Monday, April 01, 2013

NY Knicks Fans Boo Chris Brown

The first step in making Chris Brown's life miserable is to make sure he gets jeered or booed anytime someone sees him in public. The NY Knicks fans have taken up that cause. Last night, Chris Brown attended the Knicks game and was shown on the scoreboard. Fans booed loudly and lustily until his face was removed from the screen. That is the kind of reception it is going to take everytime anyone sees him to get rid of the guy. As for Spike Lee who invited Chris, he apparently has forgiven Chris and thinks it's fine to hang out with women beaters. Do you think that after the game they went and found women to beat? Maybe just disrespect them for awhile?


  1. Forget about him. I understand booing him at a Knicks game, but it's this kind of negative attention he feeds off of. Let's just ignore him. Stop buying his CDs, stop giving pageviews to stories about him.

  2. Spike Lee sure does like to advertise how much of a hypocrite he is, doesn't he?

  3. Hope they boo Alec Baldwin next!

  4. @Unknown, I agree. It's getting old but Enty just can't resist regularly dragging his trusty piƱatas out to fill up space.

  5. Hey, can you not call Spike Lee a woman beater? I know he's somewhat of an asshat at times but I don't think that was necessary.

  6. Makes me sad Spike Lee would be seen with Fist. Sad for women and sad for humanity.

  7. Spike Lee can go after Tyler Perry (God help me, I kind of agreed and it bothered me to no end) but he will spend time with Chris Brown? I can't stand that little shit.

  8. Hope they boo Sean Penn next, just dont get how he TORTURED madonna and still everything is ok and he still gets oscars, that shit i find SCARY

  9. I wish this dude would treat charlie sheen the way he does chris brown...enry you are a racist asshat.

  10. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Spike Lee is such an ass. He's always ranting and raving about how everyone's trying to keep the black man down and call them the N word, now he's hanging with the biggest dog dingle of them all, just because why? Because Chris is a "misunderstood" black man? I think it's great that Fist Brown is getting negative attention, keep it coming, keep the boos and jeers going! He doesn't think that he did anything wrong, he thinks it was a lapse in judgement. I guarantee you he's told Rihanna that she shouldn't have gone to the police and the drop in his career, and everyone hating him is her fault. I'll bet he says anything he can to avoid taking responsibility and looking at himself. Such a fucking douche. From what I've read his Mom is a huge enabler of his douchiness, she is constantly praising him and saying how he's so misunderstood, the second coming, etc.

    1. Anna, second time today you've made me laugh out loud - "biggest dog dingle," HA!

      I'm glad the fans booed him but I'm all for CB-free April.

    2. I think the pic is priceless and historic: 2 of the most polarizing black men in pop culture keeping whitefolks up all night because they can.

  11. Well, they're both legends in their own minds. Birds of a feather and all that.

  12. Yes, Chris Brown beat Rihanna, but there are many famous women beaters. I'm getting tired of Chris Brown getting all the hate. Brolin, Baldwin, Penn? C'mon Enty, share the hate.

    And Unknown was right, ignore Brown - he wants attention regardless of whether it's positive or negative.

    1. I agree with all of that and a CB free April.

    2. I agree with all of that and a CB free April.

  13. Matt Lauer is interviewing CB on the Today show. Today show is the Kneepads of TV. Uggggg. Seriously....

  14. Fist Brown's beating has photographic proof. To my knowledge, neither Brolin, Baldwin or Penn have been proven guilty of beating women. Also, Madonna has never copped to the Penn allegations. She's the last person I would expect to keep her mouth shut.

    Fist is getting the hate he deserves. As far as Spike Lee, didn't he stop paying his taxes for a while or am I thinking of someone else?

  15. The Mayor will soon ban booing.

  16. I think I know what fist brown is doing after the game since he apparently just broke up with his beard again. He definitely puts off the vibe that he is on the downlow with some of his boys. Not sure about spike.

  17. New York doesn't love Fist Brown the way the west coast seems to.

  18. Oh sooo i guess dianne lane calling the cops is not proof enough, your the type of cop who would just leave and say ohhh its not like BEAT BEAT (whoopi) right

  19. Its not cool enty when you gonna single out one piece of shit out of the shit pile of offenders and say thats the one thats causing the stink, it gets boring

  20. I don't give two shits about The Difficult Brown.

    And I used to really love Spike Lee. I thought he was a visionary film maker and then...He got so preachy. I saw that movie Jungle Fever not too long ago and thought it was the worst dialogue ever!

  21. Just keep chumming that water Enty.

  22. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Thanks Izzie! He IS a big dog dingle. To the people saying " Leave Chrissie ALOOOOONE! He's a victim! What about the other abusive men?!" I say: There was no photographic evidence of the other rumored women beaters, and they all hide and act normal, Fist Brown says, I'm just like Jesus, pity me, ohhh what I've suffered, the depression I"VE had to go through, my career has been affected, I've had to fight my way back! Pity me!" sniff sniff. cry me a river turd burglar.

  23. I never said CB was a victim and I'm certainly not defending him. But, I'm just tired of hearing about how horrible he is. Yes, we get it, he's an asshole. Can we move on to other assholes now?

  24. Take a look at the Rihanna pic and tell me that we should all just leave him alone.

  25. @Audrey i get you, its like goldie hawn driving everyone crazy with her obsession with "MADELINE ASHTON" in death becomes her, NEXT enty NEXT

  26. Awesome. Fuck this pariah.

  27. Exactly, hothotheat... Baldwin is a proven verbal abuser, but I haven't seen evidence of physical abuse. Not that either is acceptable, but let's make it clear. Chris Brown is actually *convicted* of physical abuse. With others, it may be speculation or verbal rather than physical abuse. And all those folks you mentioned *are* criticized on CDAN for their assholish personalities and verbal abuse.

    Don't be so quick to jump to racism. All assholes get called out here for things that they are actually known to be assholes about.

  28. Well said Annie Hall. Spike is a hypocrite. Then again maybe he is trying to be a positive role model for one of those young black men who is misunderstood from the 'hood. Maybe he is embracing him a show of solidarity for a young black brotha who has been put upon by white society and its unfathomable, unconscionable, unreasonable rules that you don't beat folks up. Especially your girlfriend for looking at your gay texts from one of your twink entourage groupies. (Sorry- just fuckin' with y'all- Spike is an idiot.)

  29. Spike is NO MORE OF A HYPOCRITE than those celebrities who went around signing petitions to exonerate Roman Polanski, but i guess cause you didnt see pics of the rape means it wasnt rape rape.

  30. I lost a lot of respect for Lee during the controversy that followed Trayvon Martin's shooting. He tweeted what he believed to be the home address of the shooter and it turned out to be the home of an elderly man with the same name who had no connection to the case. That idiot could have gotten someone else killed

  31. 'It took forever,' a whole bunch of people here stopped liking Johnny Depp after he signed that petition, and he used to be generally worshiped.

  32. I've literally reached my breaking point on the Chris Brown stories. we all know how the Internet and websites work. clicking on stories generates revenue to the site owner. So that would mean the owner of this site is trolling us for hits when he/she/they put up negative Chris Brown stories. So you hate him, just not enough to not make a buck of off him? Got it.

  33. Chris Brown was an asshat long before he layed the beat down on Rihanna. Him and his little group of followers acted up in a nearby mall throwing shit around and causing problems. The manager confronted them and told them to leave. CB actually pulled the "Don't you know who I am?" card. Manager said no, nor do I care now leave.

  34. There isn't a story about Brolin or Penn because they were not booed! Also can people STOP making new accounts so they can troll and post bullshit. It is quite obvious, and is getting old.

  35. Yes we know there are other celebrities out there that have hurt women, but not everyone does because it wasn't blasted all over the media with horrible pictures of a beaten women. Those pics of Rihanna are so engrained in our minds that it makes it impossible to forgive or forget. The other incidents we hear about are harder to scrutinize because we didn't get the visual impact from them. Rumors are everywhere in Hollywood, so just 'hearing' about charges or arrests does not affect people as much as a bloodied and beaten photograph.

  36. Unfortunately, this little d-bag is crying himself all the way to the bank. Ugh...

  37. Exactly Dr Steve!

    I don't comment on CB anymore .. These posts are just silly at this point. But let me just add.. I fucking love New Yorkers :)

  38. As if Spike ever gave a fuck about what whitefolks thought about him.He's not Obama,whitefolks don't affect his approval ratings.

  39. They're both assholes in their own very special, unique asshole-way. Which isn't to say there aren't 1,000,000+ other assholes wandering the earth.

  40. Alec Baldwin has been recorded being racist and verbally abusive. I guess that doesn't deserve booing…

  41. I'm an equal-opportunity beater-hater. If you beat or abuse people, you don't deserve respect.

    But -- if you own up to it, apologize, work to make things right, and STOP abusing, you can earn back your respect.

    Chris Brown hasn't done that. Since beating Rihanna, he's ripped a phone from a woman's hand, fought with Frank Ocean, fought with a parking attendant over $10, and other stuff.

    It's not about race, either... if Brown would turn away from violence, people would stop hating him so much.

  42. I don't think Obama gives two shits what " white folks " think either .. Unless they belong to the Skull and Bones that is..

  43. Baldwin wasn't there to be booed! I think the pictures of Rhianna after the beating is what fuels people more. If there were pictures of Madonna, or Diane Lane with bruises snd blood all over their face, the same outrage would be shown. It does suck that one feels the need to see a result of the battery before becoming enraged, but that seems to be the case here.

    I agree, no more Brown posts, or at least less of them. It brings out new trolls, and causes arguments more than anything else.

  44. Hey, Hollywood Dime, I agree, you should stop giving Enty hits! Buh-bye!
