Thursday, April 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

There are so many places I could go with this caption. This woman seems really excited to see Gerard Butler's muscles.
Halle Berry borrows a pair of pants from Justin Bieber.
Speaking of Justin, he is going to be fined $2K for illegally tattooing this guy.
A very bundled up Julianne Moore.
A wind blown look for Katie Holmes. Or could be after sex hair too.
Kate Middleton and the tiniest baby bump ever.
Lamar Odom shows himself in public for the first time since the charity scandal became public.
Michelle Williams walks her daughter to school.
Russell Brand shows off his Hammbone.


  1. Halle: take that shit off. You are too old for those pants. Katie: stop being the celeb with the worst sense of style.

  2. Russell's peen deserves a better name than that! How about AlDick Snow? Feel free to chime in with suggestions! He's uncircumcised, if that helps with the naming :)

    1. @VIP-How about O'Russ No?

    2. @ethorne after seeing his naked pic, I think that's the appropriate name for it!

    3. @VIPblonde... The BRANDing Iron

    4. @VIPblonde... The BRANDing Iron

  3. LOL @ Gerry & his fan. He's a scuzz but I still like him.

    WTH, Halle?! Aladdin?

    BIEBER FREE APRIL! Damnit, we already have to deal with taxes!

    Kate just looks tiny because you're so used to seeing the Pillsbury Doughgirl.

    Oh, no, let's not make Hammaconda a thing. It is its own thing.

  4. Kate M's face has filled out a bit. She looks much healthier.

    The Hammaconda isn't impressed, Russell.

  5. @Izzie, Lol she does look like Aladdin

  6. Ewww Halle.
    The tattoo artist probably warned bieber of the fine before he let him do a beaver tat

  7. Oh, Halle, I know you're crazy, but why on earth would you choose to wear those pants?

    Anyone who lets Biebs tattoo them deserves a bad tattoo.

    Katie, brush your hair.

    Is Kate Middleton really pregnant? I thought she'd be showing by now. Imagine if she were pulling a Beyonce? That would be some scandal!

  8. The woman near Butler looks like anna faris

  9. Kate's small belly gives me a lot of hope for the future when I get pregnant someday. I'm not as thin as her, but I'm tall and long-waisted and I don't want to look like pregnant Jessica Simpson.

    1. @Karen, promise me you won't wear high waisted peplum pants a la Kim K whenever you get there. ;)

    2. Can't see your whole body in your pic, but I'd say it looks doubtful that you'd be a super full figured preggo. I was thin like you, I never made it to 130. But, I'd much rather look like JSimp knocked up than Kim Lardassian. At least Jess understands the value of a good support bra, and a cleavage baring muu muu w sandals.

  10. Kate is one of those awful women who never gain any pregnancy weight and carry the baby more inside her than out (ie the basketball under my shirt look). My sil is like that too...I look more like KK :( I'd hate Kate with a passion if I didn't love her so much :D

  11. Anonymous12:27 PM

    don't do it Halley, resist the allure of diaper pants! Russell just looks silly.

  12. Seriously? A $2,000 fine for tattooing somebody? Shhheeeeeit.
    Our Gummint: always looking for excuses to rake up money (cough cough) solving the truly difficult problems of modern life one of which is unlicensed tatooing.

  13. @Lotta, if I do, I'll be sure to take a picture just for you! ;)

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I"m starting to feel sorry for Bieber. I read a blurb today where they're explaining that the reason he's freaking out is because he's heart broken still over Selena, made me remember my own freak outs after relationships went bad.

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Don't feel bad for Beiber he was hitting on models and having oral sessions with ladies the whole time he dated her. No way he's heartbroken just mad he can't get what he wants.

    I can't believe Kate is supposed to be further along than Kim K. I usually find pregnant women adorable from 3 months to about 7 (after that they just look uncomfortable) but Kim K looks awful- the worst pregnant look ever! EVER!

    Bat shit crazy pants for bat shit crazy Halle.

    There's only one Hammaconda, Russell just has his willy showing.

  16. Anonymous12:49 PM

    More men should go without underwear ........

  17. Russell is so sexy hot in a dirty way. Sigh......

  18. Brand's wang is tiny in reality (obviously NSFW pic: or anyone in google image search with deactivated SafeSearch). He must have put a turnip or somethin in his trousers, in order to fool the paps and the readers.

  19. Okay only Jon Hamm has the hammaconda. Russell looks like there's more potatoes than meat.

    Oh please baby Jeebus. Do NOT make the diaper pants come into style. Amen.

    Is that Kate Gosselin feeling up Gerard?

    Mathilda is getting so big and she looks so much like her dad. I bet Michelle is a wonderful mama.

  20. Halle, WTF?

    I hate Biebs, what a tool.

    I like Kate Middleton....

    Matilda looks so much like's crazy.

  21. Russell Brand. Yes I definitely would.

  22. Made @Yo's link clicky. So is this naked Russell Brand pic for real? It looks so sad :( I sure hope he's a grow-er, because he's certainly not a show-er

  23. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Hey for the europeans out there. Is circumsision a mainly american thing now. I am asking because none of ny european friends have circumised their sons.

  24. @Yo - you'd be surprised at how much a penis will grow when it's business time, especially with uncircumcised men.

  25. Such a rare misstep for halle. I mean, think what u want about her, she always looks good, even when just walking nahla to school.

  26. When is that damn Duchess going to start showing?! I see NOTHING.

  27. Oh Russell How I want ur brand

  28. Oh Halle...that's ugly

    Love how cute Kate M looks, I was hoping to see a belly by now though. I've always thought pregnant women looked very cute and never judged one until KK, it's like she's trying to get the criticism!! Those clothes with all that weight gain! Not the look

  29. YES! Lucas is so right!

    Don't stoke the crush, Lucas.

  30. 'Katie' a celeb? I wouldn't say that, exactly. And she has to be reserved in her clothing choices. Do we want a Tara Reid or a Holly Madison-a-like on the throne?

    Russell looks rather dapper!

  31. I think Russell is very sexy, and I'm envious of his curly hair. Mine is straight.
    Beiber is going to hell for bringing back those damn Hammer pants. If he starts wearing parachute pants, I may kill him myself. Grr

  32. How isn't Katie a celeb? I mean she was on a hit TV show, some movies its not as if she was a reality star that got famous like Kendra from that Playboy show or something.

    Her career wasn't as it once was but she's still a celeb and given who passes for celebs these days I fail to see how she doesn't qualify

  33. Russell Brand is so incredibly unattractive.

    1. @naughty, he looks like he smells. His face is almost rodent like. I don't see the appeal.

  34. Holy shit, Brand is small! Wtf is in his pants, a sock?

  35. Maybe he's a grower not a shower?

  36. He probably has a stiffy in that pic.

  37. @sherry "more potatoes than meat" LOL
