Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Shia LaBeouf Says Alec Baldwin Got Him Fired

Last night as I tried to fall asleep on my futon I tossed and turned because I could not make a decision on who I would want to work with if you gave me a choice between Shia LaBeouf and Alec Baldwin. If it was a drinking question, then I would go out with Shia because you are more likely to see a bar fight/race war/sex with parent than if you go out with Alec who would find the mirror above the bar and stare at it while talking to himself about all the projects he has been in and how he saved the world from some perceived problem that exists only in his head. They are both pains to work with. You don't often see someone wanting to do two movies with Alec or Shia. Shia said last night on Letterman that Alec got him fired from the play Orphans. I have no doubt that is the case, and I have no doubt that if Shia had thought of that solution himself prior to Aec thinking of doing it that Shia would have tried to get Alec fired.


  1. Enties why would you want to see sex with parent?

  2. It's my birthday ... I'm 45 & feeling like a 12 yr old today. It even snowed this morning on my birthday!!!

    1. @Diane - It's my birthday too! Happy birthday fellow Aries!

    2. Lucas and Diane day all day long!!!

    3. Happy Birthday Lucas!

    4. Aries rule the school!! Happy bday, Lucas and Diane!
      Mine is next Tuesday!! The big 4-0!

    5. Happy birthday Lucas & Diane!

    6. Happy Birthday Lucas & Diane!! Have a wonderful day! ;-)

    7. Happy Birthday Diane & Lucas!

    8. Happy Burfdays everybody

    9. @Diane - Happy, happy birthday to you!
      @Lucas - An old CDaN Blessing to you:
      "May you never have a random boner
      But only boners you intend" - Xander

    10. Happy shared birthday Lucas and Diane!

  3. Happy Birthday, Diane, enjoy!

  4. @Diane- Happy Birthday! We lucked out not being born on the 1st, my bday is on Fri.

  5. Happy birthday, Diane!

    If I had to pick, I'd work with Shia. He probably wouldn't scream in my face the entire time. And I'd call him "Even Stevens" until his head exploded. And then I'd laugh.

  6. Happy Birthday Diane!

    I have no doubt this story is true. Baldwin is a total asshole.

  7. Shia burns bridges, like he's got another occupation or something.

    Wasn't there a blind about that?

    1. Yeah, I believe you're right...I think it was about drug-dealing on the side. Good memory!

  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Happy Birthday Diane!

    FSP, I usually love your avis but not this new one, I had finally scrubbed that from my brain and here it is 8:30 no coffee yet and a blue waffle.

    Thanks :/

    Both Shia and Alec are asses. I would probably choose to work with Shia just because I try to pretend AB isn't the ass I know him to be (greenmountaingirl confirmed it) I love his 30 Rock character so much. I am the queen of denial.

  9. Lucas, Diane--mine's the 17th. Aries represent! woot!

  10. HBD Diane and Lucas!

    Thanks, dia.

    Katydid, you should be happy I didn't use the other one I found.

    1. Not knowing what that was, I was naive enough to google it. It's haunting. So is the website where I found it that also showed pics of a man with a severe case of blue balls.

  11. Happy Birthday Diane!!!! Hope you have a fabulous day!

    I pick Shia too. Although he probably smells like BO and stale sex and booze! Alec has that bitch face Hilaria now and I just can't go there.

    I missed GMG's Alec story can anyone summarize?

    PS - katydid since I never went to google I'm ok with thinking blue waffle = blueberry waffles. Now I want breakfast and the coffee!

  12. Oh, and happy b-day, CDaN B-Day TWINS---AW!!!!

  13. Happy birthday, Lucas!!!

    And, WOW at all the Aries babies! I'm April 8th!

  14. Oh My! So many Aries' in one place! Battle!!!

    Just kidding! I'm a fellow fire sign - Sagittarius. You guys are more intense than me but I can rock out with the best of the fire peeps! I bring the silly and a bit of foot in mouth conversation. Awkward is my middle name!

  15. This turned out well for Tom Sturridge. His character is supposed to be traumatized in this play and by the end of rehearsals, no doubt he already was. Method acting, at its most unintentional.

  16. Oh man, I (stupidly) Googled Blue Waffle (wondering what FSP's avi is all about). Before breakfast. So, so not hungry now.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Happy Birthday Lucas! I hope that google didn't ruin it for you.

  17. Lol, some things you just cannot unsee...

  18. Happy birthday Lucas and Diane!

  19. Happy birthday Diane and Lucas, and all fellow aries in advance.

    I have no love at all for Shia, but I'm on his part here, alec baldwin is detestable and could do this and everything bad that imagination can figure.

  20. Happy Birthday to you Lucas!

  21. Happy birthday Diane and Lucas!!

  22. Dia my love! How did you enjoy GOT?!

  23. RCB! First let me say that I love your new Avi!

    OMG!!! There was a cable tragedy and I haven't watched it yet. I haven't watched the last Walking Dead either! What is more sad - that I watch so much TV or that I couldn't watch TV???

    And Happy Birthday Lucas! You guys have me all excited for you!

    PS - to anyone who hasn't googled... Never under any circumstances google blue waffle. This is the one and only time I listened and I'm happy to imagine them like FSP's Avi. Seriously don't do it. Sorry Lucas :(

  24. Happy Birthday Diane and Lucas!

    And yes to working with Shia over Alec.

  25. Dia, you are so sweet, thank you!

    That so sucky about your cable! GOT was really good but next week looks even better (hello Reeds!) I hope you get to see it and the walking dead soon! If you check out buzzfeed.com, they have an article about your boo Norman Reedus on there!

    1. I think GOT might get confusing for people who didn't read the books. They are leaving out so much stuff, but of course they have to. The books are huge!

  26. Did ANYONE in this thread read Lucas' birthday admission in the Italian kid's voice from I Love Lucy "Eh, Signora, it's a my birthday too!" ?? No?? Anybody??

    It constantly boggles my mind how I can find AB so hysterical as Jack Donaghe, in movies like It's Complicated and of course his SNL appearances. He truly is a talented actor, because he constantly makes me forget what a raging a-hole he is in real life. But then I remember, and vow if I ever met him in real life I'd give him a swift eyeroll. That'll teach him

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Sunny, I know.
      I have to pretend in my mind he IS Jack Donaghe and not AB. The mere thought of Jack yelling "Lemmon" just kills me.
      So if I saw him on the street, if he wasn't wearing a suit and wasn't sporting "Jack" hair I'd be fine with giving him a bitchface worthy of his yoga hussie.

  27. I'm a fan, but Shia doesn't and will never have the power to get Alec fired. Seriously Shia, let it go and seek some therapy. Take your parents with you.

  28. I thought Shia originally said he quit the play. I would rather work with Alec because he would probably be a lot of fun, as long as you didn't get on his bad side.

  29. Shia is a rude, thoughtless little PIG!

  30. @Jazzy Exactly. I'm not really a fan of either, but let's get real here. Stage actors are a dime a dozen, and since he's more of a film actor, Shia-whatshisface was lucky to even get cast in a Broadway play--any play. Alec is the one with the power to do whatever he wants on Broadway. All he has to do is say he'll show up every night, and there will be a theater willing to produce his show. Shia should have kissed Alec's butt.

  31. @Sunny - TOTALLY! I love him as Jack Donaghe, and I'd work with him based sheerly on that. I still haven't forgiven Shia LePoof for annoying the hell out of me in the last Indiana Jones movie.

  32. Happy birthday to Diane & Lucas!

  33. Wanting to know what a blue waffle is. Scared to Google it at work. Scared to Google it, period, really.

    Happy birthday, Diane and Lucas! Taurus/Gemini cusp baby here.

    I'm with Sunny. I love him in so many roles, and it's hard to love him knowing that he's just an ass. (What was GMG's story again?)

  34. ATTENTION CDAN PEEPS: There is NO SUCH THING as "blue waffle disease" (e.g., a really nasty STD affecting women that results in bruises & bluish staining)--the pictures have most likely been photoshopped:


    Just putting the word out...

  35. Happy Birfday Diane and Lucas! :)

  36. You guys are all so sweet with the birthday wishes.

    Alec Baldwin will always have a place in my heart for the "Schwedde Balls" skit on SNL. My coworkers and I reference that ALL THE TIME. I also have an inexplicable love for Kelsey Grammer for "Something Smells Good in Stinkville". I tried so hard to find a link to it. It's on Hulu plus - season 19, episode 17. Good times.

  37. Happy birthday Diane & Lucas!

  38. awww, brothers under the skin.. happy bday to all my cdaners, and a bazillion more!

  39. Am I too late to join in on the Aries love? My birthday is on the 12th! Lucas, you are my favorite nice guy on this blog! Happy birthday to you both!

    1. In addition to Lucas being my nice guy favorite, I should mention FSP & Count Jerkula as my favorite naughty one's as well! :) Actually I really enjoy all the many personalities on here! Love this place!

  40. Happy Birthday Diane AND Lucas! Does this qualify as a VT trolling incident?

    So that's what the "blue waffle" was about. I totally didn't understand that. Glad Robin cleared it up. I am not going to google it, that's for sure.

    Truth: Alec is more of a Broadway draw that Shia. They weren't getting along and if anyone had to go it was going to be him. Shia wasn't being professional either. Alec was there on time and working ON script in the first few rehearsals (everyone knows you learn the blocking first and then move onto the script-just SOP really) but Shia had larnt all his lines and was insulting Alec that he hadn't done his work. He was totally out of line. IF he was flubbing lines when they did run thru's off script it would be the DIRECTOR who would talk to him about it..Not another jr. actor. He got himself fired.

  41. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Shia got himself fired. I would much MUCH rather work with Alec Baldwin. He is immensely talented. Can't say the same for Le Beef !

  42. Happy Birthday, Aries peeps.

    If you haven't looked at the blue waffle photos, DO NOT. Trust. I'm still trying to get the tub girl picture out of my head and no amount of brain bleach will do the trick.

  43. Happy Birthday Lucas too!
    Thanks everyone for my bd wishes. I love birthdays.

  44. Happy Birthday Diane & Lucas!

    I believe Shia because he has absolutely no filter & I don't think he knows how to lie. What a hard decision re: working with them. Putting to one side my being married & faithful, I had a major female boner for Alec for years, but he got married & I feel he is off-limits. So, I would go with my shame f*ck Shia. I am a middle-aged fat chick, so sleeping with me could take care of his Oedipus issues, & my gentle guidance could help keep him on track. Plus, he is young, fit & flexible, so we could probably attempt a few advance moves from the Joy of Sex.

  45. Happy Birthday Diane and Lucas!

    Personally, I'd work with Alec. Sure he's an ass, but, he gets over stuff quicker. He got bitched at by an airline for playing Words w/Friends and he laughs it off by putting it in a commercial. Unlike Shia, who is STILL bitching about this play. Stop whining you little manchild, and take a bath! Ew.

  46. Did anyone see the pap pic of Alec walking those 2 tiny dogs? Dude you were in Glen Gary! No small dogs for you!

  47. I was actually watching Letterman last night and saw the interview. What happened was Letterman presented the scenario that maybe Alec went to the producer and had Shia fired. Shia said something like," Yeah ok, sure that's what happened." Then Dave said," How can you say that's what happened?! I just made that up!" Personally, I wasn't sure if Shia was agreeing as a joke or if was the truth somewhat wrapped in a joke. Did anyone else watch? What was your impression?
