Monday, April 01, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Jack Osbourne and his wife celebrating Easter yesterday.
A little stroll over the weekend for Jessica Simpson and family.
Also strolling was Kelsey Grammer and his family.
Not strolling, but headed to brunch were Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise.
Liam Hemsworth picked up some party supplies over the weekend.
Mariah Carey shows off her puppet, Nick Cannon.
Antonio Banderas and his new hat.
Mila Kunis takes a walk with a friend in London.
Meryl Streep hangs out with her daughter who announced yesterday she is splitting with her husband.


  1. Yesterday was family fun photo op day in LaLa land

  2. Meryl rocks. Sorry to hear that her daughter is splitting with her husband.

    That picture of Mariah and Nick is really cracking me up.

    I wish Chestica would go away. She's so annoying.

    I've never been a fan of Frasier.

    Katie Holmes, those shoes don't go with that dress. She should be on What Not To Wear.

  3. I actually rather like Jack's wife's dress. The bodice/bra part could use a little lift, but overall it's different and cute.

    As opposed to the mess that is Mr. Simpson's cut-off jean culottes.

    I had to click on the bigger pic of Liam b/c it looked like he was holding a big bottle of whiskey!

    Meryl's daughter looks *a lot* like her!

  4. And as usual, Suri is adorable and wth is on Katie's feet?

  5. Anyone ever wonder if people like Jack Osbourne, talentless little shits who were simply lucky enough to slither out of the right vagina, ever have enough self-awareness to realize, as he's looking at the back of his model wife's head while inside her, that he never, ever, never, never, never, ever, ever, never would have had any chance with anything like that without his dad's money and fame?

    Or are these celebrity offspring all so self-deluded that they honestly think gorgeous gold diggers willing to host three inches of celebutard cocktail weenie in the warmth of their leg caves actually love them any more than they would love an ATM card?

    1. Lol that was beautiful. Pure poetry.

      She really is a babe tho :O damn.

  6. fuck Meryl Streep.
    She personally destroyed several families, my father included.
    this was back in the early 90's.

    1. @rosieriveter Do Tell

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I want to hear Meryl dirt!!

    3. We need the story or we won't believe it.

  7. Is it Liams birthday weekend. He must be counting down the minutes until he gets his threesome.

    Everytime enty posts pictures of Suri and Katie I save them to my phone. I have a mini obsession with SurKat's pictures

  8. Remember when Spinner and Jimmy had that t-shirt shop on Degrassi? And they only sold different styles of shirt with the same design on it? I think Kelsey Grammer is wearing one.

  9. I can't believe Kelsey approved a see through shirt.

    @Rosie-what did Meryl do?

  10. Suri can walk, Suri can walk!!! Its a miracle!!!
    Am i the only one sick of Mariah here? I.used to be a hige fan of hers but the last few years she has turned into a ditzy snotty airhead. Ive watched a coiple of episodes of American Idol the last few weeks and my God. Her attitude is so freaking annoying--she annoys me every bit as much as Yicky Mirage does. Its no wonder tge ratings are down, but its not only cause of Yicky, though she'll get the whole blame.

  11. Oh no! Meryl couldn't do anything wrong!

    Really hate Jack O's wife's blouse. Ick.

    Maxwell Simpson is adorable.

    I can't stand Kelsey Grammer, I hated Frasier. When I watch RHOBH and Camille is talking about her husband I'm always thinking "oh my god, shhhhh, you realize you're fawning over KELSEY fucking GRAMMER?" Yikes. (I finally watched Seasons 1&2.)

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What the hell is Jack's wife wearing? Poor Nick Cannon, he looks absolutely miserable. Glad to see Antonio and Melanie back together, they look the happiest together.

  13. Even Suri's stuffed lamb is dressed better than Katie.

    I hear ya @EmEyeKay- Kelsey was so full of himself RHOBH-I couldn't stand him either.

  14. @skimpymist-well ok..happy to tell :)
    Meryl went on to 60 Minutes, and used her celebrity power to tell the world of the dangers of Alar, a pesticide used to give red delicious apples their red the time, this was the very early 90's and their weren't as many varieties as there are today...mostly golden and red delicious..anyway, Meryl raised a huge fuss about how this was supposed to cause cancer..So what happens? People not only stop buying apples, but the local farmers(my father included) had to stop using the product, resulting in an unappealing product- Disaster for a farmer-as it turns out, it was proven to absolutely not be hazardous to peoples health, but there was no recourse for the farmers. We tried. Several farmers tried to get compensated- they got nothing- the saddest I personally saw was a family home/orchard that was in the same family for 100+years LOST to the bank. (this is in Washington state, the Yakima valley)I was a teenager then, Me and my 3 siblings lost any chance at money for college, and my father spent the next 18YEARS paying off his debt- $450,000 paid in full, no bankruptcy no help, nothing. godbless the farmers!
    again, FUCK MERYL give anything to tell her myself...

  15. Listen, Im not trying to hate..actually it just comes naturally regarding this topic. its been 20 years and I watched my father rebuild himself, having to start over at 50 years old, after being a farmer his whole life. Hes smart, and resourceful, but what about all the other families who didn't make it? They were devastated.Ive seen Meryl in Parade magazing, People magazine, all sorts of areas talking about her perfect fucking life...and every time it burns me up thinking of what shes done. Yes, her personally.. these stars have amazing star power, people listen! So be aware the next time you hear a famous person "take a stand"- I mean, wtf could meryl possibly know of farming? give me a break. They are often ignorant, and certainly no expert on the topics they take up- just famous that's all- it means nothing in the intelligence department

  16. @rosie, that's harsh, I feel for you, your siblings, and your dad! You're right, just because someone has a famous face doesn't mean they know what they're talking about. I wonder if she knows how wrong she was?

  17. @Rosieriviter - I remember seeing those hearings on TV and seeing Meryl testify. I NEVER heard that she (and they) were wrong about Alar. I'm so sorry for your father and know how proud you must be of him. It's a damn shame people are so easily duped by "celebrities" that they don't look into facts - sounds like Meryl is the Kim Basinger of alar.

  18. @EmEyeKay & SusanB thanku for your kind words-wow it feels better getting it off my chest- it was bad.. but life is good now, we all made it- but of course there's always "what if..."
    I highly doubt she has any clue of the devastation she helped cause- and if she did, who would ever admit they ruined lives? (or at the very least put them on a course that would take years to rebuild)Pride would stop them from conceding to their wrongdoings.. but reminding people to be very careful of who they listen to may just help..

    1. Amen, amen, amen, Rosie, preach! My hubby now has connections to people affected by this, and every single time he sees her, "f*ck MS!" I also haaaaate celebs and their BS insertion into causes-Ted Danson, (How'd that turn out, Ted?) Jim Carrey and Not a damn doctor Jenny McCarthy, etc. They need to find all the seats and sit down and STFU.

    2. Di, don't forget Oprah and the beef industry...

  19. Geez Jessica looks enormous even behind the stroller..

  20. Thank you for sharing your story Rosie. It just goes to show you how little people take the time to fully investigate the truth for themselves. However could they still sell the apples without alar? And what would be the ramifications of that? They wanted to get rid of the alar but not the apples. And I'm not being snotty I am sincerely curious as to why they couldn't. Your family are farmers and I kill a plastic plant so if you could make it clear that would be extremely helpful. Thank you!

    Nick looks a little off put but Mariah actually looks like she's in all sorts of love..Maybe I am wrong?

  21. Antonio: I think you need to "accidentally" step on Melanie's old timey sunglasses. They are awful and she KEEPS wearing them!

  22. Jessica Simpson in that Yale sweatshirt is just such a laugh. I resent that my ex divorced me before I could go to a reunion weekend with Simpson and Alba. And I went to four fucking reunions up there-1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006.

  23. @rosieriviter, I lived my whole life in Washington State, East and West side until 13 years ago. I remember this, it was terrible for many.
    Why anyone would take the word of an entertainer for things like this is beyond me!
    As usual, the bad news is big in the press, the facts that change the story are nowhere to be found.
    I'm glad to hear your family is doing okay.

  24. @Rosie Thank you for your story, and I'm so sorry you all had to go through that. You sound like awesome people that made it through!

  25. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Why would I buy fruit that has coloring on it? It doesn't need it. As it is I am allergic to apples now, you know why, the chemicals that are put on it. Everytime I eat an apple my mouth hives out. All these chemicals are not good for us.

  26. Here's more info about Alar
    That sucks, Rosie! Celebs need to stick to what they're good at.

  27. I want to know more about Mila's "friend."

  28. @ Evil Kumquat - That was quite a speech and you're right. I used to watch The Osbournes and there was nothing appealing about Jack in particular, although maybe he has changed for the better.

    @ EmEyeKay - The last few seasons of Frasier were embarrassingly bad. Kelsey and the writers were just phoning it in. Barely.

    Antonio was sooo HOT in Mask of Zorro. The Nasonex commercial was on last week and my b/f didn't believe me that Antonio was the voice behind the bee, I had to google it to prove it!

  29. @Mango-Holy crap, I didn't know he was the bee! Lol, even when I was reading this, when I saw Nasonex, in my head I heard it the way Antonio says it, just didn't realize it was him.

  30. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Is Antonio Banderas sick or something? He looks really gaunt and frail to me.

    When I saw that pic, my first thought was "Raul Julia-itis coming." WTF?

  31. Men + flip flops = NO

    Sorry Enty.

  32. So I've been buying ugly apples for nothing? I remember that and have been suspicious of "perfect" apples since then. I'm sorry that happened to your family @Rosie. In this day and age, its become rare to find family owned produce farms and orchards. They've all been gobbled up by big business.

    1. The problem is no one knows what fruits and vegetables really look like or taste like. My family always grew loads of veggies,less fruit, but once you eat a rich red tomato warm from sun, those rock hard pale pink jobs are no longer acceptable.

  33. We are lucky enough to live in a place that highly values fresh organic vegetables as well as across the street from the weekly farmers mkt. The Opster always goes to the old guy from Half Moon Bay who has the ugliest apples that are the most delicious. Plus we know all the best vendors for all the best veggies. Not always organic but at least it direct from the people who grew it. As I said we're greatly blessed and certainly take advantage of it.

  34. @ Rosie - holy crap that's horrible! Screw Meryl!

    You should totally make a documentary and put it on YouTube. Just interview the families and show the power of one dumb ass celebrity.
