Monday, April 01, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He Got Away With Rape

This actor has always been known as a womanizer. He is still B list, but that is fading quickly because he just cannot get the kind of role that made him famous. Although our actor made his initial fame in movies, it was a hit cable show that really boosted his level of fame. Back in the day, our actor was still a womanizer, but did not have much luck when it came to actually getting women to go to bed with him. There was one time where our actor raped a woman at a party. The girl complained to her parents who complained to the school our actor attended. At that point, it was discussed involving the police, but our actor's very rich family got involved and negotiated a deal with the girl's parents. They gave them a large sum of money and agreed to pay for her schooling. Just like that our actor was free to move on and pretend nothing had happened. The girl was not given a say in the proceedings and her parents told her that she should just move on and forget it. Apparently though the experience has scarred her beyond belief and has had years of therapy and also had a big substance abuse problem all the while watching her rapist become more and more famous.


  1. law and order this shit out.

    Lets Go!

  2. Just throwing this out there but Clooney? Idk about the rich family part. Just a shot in the dark.

    1. The rapist got famous off of a cable show. George was on a network noncsble show ("ER") so not him.

  3. This BI sounds very familiar, either I have seen something like this here before on another site.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Sadly, this has probably happened way more than we want to think about

  4. Sounds like Piven, but he was on a LOT of tv shows before Entourage.

    1. Piven did a few movies before entourage... Say anything, one crazy summer, and PCU to name a few

  5. Well we know this will never be revealed.

  6. I don't think there was a sum on earth that would've prevented my parents from prosecuting or beating the shit out this asshole at the very least. That poor girl. I have no guess but did piven come from money?

  7. I had no idea that Piven came from an acting family who owns their own acting school so it could be him.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      It said the school he attended- I don't think he owns it

    2. Anonymous6:04 PM

      It said the school he attended- I don't think he owns it

  8. Replies
    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Balthazars show was network not cable not him

  9. @Chaparra, that's exactly who I was thinking.

  10. Anonymous10:20 AM

    A school he was going to, a school she was going to, he has rich parents, this one can't be all that hard. I'm thinking Sean Bean for this one too.

  11. This Troll says Piv, for the record.

  12. Can we make a new rule? NO RAPE BLINDS ON MONDAYS. Or pedophilia. Or Lohan.

  13. just throwing this out there...Charlie Sheen?

  14. @Mr. Cannon so only coke blinds on Mondays then?

  15. Jonathan Rhys Meyers

    1. Not him. I know the family. It doesn't fit.

    2. Love him sooooo. I hope its not him. I also, hope he's sober. He is a very talented actor and beautiful too.

  16. JRM doesnt come from a rich family, Bal Getty has the rich name but his dad, (the getty that got his ear cut off when they kidnapped him) pissed all his inheritance away and was a junkie most of the time, so doubt he would have had time to give a damn about paying off someone

  17. The school would've been the acting school Piv's parents own and when she complained obviously they would have been made aware of it and prevented the cops from being called. This definitely points to the Piv.

    1. Montana, especially in Crook County, IL.

  18. @Libby: LOL!!

    Sadly my first thought was Colin Hanks although I have no idea why. I know there was some previous blind about a rape and everyone seemed to think it was the other Hanks kid.

    Attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles at the same time as Linda Cardellini, Sarah Norton and Busy Philipps.

  19. I don't know why but I thought of Franco for some reason. Can't be right though.

    1. LOOOOOL wait nm it said womanizer rofl what was I thinking

  20. Whiever it is, all my healing love and sympathy to the girl who was raped. Yes, you're right, he is a jerk, its not your fault and your parents werent right. Hugs.

  21. lostathome--I just Laughed. Out . Loud. hahahahaah

  22. didn't Mario Lopez get away with date raping a girl during his SBTB days?

  23. Anonymous11:06 AM

    bradley cooper??

    1. Good guess - he is rumored to have left Villanova under a cloud.

  24. Piven. This blind was posted on this site a few years back. Word for word.

    Getty didn't make his fame on a cable show, right? His was network. Piven was small time before Entourage and is nothing without John Cusack.

  25. Piven. Didn't even have to get past the first couple of sentences.

  26. Oh great - now that crazy troll is going to pop up freaking out about how the repeat blind is proof - PROOF! - that Enty is fake and we are all stoooopid. Wendy Davis will agree.

    1. Lol popnursing! Fave comment of day

  27. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Matt Lauer!

  28. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I think it's Piven too. The story though may sound familiar if anyone has read Jonathan Franzen's Freedom. This was a plot line in the book although the rapist didn't go on to be famous but the money hush was the same. Probably happens more than we think in rich prep schools.

    Great book by the way if you havent read it.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I thought of James franco or his little brother that was in 21 jump street

  31. I'm not saying it's not Jeremy Piven, but I have a few acquaintances that are Chicago-based aspiring actresses who have slept with him. Very willingly. As gross as it sounds, he has women lining up to sleep with him, many who attend his mother's acting school. Again, not saying it's not him, just seems weird that he would force the once person who didn't want him when there are so many that do

    1. @VIP, and I have some who know how poorly he takes rejection. This has his name written all over it. Don't forget, rape is about power, not sex.

  32. The other problem to me is the blind says 'Although our actor made his initial fame in movies" who heard of Piven until after Entourage and didn't he get movie roles because of his Entourage fame, not the other way around?

    1. Umm no he started in movies in the 80s

  33. The only thing I would say to VIPblonde is that the kind of man that is a womanizer often gets tired of the women throwing themselves at them, they want a challenge and will chase after the women who seem not interested very aggressively and they don't like taking no for an answer.

    Think Mike Tyson.

    Though in this blind the assumption is this took place before this actor was successful and sought after.

    1. Tina, you could be right but rape isn't about sex necessarily. It's about power, humiliation etc

    2. I was late to the party and didn't realize a zillion people already posted what I had. Sorry guys for the repeat

  34. It sounds like the rape happened pre-fame, so willing women would be tough to come by.

    Piven had a decent film career prior to Entourage. He was the lead in CPU and appeared in many films. Entourage put him at his fame peak.

  35. I remember Piven from Ellen years before Entourage. His movies sucked and were basic cable fare. I'm going to say none of us have nailed it so far. Sounds northeastern, mayybe late 30's to late 40's. Whoever the victim is has suffered for a while, so the rapist is someone who made their bones in the last 15 years. I started thinking about James Gandolfini for some reason...

  36. Sean Bean was a welder before his acting career, and then worked in Brit TV and films for years before doing any US shows. He's a POS about women, but there's no rich family to pay anyone off.

  37. sorry, I don't think Piven or Charlie Sheen has that in them. They get what they wants 100% of the time. They both just lay back and it comes to them. I was thinking more along the lines of a Kennedy type of Family, which would be a Getty or here it comes....Armie Hammer, although he doesn't seem like he has rape in him either.

  38. Rape is a crime of power and not sex. It doesn't matter if women are throwing themselves willingly at you.

    Piven came from an acting family but I don't see them as very wealthy from having an acting school. Perhaps I am wrong. Won't be the first time..TODAY!

    VIP Blonde may have more insight there. Are they considered wealthy?

    1. Sherry, yes, they were considered wealthy at the time they ran the school. Working actors on stage and films as well as the school.

  39. Piven may get whatever/whenever NOW but this sounds like when he was much younger, pre-fame.

    He was in Old School with Will Ferrell and Luke Wilson as well as PCU and several others before Entourage.

    I think this is him.

    As far as this or similar other blinds not getting revealed....publicly saying some one raped or molested someone without solid proof (like a police report or photos) is opening oneself up to legal action (libel) by the person you're accusing - even if they're guilty of it.

  40. I was thinking Tony Soprano, although I hope I'm wrong. Does he come from money? I'd heard somewhere that before acting he was *actually* tied to the mafia so maybe he does.

  41. @ mynerva - who are you eliminating?
    You must be commenting on a mobile device and for those of us on a desk/laptop it doesn't show who you're addressing.

    I think it's Piven.

  42. Recycled BI. It's jeremy piven.

  43. I also thought James Gandolfini but it sorta sounds like someone younger? Is he A-List?

  44. Mango, she eliminated Jonathon Rhys Meyers.

  45. Why do people keep saying Sean Bean? First of all, he's gorgeous, so I can't see him having a hard time getting women. Second, I've never heard a story about him raping anyone before, so I don't know why people would name him.

  46. Just read Gandolfini's wikipedia, his family does not sound wealthy.

  47. Jon, I'm a huge fan of GoT, so I had to google why he was a guess. I guess with his ex wife, there were numerous domestic disturbance calls. I think after they split, he continued to harass her. His family owns some fabric company, so he grew up wealthy. It sucks that he is a huge douchebag. I loved him as Ned!

  48. Stuff like this is why I can't take blind items as legit because this will never be revealed. If you are going to put it out there put a name to it.

  49. It's not Piven. He went to Public High School, so paying for the girl's education would mean nothing.

    It's Bradley Cooper, who's dad is a Merril Lynch banking exec and who went to Georgetown, which is an expensive school.

    Plus, Piven's a douchebag who sleeps around, but he's never had a rep for being violent. Brad Cooper has had abuse issues in the past.

  50. Jon - Like Sherry said above, rape isn't about whether you can get sex, it's about power. A lot of men who rape are in relationships where they have consensual sex regularly.

  51. How many actors do you hear about that have open raped someone? One or two if any, so of course you haven't heard any stories of Sean Bean raping someone.

    Have any rape blinds been revealed? IIRC I don't think any have. I wonder though, if they were, how that would impact the actors carrer, or if it would have any impact at all.

  52. Not Piven. He didn't grow up with money. That school was very small and struggled. Balt. Getty's side was cut-off, and his parents could care less. I was thinking Duchoveny, if you leave out tv before movies then cable...

  53. It's been mentioned, but I feel a strong need to reiterate that rape is not a crime about sex, but about power. Doesn't matter how many women might want to have consensual sex with them. They seek to dominate and subjugate. Forcible intercourse is just one of the most vile, yet more culturally permissible ways of doing that.
    I just want to make sure we're remembering that the most popular guy in the room isn't any less likely to be a predator.

  54. Zeeky...I know that rape is not about sex. I did not say that it was. Please re-read the clearly insinuates that the man raped her because he has trouble getting women. My response was based on that. Sean Bean should have no problem getting a woman and thus have no need to rape her. That concept is from the blind, not from me!

  55. @MrWolf, Cooper's star is not fading. To the contrary, it's rising.

  56. So a cable show would be considered something on a station like HBO, right? Wasn't Getty on Brothers and Sisters? That was on ABC.

  57. cooper ...his father was a stockbroker so they may have had $$

  58. Wasn't Cooper on a show on Fox and ABC? Are those considered cable channels or network? I'm sorta lost.

  59. This blind screams Bradley Cooper and the incident that occured his freshman year at Villanova (the college Brad's late father graduated from). Enty mentioned Villanova in his open letter to Zoe and if I'm not mistaken, someone responded that it sounded like Coop raped someone but it was hushed up. My heart goes out to the girl who was raped and wasn't allowed to talk about what happened to her. BTW, I think the cable show ENTY is referring to is Nip/Tuck, which Brad had a recurring role on.

  60. Anonymous7:17 PM

    @ Mystikchic i thought so too initially especially after that post to Zoe. I tried to find out what happened at Villanova but couldn't. But this one can't be Brad. If he was well known for a tv show it would of been Alias (network), and he's not a B actor, he's an A. Hate to say it but he is.

    I'm pretty sure Brad's capable of this or worse but this one's not him. IMO.

  61. Bradley Cooper has no problem getting roles.

  62. What about Julian McMahon who was on Nip/Tuck. Prime Minister's son. Real mummy's boy, always got a bad vibe from him.

  63. @ Pugglewug - Thanks

  64. I'm on board with the Piven guess. He's done a bunch of movies prior to Entourage, but Entourage is what gave him fame.

    Also, I never found him attractive. He worked a lot but was never a big name in his early career, so I can see why he couldn't get girls at first.

  65. Matthew Perry. Stories of him raping a girl while in college have been around for years. His father is actor John Bennett Perry, stepfather is Keith Morrison and his mother worked for Prime Minister Trudeau when they lived in Ottawa, Canada. They had money for a huge payoff. Perry attended exclusive private schools as a child in Ottawa's rich section. I'm from Ottawa so I know that part of town well.
