Monday, April 01, 2013

Your Turn

Do you get involved in April Fools Day pranks?


  1. Nope. I'm a Ninja baby. I'm prepared.

  2. No. But the fake In N Out opening in NYC a couple years ago was epic!!

    1. That's a great one, I fell for something similar in college. My husband would be thrilled (I would be too), but I don't think he would buy into an In N Out in Kentucky :(

  3. I used to prank people a lot back in college, but not on April Fools Day--people expect it.

    Also, the fake pregnancy jokes are so overdone and they're not actually funny.

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  5. A v misguided 'joke' tagged my fb friend as saying her brother died. Went down like a lead balloon with everyone except the ambushed joker. Iv a sick n twisted s.o.h at times but even I don't laugh at that one .

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I'm going to sound like a stick in the mud, but I think pranks are mean and dangerous. I was always the one being pranked by family members, and I hated it.

    1. I hate them too. I'm gullible and I fall for everything. Everyone at my works knows not to mess with me.

  7. Anything that doesn't give me a mess to clean, cost me money or scar me is ok with me if it gets the giggles :)

  8. No, but for some reason I want to get my husband this year. We had a great weekend and I want to do something funny! Any ideas?

  9. Not if I can help it.

  10. Yes, but just silly ones - nothing elaborate or intense. My favorite is putting a piece of post-it over the eye on a mouse so that the prankee thinks their mouse is broken.

    I once sent out an email saying that the department offices were going to be rearranged in alphabetic order to make it easier to find people.

  11. I've pulled a few really good April Fool jokes in my time, but that's all behind me now. I just like to watch others being fooled now.

  12. just the silly kind with my kids :)

  13. @ljsmed-we *need* an In-N-Out in KY! I was thrilled when we got Trader Joe's last year.

    1. @curlyhairslacker when the TJ got here I was so happy! An In N Out would be awesome, the only problem is that I would be eating there everyday!!! ; )

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  14. No I never pull any practical jokes and I'm very hard to pull one on. I catch 'em every time.

  15. I agree with poster above, these pranks are mean and the objective seems to be to make a fool out of someone under the guise of humor. Theres plenty of funny things that hsppen naturally that this sort of joke is not called for.

  16. There are pranks, and there are pranks--silly is OK; being mean-spirited or doing something that could really wind people up is not OK.

    The best April Fools' joke I ever did was 25+ years ago, when I was working at the American Arbitration Assn.--I convinced our boss Rick that the Del Fuegos (local band who were reasonably well-known at the time) had broken up, and that the guys were fighting over the band name, and would he be potentially interested in helping arbitrate this? It worked because I was the big music lover in the office, and he knew it...and I didn't let him think my tale was true for very long, just long enough for him to get interested in the idea of mediating a rock band breakup. :-) (Keep in mind that this same boss used to like to come in costume to the office holiday parties; his favorite was a snowman outfit. We'd be standing around whatever venue the party was at, and all of a sudden there'd be this 6-ft. snowman w/a huge round head topped w/a top hat walking into the room..."yep, that's our boss!" :-)

  17. I'm the worst at pranks - I always laugh and give myself away before executing any tomfoolery. That being said if I can slip in a silly one with the kiddos here and there, they adore it. My eight year old thinks April fools is a total crack up.

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  19. FWIW, 2 of my best friends got married on April Fools' 2007, so today is their 6th anniversary. I think you have to be a pretty hardcore geek to pull that one off, though... :-)

  20. With my kids they do everything: putting toothpaste on toilet seats, covering toilet seats with cellophane,switching salt and sugar, taking out Oreo cookie filling and replacing it with mint toothpaste, putting computer screensavers upside-down,short-sheeting beds,putting cellophane attached with a rubber band around sink tap faucets so the water sprays all over,putting cereal in the wrong boxes,putting a cup of water on partly opened doors, etc.

  21. I got fooled today on fb. There was a heavy snow last night here (That's crazy. It never snows on 1st of April over here). So I woke up in the morning and all the trees are covered in snow, all the roads are white and snowdrifts are everywhere. And then the guy from the same city posted the picture of his yard: sunny and the snow melted. I was like WTF? I wrote the comment to his picture and he wrote me back in private that I got fooled. :) I kind of liked the prank

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Yes, I could pull one off on my husband for a few years but now he's has a reminder on his phone when this day comes so I haven't been able to do it for quite some time but my fave was the first one. I'm a good actress so I sat straight faced and told him very slowly and methodically... "I have a serious problem I needed to discuss with you. I have a serious gambling problem (late night on the computer type problem) and I need help". He was shocked to say the least. But I said (btw...this went all evening with lots of detail cuz he had all kinds of questions like what game...what site...have you ever been $$$ down) After some time, I went on to say "the good news is I have approx 25K hidden away but I don't us want to lose it. blah blah blah" So after 3-4 hours he got over the shock and I saw the wheels start to turn in head (what can we do with that money) and I said "you do know what today is? right honey?" And I saw the air go right out of him but in the end he was a good sport about it and we still laugh about it to this day.

  23. I play pranks, but not on this day. Everyone expects it today.

    I find Halloween to be a great time for pranks. Also Christmas.

    Nothing is funnier than watching a kid have to open a couple dozen increasingly smaller boxes in order to get to his/her Christmas present. Except watching an angry/drunk adult have to do it. :)

    1. Not remotely funny, but just plain mean.

  24. No. I hate April Fools Day.

  25. I'm in real estate and once my biz partner texted me that a new client wanted info. His name was Mr. Rose and she gave me his number. I didn't notice that the person answering the phone said "Hi! (whatever) Florist" and I asked for Mr. Rose. She was not amused. But my biz partner and I still laugh about it and it's been years! :)

  26. This year, I got pranked. Apparently Houston is now in the American League West. Oh wait, I only wish it were an April Fool's joke. :(

  27. Yeah, since today is my birthday I always get the "I got you the most awesome present. April Fool's!" pranks.

    1. Awwq that's just mean. But Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great one. :)

  28. @PugsterMom, thanks! That's the plan, despite myself.

  29. I hate pranks. They're generally mean-spirited and not funny. I don't like being the butt of anybody's joke, and I don't want to do that to anybody else.

  30. I don't like mean ones, stuff that embarrass people, drop water onto their heads, or where you get a person's hopes up, then crush it. Like "You won $1000 from the radio station. No you didn't, April Fools!" Practical jokes suck.

    Cute ones are OK, like bogus stories on websites (Google Nose) or that year where Youtube Rickrolled everyone.

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  32. I was in a pissy mood today (yay hormones!), so I am grateful no pranks were done.
