Thursday, April 18, 2013

Robin Roberts Hospitalized While On Vacation

Robin Roberts was hospitalized this week after falling ill on her vacation to Key West. Yesterday she told fans that she had been hospitalized as a precaution because her immune system is so fragile and needed help with whatever bug she caught in Florida. She says that she expects to be fine and back on the air next week. This is a scary thing. You or I get a cold and it is really nothing but a pain for a week or ten days. For someone like Robin who is recovering from a bone marrow transplant, it could mean death if not treated correctly.


  1. I think she was rushed in her recovery.

  2. One of my boyfriends had a bone marrow transplant. 6 months later he contracted some type of mold on the brain - like a bread mold. He did not survive. It is very scary and she should be extra cautious.

  3. Shoo....this is spooky she needs to take it slow.

  4. @MsCool. I'm sorry about your boyfriend. That's so sad.

    I think she's pushing herself, the ol' staring down mortality thing. Peace and light to you, Robin.

  5. So sorry, MsCool. I agree that her recovery was rushed. It also probably isn't such a good idea for her to be on airplanes, since the cabin air is fully of germs - hope she gets well quickly and takes all the time she needs to do so!

  6. Thanks for the nice comments but it has been almost 19 years since he died. I think I've written about him here before. He wasn't the nicest boyfriend at all. I am much better off without him but I certainly do not wish he died! He never got to marry or have a family of his own. Cancer sucks.

    What I mean to say is I am healed after his loss and did not mean to garner sympathy.

  7. Cosign with rushed recovery. She shld slow down and rest rest rest.

  8. It felt like ABC wanted the big push in ratings that Robin coming back brought. They need to leave her alone and let her work if she feels like it--and let her build back up. She has not looked that well since her return--to me she looks tired when I've seen her.

  9. If she has this flu that's going around she SHOULD be in the hospital. I'm surprised more people aren't dying. It really takes a toll on the lungs. It's tuff on folks who are already sick.

  10. I think Robin pushed herself to get back so quickly. GMA would never replace her, she could have taken a year off and they would have supported her. I think she really needs to take it easy and relax or she will get so ill she wont recover.

  11. Prolly ate some spoiled fish.

  12. I wouldn't go to the Keys with a compromised immune system as dengue fever is bad enough on a healthy body.

  13. Anonymous12:14 PM

    didn't we all say that she's doing too much too quickly???? take it easy lady, this is your life we're talking about, is it really THAT hard to relax? I guess for some folks it is.

  14. I remember when ABC said she was coming back and was shocked. Most people who've had bone marrow transplants take about a year off. She was even more delicate because she was already a cancer survivor. I don't know what she or ABC was thinking in bringing her back so soon.
