Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Lawrence shows off her new haircut in LA.

Riz Ahmed, Kate Hudson and the Christmas Tree King at the premiere of their new movie.
Kanye West pushes Kim Kardashian out of the way in NYC so he can
hug Jay-Z.
Kelly Osbourne kind of looks wax museum-y here.
Someone told me Giuliana Rancic was in this photo, but I don't see her.
Apparently Kourtney Kardashian still has fans. Of course people believe Elvis is alive too.
Katy Perry does some press for Smurfs 2
Miley Cyrus brings out the stripper heels after a hotel meeting.


  1. Jennifer looks beautiful, Kate Hudson looks sexy, and Kayne looks heavier.

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    OMG Giuliana when was the last time you ate something? She's scarily thin, dont know how her tiny body can deal with her head! So extremly skinny her head looks huge compared to her body. Insane, why does some women do that to themselves and think they look prettier?

    1. @Spanish89 Agreed! She looks awful. Her head looks huge

    2. I don't know how her neck supports her head at this point, I hate to dog someone about being thin, but she looks like a bobble head

  3. Kim's boobs are HUGE!!!! Wow I thought mine were big when I was pregnant!

    Didn't know a second Smurfs was coming out.

  4. Guliana looks fake. I can't believe a breathing adult female is that small. No way.

  5. i can't look at j-law's hair now w/o thinking of michael k's "just-out-of-the-salon mom hair" comment right after her haircut.

    why a cankle look, kim kardashian? just when i think her 'style' can't get any worse, it does. i'm guessing that's why her stint as a 'stylist' during her brandy/credit card thieving days didn't last very long.

    i get it kelly's trying to pull off mod, but the proportions are off.

    that's a heartbreaking pic of giuliana. has she copped to an ed yet? :(

    oh miley, sit down.

    1. Because Kanye designed that fug on her feet

  6. Christmas Tree King? Is that some sort of inside CDAN joke? I don't get it.

    Poor Giuliana. She was already a stick figure but having cancer must've led to even more weight loss.

  7. @librariantobe, there was a video of Keifer Sutherland fighting a Christmas tree back in December, I think.

  8. Actually he took a run at it and jumped on it. It was fully decorated in the lobby of a hotel. He was hammered. Tree was toast.

  9. Kate Hudson must have one of the best stylists in the biz. She is always flawless.

    Speaking of flawless: Miley's legs. Wow.

    1. She does. She has Skelletor. They've been together forever.

  10. The gal behind JLaw has too skinny weird legs.

  11. Kanye's GLARING at Kim's backside!

    Wow, Guiliana is scary thin. @librarian, I didn't know she had cancer - I wonder how she manages her schedule with treatments and recovery?

  12. I think Miley had a meeting with Courtney Stodden and they traded shoes.

  13. Kim k just needs to leave.

  14. OMG Miley does look like a hooker LOL

  15. Kanye looks like he's put on some sympathy weight.

  16. Every time I see Kelly Osbourne since her weight loss, I find that something about her cheekbones and expression reminds me of Carrie Ann Moss.

  17. Thanks for explaining, Karen and Anothergrayhare. I remember Tom at Goldderby.com telling a story about how Kiefer was finishing everyone's leftover drinks at the Golden Globes a few years ago.

    Yes, Giuliana had a bout with breast cancer sometime, I want to say, about two years ago? I'm surprised you all didn't already know about it. It was pretty big news in the entertainment biz, I think she even had a reality show on E! at one point where they followed her around as she got chemo and such. I believe she's been in recovery for a while now.

  18. Nice hooker wear, Miley.

    Kim, are you TRYING to make your legs look stumpy? Because it is working.

    Short women- ankle boots- NO NO NO. Especially with a skirt.

  19. Thinking Giuliani is not well. Disturbing photo.

  20. I still don't understand why, with all the money in the world at her disposal, does Kim dress like that?! I just don't get it. Has she taken a look at Kate Middleton and what she wears? Obviously completely different body types, but still - there are ways to dress a pregnant body without looking like a gawddamned stuffed sausage. I pray to Jeebus that she won't parlay this into a maternity clothing line, because then I think I will have to move somewhere with no interwebs or tv so I never have to hear of her again. And even if she says there are no acceptable clothing options for her (hello? Wtf did your sister wear for 2 pregnancies that you can't?), there is NO excuse for those shoes. I would like Kim K to disappear forever and take Farrah Abraham with her. The world would be better off.

    1. Suba- she has zero taste, that is why she looks like a cheap whore.

  21. Kanye got some weight on him cause he's in love, just not with Kim.

  22. @Subarugirl, yes, Kim should just dress in her actual size. She keeps stuffing herself into things that are two sizes too small. Maybe she just doesn't want to admit to herself that she's gained weight. Must be terribly uncomfortable.

    Yikes, Giuliana. That can't be healthy.

  23. Those shoes on Kim K are absolutely hideous!

  24. Guiliana looks ill, too thin and she did something to her face. If i was kimk, i wld be FURIOUS with kanye for literally shoving her aside to greet jay z!! Whats that about????? I sense trouble in paradise. I like her description of pregnancy- feet hurt, boobs hurt, back hurts-hey, you play, you pay, lol. I have young women in my life, and they carried in the same way when they became pregnant. Shocked! that pregnancy was inconvienient! Lol

  25. Rancic looks like one of those Pullip dolls.

  26. Jennifer Lawrence has Sylvia Patrillo's handbag.

    I've been watching too many Golden Girls episodes lately.

  27. Guiliana looks like a Caricature of a woman or a bobblehead doll. Oh she looks like a Bratz doll...giant head, tiny body. Not a good look.

  28. Oof Kelly is way too orange. Giuliana. Wow.

  29. Anonymous4:38 PM

    But seriously....G's head is smaller than her waist. This hurts my heart. Remember when she wanted to get pregnant and her OBGYN told her she needed to gain weight and she had a semi silent meltdown? Sad.

  30. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Kourtney K. looks really nice in that photo.

    I have a love/hate thing with Kanye, so I have to laugh at him in the pic with KK.

  31. Cassandra, rahr, he got fat rolls on his head...

  32. GR looks so thin. I hope she is healthy.

    She first had a lumpectomy in October 2011 but it did not get rid of all the cancer cells, so she had a double mastectomy in December 2011.

    Giuliana Rancic Cancer

  33. Taking it too literal, it looks like he had one hand on door and one on her back. If he pushed her it'd be more shots of that...lol

  34. Taking it too literal, it looks like he had one hand on door and one on her back. If he pushed her it'd be more shots of that...lol

  35. White shoes? No. Never. Unless it's your First Communion.

    Is Kelly having those hideous turquoise tattoos lasered off her feet? Or maybe it's the bad spray tan, but the tats look very faded here.

  36. Kim, time to embrace flip-flops. Those shoes are going to be murder on your swollen feet!

  37. Kelly looks like a scary librarian.

  38. Miley has some of the best legs I've ever seen. If mine looked like that I'd probably show them off constantly too! Except I'd never be caught dead in those shoes....



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