Today's Blind Items - What A Mess
This celebrity is B list at this point. Maybe B+. She used to be A+ list and was beloved all over the world. At some point I think she got to be a little too full of herself and fans started to catch on that she is not the happy go lucky, super friendly person she pretends to be. First, although she likes the world to think that she is crazy in love with her A-/B+ list celebrity husband, the fact is she berates him constantly and never says anything kind to him except if she is being interviewed. He hates doing anything with her, but because he is more popular she hounds him until he does everything with her. She is on him all the time which explains why he has stopped cheating on her which used to happen regularly for years and years. She is still incredibly jealous and if she had her way would probably handcuff him to her. Our celebrity likes everyone to think that she does not even touch alcohol, but she is the first one in line for booze or a line of coke. She is on her second or third nose, depending on how you count and they are all due to coke. She loves coke. She says it is the easiest way to stay thin. She dislikes her kids and only likes seeing them when they can be used as props. She loves her nannies though. She also likes sleeping late and has not met one of her kid's teachers in years. She does not see the point. Her husband takes up a lot of the slack and is involved with the kids. He does not lave, because he does not think it is right until the kids get older. He is biding his time though. Counting down the days. He wants to be free. Everyone wants to be free after they spend any amount of time with this celebrity.