Thursday, April 25, 2013

Your Turn

Do any of you think that long hair looks good on a guy? If you do think so, at what age, does it need to be chopped off?


  1. You cut it when you look in the mirror and say "WTF are you doing with hair that damn long?"
    At least that's what I did at 35 and hair down to the middle of my back.
    I've kept it short ever since.

  2. Charlie Hunnam looks damn good in long-ish hair. So did Johnny Depp.

  3. If its on Kris Kristofferson!

  4. Only on a chippendale's dancer LOL I think it depends on the man, some men carry it off well, some...not so much lol

  5. I think it looks fine on guys under 30, give or take depending on how he ages.

  6. No. I find it tacky especially on older men

  7. Here trolly trolly...

    1. Anticipating...

    2. I like burritos.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Mmm, burritos with lots of hot sauce.

    5. Chome out & play

    6. No onions in the burrito.

    7. @Puggle, yes - no onions! I'm thinking tachos, though.

    8. Mmm, don't forget the lettuche.

    9. Oh shit! I don't remember the shower scene being that gruesome! Cancel my taco order

    10. You guys are such trolls.

    11. Eww, no jalapeños! Pico!

    12. Holy crap @VIP, is Chloe Moretz as the new Carrie? I'm going back in my chloset!!

    13. Can I get a Coke with the burrito. Hold the liquid and bring me the coke.

    14. I must be a chloseted lesbian coz Love a guy with long hair.
      I haven't had tacos though...

    15. Enchiladas that's what I want!

    16. Wait, no onions? I cry foul!

  8. VIP- the Enties said guy.

  9. I can't stand long hair on guys. Only little boys should have long hair and even then it should be no longer then a bowl cut.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Excellent, VIP! I would also include the Thor dude! I used to love the long hair on Brad and Antonio in Interview with a Vampire. When I watch it now I find it a bit cringe..

  11. A lot of younger - under 35ish - men can carry it off well. Some older men can still manage to pull it off. You need a good face.

    When you have thinning or balding hair you need to cut it.

    Don't get me started on bald on top/pony tail in the back!

  12. My rule of thumb is if a guy's hair is longer than mine no thank you! I like my men to be men. Which means no hair down their back.

    The only caveat is men with dreads or guys who play vikings on tv.

  13. It depends on the guy, you need the right face and head shape. And as long as they continue looking good with it (not thinning etc) they can keep it. But not long stringy hair please trim the ends so they look nice.

  14. I think long hair is pretty much the WORST look on any guy. (With the skinny jeans a close 2nd! Ew!) Maybe it's just me, I'd like my man to look like a man! Even the rare super hot guy that can almost pull it off, sorry, you'd probably be ten times hotter if you cut that sh*t off!

  15. Can't stand long hair on a guy. I'm not talking buzz cuts. Something to runs one's finger's through. If you can put it in a ponytail, it's too long.

  16. I am totally turned off by men with long hair. Just a personal preference. Not judging. For me, the shorter the better. Not a fan of facial hair either but due to sensitive skin Mr. PugsterMom has a beard.

  17. Whatever my Shemar chooses is OK with me.

    1. @Agent**it Bite me. :-D But I say that with the most love & affection. You knew that'd pull me back in. ;-)

    2. cornflower, he gave an interview about the loves of his life. Don't recall seeing your name there:)

    3. @Agent**it But you don't know my name. Or he could be talking in code. Or...or...or have you ever noticed the shape of his left eyebrow? That traces back to Y&R days. I used to do some freelance work for one of the major soap rags. We worked on that look as his signature just for me. Just wish he never fixed that one tooth on the lower right side.

      HAHAHA! You don't know what to believe now, do you? ;-)

  18. I cringe when I see a 50 year old man with long hair in a pony tail that is no thicker than a pencil. Besides, when your bald up top and still have long hair is looks like the worst kind of mullet.

    I think it starts getting ridic on most men after 30. And some shouldn't do it at all.

  19. Could never date/hookup/like/think... whatever with a guy with long hair... Absolutely hate it! Guys should never, at any age have long hair.

    This coming from someone who almost exclusively listen to hard rock....

    The idea of being in a sexual situation with another person's hair brushing my skin creeps the f*#€ out of me....

  20. Some guys just look hotter with long hair. Thor loses hotness points with me every time he has to cut it for other movies.

  21. Depends on the dude, his age, and the type of hair he has that's long.

  22. My son has long hair almost to his butt; but he's only 7. It's in great condition so we will eventually cut it and donate to cancer victims.

  23. Some men can pull it off ie. Sebastian Bach back in the day and Brad Pitt when he was younger. I think if it looks thick & well cared for and not stringy/thinning then it is fine. That said, never dated a man with long hair, even though I was into "big hair" bands when I was young.

  24. In general, I prefer short hair, but it really does depend on the guy (and how thick their hair is, because long thin hair looks like crap on anyone.) Cases in point, David Lee Roth and Jon Bon Jovi. *KA*THUD*

  25. It depends on the guy and if he takes care if his hair. One of my exes has long ratty ponytail that he's so proud of. I wanna grab the scissors every time I see him.

  26. After working for the past year in a company that hires ex military, I'm happy as hell when I see a guy with long hair. Military buzz cuts turn me off, but it's a reaction based on the fact that as old as I am, those short cuts used to mean lice some 40 years ago. Men with long hair are just as attractive, if they are attractive, as nearly bare headed men. I know it's high maintenance and expensive to maintain lustrous locks, which is why we just don't see them that much anymore. Shame really. *cough* Jared Padalecki from Supernatural *cough*

    1. @Jocasta. I know Jared's isn't as short as Jensen's, but I'm not sure that's what I'd consider long.

    2. I don't know, I consider it mom LOVES long hair on men (ironically enough my father is completely bald :D) and she LOVES her some Jared Padalecki :)

    3. I guess long to me is past the shoulders. Jared's just shaggy.

  27. Gotta have cheese, though!

  28. I have always liked long hair on men. However, i dont like it if: its a comb over on balding guy. Or if theres baldness, and a long thin greasy pony tail. Not like if it looks ANYTHING like dog the bounty hunter or tony little's hat pony.

  29. I think it varies from guy to guy. Most of the time, no. But I do occasionally see a man that has long hair and it works.

    Not on little boys though. I don't know why, but I can't stand long hair on little boys.

  30. HOT HOT HOT!
    Oh and cooked onions on mine please

  31. He has to be under 30, really hot, with curly/wavy hair that is CLEAN. And no facial hair in combination. One or the other. And none of that wimpy stringy greasy hair a la Getty Lee. Christian from Legends of the Fall blows that whole theory outta the water though, so there are a few exceptions.

    and lol@Nemesis about the 'pencil thin pony'!!


    Yes. My fiance looks amazing with his long hair. It works on him. Some of you can attest to that.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. OK, doing this again, the right way, heh.

      @Em, your Thor can totally rock his long hair!

  33. Not if it the hair is wrapped around the top of his head to cover a bald spot.

  34. It depends on the guy. My son, and David Beckham: shorter is better. But Rollo on "Vikings": yum, yum, yum!

  35. My husband finally has a job in which no one cares about hair length, so he's growing it out again. When I met him, it went to his mid-back and looked awesome. Then a job made him cut it, which made us both unhappy. He's ex-military, and his hair is HIS now, so he wants it long (and it looks better that way).

    His brother-in-law has super long hair too, but he's completely bald on top. I call it the Skullet, from the word mullet. It doesn't look worse than just being bald would, but it's a little bit crazy to have all that hair and none of it from the ears on up.

    Basically, if the hair is clean and well managed, I think it looks better long, on anyone, male or female. I have never seen a haircut that I thought was an improvement over the longer hair before.

  36. I agree that if you are a)balding or b) have thinning hair then no. However the Opster has a full, lush head of hair and it looks good down to his shoulders. He needs it cut right now, but he hair I am envious of. Granted it's almost completely white but I think it's zexy when it's down. Mostly it's in a ponytail in public. I'll let him cut it at 50. But NOT shave the head. That won't look good on him.

    Make my burrito with extra cheese!(No onions) Jeez now I need to get a burrito.

  37. Anonymous11:31 AM

    It really depends on the guy. My fiance is 50, has a long pony tail, to his mid back, looks great down or tied back. He plays hard rock guitar, so it's part of the look, I guess. Plus he's had long hair his whole life, and wouldn't look like himself if he didn't have it. I used to think he should consider cutting it, but it's him. I like it. Some guys can pull it off, it's a little bit of a softer/sensitive/artsy more feminine look, but also can look macho, anti establishment, masculine, powerful, natural, and wild. Think Braveheart. As usual, with anything, it depends on the person.

  38. Crazy cheesy burrito whore trolls.

  39. Anonymous11:34 AM

    mmmmm Thor...

  40. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Aaah Carrie!!!!

  41. Anonymous11:36 AM

    by the way, he is 50 but has no hair loss or receding hair line, so I've accepted it. It works on him.

  42. I'm okay with long hair if it's a rat tail.

  43. As a card carrying hard rock chick I love long haired men. As long as its well looked after and not bald on top.

  44. Oohhh! You all are haters!
    I'm telling Him!

  45. Bald on top with stringy pony tail in back? No, no, no.

    Antonio Banderas in Desperado? Yes, yes, yes.

  46. I had hair down to the middle of my back from about 20-30. A pony tail is a great Yuppie-B-Gon device, and good camo for being smart. A week after my 30th birthday I got a Locks for Love haircut.

    When I go all gray, I'll probably let it grow out again. Not in a "clinging to what little hair I have" sort of way, more like "I'm an old stoner and don't give a f*ck" sort of way.

    That way when I walk into the office for a meeting w/ teachers and principals when my kid is in high school, they will be immediately on the defensive, thinking I'm nuts.

    Ya gotta know how to work people. If they think they are smarter or saner than you, that is a tremendous advantage to have. It allows you can catch them off guard and put em in their place. Works well with sales people too.

    1. @Count. + sparkly hearts for the LoL cut. I sent them four ponytails and I'd do again if I could stand to let my hair grow that long again. *g*

  47. EmEyeKay..I attest to the veracity of your remarks about the future've got a hunka hunka burning love..

  48. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Kid Rock hair-nope
    Thor dude hair-yep

  49. Anonymous2:58 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I kind of like long hair on certain guys.

    It has to be clean, but after that...I'm open to it.

    There is a certain look tho--like Dog the Bounty Hunter kinda guys......not so much.

  51. Yes. I like it. A lot.

  52. my ex-husband has really long hair in back he keeps in a ponytail it was that way through our whole marriage and is that way now.. i would of said at one time that it's great but now i can not stand long hair on men anymore :)

  53. All of my boyfriends have had long hair - all of the important ones anyway (take that, insignificant fb stalker), most of whom cut it off eventually for whatever reason

    but my husband's hair is still long, still thick and wavy, chestnut highlights. wouldn't have him any other way. we're in our 40s

  54. Cheesy burrito whore!! Ya trollin', baybeee!!! :D

  55. I like it, but it depends on the guy and only if it's well kept. Jason Momoa needs to grow his hair back stat.

  56. @Gayeld: I wish I coulda seen the wig they made out of my hair. Like here is an email address, send me a pic of the wig. I don't want a pic of the kid wearing it, thinking of that is too depressing. I just woulda wanted to see it on a styrofoam head.

  57. Age doesn't matter to me. It totally depends on the guy. I'm usually not a fan personally, but there are exceptions such as the blonde stoner dude on TMZ. He's horrible but yet I'm oddly attracted, stringy blonde hair and all. ((Ashamed))

  58. In history, long hair as represented strength among men. As long as its clean, I'm ok with it.

  59. I personally do not like long hair on men but VIP reminded me that Sebastian Bach, one of very few, easily pulls it off. I highly enjoyed his appearance on Gilmore Girls. I only knew of him through my friend who was a big 80's hair band fan, but I got the impression that he is just like his character from GG in real life.



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