Friday, May 10, 2013

24 Is Coming Back - Kind Of

After no one could decide on how to make a movie of 24, which does not seem that hard by the way, Fox now wants the show to come back. It misses Kiefer Sutherland and the very strong ratings, but does not want to commit to entire seasons of the show. What Fox is proposing is a return to the 70's and 80's. They want mini-series. Lots of them. They want people to come to the network and then hang out awhile. You know, because the viewers of 24 or also big Family Guy viewers. Anyway, the deal would be that once or twice a year, there would be 3 nights in a row of 24. Wrapping everything up in one very short weekly commitment. I like the idea, but here is what will happen. There will be huge ratings and Fox will get greedy and want it back for a season or two and then ratings will suffer and the show will be gone for good.


  1. It is more like a mini series is why I say wrong! Keifer would not sign a contract to do another season, he has his drinking under control and full time work makes him itchy.

    1. Wrong Tina! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
      B Profane thinks I am gorgeous. So why would your opinion mean jack squat to me? Hmm? Hmm? It doesn't.

  2. Little Miss Lindsay, sat on her tuffet, drinking a Jack and Coke.
    Along came a spider, who sat down beside her, and said, “How much for a fuck and choke?” OOOOH! She’s a hewer! A BADA BING!

    1. Rodney, that is very inappropriate. Lindsay is in rehab right now. Do you even know that? Not a lot of people do. She is trying so hard to get her life and career back on track, and here you are making fun of her? Have you no shame?

    2. WRONG!!!! Lindsay will NEVER change for ANY ONE. She is going along with this for now, while still snorting adderall, but once she gets out it is freebird!!!!!

    3. Lol @rodney

  3. I wanna bitch whose down to fuck right away
    And even does my homies if it's okay
    A little bitch that's down for a quicky
    I love chicky chicky, I ain't being picky though
    So you might be a little bit fat
    You might even stink a bit, I don't mind that
    Even if you don't fuck on the first date
    Just put my nuts in your mouth and I'm straight

  4. Has Jack Bauer agreed? Chloe?

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Who are these new people? Kimberly Joyce, Rodney Joyce Gottfried, and Wicked69Clownz? WTF is happening? Enty your note sorta cleared it up a little, but this is still really weird. Lindsay posts in 24 posts? Back Trolls!!! Take that! And that! Back beneath the bridge from whence you came! Begone!

    1. Anna, what did enty say? Mussed it.

    2. Anna Anna Anna. Takes one to know one. You've been trolling HARD for months.

    3. How's the fiance Anna?

    4. What did enty say???????

    5. Been here for years timmy shimmy blah fucking blah. you fuck off Anna queen of the fake wa wa wa tales

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    And boobsnsnatch, you're on the list too, Betch.

  7. Tootsie-tootsie pumpkin pie
    Looks like ya got nut in your eye
    My fault, I didn't notice, you was still there
    Now go and wash that shit out your hair, bitch
    I need a girl not afraid to bone
    Even if her mommas and pops is still home
    And if her daddy suddenly walks in
    He just might see me my nuts on his daughter's chin

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    We know who you are and what you're doing, and it's NOT GOING TO WORK.

    1. Anna, what do you mean you know who I am? I use my name as my blogger name, so of course you know who I am. As I said to Libby earlier, I have lurked this place for years now. So what? You're going to tell me to leave because you hate newbies? God you people are unfriendly.

    2. You know who these people are? Do you think that scares them? WRONG. Are you some sort of Internet goddess who can track people just by their name? Wrong! You can't. So why are you being so crazy rude? Everyone has listened to you complain, go on and on about this or that, talk about you ex or new boyfriend all the time. Do YOU think people enjoy that? WRONG again.

    3. Anna sounds like your husband MrsB.

  9. I like the British model. Three or six episodes or maybe a dozen, at the most, of an amazingly well-written, well-acted show instead of 23 episodes where only a handful of them are good and actually drive the plot forward and the rest are filler.

  10. I dunno if i cld get into 24 again.

    1. @auntliddy I'll get into anything with Jack Bauer anytime, anywhere

  11. is Darrian coming back???

  12. Honey, what are you 14? Snatch is another word for pussy. PUSSY. Say it with me now...

  13. old enuff for boobs bich

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    He's great skank, thanks for asking, skank. You're preschool level bullshit isn't going to work you nasty traitorous idjit. We are all on to you. Go ahead and take a shot bitch, I'm right here.

    1. You cannot blame the wang.

    2. That's awesome you found a new gay Anna!! :) hopefully he is not abusive.... Hopefully.

  15. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Gimme your best shot

  16. Where did Enty comment? Which post?

  17. Anna - Why are you threatening boobs?

  18. It was a simple question. you're no better than jax and mooshki jumping all over the new people.

  19. You know, I was wondering. Have you ever been to the light house?

  20. Meh, I never watched 24.

    Did I miss the LSD coffee this morning?!

  21. Yeah. Make out place. It's nice. You should definitely go

  22. Nick took me, maybe he'd take you sometime?

  23. I think we should talk

  24. @Anna Nonymous, I think you're getting too stressed over this, wanna massage?

  25. Making lemonade. Want some?

  26. Anna,
    Can I call you Anna? Or do you prefer Carmelite Lady, Where's Shelly or any other handle you have chosen?
    You spent months bringing up a tragic situation you were in, basking in the sympathy of strangers, only to turn around and be mean as a snake when it suited you. Everyone stood back and thought 'she's going through a rough time'. Yet there really never once was a thank you was there Anna/Carelit/Where's was there? Next thing those who actually cared about you're engaged! Kind of weird, wouldn' you say?
    I think you may need to see someone. As in, a therapist.

    Best of luck.

    1. How does the new engagement ring fit when you still have the other rings on?

      Is it in poor taste to become engaged whilst still married?

  27. intrigue...please continue.

  28. I think the mini series idea is a great one and don't know why American television hasn't caught onto this sooner. In Asia and even Central America, tv shows just run their course of 10-20 episodes and then end. This way actors get to take on more projects, stories don't dry up, and really great shows get to be made. I hope that the mini series idea catches on and they don't try to ruin it by making them permanent.

    (yeah... I'm just going to ignore all that trash going on up there).

  29. Trash? What trash? Trolls are invisible.

    As long as Chloe and Jack are back (yes, in that order), I'll watch.

  30. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Add drrty skype slut to the mutinous ghost enty betch list. Or is it just one of you? Now Bacon Ranch.. Your obvious observation of things about my life that everyone on here knows about doesn't phase me in the SLIGHTEST. Get a new shtick. Yes I'm engaged, and divorcing at the same time! Oh Horror! You caught me! It's simple, while I am waiting for the paperwork, I'm already engaged to someone I was with for 8 years. I went back to someone. So salacious I know! I very simply vented about my personal life, during one commenting section, during a difficult time, and CDAN commenters were supportive. Your tactics aren't working. Try again. I'm right here. Not going anywhere. Why don't you tell us about yourself and why you're doing this. Oh and by the way, I am seeing a therapist. thanks for your concern.

  31. I do miss 24 and I would take it anyway. They did do a 2 hour movie I think before one of the seasons that was separate from the storyline. Jack was out of the country though, I think trying to help or save some kids against rebel soldiers.

    I'm not sure logically that each time the stories they normally tell could be wrapped up in 3 or 6 hours depending on if they showed 2 hours each night.

  32. The only season worth watching was the first. If Kim gets kidnapped again I'll be there.

  33. Who here dare threatens tits?

  34. Anonymous11:22 AM

    oh yes, that's it, I'm the internet Godddess, I'm tracking people, scaring them. You're so cute, trying all hard. It's precious!

  35. Anonymous11:31 AM

    you have GOT to be on some hard drugs lady.

  36. Anonymous11:36 AM

    oh bitch... sigh... you bore me, I"m going back to work. Something apparently that you don't have anymore. How are you going to pay for your meth now? Oh well, there's always the Lindsay route.

    1. I prefer deodorant to meth. It is always smelling fresh.

  37. Have I dropped into the Twilight Zone? What is going on in the comments today?

  38. Actually, Bacon Ranch does raise a good point.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      I was thinking the same thing Curly. If I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship the last thing I'd be is engaged. Anna probably time to worry less about a gossip site and get your shit together.

    2. Trolls can't get engaged.

  39. If by "One commenting section" You mean over 100 (I suppose it's like equating human years to dog years) then yes. You only vented once.
    You most certainly never brought it up every chance you had (even in Bieber threads for goodness sakes. BIEBER threads) so yeah. I guess you only brought it up once.

    On Planet 1x100

  40. Thank you curlyheadslacker. I appreciate that.
    Boom, yes. You have arrived in an area we call "I'm going to post over and over about my life and then say I only vented once"
    It's not the twilight zone, that's way more entertaining. It's the world revolves around Annaplanet.

  41. OH HELL NO day one was not the only season worth watching. Day five was head and shoulders above all the rest, including the first. No coincidence that was the season that got the show and Kiefer Emmys.

  42. He hit dat fo 8 years, now he tryin to recycle da pussy after another man be tappin dat? Sheeeet. Dat bitch gots magic pussy or dat man got rocks in he head. But dey white folk. Dey all nuts.... and RACIST.

  43. @PM, me too.
    Specially because I've got a message for Mooshki.
    Well, Jaxhole, don't care that much

  44. 24 was emblematic of a long, dark chapter in our nation's history. I, for one, am glad it is gone and hope it stays that way.

    1. @Lucas Hey, David Palmer was the greatest American President ever.

    2. @trainrides: False. Jed Bartlett was. With Bill C coming in a close second and Pres Obama rounding out the podium places.

    3. @Lucas But Jed Bartlett didn't have Jack Bauer. David Palmer did.

  45. @Lucas, wow, I looove guys with glasses!!! They seem so inteligent and usually they KNOW how to do a woman.

  46. Jed Bartlett. LOL At first I read that as Jed Clampett.

  47. Networks are just finally following Cable's lead. Make 10-12 great episodes and cut out the 10-12 filler episodes and save tons of money and have great ratings and the respect of the critics.

    I'd much rather have that then a full 24 episode series.

  48. Entysaid???? Enter my Entry! Why isn't Enty saving us? Where is Mooshki? Why do I have to not care? Let's all get down on our knees--except Mooshki--she's aready there! Hahahahahahaa! I'm on fiyah today!

  49. There was a movie years ago that actually played out in real time. A girl was kidnapped and unless the father killed a US Senator or some such then the child would die. I do not remember the name. Not sure why I brought that up. Isn't 34 based on the same premise? Sorry if I sound ignent as I have never seen 24. But wouldn't it be sort of the same thing if they made it a movie?

    Am I wasting time asking today? LOL!

  50. Nick of Time, with Depp as the father?

  51. Dear Fox
    Cc some of this formula into the x files.
    Thank you

  52. I be mainlining on dis CDAN oxycon. Someone loan me some Plan B, so I can haz me some Enty fo free!

  53. Anna will be anyone's husband if Entry tells her to. She's a devoted, loving, Stepford Slut. She's just pissed she's way down the line behind MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and JAXXXXXXXXXXX. The sexual tension is palpable.

  54. Anonymous8:27 PM

    This all sucks. F**k you trolls - I have been here for over 4 years and love the people on this site. So, how about you all just GO AWAY!!!!!!!!! I have a busy life wtih a family. I work, have a child, a husband, a house, a job, so many things to do - I turn to these people for fun and laughter and the support they give to each other. Just go troll another site and get off mine!!

  55. So sorry, Mall. I've ruined your life. Let me get you a tissue. Oh no, I don't have any. Used them all up drying my tears of laughter after reading your post. Hugs.

  56. I really loved 24, but I'm not sure how new ones would do. Changing it to a shorter format might help it; it got to where there wasn't much more you could do within its format.

    Warning, LOL: Don't watch seasons of 24 back-to-back! After a couple days I got so jumpy I felt like I needed to ask myself where the bomb is!

  57. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Hi Everyone! Back to the original post - loved 24, maybe it's time, given what just happened in Boston, Newtown CT Shootings, and with the Presidential ricin poison attempt, to bring back Jack and his crew to "protect America". For me, it was like watching a human version of a Captain America comic book - good guys fighting the bad guys without really following the rules (just getting the job done). IMHO




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