Monday, April 01, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Kevin Ware of Louisville gets the top spot today. How can you not give it to him?
Britney Spears heads to church with
her sister who wore the shortest dress in the entire church.
Chace Crawford canoodles with a model at a basketball game over the weekend.
Carmen Electra makes her annual Palm Springs pilgrimage.
Apparently Gerard Butler has a lot of fans.
Hayden P in Miami while
Jennie Garth spent some time in Mexico.
Long time no see in the photos James Marsden.


  1. Oof, Kevin Ware. I don't ever want to think about that again. That was madness. Hope he heals quickly, but unfortunately that doesn't seem too likely. Yikes.

  2. Hayden's developing Tori Spelling meteor chest.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth. These two are why I don't think I could ever get a boob job.

    2. @ethorne, ditto. That's creepy.

  3. Hayden's CHEST!!!


    And Jennie Garth is starting to freak me out, too.

  4. Completely off topic remember this blind from 3/26/13:

    She is barely out of her teens. She is also the reason that this C+ reality star is now getting a divorce. Her husband found someone younger and someone who doesn't have a desire to be on television and someone who will worship the ground he walks on. Also, the barely out of her teens woman has another quality that he has never had before in a relationship. He is in lust with that quality. It kind of blurs the line between male and female if you know what I mean. One of the popular guesses was Porsha and Kordell Stewart "Real Housewives of Atlanta"

    Well it's true; they have filed for divorce.

    1. Yeah, that's so last week

    2. Last week was just yesterday smart ass


  6. Hayden is getting a boob gap. She needs to fix her implants.
    Jennie Garth's bikini bottom looks like frilly granny panties.
    Britney looks really good which does not happen often but Jamie Lynn wanted to steal her thunder by wearing her daughters dress to exhibit her merchandise to any potential suitors that came out of the woodworks to go to Easter mass.

  7. I read a little bit about Kevin Ware but I don't have the heart to watch it. Hope he gets well soon!

    Good grief, lil' Spears. Way to be respectful.

    Hayden P scares me.

    Jennie looks good, putting on a little weight & getting some sunshine.

    1. True. Sun damage always makes a middle aged woman look better.

    2. Yawn. Vitamin D, I know you must not get much under that bridge.

    3. Gawd I heart you Izzie

    4. @rex, :D

      A troll does not simply walk into CDaN... :b

    5. *snicker* Doesn't sunlight turned them to stone? *reaching for The Hobit*

  8. Eeek! Haydens chest scares me.

    Nevermindthat- the rumour around my town was that Kordell was gay BUT my boss used to be friends with him and has seen him with beautiful women before sooo I don't know.

    1. A female friend lived in the same apt bldg as he and they did more than exchange pleasantries in the elevator. She was very impressed by his off field talents.

  9. Those boobies probably don't seem like that great of an investment now, do they? Yeesh.

    Jennie Garth needs to get a bikini bottom that fits.

    Gerard Butler. Ugh. Can he just be over with already? All of his hotness in 300 was CGI anyway.

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    James Marsden has GOT to be a clue guys!!!

  11. Carmen and Jenny put that shit away already.

  12. is Hayden rocking a c-section scar??

  13. Jennie, a size 0 bikini is not supposed to be hanging off you. Maybe consider eating some chocolate this Easter.

  14. Hayden needs to demand her money back from the surgeon cause that boob is all kinds of f'd up!

  15. Kevin Ware!!!!!
    Wishing a speedy, as painless as possible recovery!

  16. Kevin Ware's injury was just gruesome.

    Hayden should get her boobs fixed...

  17. Wow, what a group of pics.

    Kevin Ware, hope he has a speedy recovery. Hope Louisville wins it all this year!

    The Spears girls can't dress worth a damn, and something seems off about Jamie Lynn's face.

    What's with the shoes on Chase's canoodling partner? Ugh

    Not much else to say that's nice, but James M has a cute doggie.

  18. Hayden's boob job is making me feel worse than seeing Kevin Ware's leg dangling...

    JLS' short dress reminds me of attending my friend's weddin at her church last year. We (her school friends) went for nothing higher than knee length because we were going to a church. All the girls who attend the church were wearing mini dresses.

  19. I hope Kevin Ware gets better soon.

    Hayden has a weird body - sort of like a gymnast's.

    Kelly Taylor is trying too hard.

    Britney, ankle boots are not your friend. Jamie Lynn, put some pants on.

    Chace Crawford looks great with a beard.

    Carmen Electra is ridiculous, but so gorgeous.

    1. @gmg - I see what you did there. Well played!

  20. @gmg - Chace looks good with facial hair too! ;)

    1. Lol I just realized what I did there! I really shouldn't have drank all that tequila last night b/c now my brain is mush. Haha

  21. Hayden, you can afford a corrective boob job by now and your bikini is TOO SMALL.

    Jenny, your bikini is TOO BIG. If you jumped into the water you’d be butt nekkid from the waist down.

    There is no way Chase Crawford and that Ian Sommerwhatever kid are 2 different people. They are the SAME GUY! Same thing with Nina. How is she not Jordana Brewster or Selena Gomez or Ashley Greene?

    These kids have gotta be freaking out on a daily basis. Every one of them is interchangeable and replaceable.
    Maybe that’s why most of them start so much shit or are constantly calling the paps? Just trying to keep their names out there I guess.

  22. Why does Carmen ELectra remind me of 1980's Jane Fonda or Suzanne Somers? Those thighs are a bit....shall we say...middle aged looking. Oh, wait. She is middle aged.... Next!

  23. GO CARDS!!!!' Louisville loves you Kevin Ware! Get well soon.

  24. Oh Kevin, heal quickly

  25. First thought was Hayden's unfortunate plastic surgery. So tragic! She's developing scar tissue and needs to get that taken care of before it's too late. I truly feel for her.

    Jenny Gath looks good..Bathing suit bottom? Not so much.

    I hope to NEVER SEE the Kevin Ware incident. Hope it heals quickly.

    isn't it the "Dinah Shore" weekend in Palm Springs? Bet the girls were loving her! Oh wait, maybe it's White Party weekend. Bet the "girls" were loving her.

    Don't kill me..Gerry actually looks good there.

  26. One final comment..Britney's boots are all sorts of tragic. Her legs are too muscular to zip so she wears them down? No, baby. Just, no.

  27. Who's the wiseacre at the Daily Mail who put quotes around Chace's "new girlfriend"?
    Chace Crawford's gorgeous "new girlfriend" is Canadian model Rachelle Goulding

    I love love love Hayden's bikini. I'll have to do some trusty calisthenics and hop on the old exercise belt massager because the back of the effer is teeny tiny

    1. Lol @Sunny-In elementary school one of my friends moved into a new house that had one of those belt exercisers in the basement.

  28. Ok I kind of feel bad for Hayden P. I don't like her as an actress at all.. But her boob job, though terrible, is modest. She obviously wasn't trying to go too large which often results in wonky boobs when there's not enough skin to support the implant. The scar tissue is obvious though :( didn't anyone encourage her to massage those puppies after surgery? Ugh. Hers are the reason I never got mine done. I went from a full C to a B after my kids. I didn't want to go huge , I just wanted my bewbies back! But the day before my surgery I chickened out. I was afraid of Frankenboobies, which I've seen too many of. Sadly my appointment was at 5 am and my bffs app was at 7. I opted out of my surgery and she took my 5 am appointment. To date she has the best boob job I've ever seen! Le sigh .. Oh well .. B it is lol

  29. I don't know what is worse looking- Jamie Lynn's barely there skirt, or Britney's UGLY dress that is the worst length ever for her legs, with ankle boots. Her calves look like they belong on a short football playing MAN. Dammit girl, wear something flattering, for fuck's sake~

  30. Interesting discussion about CDaN in the Dlisted comment section on his Hayden P post. But don't click through if you don't want an up close view of that scary bewb job. Yikes.

    1. @Izzie-Junior Detective LaToya, reporting for duty.

      They're just writing what we hear on here once a month.

      Ghostly Burrito Whore signing off.

  31. Chase looks mega hetero there. I bet that model's having some sex tonight!

  32. Britney's sister has no respect and has no idea how to dress appropriately for church.It looks like she's a street walker!

  33. @ethorne
    Ha - no way! I hope you got to take it a spin before the garage sale
    (P.S. I was trying to find a funny video clip to accompany my comment, but there are a lot of pervy peeps in internet land. And I intentionally did not use the word "vibrating"!)

  34. @srah2k, yes, that does look like a fairly scary c-section/laparoscopy scar! Combined with the hideous boob job, the various marks and bruises, and whatever the Hell is going on with the backs of her legs, her body is absolutely tragic.

    So young. So heartbreaking.

  35. I may be a UK Wildcats fan but my heart broke for Kevin Ware and the UofL Cardinals last night. I hope for him to have a speedy and painless as possible recovery.
    Even though I am a Wildcats fan I am a proud Kentuckian and I am hoping that the Cards win it all this year!

    GO CARDS!!

    1. So many of my friends who are Wildcat fans have reached out during this tournament and made a special point of saying they were cheering for my Cards it is really touching and sweet to know we are all Kentuckians first and Fans 2nd. Of course we will all settle right back into our rivalry as soon as this is over :)

  36. Neither Spears girl knows how to dress.

    Gerard Butler and Hayden P would make a great couple. They're both depraved and dissolute, but I don't think he's a hitter and she likes that, doesn't she?

  37. Hayden's body looks out of proportion. Her arms seem too short. Something is off there.

  38. I couldn't bring myself to watch the Kevin Ware video! A description is all I need to know!

    I feel worse for Jenny than I do for Hayden. Some people just wear their emotions as weight.

    The second Spears needs a conservator too. Who in their right mind wears that as an Easter dress!?!

  39. Hayden has some sorta scar down there above her hoohah. Caesarean? Tummy tuck? What the f*ck?

  40. I hope Kevin Ware feels better soon, but still cheering for Michigan. Go blue!

  41. Yeah that totally looks like a cesarian scar on Hayden. I have the exact same one.

  42. Damn, ya'll got me googling & there is talk of Hayden's c-section scar from 2007.

  43. Attacking the Spears makes you a bully, Enty.

  44. Hayden actually looks like she has a tummy tick scar. Or a seriously wrong tan line.

  45. Maybe Hayden had some type of surgery that required an incision where a c-section scar would be. My sister had some cyst that needed to be removed and they made a incision in that area.

  46. I think Hayden is knocked up or got a serious case of the bloat, her stomach just does not look right in the other photos (dlisted). Itwould explain the rush towards wedding when her and klitschko have barely gotten back together. Or.....extensive plastic surgery could be the answer, "paging Dr. Knife".

  47. Chase and that woman...yeah, that's exactly the way I goof around too...with my GAY best friend. SO easy to spot.

  48. If you look closely, it has the shape of those small paper panties they give you to wear in the tanning salon when you use a tanning bed or spray tan booth. I seriously don't think it's a cesarean scar. you can see the little square where it's lighter and tiny straps coming around the sides. That's what I see, anyway.

  49. GO CARDS! Love you, Kevin!
