Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Amanda Bynes Is Alive - Back On Twitter

After four days of being absent from Twitter, Amanda Bynes showed back up again on the network yesterday. I'm pretty sure that millions of people have been refreshing their Twitter pages repeatedly for the past four days hoping for some kind of word from Amanda. She decided to be all philosophical and crap and said "The only thing that's certain is change." Powerful stuff. Life changing. Pretty sure this means that she is going to switch from stalking Drake to Chris Brown. Oh, or maybe getting another piercing.


  1. Thank God! I was about to file a missing persons report on her vagina. That milk carton pic would've ruined a lot of mornings.

    1. I know! i was worried her vagina had finally
      been murdered. What would I do without all of her selfies??

    2. @ethorne - that vagina was probably being murdered at the gym or something. No need to panic!

  2. Twitter seems to be for twits. Not a fan, but if i did twit, i wld say to amanda, get help. And great pic.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I just starting tweeting the past few months and OMG the psycho fans run deep! I can't believe how mean ppl are and how crazed!!!!! It's incredible and scary weird.... @arizonaCarla sorry had to plug it! Haha

  3. I think it's sad that people are making jokes about her when she is clearly suffering from some form of mental illness. What is it with society these days where we enjoy watching others reach their downfall? Are people's lives so pathetic and miserable that they take joy in watching others succumb to mental illness?

    1. Get back to me when you have her diagnosis in hand. Until then I will make jokes because she is clearly pulling a Joachim.

    2. Preach, ethorne.

    3. The only pathetic thing I see around here is someone telling others what they can and can't find funny. Debbie downers are killing this site.

    4. LOL you guys are acting as though I specifically called you pathetic and was directing my comment towards the posters on here, chill. My statement was intended to be a general one, it seems as though none of you have witnessed someone close to you suffer a psychological breakdown, how would you feel if it was some you knew and cared about behaving in this manner? Ridiculing and making jokes about someone who is clearly mentally ill doesn't help to reduce the stigma of mental health issues. And if you need a diagnosis to see that there is something wrong with this girl, then I suggest you take a little break from the internets and educate yourself on mental health issues. If you need to make fun of someone to make yourself feel a little better then by all means have fun betches ;)

    5. You clicked on a post with her photoshopped as Jesus. I'm sorry if you thought it would be a stunning expose on mental health issues.

      My fave quote: "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me & we'll make fun of people together."

      Stop trying to make betch happen. The new word is butch.

    6. And until I see a diagnosis, your opinion on her mental state is just that:your opinion.

    7. How do you argue someone's mental health on a gossip site? You have absolutely no clue how Amanda's doing, unless you're actually with her daily

  4. I think it's poignant that she is trying to be philosophical. I suspect that she is truly mentally ill. And thinking about change being the only sure thing...well, it's touching that she's trying to make some sense of life. Poor thing.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I agree, Figgy...

  5. Miss Mandy, don't listen to them. They are just h8rz, jealous of your fame, beauty and wealth. You know what would send them into a real tizzy, Mandy? Some spread buttcheek photos so they can all be tortured by the loveliness your buttocks contain.

  6. Still waiting for Amanda to do the full monty. After her slightly risque photo tweets a couple of weeks ago, I thought she might really go for it. No guts, I guess.

    On a broader note, Bynes' little aphorism (or whatever that was supposed to be) is indicative of what quite a few celebs (and other people) do from time to time, which is to regurgitate some usually laughable quote of the fuzzy, feel-good variety. Many of these are ridiculous on the face of them; some show a stunning lack of connection with any type of recognizable reality. If I were managing a celebrity, I'd let him/her tweet as much as they might like about their sex life, their pets, upcoming projects, even politics, but I'd tell them to stop with the idiotic quotations, which they probably don't understand to begin with.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. She needs to contact Joe Eszterhas about redoing 'Showgirls'. That might be the career boost she is looking for. It put Elisabeth Barkley on the map.

    If she is looking to get her vag murdered she need to look no further than Chris Brown - perfect choice.

  9. I hate making fun of this girl. This girl is seriously sick and needs help. Lindsay's just a F-up...Amanda has mental issues.

  10. Stop being a butch ethorne or I'll murder your vagina

    1. Rcb I bet you murder vaginas in the trunk of your car.

    2. I can fit like 50 murdered vaginas in the trunk

    3. I could put ur vagina in my trunk? A whole new 40 year old virgin!

  11. Lil bit selective in your compassion, Crila. To think LiLo is just a drug addict and not a complete mental case, seems to be posting with blinders on.

  12. You know, the notion that 'the only constant is change' is actually quite profound having been approached philosophically, astro physically, and spiritually in regard to its underlying truth. By the likes of the buddha, Einstein, and Rumi. And it is a beautiful thing to grasp for each individual, in their own time. To snark on a young lady for learning what perhaps you already know, yet had to learn at one point, is a tad mean girl.
    My 2 cents.

  13. What's with the pursed lips? That's some cray shit there! No arguing on that. (Those glasses got to go.)

  14. Maybe her parents put her in the psych ward. I don't think they let you tweet up in there.
