Thursday, April 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Ben Affleck picks up his daughter after class.
David Beckham just always looks good doesn't he?
Elizabeth Banks totally looks different here.
Emma Stone headed to work on her movie.
Gerard Butler finds something funny. Possibly his movie career.
The Goopster said in the interview accompanying this shoot, that she limits herself to one cigarette per week. Also one meal.
Halle Berry has moved on to Rio.
Hugh Jackman works out with the family.
Angelina Jolie does her royal wave.


  1. That top Goopy is wearing looks like an orthopedic bra.

    1. @SusanB. You mean it's not?

    2. Balenciaga & KStew did it better than the Goopster.

    3. Balenciaga & KStew did it better than the Goopster.

  2. Good for the Affleck daughter for doing martial arts!

    What's the point of one cigarette per week? I bet Gwynnie is really a closet smoker.

    Angelina's hand is scary bony there. I miss her from her Hackers days.

    Elizabeth Banks annoys me for some inexplicable reason.

  3. OK the Garners have the paps on speed dial. Every single day, no matter where, Ben or Jen or both are 'spotted' with some combo of kids. No one is in the DM more than them. (I <3 Jen G though)

  4. One a week? Why bother. I'm buying an e-cig on may 1st and gonna try to quit. Again.

    1. Good luck! I spent $100 on hypnosis, 5 1/2 years and counting....

    2. I would suggest 888 or Eversmoke. They make a good replacement for smoking. It's very hard to find a decent e-cig

  5. Enty always goes on about how thin Goopy is, but really, she's just thin, not emaciated. What's the big deal? My 20 year old stepdaughter is way thinner than she is but still doesn't look anorexic or anything. I see all kinds of women that thin, and yes, they eat. Not a lot, but they eat. What's the big deal?

  6. Elizabeth Banks looks like January Jones... didn't JJ just dye her hair red, too?

  7. Love the pic of Ben and his daughter. I can't help but love Gerard Butler. Goop and Angelina both look sexy.

  8. What is Hugh Jackman smuggling?

    Emma!!!! Go back to red! The ginger is calling.

  9. Emma Stone used to be so cute...

  10. I love that the Affleck girls do Martial Arts. I just wish it was with the company I train with/work for. lol

    Hugh Jackman is perfect.

  11. Hugh Jackman's skele-toes are BRIGHT

  12. Now Goopie's hair looks very lovely here. Why does she insist on the dry straw look?

  13. Oh gwen, please stop talking!!!!!!!

  14. @ethorne - I came on here to say the same thing. Love them, but damn, starting to get to be too much!

  15. I just love a little girl with spectacles and I always smile broadly when I see the Affleck cutie! Four-eyed and proud!!

    One ciggie a week? Wtf is the point? lol

    Gerard Butler is beyond gross. I cringe when I see him. Just gross and fug!! I don't understand his appeal.

    1. @reese. I think the point is to tell the reports that so when she's papped smoking she can say that's her one a week.

    2. @gayeld, my thoughts exactly! Better to "admit" to one a week in case she gets caught. She thinks it makes her seem more relatable since she's Ms Healthnut. Meanwhile she's probably sucking those things down one after the other in the privacy of her home! ;)

  16. @RCB: keep quitting 'til ya quit!!! Good luck!!

  17. I limit myself to zero cigarettes per week. Maybe I should start my own lifestyle newsletter.

  18. E-cigs are the shit. I will never smoke another tobacco cigarette. RCB, it will change your life!

    I don't think Goop is emaciated, either.

    1. I've never tried an e-cig. Not to sound ignorant but how do they work? Are they as satisfying as a real cig can be?

  19. Gwyneth, shut up trying to prove how in control of your life you are, you OCD freakshow. I smoke and you're full of it.

    Emma stone looks like an Olsen twin and Elizabeth Banks looks the same to me and I think she's hilarious after Lainey inroduced me to her blog (infinitely better than GOOP)

  20. The Affleck kids are adorable - I'm with you, Reesie, four-eyes & proud of it! Plus, that little gap-toothed grin. :D

    I adore Elizabeth Banks for some reason. Just love her.

    Goop's pic looks like some mild mummy bondage going on.

    @Reesie - {hangs head in shame} I still love him from 300 and the movie with Hilary Swank. It's just his cheeky smile and his accent and I dunno...

  21. @RCB: Go with the e-cigs. I went from 60 tobacco cigs a day (I know, ugh) to zero overnight. I still use the e-cigs four+ years later, but I don't miss the stink or the mess of tobacco. I'm addicted to nicotine, not tobacco.

  22. I too wonder how is Emma Stone, so happy all the time? She seems clean though. Gerry looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel with the try hard laughing, take it easy. I love the Garner kids, so cute and normal(looking at least). Gwyneth is a grown woman, there's no reason for her to be as skinny as a teenager or young adult. But whatever, if she's happy then that's just fine, but could she please stop with the booshwa bullshit?

  23. @ethorne: Totally seconded. Not only do they have the paps on speed-dial, at this point I think they (Ben and Jen) are PAYING the DM. They're just not that interesting a couple. Why would the DM keep paying for yet another ho-hum Affleck + kid snapshot?

  24. Thanks for the support everyone!!

  25. Emma is a natural blonde but I too prefer the red hair.

    The Jackman family always looks so happy to me. Loving his feet-shoes.

    I have an e-cig my sister gave me and I need to go back to it. Sigh..another vice that needs to go.

    Not sure that was the best outfit for Halle Scary.

    1. Lets quit together Sherry! I picked May 1st so I'll have a couple weeks to smoke my brains out plus its pay day so I have no excuse but to buy an e-cig!

  26. I cant believe I'm gonna say this about Gwen, but she looks way better in that outfit than Kristen Stewart did

  27. I really need to get on the e-cig bandwagon. Would someone who has had success quitting regular cigs please recommend a brand and/or strength of e-cig to me? I want to get a kit (pack? set?) but I have no clue what to actually buy. Advance thanks to anyone who would care to advise!

    1. @MLE, we used Blu, it really worked for us, expensive but worth it, good luck :)

    2. 888 or Eversmoke.

  28. I love the Affleck kids too, always look happy.

    Ok Enty, now you're just trolling with the whole Goopy thing! She's annoying and all but she's not scary skinny there.

    Good luck RCB, me and the Mr. went from smoking a pack a day to only one a day to none with the e cigarette. You can do it!

    WTF happened to Emma Stone? She looks like a troll.

    Halle, wrong outfit dear.

  29. I can't believe I forgot to mention my secret husband Hugh Jackman! As usual, he looks good enough to eat.

    Hey VIP, I need a special link for Hugh like the one for Christopher Meloni! Lol

  30. MLE strange you mention that there was a whole conversation about ecigs on the radio today, and a doctor called in and said to stay away from them, they're still full of harmful chemicals and thinks after a few years study that they will be banned. Said to stick to the gum, patches or ask doctor for a prescription. Hope that helps.

  31. I can attest that it is possible to have a cigarette every once in a while. I quit cold turkey six years ago, and occasionally if I am out and one of my girls has a cigarette, I can actually have one and then be done until we meet again. I know it's a nasty nasty habit but there really is nothing like have a cocktail and a puff of a cigarette when you are having a bitch fest with your girls. Sometimes I really do miss smoking, but am happy I can partake every once in a while and not be a full blown addict like I was for many years.

  32. I would love for July 4th BI Reveal Day to be dedicated to outing Hollywood hypocrites such as Goop. Perhaps I should start a petition on!

    (BTW, I seldom get to post but want to thank ALL - OK, MOST - OF YOU for adding humor and grace to every day!)

  33. Goop probably smokes as a distraction to the gnawing feeling in her stomach.
    While I don't think she's an anorexic per SE I do believe she is regimented and restricted in an extreme way. But that's most of Hollywood, no?

  34. @ThatLady - Ireland doesn't look that small on maps. Short and fat as opposed to long and skinny like GB and there's 60 million of us. I didn't realise we were so over populated until I went to Sweden - 5 times bigger with just 9M. It was beautiful, even in Stockholm on a busy day you could breath and the countryside is amazing. I imagine Ireland to be similar. I have to go to London once a month and I loathe it, especially the tube.

    You and you're brother seem like me and my sister. We get into the same shows and switch box sets. I haven't watched SOA because it doesn't appeal and Green Street I had to look up and when I found out it was about football hooligans, I realised why I never watched it. I get what you're saying about proceduals, it's got be all about the characters rather than the cases which is why I don't really watch them until someone forces me to try it out because of some amazing DRAMA they've just seen happen which they want to share. I used to be really in to Bones because of the characters but it's been dragging on to long now.

    Re: Suits, Jessica will always be Anna Espinosa to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? :)

  35. I quit smoking just over 2 years ago, haven't had one since. I used a book: The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr, $12ish on Amazon. Good Luck!

  36. oops wrong thread

  37. Hackers was the 1st movie I saw Angelina in. I remember she looked so sexy. Her body was smoking hot and she rocked that short hair cut. Now, she looks weak and frail. I'm naturally thin and I eat constantly to maintain a healthy experience. What is she wearing anyway? Choir robe?

    Makes me wonder if something is medically wrong w/ her.

  38. I quit just over 2 yrs ago. Cold turkey. I was at a pack a day (for 25 years) and quit cold turkey. Best thing I ever did. I LOVED smoking, every aspect of it! And I do miss the habit of it, but not the effects of nicotine, nor the smell, nor the mental attachment to them......
    If you want to quit, just do it! It's tough, but only if you really let it get to you! Good luck!!!

  39. Okay, I confess, I got the Goopster's latest book for free, skipped to the recipes, and enjoy 80% of them. That article last week that claimed it would cost $30,000 to make all the recipes is BS. The egg based recipes actually indicate chicken eggs, but earlier she states she eats duck eggs simply because of an allergy her son has.

    Is she annoying? God yes, but she not the devil and she's too overly honest to be deceptive. I give her a bit of credit for that.....and the brownie recipe.

  40. I just flat-out don't believe Gwyn on this one. Especially someone so health-focused. Who other than her says they smoke only 1 cigarette a week? (Or actually really does smoke only 1 cigarette a week?). I'm shocked she's still a smoker, and as someone who quit cold turkey four years ago, I'm telling you that if she admits to smoking even 1 cigarette a week (which she does admit here) she's smoking a whole lot more than that.

  41. GOOP has so many issues she could bind them and make a periodical. Having seen her in person, she is best described as "brittle." Brittle hair, brittle dessicated body, and brittle face/attempt at emotions. There's nothing real or natural about her. We might not be able to keep her from screwing with her kids and making them head cases, too, but people shouldn't encourage it by buying her products or giving weight to her two-faced edicts.

  42. TinselSass - Welcome!! Can't wait to have your contribution. Thanks for joining in.

    My sis got me the Blu cigs but it's been difficult for me to follow the technique on how it works vis a vis the charging and the cartridges, etc. She had to give me like a 15 minute tutorial but maybe I'm just an idiot. At any rate I still have the kit..I feel like Alan Arkin in "Little Miss Sunshine". But bless my sister's soul for spending the money on ME. She loves me and she's an awesome sis. (Even though she's only a 1/2 sis as I finally realized the other day-horrors!!!)

  43. Thanks for the advice! Just to be clear, I don't view using an e-cig as having quit cigs. I hope to use it as an aid in the quitting process much like @All about Eve and hubs successfully did. Yes, I do realize that for many the term "quitting process" may be an oxymoron but having attempted to quit before I decided a new strategy was needed.

    @Welldun, thanks for the reminder! That book is on my bookshelf! I guess I should actually read it instead of expecting to quit through osmosis. :)

  44. ok after skimming comments, i'd like to say the way i would recommend to quit...roll your cigs or other herb. roll each and every one. i got so sick of having to roll em that i gave up smoking. i replaced herb for cigs and it worked for me. good luck, it's been 9 years for me and i still get cravings when i am stressed.....

  45. Yes, Welldun! Coming out of lurkdom to second that "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" really works. My husband and I both used it to quit five years ago, and neither one of has ever smoked again. I promise that it works. Go to and and read the reviews. There are probably close to a thousand between the two sites, and people update their reviews years later to say that they are still cigarette-free.

  46. Does anyone know where I can get shoes Elizabeth banks is wearing in above pic?

  47. @rejectedcarebear-- I've been using ecigs for two years now and they WORK.Nothing else did. Now I am addicted to them, but that is better than the tobacco...

  48. @figgy jealousy is what's wrong. i don't care if i get crucified, i hate it when anyone is harangued about their weight, whether small or large, thin or voluptuous. also, by hassling thin people for being anorexic or whatever, we continue to promote the disfunctional view that thin people are more beautiful. which is not true. why can't we just LEAVE WEIGHT ALONE.

  49. BTW,started with Green Smoke. But I still want to quit altogether. After tax season.

  50. and actually i smoke two cigarettes a week, 1 friday, 1 saturday at night and i have done so for years and have never desired to smoke more than that. actually, a few years ago i smoked three in one night and woke up the next day feeling so awful, i never cheated like that again.

  51. I would have been celebrating 4 yrs smoke free last month but started smoking again about 6 months ago. The bad thing is I am nearly at smoking as much as I was when I quit!

    I have several e-cigs that I have tried and so far none of them taste worth a d*mn.

  52. I quit cold turkey 10 years and 11 months ago. This past year has been the easiest year so far. The smell of stale cigarette smoke actually gives me a headache now. I still have the occasional dream where I am smoking and I tell myself it is just one and I will be fine. (I used to wish that was true). The key to quitting successfully is to find some new way to deal with whatever triggers you into wanting to smoke again....go for a walk, drink water, kick a ball...anything to work through that initial all powerful need that hits out of nowhere. Once you find something that works for you the rest comes a little easier.

  53. Have to confess I love Goopie. Wonder if she only smokes cigarettes made from organic tobacco, hand rolled by artisan cigarette makers using organic, free trade paper made from old growth trees.

  54. First time poster, long time reader.

    I thought Emma Stone was Lindsay for a second there.

  55. Holy, cow, is Saint Angie actually smiling?!

    I wouldn't sleep with Gerry, but I really like most of his movies, especially the action ones.

  56. Wait... The Goop won't eat fast food because it's unhealthy but she smokes?? Does anyone else else find this a little hypocritical?

  57. The Afflecks don't need to call the paps. School starts and ends at the same time every day. Easy for paps. The kids have regularly scheduled after school or weekend activities. Easy.

  58. @Sherry... thanks for the kind welcome! You always bring good energy and perspective.

  59. I quit cigarettes, but replaced them with cigars and pipe tobacco. It ain't healthy, but it's less damaging. I just need nicotine at least once a day to function right. I go off the rails otherwise. Marijuana makes me really loopy, so I avoid it.

  60. That photo of Ang, must be in connection with her attending the G8 summit in London. You go girl! I've always liked her and I like her even more for raising awareness of rape, sexual abuse and women's rights.

  61. Love the Affleck/Garner family.

    Just the other day I was watching a clip of Ben on Jimmy Kimmel answering if his kids did sports and his answer was so funny.

    Go to the 3:30 mark

  62. Goopy smokes? I LOVE THAT! Miss perfect, I am the healthiest person on the planet and eat $25 duck eggs instead of those "peasant" chicken eggs, smokes??? Oh and PLEASE... one cigarette a week? My guess is that she goes into her goes into her diamond encrusted "panic room" and chain smokes in between stuffing doritos and oreos down her throat and then goes and pukes in her solid gold toilet.

  63. I wonder if Goop's one cig is organic tobacco, on handmade paper, rolled between the thighs of male virgins or some crap. Pfft

    Angie may be smiling but that hand tells me she was saying, "Don't come any closer or else I'll release the hellhounds upon your picture snapping ass."

  64. Preaching about health and you still smoke? Phony bitch. Go away, Gwynnie.
