Sunday, May 26, 2013

Amanda Bynes Still Has Not Had Drake Murder Her Vagina - Says Policeman Did Slap It

Amanda Bynes is basically keeping the entire tabloid work force employed on her own. Yesterday afternoon she took to Twitter and had the following to say:

"Don't believe the reports about me being arrested. It's all lies," she writes. "I was sexually harassed by one of the cops the night before last which is who then arrested me. He lied and said I threw a bong out the window when I opened the window for fresh air. Hilarious. He slapped my vagina. Sexual harassment. Big deal. I then called the cops on him. He handcuffed me, which I resisted, quite unlike any of the reports stated. Then I was sent to a mental hospital. Offensive. I kept asking for my lawyer but they wouldn't let me. The cops were creepy. The cop sexually harassed me, they found no pot on me or bong outside my window. That's why the judge let me go. Don't believe any reports."

Remind me next time the police raid my place to ask them if I can open the window for some fresh air. "Just a second, just need some fresh air. Be right with you."


  1. Disturbing in that it sounds somewhat plausible. Maybe I'm becoming post-Disney Delusional. PDD , that's a thing, right?

  2. She also tweeted that she does not know the "friend" who is telling the media he called cops on her/ staged an intervention. It's the same guy who said Kim K told him her wedding to KH was a fake ... And them he admitted to lying.

    1. She knows Jonathan Jaxson. Everyone in H'wood knows him.

  3. It is plausible. There are scumbags with badges all over the place.

  4. I hate it when people slap my vagina! What...a fucking mess. She needs serious help and I don't mean from Nicki Minaj's wig person.

  5. Miss Mandy is fine. She should rally a lynch mob to track down that sexual predator of a police officer. I hate it when authority figures try to abuse their power and intimidate innocent women into fulfilling their sexual needs.

    Mandy, show everyone that they won't impede you on your journey to Bathroom Mirror Fame. Don't let one rotten apple distract you from the fact that you have millions upon millions of fans clamoring to see the full glory that must be your Buttcheeks. It is an exquisite body you have Mandy, it is a shame to keep it all to yourself. And, you can show that stinkin perv cop what he's never gonna get.

    Mandy, at the very least you could make it a happy Mammorial Day for all of us lonely fellas out here and grace our eyes with uncovered boobage. I was udderly amazed at their size and squishy softness and I'm titilated by thoughts that you may one day unveil them. This is a day brightneing idea, not a deep visceral need like the booty pics.

    Hope to hear from you soon

    Count Jerkula

  6. Btw any lawyer types? Is it harder to be a candidate for a "5150" in NYC than LA? Wonder if that's why she hightailed it to NYC? There's a lot of crazies in NYC so they don't have room to lockdown everyone, maybe that's why she wasn't held?

    1. she's a good actress and lucid... she wasn't a candidate for 5150 because she wasn't a danger to others or herself...

  7. The laws from state to state for a 5150 hold are pretty much the same.

  8. She wasn't held because she wasn't undergoing an actual full paych evaluation. She was solely being evaluated to see if she understood she was being brought up on felony charges and was able to stand in front of the judge to answer those charges.

    1. Gotcha, interesting.. Thanks

  9. She looks like Bieber.
    Hide yo weed,Hide yo Rhianna

    Though I bet she would give Rhianna a beating (with a vase) if she tried to take her drugs.

  10. Just because she is certifiable, the charge of sexual battery by a police officer shouldn't be discounted. There have been numerous allegations against NYPD officers in the recent past. Abuse of power is a real thing She would be a perfect victim b/c everyone thinks she is crazy pants.

  11. ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!
    A shoutout to you Enty for one of the greatest headlines I have ever seen!!!!!

  12. Still not sure if she's "crazy like a fox" or just plain crazy. I am pretty sure, though, that if she keeps screwing around with the NYPD, she'll end up squashed like a cockroach no matter how much money she still has.

  13. Anonymous9:51 AM

    do. not. understand. Yesterday I thought that maybe she's just on some super strong weed. But even then that wouldn't explain the complete lack of any awareness of social etiquette, talking to herself, and smoking joints in public, throwing a bong out a window, shaving her whole head, now at least two times, that speaks to serious, prolonged mental illness. Clearly she isn't able to care for herself. TMZ and their lawyer types are saying that you can't place someone under a conservatorship unless theres more proof of problems than Amanda has shown so far. So I think the parents are sitting back waiting for her to really show the world how nuts she is before they step in, plus she got it from somewhere, perhaps they're unstable as well?

  14. I say we have a celebrity cage match---Bynes vs. Blohan

  15. What's sad is that I can't bring myself to automatically dismiss her complaints as the rantings of a crazy person--most cops are at least OK, but unfortunately there are indeed predators with badges, or those who use the powers conferred on them to abuse those they think "deserve it". Yes, she's probably either lying outright or exaggerating what happened, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that she's telling the truth. *sigh*

  16. oh come on. what does that even mean? 'slapped my vagina?' does anyone even know what a vagina is anymore because from a lot i read, i don't think they do.
    she's crazy. end of story. and IA is investigating her charge because they have to. that doesn't mean it happened and nobody should just assume if she said it, it must be true. i mean LOOK at her!!!!

  17. Earlier she said it was a vase she threw out of the window, not a bong. Now she was just opening the window to get fresh air... And this story.... Plausible for anyone else maybe but not her. Lie after lie after lie.

  18. This is definitely a psychotic break due to drug use. I had cut ties with a family member because of this almost exact same thing happening (coke, Molly and Oxycontin being their drugs of choice).

    As for 5150s...I wish there was more follow-up after someone finishes one. Same family member was put on one earlier this year. Result? They were let go, with TWO subsequent run-ins with the law.

    Both these idiots need intervention and to be locked away for a while.

  19. They waited 2 days before sowing up at her door. They knew darn well who they were dealing with. No cop would throw a power play her way Because she has the ear of the media.

  20. I think in a he said/she said situation that cop is going to look pretty good. No soup for you Amanda!!!

  21. Not to mention the sniff test that was done on his hand back at the precinct- clean as a whistle:)

  22. She is throwing major Miley Face in that mug shot.

  23. Oh honey, you a mess!

  24. showing not sowing,lol. Makes it sound like the cops Were there to slap her vag. Did anyone else see that Massive cold sore she was licking during her arraignment?

  25. slapped her labia maybe, slapping the vagina involves a level of intimacy....

  26. Because she seems to be off the rails, people are kind of laughing at her statement that she was assaulted by the cop. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't.

    The thing is, when you're dealing with someone who tends to make outrageous statements, they aren't usually given a lot of credence.

    Someone I went to school with also had mental health issues, and was hospitalized. While there, she kept telling them she didn't feel right. Finally, someone listened. By the time they figured out what was wrong, she had stage IV ovarian cancer, and died not long after. Early 30s.

  27. Stop trying to make labia, mons, or vulva happen. Even that famous feminist play is not called "The Vulva Monologues." ;)

  28. Sure, there are some pervy cops out there. But if you are gonna get arrested, especially if you are resisting arrest. you are gonna get frisked.

    Wait til the cavity search, Mandy. We'll see what you tweet about that.

  29. How do you call the cops on the cops Amanda?

  30. Ny 's basically a police state and the cops have plenty of leeway but this story sounds like the rest of the b.s. she has been tweeting lately--every body's fucked up except me. I think she will be dead before the end of the summer

  31. "He slapped my vagina"


  32. She is seriously pulling a Joaquin. Perhaps she and Ashton KCap are pulling a celeb gossip punk'd.

  33. Actually, 5150 is a shorthand people use but refers specifically to CA's commitment code. Most provide for 3 criteria to be met:

    1. Eminent danger to oneself (in most places just expressing a wish to die is not enough, you must actually be threatening suicide)

    2. Be a danger/threatening danger to another person

    3. Be unable to take care of basic needs. This does not necessarily mean that you are homeless but that the inability will lead to actually physical harm to a person

    Some places have more stringent guidelines, such as risk of someone with a known mental disability having a relapse (for example a schizophrenic going off of their meds).

    Importantly, just having a mental illness, no matter how erratic someone may be matter how criminally someone may be acting, is not enough to hold them in any jurisdiction.

    Britney Spears (reportedly) locked herself in a bathroom and threatened to kill herself (while her sons were in her custody). Pretty clear 5150.

    Brooke Mueller overdosed while her sons were in her custody. 5150 because she wasn't caring for herself and was a threat to her son's welfare.

    Amanda Bynes clearly has something going on but she (seemingly) doesn't meet any of the criteria above for a psych hold. Until she does, there's not much anyone can do unless and until she decides to seek help herself.

  34. Yea, she crazy like a fox and some people are just eating it up. Shame.

  35. Also I think that's why her parents and her aren't speaking. They think this act is messed up to.

  36. As funny and entertaining as this might seem, her behavior seems like that of someone who might have mild to moderate psychiatric issues which they may be intermittently taking medication for. If she is not properly using prescribed medication and throwing in drugs and/or alcohol, this can cause periods of extreme behavior (i.e. crazy tweet, pics, etc.) followed by relatively lucid periods. If this is the case, she could have seemed fine in a psych eval.

    She became famous at a very young age and Hollywood is a tough place even for a grown adult. In order to become a child star in the first place there has to be a certain type of parent willing to put their kid out there. I question the support system any of these child stars had in the first place. A lot of us have kids that are talented and cute, but how many of us are willing to put our kid into the Hollywood machine?

  37. Long time reader. First time commenter. I had to say something about this because I am so familiar with this behavior from a family member. Has anyone thought that she may have Borderline Personality Disorder?

  38. In any case shes tweeting about Rhianna now and basically called her skank (you know Drake did Rhianna and Mandy wants that.)

  39. Bath Salts...blame it on the Salts

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. How anyone could believe anything this woman says is just sad. The only slap needed is one alongside her head. What a pathetic waste of time and taxpayer resources to investigate this -a story which already has been discounted as false by the doorman and other apartment building neighbors.

  42. And here I was worried that Lohan in rehab would mean boring gossip for 3 months.

  43. @kels I had a friend do exactly that years ago. Cops were called by a neighbor for loud late night party. The cop came into the friend's house without her agreeing. She asked them to leave, they wouldn't, so she called 911. The cops stepped outside immediately. We all thought her a genius :)

  44. Amanda's tweets to Rihanna:

    @rihanna Chris brown beat you because you’re not pretty enough
    @rihanna no one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my dog Rihanna.
    @rihanna unlike ur fugly faced self I don’t do drugs! U need the intervention dog! I met ur ugly face in person! U aren’t pretty u know it!
    @rihana you look so ugly tryin to be white

    Rihanna's response:
    Ya see what happens when they cancel intervention?

    Considering how she goes off on people on twitter, Rihanna was the sane one here...who woulda thunk it?!

  45. Dear Amanda and other stupid people. Vagina = inside; Vulva = outside.

  46. Amanda, did you get the officers badge number. If so, call the precint and find out if his name is Drake. He might have been trying to accomodate your orignal request in some small way.
