Tuesday, April 09, 2013

What About The Drugs?

I got it, I got it. Estella Warren and Jaime Pressly are making up and are bff again after the whole purse snatching/borrowing/better than mine thing over the weekend. I think if they could take the whole calling of the police back they probably would. One thing that is missing from every story is what happened to the drugs and whose drugs were they? This was not just a joint in a purse. There were some serious drugs in the purse and everyone has said the drugs did not belong to them. Considering that both of the actresses are on probation, this would be a very interesting drug charge. I think both of them would probably blame Jaime's assistant. Throw the minion under the bus. Assistants are a dime a dozen but they are artists and cannot be replaced or spend any time in jail away from their fawning public.


  1. Who fawns over them? Who cares about them at all?

  2. Judging solely by their facIal expressions, I would say that Jamie definitely has the drugs

    1. @vipblonde ha, your right. Look at here eyes in that picture, geez

  3. If it WAS the assistant's purse, I should think Jaime has nothing to worry about.

    It was the assistant's, right?

  4. I haven't read anything about drugs being involved except for here.

  5. Maybe if they're worried about getting busted while on probation they shouldn't, you know, do shit to get busted while on probation. HURR DURR.

  6. Anonymous8:10 AM

    This story sounded fishy from the get go. I call shenanigans on both of them. Estella looks pretty good in that photo but I've seen some others where she looked rough!
    I don't think either of them have a career anymore. A shame because I loved Joy in Earl.

    As for the drug, my vote is cocaine. They look like coke girls.

  7. Of course they are bff again. They probably had a few hours of sobriety and thought holy shit what did we do??!! And if estella warren is a heavy druggie, she still looks great.

  8. I think there were pills, no coke. Either way, we know Lohag will be spotted with one of these within a week or so.

  9. If it was the assistants purse than they have nothing to worry about. I would hate to be either's assistant. I loved Jaime on My Name Is Earl and her classic role in Jerry Springer's movie. Shame she can't get it together.

  10. Stare into the eyes of the one on the right. One eye is larger than the other.

  11. Whoa! Jamie's face in that pic.

  12. I'm betting the assistant's main job was to carry the drugs around and take the charge if caught.

    1. Of course!! Ugh who wld take that job??!! Thats what i font get.

  13. Cops aren't going to waste man hours on deciphering who the blow belonged to. They prolly took 3/4 of it to snort after the shift and let the evidence dept lose the rest.

  14. Isn't that what they do? One of their people carries it and takes the blame. That's like druggie celeb assistant 101. See: Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen

    Jaimie Pressly had one decent character. One trick pony and now it's done. As great as the third poison ivy was. An innocent person would have called the cops and not gone all Colombo, crazy eyes sold separately. But as someone pointed out even drugs are classier if you are blonde and a recognizable ho. When two bitches from the projects do this they meet the clink. If anyone gets a slap on the wrist it will be the assistant.

  15. Why would Estella just take a purse with a bunch of drugs, unless she was given permission by someone? Someone must have told Estella if she wanted to do some drugs...go find the purse. Jamie went looking for the drugs, couldn't find the purse...Estella still had the purse...and Jamie lost it.

    That's what I think...that word got around that Jamie's assistant was holding "stuff" in the purse. You don't bring that much stuff to a party, unless you plan on sharing the wealth.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Estella and company NEVER expected anyone to catch her. That's why she threw her drugs in the new found purse. It was the APP the effed up her evening. Priceless.

  18. The idea of Estella Warren being considered an artist is so funny, I think my sides have just split from laughing. Pressly looks like someone grabbed her by her ponytail, shook her up and down and chopped off the slack, but at least she's actually done a few movies - Warren is the most total Never Was ever!

  19. yeah @count, that's what I was thinking. it was just a little show for the press/media to say "hey, los angeles people are totally following the law, and enforcing it too!"... and once everyone turns away, they all go back to whatever they were doing.....

  20. There was no need for a second post on this incident. Drugs in a purse in Hollywood??? Give me a break ENTY!!

  21. Thank you! I thought I was going crazy, thinking I saw this post earlier in the day! Enty just moved it for some reason.

  22. Alma said 'crazy eyes sold separately'. LMFAO!!!

  23. it's the assistant's purse and if there was some drugs in the purse ,why Jaime Pressly talked to the police?

  24. There's no way the police could charge anyone over the drugs with the way that purse was traveling around.

  25. @b626 I concur! Those drugs were Estella's. I'm betting the purse was a very high-end designer bag and she wanted it. (I'm sure she was hoping to find the iPhone and maybe a little cash, too.)

    I've had experience with Estella, and she is basically a prettier version of Lohan.

  26. I only know Estella Warren as Lori's replacement on that 70's show. The bigger question is what drugs were in the purse.

  27. I'd guess they were Jamie's drugs too. There was a horrible photo of estella posted on here earlier this year, but that was just one bad photo. She actually doesn't look that bad.

  28. "I only know Estella Warren as Lori's replacement on that 70's show."

    Huh? She was on one ep, but it was a different actress who replaced Miss Druggy.

  29. 'Serious drugs' lol

    "Marijuana is not a drug. You ever suck dick for marijuana?"

  30. For some reason, I really like Jaime. I don't know why. She's got some demons goin' on, sure, but under that, she seems like she's probably pretty sweet. I even -- gulp! -- watched "Two and a Half Men" recently because she was guest starring. I will always love her as Joy and from JOE DIRT (a guilty pleasure movie if there ever was one).

    Estella? I don't think I even know who she is.

  31. Lol, ethorne.

    "Marijuana is not a drug. You ever suck dick for marijuana?"

    At least they are willing to work for what they want! Jaime can likely pay for her own, but Estella has no visible means of support and not for quite a while.

  32. I vote Estella stole the purse and stashed her drugs. JP wouldn't have called the cops if she knew about them...

  33. I read at either Superficial or D-listed that, Lips from Planet of the Apes stole Joy's assistant's phone and purse from one party. After they used a find my phone app to see where it was it led them to another party where Lips was. Joy told her to give her back the phone, and purse, Lips said no,it was her purse so the cops got involved. And looking at those two women's eyes, there were some drugs in somebody's damn purse.

  34. Wow! Someone up the thread said to stare into Estella's eyes I did and YIKES.! Then I scrolled over to Jamie and WOAH!! Both higher than kites but I did notice Jamie's wicked awesome eyebrow game, wonder if Michael K has seen it? Apparently these days they sell sharpies in dark blonde.

  35. Jaime Pressly's hands are HUGE!

  36. Jaime is HIGH AS FUCK and so is Estella!

  37. Three hours after promising to suck someone's dick for weed, everyone is still sitting around watching Good Morning America and not remembering why they're in the apartment. Marijuana is a serious drug, but you're not going to get a lot of blowjobs as a pot dealer.

  38. Since they're both on probation, Earl stood up and said "they're my drugs, I put them there!"
