Thursday, April 04, 2013

Today's Blind Items - They Hooked Up? - Easy

There have been a lot of strange couplings in Hollywood, but this one is right there at the top of the list. As so often happens in Hollywood, these two met on the set of a movie. A very big movie. Although our actress was still a relative newbie to acting she had made her mark in a couple of great films, including two of my all-time favorites which is why I still have a crush on her even after hearing about this story. Even though she was a newbie, she probably had B list name recognition because of her name. Our actor was way older than her. Over twice her age. Married. A+ lister then and now. From the day he walked on the set, our actress was into him. He fed her the same line he fed every woman on every set he has ever been on. His marriage was in trouble and his wife didn't understand him. I think she understood him just fine and was not exactly silent when it came to her own affairs. She also likes the younger guys too. Our actress had never been hit on or given the full press this A+ actor was giving her. He was sending flowers and gifts and would not stop calling her and visiting her trailer. That was where they had sex the first time. Over the next 100 times they had sex, the only time it was ever in a bed was when they were in a trailer on set. She believed him when he said he liked it sexy and in strange places, preferably in the dead of night. The truth was that he didn't want his wife or the paps to catch them so they did it in cars and outside and on the beach and in fields and everywhere else they could that was away from the public eye. When filming ended, he broke it off with her and apparently she cried for almost six months.


  1. That's a lot of crying.

  2. Audrey Tautou and Tom Hanks on The Da Vinci Code?

  3. Easy?!!? Uhm this could be a number of actresses Enty.

  4. I really have no clue what some of his fav movies are . Who does he have a crush on? I actually really want to know this one .

  5. Well I am trying to remember his favorite movies...Goonies, Vacation anyone else remember?

    1. Lol. Yes, I would think Goonies is most def one of his faves.

  6. This isn't so terrible that Enty shouldn't have a crush on her. Yes she cheated with a married guy BUT he pursued her and swooned her, and he was a A-lister, hard for a younger woman to resist as he feeds her a bunch of lies. But I got nothing...

  7. Can the A-lister be Warren Beatty who is married to Annette Benning OR
    Michael Douglas married to Diandra Douglas or CZ Jones?

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  9. It couldn't have been too long ago since enty mentioned paps catching them. Goonies & Vacation seem really long ago, long before the paparazzi craze.

  10. Was thinking Beatty too, Montana....

  11. Beatty and Halle? They did a movie...

  12. The only hint is that this is a very strange coupling - what would make a strange coupling?

  13. I feel like "Silent" and "Dead of night" must be big clues here but I got nothing.

  14. Tom Hanks and Liv Tyler on the set of "That Thing You Do" ? (Sorry, that song came up on my iPod and it's been stuck in my head all morning.)

    1. @Stew, really liking this guess!

    2. @stew great guess!! And isn't 'empire records' one of entys favourite movies as well?

  15. I'm with you guys, I got nothin' yet. Can't wait to hear some more guesses!

  16. JLaw and Woody Harrelson?

  17. Good point Elita ..looking those up now

  18. JLaw and Woody Harrelson?

  19. Totally blanking on the name of the blonde that Enty crushes on... starts with an "M"... oh my god my memory!

  20. @StewMcG, you stole my guess! Liv Tyler had instant name recognition because of her father. She was 19 and Tom Hanks was 40 (or thereabouts).

  21. @EmEyeKay, Malin Ackerman. :)

  22. JLaw is not B list :she's A/A+ list

  23. YES @Karen, thank you. Does she fit?

  24. Hmmm One of Enty's fave is Clueless so I am thinking Batman Forever with Alicia Silverstone and Arnold Schwarzeneger

    Brittany Murphy and Michael Douglas in Don't say a word

  25. I think Beach & Fields are clues. Kevin Costner? Or Russell Crowe & Meg Ryan? IDK.

  26. Liv Tyler/ Bruce Willis for Armageddon in 98

  27. I thought of Liv as well because Enty has mentioned his love of Empire Records a few times.

  28. I read it as Jennifer Hudson because she was a name from Idol during her first film. But I doubt Eddie Murphy would sleep with her 100 times.

  29. Just came here to post this blind reveal and it has Liv Tyler.

    Going back to the 90's for this one and one of my favorite movies. Anyway, back when this movie was shot, this current A+ list female always movies actress still had to audition. So, she did for this comedy but did not get the role. Why? In a very, very brief audition our actress broke down three times crying and screaming. The producers called her "bat s**t crazy." So, instead the role went to an unknown who was deemed by the producers as "dumber than a box of rocks," but has worked her way up to a B+ lister who has always been in movies. Oh, and some videos.

    #1 - Movie
    #2 - A+ lister
    #3 - B+ lister

    #1 - Empire Records
    #2 - Angelina Jolie
    #3 - Liv Tyler

  30. I also like the Liv Tyler/Tom Hanks guess because of all the outdoor places for the sex. The band in That Thing You Do! traveled the country on their tour--county fairs (fields) and there might have been a beach.

  31. What about Bruce Willis?

  32. Liv Tyler and Bruce Willis?

  33. Not very easy easy. What are some of Entys fav movies that Liv Tyler was in before TTYD? Empire Records is all I can think of.
    Also, has Tom Hanks wife (whose name escapes me) been vocal about her affairs? What wife of an A+ lister is a known cheater?

  34. Nevermind - I LOVE the Liv Tyler/Bruce Willis guess. "His wife likes younger men." Demi ended up with Aston.

  35. Yeah...liking the Bruce Willis/Liv Tyler guess.

    The BV also mentions the line he uses the same line to all the girls he's trying to sleep with, saying his wife didn't understand him. Then Enty says...but the wife actually understood him just fine and the wife likes the younger guys (Demi married Ashton).

  36. Well Liv was in all of the LOTR movies is Enty a fan of the Peter Jackson series?

  37. @Jane3113...great minds think alike.

  38. I still don't think Liv + Bruce would be a very strange coupling. Maybe that's just me. Not as weird as JLH and Chris Kattan, that's for sure.

  39. Liv does strike me as a girl who might cry for a while over a lost love interest. I can see it

  40. I'm definitely on the Liv Tyler train with the rest of you!! Just not sure which older co-star it is.

    And for all of you obsessed with Empire Records (like me), guess what Monday is? Rex Manning Day!!!!! Yep, in the movie, Rex Manning Day happened on April 8th!

    1. Say no more, mon amour!

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      lol...! "What, no applause?"

    3. Shock me, shock me, shock me with your deviant behavior

    4. Lips are for kissing baby so say no more!!

  41. Dead of night=Moonlighting? Maybe that's a stretch

  42. My problem with Bruce Willis is that the guy apparently used the "my wife doesn't understand me" line to every woman on every set that he's ever been on. Even all the years in between wives that he wasn't married?

  43. Just found this blind that sounds like it is probably Liv too. Describes her the same way.

    Four For Friday

    This former A-list actress has been in two of my favorite movies. Because of this I would normally be sympathetic to her but she has gone just a bit too far. Having literally been on her own since her teenage years, this actress has battled through drug problems and high profile relationships to at least have a solid career. It is not the career that was expected of her, and if her current behavior continues, it might be the end of any career at all. She has always been able to play on her name and her work in her older films. That is all about to change. In her latest film, she attempted to seduce at least two of the married actors on the film and as many non-actors as well. She did it because she claimed she was bored and thinks it is fun to f*** with other people's lives. What she is doing is ensuring that her now sporadic work will be no work in the future.

  44. Bridget Fonda and Anthony Hopkins?

  45. @VIPBlonde, I'm so excited to share my birthday with Rex Manning Day!!!!! I'm going to wear a sexy red bra ("You forgot your thingie!") and plain white undies in celebration.

    1. @Karen Happy early Birthday! And don't forget to pair that ensemble with your orange Music Town apron :)

  46. I'm not sure it's Liv, if it is it would've been during the time she dated Joaquin Phoenix and I'd think Enty mentioned that in the blind, especially since she ended up cheating on him anyway with a friend of his who she wound up with for a decade.

  47. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I agree with you guys, this is NOT easy Enty. Liv Tyler and Bruce Willis are a great guess, good job guys.

  48. I don't feel I need to explain my art to you, Warren.

  49. @Lucas, "What's with *today* today?"

    1. @Karen & VIP - I love love love that movie so much. That and Reality Bites. For quite a while my ex and I had "You've reached the winter of our discontent" as our answering machine message. And I am forever saying "You will turn this place into a den of slack". I feel the need to gorge on 90s movies now. I would add Singles to the playlist though.

  50. I agree with the Liv and Bruce Willis guess with the "strange coupling" being that he played her dad in the movie.

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    1. Mikey, that's my sweetie dragon that you borrowed that from:)

    2. @Agent- Ohh we're fightin now! To borrow a classic from MK, @dragon is mah boo! I heart @dragon so much =D

    3. Ooh call me Brandy bc the boy is mine! I <3 dragon too!

  52. for the note, Liv Tyler dropped Joaquim Phoenix for her future husband and father of their son

  53. @Mikey, yeah NOW it's not. ;) I think she was 19 when Armageddon was being filmed and Bruce Willis was 42ish?

  54. @Mikey: during Armageddon filming , Liv was 20 and Willis was 42/43.
    it was also an old rumor that Liv Tyler said it's untrue

  55. I heart Warren. That's all

  56. I don't know, when Enty calls it a "strange coupling" I have a hard time seeing Liv Tyler. Not putting her down, just saying she doesn't strike me as someone with a lot of boundaries. To me a strange coupling sounds like a difference in (a) age, (b) race, or (c) politics. So I'm going with Alicia Silverstone and Arnie on this one. I mean, that would be straaaaaange.

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  58. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Bruce Willis def fits the description of the guy in this blind, especially about his wife preferring younger guys. As for the younger actress/mistress, Bruce has worked with Jessica Alba, Mischa Barton, Alexis Bledel... Bledel would surprise me the most, I think. I'm not sure she fits this, though.

  59. I so wanted Liv Tylers blue cashmere sweater/plaid school girl skirt combo from Empire records.

  60. @Mikey, Armageddon was filmed in 1997 (estimate because it was released July 1998). In '97, Liv Tyler was 19 and Bruce Willis was 42.

    19x2=38. 42 is over 38.

    Pretty much same story with Tom Hanks.

  61. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I seriously SUCK at these and Tyler/Willis was the second guess that popped into my head (first being Jovovich/Willis). As much as ppl like to think Enty plays on words (I think it's very rare he does if at all) this one got me thinking. Willis was in a movie called Color of Night (that's what made me think of him) and "cried for six months".. Sixth Sense? Everything fits Tyler/Willis! And nobody seems to recall that ages ago Enty eluded to the readers that he fudges a thing or two so it will never fit exactly to a "T"!

  62. Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp

  63. Isn't a weird couple like Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett?

    A weird couple would be Honey boo boo mom (don't know name) and Bruce Willis.

  64. Malcolm McDowell and Jaime King- film "Silent Night"; she also appeared in a Star Wars movie- Malcolm is over twice his wife's age.

  65. w00t! Rex Manning Day on Monday!

    That movie has some great lines:

    Damn the Man! Save the Empire!

    Oh Rexy stop that! You're so sexy.

    I tried to kill myself with a Lady Bic. A pink plastic razor with daisies on it and a moisturizing strip.

    In the immortal words of The Doors, "The time to hesitate is through!"

    1. @Hazel And the music is the best! I made a 45-song playlist of every song from the movie, in the order they are played in the movie. And yes, I had too much time on my hands one weekend!

    2. VIP, we had an Empire Records show at the bar/Venue that Mr Nothanksdarlin works at a few years ago where all the bands covered songs. His band covered Sugar High, (I think that's the name) the song they play on the food and Renee Z sings. It was the best cover! Wish we had taped it

  66. Empire Records and Reality Bites are two of my favorite movies of all time forever!

    Who knows where thoughts come from. They just appear.

  67. Liv Tyler is a good guess except that she was famous and had done movies before Armageddon, not a "newbie" at the time.

  68. Lotta, ha! Duel to the death over dragon!!

  69. aww Love u guys too @agent and @lotta <3

  70. Danny DeVito and K Dunst or Marion Cotillard... that would be an odd couple. B. Willis and Liv not so much.

  71. I like the Hanks/Tyler guess. Lets be honest Bruce was HAWT during Armageddon! Who wouldn't want to play with that?

  72. A weird couple would be Honey boo boo mom (don't know name) and Bruce Willis.

    That wouldn't be weird, that would be fucking SURREAL.

  73. No words for how much I am loving the Empire Records references!!!!!!

  74. Lin Tyler and Jeremy Irons? Laura Dern and someone?

  75. Hanks directed That Thing You Do. He wouldn't have had time to woo a starlet during production.

  76. Put on your "Enty stretching and/or manipulating events" glasses and look at the 'actor' Woody Allen and Scarlett Johansson(Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

    That would be a strange pairing. I could hear Woody saying something disparaging about his marriage.
    Plus, isn't Enty a huge fan of Ghost World too?

    I'm most likely wrong, but...

    1. Crafty - Now that would be a strange pairing indeed.

    2. Crafty, my first thought was Scar Jo and Steve Bechimi. I just butchered his name. I don't want it to be him cause I think he rocks but she was new and young in ghost world but I haven't been around long enough to know enty's favorites

  77. waves at Lotta and Agent! Thanks Dragon!

  78. Hi. First time posting. Steve Buscemi was in Armageddon. That would be odd.

  79. Amanda SeyFried you mean

  80. Lucas, I thought a 90s movie marathon would hit the spot this week, too. REALITY BITES, SINGLES, ROMY AND MICHELE'S H.S. REUNION...

    Never saw EMPIRE RECORDS. Have the soundtrack and love it. Strange that I never saw it, though, because I love Anthony LaPaglia.

    So I'll add that, and SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER, to the list...

    1. @AKM, So I married an ax murderer is so good. Actually all the ones you listed are good :)

  81. Long time reader, first time commenter. I wish I had a guess for this blind, but seeing my favorite nineties films in these comments warms my tiny, frozen heart.

    I quote Empire Records daily. And one of my dogs is named Harriet after SOMaAM.

    I wish I had more to add to the guesses, but I had to chime in on the movies. I would totally share Netflix queues with y'all :)

  82. I do have to say I had the BIGGEST crush on Mark with a K. Ermagawd if he was a real boy I would have done some things to him and make him giggle that adorable giggle. But of course it would only be sweet innocent things because I was only 14

  83. In the Hollywood Justice systemn, Blind Items are considered viciously Heinous. In Blogger City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious Blinds are members of an elite squad, known as the CdAn Detective unit. These are there story. DUN DUN DUN

    Liv Tyler and Bruce Willis.

    Don't wanna close my eyes
    Don't wanna fall asleep
    'Cause I'd miss you, baby
    And I don't wanna miss a thing
    'Cause even when I dream of you
    The sweetest dream would never do
    I'd still miss you, baby
    And I don't wanna miss a thing

    The song was written but Steve Tyler who is Live tyler dad. Most dont know this but Liv is a good song writer. After she was dump die hard style or (fucked by John McClain die hard style.) she decide to write that song about him. Aerosmith love the song so much that decide to sing. Good idea because it became bonifide hit. Sucks for willis because now every time he hears it it remind him of her.

    1. @dragon- LMAO!!! this is why I ♡ you!

  84. "We had sex on the beach & in the car & on the Ferris wheel & in church & in line at the DMV, you know, where we wouldn't be seen."

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  87. how about Kristin dunst and jeff goldblum?? in honor of jurassic park 3d this weekend :)

  88. Aerosmith’s biggest hit of the ’90’s, and its only #1 single to date, was the love theme from the film Armageddon, “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing”. This song was conceived by Joe Perry and Diane Warren, although Warren alone received songwriting credit. Steven Tyler’s daughter Liv was featured in the movie. In 1999, they were in the Disney-MGM Studios ride (and later in the Walt Disney Studios Park ride), Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. Aerosmith provided the soundtrack and theme for the ride, which is based on their recording session and following concert.

    1. Brooklyngirl: on my cell so I can't check it now but wasn't "Dream On " from Toys in the Attic" also a #1 hit? I thought for sure it was.

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  92. Wasn't Willes suspected in the Eva Mendes pregnancy? I thought he was revealed to be a long time cheater.

  93. Well this is pretty damning, from a 1998 People Magazine article discussing Demi and Bruce's crumbling marriage:

    "Recently one friend visiting the couple's Hailey home was startled to encounter Liv Tyler, 21, who plays Willis's daughter in the new (Bruckheimer-produced) action extravaganza Armageddon (see review, page 31). Moore, her vanity apparently pricked, did not appear to relish sharing her home with the younger, hotter star, whom her husband had flown in on their jet. "Demi could barely function," says the friend. "It was like, 'How dare you bring her here!' "

  94. @Don't rain...that had to be awful. Wow, why would she go to their home?

  95. Liv Tyler and Viggo, on the set of LOTR in beautiful Hobbitty New Zealand. He's hot, but he's old as fuck.

  96. I think it's so funny when people try to read into Enty's word choices as if they're special secret clues. Come on, peeps, he doesn't even bother with basic grammar! :)

  97. @DontRainOnMyPrada - Good sleuthing! That pretty much seals it for me.

    @AKM - SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER is one of my all time favorite movies! I share the love. I recorded and listened to the jazzy jam (This Poem Sucks) that Mike Myers sings in that movie almost daily after that movie came out!

    "Harriet...Har-ri-et...Hard hearted harbinger of Haggis" :)

  98. Dontrain, amazing intel...totes on the Liv/Bruce guess

  99. Anthony Hopkins and Jody Foster. Well... he SAID strange.

  100. If we can't figure this out, we're going to cry ourselves to sleep tonight on our huge pillows.

  101. SIMAAM is so strangely, wonderfully, randomly quotable, too, isn't it?

    "Captain, when I joined the police force, I thought I was going to be Serpico. But instead, I'm like...Fish from 'Barney Miller.'"

    I mean, Alan Arkin as the captain! And Charles Grodin as the commandeered vehicle guy? And Vicky? AH!

  102. How about Zooey Deschanel and James Caan on the set of Elf?

  103. Anonymous1:06 PM

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  104. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Ok, first time poster here, longtime lurker! I read this from the beginning as Zooey Deschanel, maybe with Will Ferrell or James Caan in Elf? She would be recognized because of her name; half as old as either A lister. What I'm not sure of is if it is actually that film. Any thoughts? It seems like Will Ferrell has a pretty stable marriage. Caan was married during Elf and divorced in 09.

  105. Guessing Amanda Seyfried & Bruce Willis? Just from Saturdays reveal as one sentry likes.

  106. Enty... Not sentry

  107. Robert Loggia and Elizabeth Perkins? They both co-starred in "Big", he was in a long-term marriage at the time, and she wound-up divorcing her husband (of 4 years, I believe?) about 4 to 5 months after the movie's June 3, 1988 USA release date - hence the crying for six months afterward.

    At that point in time, Elizabeth Perkins was still considered a newbie - with only two previous films to her credit. Also at that point, Loggia was already a well-known, academy award nominated, seasoned actor - whom also happened to be a little over twice Perkins age (Him: 01/03/1930 Her: 11/18/1960).

    Both actors have been in numerous films - some of which were/are quite memorable.

    Anyway, lame as it may be, this is my first-time attempt at solving a Blind Post, so please bear with me - and cut a newbie (long-time lurker, though!) some slack.

    Be gentle with me!

  108. Hi there, BetseyD! That's not a bad guess..."a very big movie" after all.
