Thursday, April 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - Iron Man 3 Premiere

The Goopster decides to try and live up to the Most Beautiful Woman In The World award by going sheer and commando.
Hey, it got Robert Downey Jr. to rub up against her.
Bella Thorne was there inm her version of a kimono.
Chris Hemsorth aka Thor and his wife Elsa Pataky.
Ben Kinglsey and his wife were there.
Guy Pearce. Who doesn't love Guy Pearce?
Peter Facinelli went solo.
Andy Garcia took his kids. Do they look like him?
All of this is thanks to Stan Lee.


  1. It could've been worse, Goopy could've pulled a Rose McGowan

    1. @Lotta, my eyes!!!

    2. @lotta that dress is flawless. I love it

    3. Goop looks good in pretty much anything. Rose McGowan should take a lesson! Get a room with that!

    4. IMO that's the dress that made McGowan have name recognition. That dress made her career

  2. Gwenyth's dress looks so tacky, but I wish I had the balls to wear it.

  3. I know there are a lot of Gwyneth haters out there but I think she does look gorgeous here. And if it gets a bear hug from RDJ, it's all good.

  4. Goofy is on cloud 9 with her kneepads cover. I wonder how much she paid for the title.


    More so than a 'kimono', imo. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong--I used to collect vintage CHINESE clothes.

    1. You are 100% correct. And, while I know everyone over 12 has cellulite its nice to see some on GOOPy's 22 yr old stripper's a$$ flank.

      Can't say why each and every person that loathes GP does so, but I do, for the way she treats people she finds beneath her as invisible, or like dogsh!t. I'll pass.

  6. Is it just me or does Peter Facinelli look like a d-bag going through a mid-life crisis? I try not to talk about people but geez. He reeks of skeevishness to me.

    1. Your eyes do not deceive you kgirl! He is looking so swarmy.

  7. Gwynnie looks like she's wearing one of those half-man/half-woman costumes.

  8. Is anyone else always distracted by the "cross your feet in a weird stance so you look thinner, but in reality, it just makes you look like you're unstable and have flippers for feet" thing?

    1. Yes! It looks so silly.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Omg Topper, thank you!!!!!! This stance drives me crazy.

  9. Goopy's dress would look a bit better if she made the wizard sleeves form fitting instead. Her white shoes look cheap. And put on some god damn makeup already woman!

    1. Now that I really look at her dress: if the white part of it was black instead and she wore black shoes her outfit would be pretty cool.

  10. Mike from Neighbours!

  11. Elsa Pataky does not even look like what she used to!

    Oh, Thor. {sigh}

  12. Hairy or not, Andy Garcia is yummy

  13. @kgirl, that's exactly what I thought. Peter reeks of douchbagedry in that suit. Geez, he needs a publicist, or a wife. Oh, wait.....

  14. Elsa Pataky? Anyone remember Helga Pataky from Hey Arnold cartoon?

  15. Love love love love bellas outfit!!!!!!

  16. omg, twice in one day I get to squee over THOR THOR THOR!

    1. @em, grab a tissue to wipe up the drool and don't bother reading the article. Just look at the pictures.

      You might need bandages, though.

      But it's alllll good.

    2. Izzie, what are you trying to do to me? I'll never make it out of my room at this rate...

  17. You are correct, libby. That's definitely a take on a cheongsam, not a kimono. It's quite pretty.

  18. I love seeing Andy Garcia, never heard a bad thing about him either.

    Paltrows dress is something I would expect Lohan to wear.

    1. @Black Cat
      Or something Rihanna would wear. She looks like a bargain base stripper.

    2. @Black Cat
      Or something Rihanna would wear. She looks like a bargain base stripper.

    3. @Black Cat
      Or something Rihanna would wear. She looks like a bargain base stripper.

    4. @Black Cat
      Or something Rihanna would wear. She looks like a bargain base stripper.

  19. Goops dress - major fail. Good god is that ugly and most likely flame retardant...

  20. O/T.. gang, please send up some kind and loving thoughts to Central Texas today. They are having the Memorial right now. :(

  21. I like Goop's dress, wish I had the shape to pull it off!
    That Elsa person is knobby and bony. Good God.

  22. I don't like Goop's dress be she looks good in it from the side.

    Bella Thorne looks like she's 25!

    Andy's kids do not look like him at all.

    I'll take Guy Pearce over Thor. Thor does look good but I prefer a dark haired man.

    Ben's wife is gorgeous. Truly.

  23. Gweyneth I think I can see your Goop!

  24. Stan Lee is a God.

    One whose cost enough over the years that I almost could have joined the Co$.

  25. I love love love Gwyneth's dress. And thank you Thor. For just being you. Swoon.

  26. Anonymous1:34 PM

    yes Peter Facinelli is a d bag going through a mid life crisis. That's why he looks like one. Goopy looks good here, I'm going to cut her some slack. God knows she tries hard enough to have us all like her. She's not offensive, just mildly annoying. The thing about Goop is she's like the head cheerleader in high school, everyone wants to be buddies with the head cheer leader. Plus she's going through the whole divorce/cheating thing and pretty vulnerable/sad, so I'd imagine he'd be supportive, give her a shoulder, and be there for her while she sniffles, during filming. (It's not like he hasn't been through the ringer himself in his life), and I'm hoping that's the reason for their bonding and closeness, and not something more unseemly.

  27. Although I'm not crazy about the print, the shape of Bella's dress is so cool. I love that it's a two-piece. Elsa is reminding us that not everyone can pull off short hair. Yikes!

  28. Anonymous1:41 PM

    no seriously PETER you looks like some pervy freaking wet rag..

    he is so skeevyyyyyyyyy

  29. @Brenda I remember Helga! Love me some Hey Arnold!

  30. Does it seem to anyone else like Goop is just barely holding her shiz together?

    Bless his heart--at first glance, I thought Andy Garcia's one kid was Rosie O'Donnell.

  31. p.s. I'm new. :) Been reading this site for a little while and finally decided to join the fun.

  32. How the hell Peter get invited to Iron Man event?

  33. All of it is thanks to Stan Lee (to paraphrase CM "Douchebag" Punk, I'm a Stan Lee guy!) but don't forget the contributions of his brother, Larry Lieber who wrote the inagural appearances and issues of Iron Man based on Stan's ideas and Don Heck who designed the character (which of course everyone gives Jack Kirby credit for when he just did a cover using Heck's design).

    Without Mr. Lieber and Mr. Heck laying the foundation for the character in the 60's, we wouldn't have the awesome Iron Man movies we have now.

  34. Who's the stripper RDJ is hugging?

  35. @ Lotta - you've been cracking me up all day

    @ Lily Bart - Welcome and LMAO @ Rosie O'Donnell comment!!

  36. Isnt there a blind floating around about an actor with children of questionable paternity???? Or am I dreaming it up with that andy garcia caption?

  37. The stripper has a face like a burlap bag.

  38. The older boy looks like Andy, not so much the younger one.

  39. Is it just me, or does Bella's dress print look an awful lot like the Coty Airspun Powder box? (Seriously, it does!)

    I actually watched the Yahoo!Movies feed of last night's premiere, and thought Gwynnie's dress looked very nice, at least in terms of the overall cut and how the various colored panels worked; didn't know it was THAT sheer, though! As for RDJ looking a bit down, as someone else said, I didn't notice it--he seemed pretty damn chipper to me, esp. when he & the missus drove up in that flashy red car. :-)

    (ObAvengers: When I was in Family Dollar this afternoon, I came across some wee Avengers figures for $2 each, so I now have Iron Man & Hawkeye guarding my eMac. *grin*)


    I'm very annoyed with RDJ these days.

  41. They (Ironman crew) just flew around the world promoting the movie. Could it be some of them are exhausted? I would be. Always on, all over the world, the only sleep you get is in hotel rooms and on planes.

    I still don't like Ghoulp, though.

    1. @warmislandsun. That should be the official CDaN spelling.

  42. And I agree Agent, FREE TIBET!

  43. I am not a fan of Goopy's dress. Saw a back view of it that looked pretty bad. I think she should have that title revoked just because of it.

  44. Ohhhh Wendy Williams gave it to Ms Paltrow's People cover today.
    "Maybe the most beautiful woman in the PTA! But in the world?"

  45. I don't like Goop's dress either. The shoes she paired with it are horrible.

  46. I think Goop's dress is hideous. She could have gone with something so much nicer, but wanted "the look at me!!!" dress instead.

  47. oh crap that Peter Facinelli is so over rated, him and his little smug face and fugly shoes, I hope all his twee girlfriends dump him and add to his douchey mid life angsty crisis. Bleh. Sir Ben's wife is too damn hot. Well if Goop paid kneepads for her title, I am sure she put a lot of thought into that Barberella barbie dress, tacky tacky.

  48. I'm just here waiting for Peter Facinelli to get Mike Dexter'd sitting alone on a swing.

  49. Peter Facinelli is here because his girlfriend who was with him is a Marvel movie(Thor) actress

  50. Umm-- A portion of it is due to Stan Lee. Don't forget the artists: Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Don Heck, and Bob Layton

  51. Awwww, most beautiful and worst dressed, how sweet.

  52. Ahhhh, Chris. You make me feel young and perky again. Thank you, Oz, for producing such eye candy.

  53. Those cannot be Andy Garcia's kids. He has four daughters. No sons. Nobody else knew that? He once remarked that he's surrounded by beautiful women and that even the family pets were girls.

  54. Anonymous1:22 PM

    The one on the left is his son Andres. The kid on the right... is not his kid.

  55. Oh goodness, he DID finally have a son. I didn't know that. Cool.
