Friday, April 26, 2013

Photographer Says Edward Norton Attacked Him

In what sounds like a guy trying to antagonize the easily antagonize-able Edward Norton, the man claims that when he tried to take Norton's photo with a cell phone camera that Edward grabbed the camera and hurt the man's finger badly enough that the man had to go to the hospital for what he described as a tissue contusion. So, what is that exactly? He wanted to file charges but there were no witnesses, so there is no criminal case. The guy could try and sue Edward but I think he would look like an idiot. He says that he asked Edward whether Edward thought the photographer looked like him or not. The photographer said he was very scared.


  1. But he's not The Hulk anymore.

  2. Is a tissue contusion a bruise?

  3. I've met Edward Norton. He's not a big man by any means and hardly what I would consider threatening

  4. I'd let him vagina.

    Hell, I'd even let him MURDER it!

  5. I met him too, at the Norton Museum. Hardly intimidating and he was quite charming. But, he was talking to me and I am a natural charmer as well. Just ask Shemar.

    1. Oh, Agent... ;)

    2. @Agent**it Oh bite me twice & then do it again! Whoops! I thought I was supposed to describe how I charm Shemar!

      HAHAHA! :-P

  6. @Ms Cool, that's all I can think. Scary stuff.. heh.

  7. Maybe it's his voice, I can't put my finger on it, but I would not allow him to murder my vagina. I don't think I'd even allow him to give my vagina a contusion.

  8. What did the photographer look like to piss him off that much?

  9. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Supposedly the guy is a celebrity impersonator who does Edward Norton. He was following him around closely saying things like - people say I look like you Ed? Do I look like you Ed? Supposedly he was so close to Ed's face that Ed pushed his hand away. The guy went running to the ER and they told him nothing was wrong, but he demanded they put a splint on his finger. Yeah the guy sounds like a real winner.

  10. Ms Cool, yep a tissue contusion is a bruise. Aw, did the "photographer" (who used his cam phone and not an actual camera?) is blaming his little booboo on the Hulk.

  11. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I am very scared, and he hurt my finger! It's stretched, really!

  12. Roy: That c**t just got what she deserved. But... cutting up that son of a bitch Rushman... that was just a f'n work of art.
    Marty: You're good. You are really good.
    Roy: Yeah, I did get caught, though, didn't I?
    Marty: So there never was a Roy?
    Roy: Jesus Christ, Marty. If that's what you think, I'm disappointed in you. There never was an Aaron, counselor.

  13. Norton was a client of a PR firm I freelanced at in the late 90s/early 00s. He was a total douche to the entire staff but they kept sucking up to him because he was their biggest client at the time.

    1. Lol. I worked for a firm around that time prd & we had ppl who had worked with Norton. Bet we know lots of the same people!

      And yeah, great actor, huuuuge anus boil. F him and the photog.

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Let's keep in mind, the guy dated Courtney Love. If that's not odd, I don't know what is.

  15. Mommy, he hurt my finnnngggeerrr!

    "He says that he asked Edward whether Edward thought the photographer looked like him or not. The photographer said he was very scared."

    I don't condone Edward grabbing the dude's phone and contusing his finger tissues, but the "photographer" sounds like a bit of a douche. "Hey, Edward Norton, do you think I look like you? No, seriously, people tell me that ALL the time! You look that guy in American History X! You know, the shower scene! Hey, can I take a picture? No? Well, I'm gonna anyway!"

  16. cornflowerbluezz,

    The biting thing, so... 20th century. No wonder He wanted to trade.... up...:)

    1. @Agent**it I'm laughing so hard, I don't have a comeback. :-D But just cuz you might have won this battle, you haven't won the war! Ha-ha!

      Shemar drools when I rock my inner Garcia. He loves my purple streaks amongst the strands of silver. :-P It's his favorite color. O_o

      Where the hell is the Count? Can't you help a Jerkulady in distress? ;-)

  17. Guys - the cell phone photographer was Lou Ferrigno!
    He just thought it was a friendly joke, but Ed totally over reacted!

  18. "purple streaks amongst the strands of silver". I assume you're talking about his preference for PUBLIC hair....? :)

    1. @Agent**it Where are Garcia's colorful streaks? On top of her head...same as mine, Missy. :-P

      Mr. Bluezz is gonna kill me cuz I've done jackshit all day & I can't blame it on you. Ha-ha!

  19. Yes, so you only know of His preference for PUBLIC hair:)


    That is all. Mr. It is en route and I must spray some Pinesol around the house to make him think I've been cleaning:)

    1. @Agent**it Noooo, don't let my response fool you. I'm just too much of a lady to share private preferences in a public forum. *bats long, luschious eyelashes demurely*

      Ta-ta! :-D

  20. You guys are killing me!!

  21. Don't make him angry, you wouldn't like him when he's angry. Hulk ..squeeze finger!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @La Descarada - you and me both! Whether he's a real-life jerk or not, I just can't help it with him. *sigh*

  24. The guy has a bruise on his finger and is publicly complaining. That is almost as pathetic as the photographer who complained that Justin Bieber roughed him up.

  25. Douche or not, all I would need is ONE TIME...I could do some SERIOUS damage to that man. There is something about him that is so hot, I can't even...

  26. He has a notorious temper and ego. Not surprised one bit.

  27. A few years ago, a friend was at a doctor's office at the same time as Norton and, similar to the other stories, he was a jerk and very demanding that he be seen immediately.
