Today's Blind Items - She Is In High School
This actor has always been known as one who cheats. He manages to keep a lot of it undercover, but just like the character he is most famous for, her certainly loves women in his life. He has been married for sometime now and his wife has grown to accept he will cheat. He did so before they were married and has not stopped just because they are married. I guess the actor would still be considered B list because he gets a lot of work. He really has been typecast into two unique television characters. After getting his name thrown out as a cheater, our actor has tried a new approach. He dates young. Very young. He prefers college, but as long as they are 18 (usually) he will date high school. He can intimidate them not to tell and not to sell. That is his favorite phrase. No telling and no selling. He buys them stupid $200 gifts and loves it because they are usually so busy with school or living at home that they have trouble doing anything with him more than once or twice a week. They are so happy to be with him and so flattered that they find nothing wrong with spending their limited time in a hotel room where he might buy them room service, but never lets them drink. He does not want one of them to go home drunk and have them spill the beans. He is scrupulous about safe sex because again, an unplanned pregnancy would expose him for the leech he is. Not only does he wear condoms, but he also passes out morning after pills like they are candy.