Friday, April 19, 2013

Snoop Dogg's Son Wants You To Know He Loves Pot

Snoop Dogg's son Corde has decided to share with the world just how much he loves smoking pot. A lot. For the past two days he has posted lots of photos of himself smoking pot and expressed his love for pot saying there would be no love without bud. Previously there had been a photo of Corde lighting a bong for his dad. I wonder if he had not been exposed to so much pot in his youth if he would be as crazy for it now. It is pretty tough for a parent to talk about any kind of drugs or say they are wrong if they are out there encouraging the use of something.


  1. I'd find it hilarious if he really doesn't touch the stuff but puts up these pics just to make good ole dad happy, LOL

  2. Um, pot should be a non-issue at this point. I'm glad one more person has come out of the pot-smoking closet.

  3. He used to be adorably cute but with his "dreads" he looks old and washed up. What a shame.

  4. What IS that crazy bong?

    smash, where are you? I need an explanation!

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Can I ask you out Enty, for a wine episode or whatever you drink. seriously. Italian in London here

  6. Ooh! I can explain the bong! It's got glass chambers in it to mellow out the smoke and trap impurities. Really good smoking!

  7. Who cares? It's just weed.

  8. you're assuming the "parent" sees something wrong with this.

    not everyone does. i'd rather my kid smoke weed than get hammered every fucking weekend and get in fights, do dumb shit and possibly drive.

  9. Looks like the bud doesn't fall too far from the plant. Heehee. Sorry!

  10. My only concern would be the effect pot could have on a still developing brain, since he's apparently 15/16, but I know the studies on that are a little thin on the ground and conflicting. I'm (casually) up on this since my state legalized it recently. I wonder if this will affect his chances with schools that have made verbal scholarship offers to him for football, or if it's okay since he will bring the Lion name to the school, hee.

    1. He's not interested in football anymore. He wants to be a rapper.

  11. Snoop smokes up to 30 professionally rolled spliffs a day (a couple of his homies make them). I've nothing against pot, but how does someone function on that much?

  12. Its a waste of life.

    1. Sorry, but I totally agree.

    2. I also agree with that sentiment.

  13. If that's the one in high school, I guess he's given up on his football career then? He has to know they will start testing him as a result of those photos.

    Marijuana should not be illegal, it's no worse than alcohol.

  14. I think Corde is cute with any hairstyle.. if dreads are well-kept and retwisted regularly they look great.

    As for his smoking... he's Snoop's son lol this is no surprise! I'm sure his dad us proud.

  15. Is it safe to assume that the people who have such an issue with weed have never tried it and believe the bullshit hype that it's some terrible drug? Of course it can be abused / overused like any other substance, but not everyone who partakes is "wasting their life" ffs! Drinking too much and compulsively overeating are much more detrimental to one's health. I just find it fascinating that enty brags about supposedly being an obese alcoholic but becomes holier-than-thou when it comes to someone smoking pot. In moderation it ain't no thang!

    For the record, I don't condone kids doing it anymore than I would want them having alcohol or tobacco. But I still maintain it's ultimately less detrimental.
    / rant

    1. Its the BEHAVIOR thats a waste, not the drug of choice. And i still mantain this behavior, smoking pot, getting high and laying around for hours on end, is a waste of life.

    2. SurrenderDorothy, I have first hand knowledge of two young men who had mental illness be brought on by pot smoking. Both developed paranoid schizophrenia. One killed himself, the other is currently in a mental institution & will never live independently. He used to work with his father but he is now incapable of that.

    3. Pot can enhance any mental instabilities but it does not cause them. If we had a better handle on mental health, these issues would be screened for at school.

    4. What sort of scientific proof do you have that it was cannabis induced schizophrenia. I'm in the medical field and can honestly say I've never heard of anything like that. Second, there's two types of cannabis that are most popular, sativa and indica. If you regularly smoke indica then yes, you get a lazy couch high. Most crap weed kids smoke is sativa. It's a giggly head high. Do research before casting stones.

    5. What sort of scientific proof do you have that it was cannabis induced schizophrenia. I'm in the medical field and can honestly say I've never heard of anything like that. Second, there's two types of cannabis that are most popular, sativa and indica. If you regularly smoke indica then yes, you get a lazy couch high. Most crap weed kids smoke is sativa. It's a giggly head high. Do research before casting stones.

    6. Thank you @astrogirl and @Angie for your sensible and enlightened comments. There is so much misinformation out there. Also, I would like to point out to those who imply that this kid is throwing away some supposed potential football career - the frequent and repetitive hits those players encounter on the field contribute directly to mental deterioration and quite literally turn some of them into suicidal and/or homicidal maniacs. And that IS documented...Google it. But marijuana is the scary thing. Hm.

  16. i dont mind pot, but this pictures aren't the best in taste. would probably be better off without openly showing off illegal activity.

  17. If you don't smoke weed i feel you have wasted your life

  18. That's some serious hardware. Wouldn't mind owning some glass like that, but only if I had Snoop's money to pay for a cleaning crew,somebody to hold it while I hit, and a replacement every time you broke the thing. There's a lot of intricate glasswork in there that'll break quite easily, especially if handled by people not entirely focused.

  19. Pot is hardly a harmful drug...a pot smoker is more likely to rip open a bag of chips than pick a fight. Just because alcohol is legal doesn't make it superior...

  20. I cant believe all the people here thinking this kid smoking dope and putting the pics online is somehow cool. Not one of you wld want your kid doing this; why is it ok for snoop jr?? We hv enough high rappers, he has more to offer than this!!

    1. Not one? You know that for sure? Because I wouldn't care. Rather out be weed instead of hell damn near everything else. You can od from aspirin I'm fine if my kid smokes weed. Specially instead of alcohol or tobacco.

      Please don't speak for me especially when you don't know me.

  21. I'm probably the only person here who fits into the diagram of "Reads and posts on celebrity blogs" and "Reads and posts on population genetics forums". Suffice to say, those who work and study in population genetics would be aghast and very dismayed if their child was doing this, and in general hold marijuana as generally harmless outside of slightly raising schizophrenia levels amongst certain subsets of the population and emphysema levels among long term heavy smokers and it should be legal... but that anyone who does it with any regularity and especially with pride, is a damn fool to be avoided when talking about anything serious.

    I tend to agree with them, far more than I agree with those here. The Venn diagram of "damn fools" and stoners are pretty well linked.

    1. I'm sorry but I don't comprehend what was typed out. But naturally I have been smoking.

      Not trying to be snarky but since you read that stuff have you heard about CBCs being able to lower seizures in children? Heard some doctor from Stanford talk about it on radio but didn't catch much as I was on break.

      Don't know of its BS or not. You would most likely know who its reputable or not.

    2. The anti cannabis campaign our Govts have waged for years are finally being overridden by the true facts about this truly remarkable plant.

      Educate yourselves, go google its proven cancer killing abilities.

  22. Getting high and laying around for hours is a waste of life. If you really dont mind if your child does this, I really dont get why. People say ' id rather he/she smoked dope instead of drinking'- i say, why do they have either?

    1. Who says they're laying around and doing nothing? I like my weed and work two jobs. I may or may not bee the norm.

      I honestly don't know why it is considered a class a drug to the government its worse than cocaine.

      Dope to me isn't weed its heroin so I would never tell my child to smoke dope.I live in the real world where more likely than not a kid will use a substance.

      I don't understand how a 17 year old or whatever he is has wasted his life.?You're assuming he'll be lazy what if he does become a decent a rapper? His future is still bright

    2. He is IN the process of wasting it. He cld be at a concert, a club, the library, volunteering, or zillions if other things. This weed smoking is a waste. I dont know why you do it either, youre heading for COPD, and dont want that for you.

    3. I don't know why you don't? Its the only thing I do. What is COPD and how do you know for fact that I'm heading that way?

    4. Only thing as in drugs I rarely drink alcohol. I also coach little league baseball.

    5. @bringing, do you coach while high?

    6. @Iknowpeople

      Fuck No. Frankly That Is A Stupid Question.

  23. Auntliddy, I thought the same thing. Why do they have to do either? My kid doesn't smoke weed or drink, that is why she is the field commander of her high school and getting a college scholarship. Meanwhile I am sure their kids are going to be living of the very same parents who have nothing better to do than preach the values of pot. Funny they can post about how great pot is,but since they don't have a job, I guess they are free to post about how great pot is all day.

    1. I'm sorry but she is going to college. You going to follow her around 24/7?

      Sara i have two jobs and served my country. So you couldn't be more wrong bitch! Also I do not use tobacco products, drink alcohol except an occasional glass of wine or partake in any other drug except caffeine.

      Funny how you can make assumptions yet I guess you're the perfect parent with the perfect family.

      What happens if your daughter does try a drug? You going to disown her?

    2. And if posting on here makes you unemployed than there is a lot of unemployed people not just potheads.

      Hope you find a job as well.

    3. Bring- your child TRYING a drug, and posting many pictures of doing drugs online is very different.

    4. I agree and she isn't taking about posting pictures. She's saying her daughter doesn't do it AND that is the reason she got a scholarship and a field commander whatever that is.

      I realize the difference.

  24. Sorry for the typo, I meant living OFF their parents.

  25. Damn, Sarah! Way to join the unemployed people of CDAN cause your ass JUST POSTED! Ha! I smoked throughout high school, graduated two years early, finished college before anyone in my graduating class, and currently working on a Masters. All while holding down a full time job. What a condescending, uppity bitch.

    1. I dont think sara was being uppity. Just kind if saying it isnt what she would choose for her child or condone it. Naturally everyone is free to do as they wish, but i will still never think heavy weed smoking for a young teen is ok, or a plus.
      And i still dont get how people who post here are thought to be unemployed?

    2. Sara said

      Funny how they can post how great pot is, but since they don't have a job, I guess they are free to post about how great pot is all day.

      Sara brought it up just like she mentioned weed smokers living off their parents. I agree with Angie. Sara is a uppity bitch.

    3. Angie and Bringing...I'm with you fellers. ;)

  26. assholes

    get a vapouriser

  27. i've been reading Enty for awhile now...but i must comment: het hem... a couple/few years ago, Snoops son was playing football and being looked at by colleges. (just like Diddy and Master P's son) In the meanwhile Snoop had pics of himself smoking with his son. What happened to college ball? Smoked out I guess. Sad.
