Monday, April 22, 2013

The War On Drugs - Starring Jay & Silent Bob - Kind Of


  1. I kind of hate it when people talk about "the war on drugs" as if all drugs are equal. I couldn't care less about pot, but I do think that drugs that can kill people should be illegal.

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    This is awesome. I like it. The War on Drugs isn't working for citizens, but for big prison business, wardens, health care workers in prisons, lawyers, police officers, the court system, as well as the companies that contract for cheap prison labor, it's a huge win for them.

  3. Pot should be legal but not meth never ever meth or heroin

    1. They already are. Available at your local pharmacy, didn't you know?

  4. If all drugs were legal there would be no place for drug cartels, dealers etc. Hear me out...

    If you want heroin (or drug of your choice) you go to your doctor who writes a script which you take to the pharmacy and they give you the dose for consumption there on the premises - (this is already done with methadone in the UK, the pharmacy has a little cubicle area for addicts to get their dose) - so...

    No glamour attached to it so teens don't think it's cool, no need to commit crimes to fund it so fewer crimes, lower insurance premiums, no drug cartels funding terrorism paid for by said crimes, government licensed manufacturers make more product meaning more jobs...

    I ought to run for office. This would totally work in the UK where universal healthcare means everyone who needs to would have access to it.

    The only fly in the ointment is meth. That is so beyond f*cked up that anyone found making it should be jailed outright for 30 years, no parole.

  5. @Munch - adderall is essentially prescription meth, so there's that problem solved for you.

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Aparently if you smoke meth it's super addictive and rots the teeth? Has anyone else heard that? But it's supposedly not so addictive if you snort it? I hate the war on drugs, I understand the idea of it and the ideals, but really isn't it just a huge money laundering/making scheme? Pay people to fight the war, and charge tax payers to imprison our citizens. I hate the war on drugs. It hasn't worked. We lost. To greed.
