staged photo's that make her look bat shit crazy. Team Amanda!

  20. Argh. *police/psych custody, apologies for errata.

  21. She probably got that wig out of her mom's closet. The apple doesn't drop far from the cra-cra tree.

    1. Nope that's a day after Halloween clearance special care of Wal-Mart...what better way to tell the world ur crazy then by braving a Wal-Mart clearance. just sayin...

  22. I wish there could be video evidence of her shenanigans like, being kicked out of her gymnastics class, or smoking weed in the gym locker room. Why hasn't anyone thought to pull out their phone and hit record?

  23. Anonymous9:50 AM

    @ Secret Torture there IS video of her freaking out, dancing on a treadmill at the gym, google " Amanda Bynes on a Stairmaster"

  24. I think we're just paying entirely too much attention to her.

    I still think she has some mental issues to address, but she is able to hide them when she is sober. The longer they go untreated, the less likely she will be able to control them. But I do think all of these people watching her every move is only making her want to do outrageous things for the attention. Just sayin'.

  25. Well it looks like she finally bumped the Kardashians off the cover of In Touch so maybe that's the goal?

  26. LOL @ WalMart clearance wig! Very true!!

  27. I wonder if she'll be allowed to stay in her apartment or if they're going to evict her. And if they do evict her will she stay in NY?

  28. I'm pretty sure Barbie is going to come kick her ass and take her hair back very soon. Seriously. Get some better hair.

  29. I'm not at all sure she is crazy in the strict sense of the term. Self-entitled, yes; possibly even megalomaniacal. But for someone whose single claim to fame was acting, and who hasn't acted in some time now, she's doing a fabulous job of keeping her name and face in the media. She's also 27 years old, so why would she care if her parents find out (as if they didn't know) that she does drugs? Unless, that is, one or two blinds I've read here about a certain young actress having had an extremely kinky home life with her parents referred to her, and she's therefore set about making them "pay" in some way without coming right out and accusing them of something which might get them thrown in jail, but could kill any chance she might ever have of getting back in front of a camera too.

  30. This would be amazing if this is one long Con to rebuild her career. She just seems lost and lonely and is using drugs and random sex to self medicate. NYC don't play and if she didn't get held on a 5150 hold. Then she isn't the lunatic we think she is. Or she is a better actor than we realized.

  31. Nobody says "Just sayin'" anymore except for grandmas and dorks who are extremely out of touch.

    1. @pipslap,

      Good morning, sunshine!

    2. I do...and I absolutely own my dorkyness. ;)

    3. Me TOO. Just sayin'. Welcome to Dork Central! Woo to the hoo. (My own saying, I think...)

  32. It just breaks my heart to see this picture of her in court..I hope that it's not too late to save her.

  33. I personally think she is faking it. Just my two cents.

  34. It's not pretty watching somebody wig out like this.

  35. TMZ says when she was in front of the judge she was articulate and sharp, not a mess. The mental evaluating doctors also found her lucid and she was let go without bail. I don't think she's nuts or pushed to the edge. Making it up? Possibly. Drug-fueled? Maybe. Acting out? Probably. This doesn't seem as scary as the Britney episodes. At least she isn't driving.

  36. I hope you're right about the death of the phrase "Just Sayin" which seems to translate to "I'm telling you something I know will piss you off, but you can't in fact get pissed off because after all, I'm just saying...".

    Brilliant. The people who use that one also think the word "have" now has a variant spelled "of". As in "Could of" & "Might of".

    1. Not EVEN true. I know the diff between of & have. You are making a massive generalization. Just sayin', cuz I am in that kinda mood.

  37. all i have to say about her is after seeing her mugshot without the wig she should really consider losing it because her naturally short her didn't look as bad as that wig is making her look.

  38. If u can't find another reason, read some more about the MK-Ultra programming. That should give u one.

  39. I dunno, I still kinda like just sayin' ... It hasn't worn out it's welcome with me yet. ;)

  40. I think the MPD and Bi-polar are good guesses. I've never seen anyone behave this way from smoking pot. If it is drug fueled, then she was out when she was arrested because they didn't find anything else and it's something like meth. I can't believe she passed the Psych Eval.I was sure they would keep her.

  41. I feel bad for this chick cause when I was like 20 I went through similar events. I was confused about my place in the world and dabbled with drugs so I could have confidence (well fake confidence) and it changed my morals and well being. I even had an alter ego and lied about my name to new people I was meeting because I wanted to be someone else. It is strange because before that I had alot going for myself but something snapped. I lost all my real friends (I now have the REAL ones back). Luckily I sought counseling and ended the phase a few years later. I am still not an angel all the time and its a struggle but I am myself and I dont do drugs (well a bump of coke or 2 at a new years party 2 years ago). I was also smoking alot of pot at the time and I believe people that say it is harmless but I think it effects people differently and I dont think pot is good for Amanda and I havent touched it in years. I wish her luck.

  42. Whenever people mention that MK-Ultra-whatever-it-is, it makes me thirsty for a Michelob Ultra Dragon Fruit Peach.

  43. I couldn't sleep at all last night (Just a-thinkin' bout you lol) so I got on Youtube and started watching random videos all night. Based on those videos I believe I know what is going on:

    Amanda was part of a top secret Zionist plan to infiltrate American homes using her looks and talent. (You have to admit she was such a cute little girl and could be legit funny then. Like a tiny Gilda Radner.) As the years went by her programming became less effective, so then she was reprogrammed by the Masons to help usher in the New World Order along with her accomplices Britney,Lindsay, Paris, Kim, etc.

    Their part of the plan was to make everyone focus on the self destruction of pretty young women. These women wouldn't produce anything of substance and cause the mind rot of the young people that followed them, buying what they bought, dressing like them and acting like them.

    However, Amanda started figuring out how she was being used and that's why she announced her retirement when she did. The Mason's weren't happy with that so sent the Reptilians and the Tares (Thanks Gorilla199 on youtube for those) to send her on an even bigger fall from grace.

    The cops that arrested her were actually a special branch of the NYPD that is entirely made up of Reptilians taking the form of humans for these purposes. They are in every police department in the country, especially Dallas, TX.

    These are the same Reptilians that assassinated JFK in 1961 (The JFK in '63 was a Tare posing as JFK who went rogue.). We can't stop them, we never know who else is working with them. Maybe Enty, maybe Libby,maybe Cee Kay, maybe YOU???

    Ok, that's the last time I watch conspiracy theorists all night on Youtube. :P

    1. @Rowdy,

      First - "a tiny Gilda Radner" - love that!

      Second, your dedication to finding the truth is amazing! :)

    2. You are the FIRST to wrap it up tight! Good on ya and YouTube too!!

    3. Mystery solved with a sleepless night well spent! Rofl

  44. Well, whether or not you believe that MK Ultra exists in Hollywood, you have to wonder what the hell is going on in the entertainment industry that takes these young girls, chews them up and spits them out like this. It's happening so often that it's becoming a pattern, and I personally don't believe it's just drugs.

    1. Got myself banned from Celebitchy for saying this. ITA Maja.

    2. @SophiaB,

      You were banned for saying that MK Ultra was or wasn't true?

      Looking into MK Ultra (or Scientology) is diving into a rabbit hole. Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes you're scratching your head with the reaches.

    3. For saying MK Ultra is true, re: Blowhan, Bertney, et al. My husband's daughter was mind controlled & molested to the point of DID. I was relating her behavior to the craziness we are seeing in the Tabs. Suddenly my comments were not accepted by the Celebitchy web site and a post by one of the Celebitchy writers acknowledged the banning of 'conspiracy theory' posts. Hmmmm.

      I have done 12 years of research due to my husband's tragic situation. This is NOT a conspiracy theory. This is real life. And as long as it keeps getting shoved under a rug and us conspiracy factologists are labelled nuts, the crap perpetuates.

      Once you see it you cannot unsee it.

  45. I think Amanda is mentally ill and self medicating with marijuana. Marijuana does not make people act crazy like that, not unless she is smoking marijuana laced with something else.

    1. I was just going to say the same thing..reefer madness anyone?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. She does coke as well now, please don't place all the blame on the green

    4. Tottaly agree..mary jane doesnt make u act cray cray..alchol does more than green

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. It aint Hollywood doing this to bims. There are 1000's of mental and/or drug addicted chicks on the streets and on BackPage in the same boat as Mandy/LiLo/etc, just the public don't care because they weren't on TV as kids and being hounded by press. If anything Hollywood has a higher concentration of pedos, because those fucks got the $$ and stroke to get away with it.

    Now back to reality:

    Mandy got caught w/ a lil weed, big deal. Decent attorney will get the evidence suppressed via illegal search. Then you are going to need the doorman to take the stand to testify. Nice fat envelope full of cabbage will squash that. And, I heard they cant find the bong she threw.

    Sexy betch gonna walk and gimme some Bathroom Mirror Fart Locker pics while celebrating. Team Amanda!!!

    1. You're so funny, girl!

    2. @Grape: you trollin me? I ain't a chick.

  47. Never knew anyone who got this messed up on pot.

  48. The bottom line is she is a hot mess. I'm not sure if it's addiction, mental illness or my guess is maybe a combo of both but she desperately needs help. Britney Spears should thank her lucky stars every day that she has the parents she has. She may not have much freedom, but they saved her life. I know she's an adult, but Britney was too. Mr and Mrs Bynes, come git your daughter!

  49. she is using more than pot. probably crack with it. she probably is also bipolar and/or borderline personality disorder. her parents didnt intervene soon enough and then when she went to new york, they had a very hard time trying to get the authorities to help them. now that they have the criminal case they can use the time to start the probate proceedings. hope she gets the help she needs. before all of this, she was a very talented and charming kid who just went off the rails. i hope they can get her straightened out.

  50. Did anyone see the booking photo? No wig and very short hair..she looked like a boy

  51. The judge wouldn't order a 5150 hold on Amanda because she was speaking to him in a clear and understanding way yesterday. Next time Amanda appears before the judge I hope she pulls a Larry Flynt and shows up wearing a 'Fuck This Court' T-shirt and throws bananas at him. That might do it.

    Her mug shot made her look like a cranky Ellen.

  52. A friend of mine has a friend that works at Chelsea Piers, and she came in there drugged out of her mind, was wearing tights as pants w/no underwear and proceeded to strip naked w/kids all around. They banned her from the place. This poor girl is going to be dead soon.

  53. Her psych evaluation determined she has a drug/alcohol problem, not a psychiatric illness, and that she is not an immediate threat to herself or others. In other words, she's perfectly sane, just another spoiled, narcissistic, drug addicted fame whore.

  54. However, if I were evaluating her, that wig would merit a 5150 hold in my clinical opinion.

  55. I never wanted to tell my father I am on drugs and I found out last year that he is a life long junkie so you never know about these things.

  56. Look what happened to Syd Barrett. Some people can't do drugs. It brings out underlying psychosis that may have never manifested. I think she took one too many hits off of the crack pipe. Seeing those pics with that terrible wig make me sick for her.
