Monday, April 01, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Wants Her Adderrall

TMZ has a new article up today that says that no matter what Lindsay Lohan does, she wants her Adderall with her. Rehab? She wants her Adderall. Jail? She wants her Adderall. Everywhere she goes, Lindsay has her Adderall with her. I have not had a chance to really get an up close and personal look at Lindsay's nostrils, but it would not shock me to see that they are totally burned inside from snorting Adderall. It works much better and faster if you do it that way. It is totally a different result for your nose when you snort coke and when you snort Adderall. Anyway, the drug is highly dangerous and very addicting. Lindsay will never get better until she gives it up. She says she has ADD or ADHD or BS or something like that. No one believes her but she got a doctor to say she does.


  1. Of course she does it's one of the most addictive script being a Meth Addict

  2. She is going to have a wardrobe malfunction in that photo. I guess she has to advertise her goods somehow.

  3. I don't know what's worse- seeing that basketball injury or seeing Lohags boob pop out of her dress.

    1. Blohan's boobs blowing away, easy.

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    First time I've ever seen a side boob from the front.

  5. Once again I'm just BEGGING for a Lohan-free April. Please Enty!

    (I could do without the daily Beiber post as well.)

    1. I totally agree especially about Beiber

  6. gmg---There's no audio on the photo, but she was also yelling, "Fresh Fish!!" when this was taken.

    She embellishes the freshness factor, obviously.

    1. Yuck! She should've yelled out "nasty fish!" Nothing is more annoying than false advertising lol

  7. Adderall is a bitch to kick. I topok it for ten years because I needed to function in the corporate shitworld and its the only thing that helped my depression. I went cold turkey and ended up losing about two weeks to sleep. I still miss it.

  8. This confirms my suspicion that she's always on something. She probably really thinks she has ADD or ADHD because she can't remember what having a clear mind is.

  9. Wah wah wah Lindsay, IDGAF. I'd like a vacation. Ugh, so sick of her.

  10. @rejectedcarebear - I really want to unsee that basketball injury. That was horrible.

    1. Me too Ms Cool me too. I was almost sick!

    2. @Ma Cool that was the most gruesome injury I've ever seen. That's my team and its just heartbreaking to see something like that. I definitely want to unsee it.

    3. That's my team too! Heartbreaking injury. What a great group of guys.

    4. That's my team too! Heartbreaking injury. What a great group of guys.

  11. I don't understand how people can snort this stuff. I can't even use a nasal spray when my MD insists on it for a sinus infection.

  12. Nasal spray is the bees knees!

  13. Ugh! WhatEVER. Maybe if you paired some cognitive behavioral therapy with a less addictive medication, your handle on your ADHD would improve, Lindsay. But, fuck you. You are full of shit.


  14. Adderall + caffeine = psychosis

    Just ask Britney.

    1. Here we go again, a bunch of opinions not based on facts.. I'm prescribed, took it this morning and I drink a couple glasses of diet coke a day. Guess what? I am not typing this from looney bin or wearing a pink wig. Yes, people abuse it, it has similar compounds of amphetamines, its not for people with addiction problems or personalities. However, for the people who do have attention disorders it helps them lead a healthy productive life. So everyone, calm the fuck down; )

    2. I think it affects you that way because you actually need it and are taking it for the right reason. It affects people that don't need it completely different.

    3. I've accidentally taken 2 on the same day, and become a royal bitch, and it worsens my depression. She needs a break from it, it won't happen.

  15. There's a pic of her entire droopy (at 26!) tit hanging out. It's a side shot and her long weave protected her 'modesty'.

  16. Her nose actually is damaged from snorting. In Liz and Dick, there's a scene where you can see up her nostrils. The one is shaped like a nostril, the other ones a big circle like the shape of a rolled up dollar bill

  17. I had a friend in college, her doctor told er that snorting adderall was worse than snorting cocaine, for your body...

  18. I thought she was misdiagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Remember her stint at the UCLA mental place? She got to leave early because 'nothing was wrong'? Or am I dreaming?

  19. Let her keep using the Adderall. If she kicks that and blow, she will be 250pounds inside a year, and still crazy as a shit house rat. Nobody got $10k and a box of rubbers for that.

    1. @Count- the phrase is shit house mouse. Jeez, get it together, man!

  20. I am shocked!! A drug addict who is being forced by law into rehab she doesn't want to do, wants to keep taking the drugs she probably blew a doctor for.

  21. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Maybe THAT's what's wrong with her. I'm prescribed Adderall or Ritalin, but it makes me warm, anxious, short tempered, nauseous, and stressed. It feels like I am FREAKING OUT CONSTANTLY!!!!!!!!! When I'm on it. It's good for weight loss, but you'll end up crying yourself to sleep having a nervous breakdown, and only get about four hours of sleep since you're so wired. You can see why I don't take it.

    1. Darling, you need xanax not adderall.

  22. I disagree, I think she has a definite attention disorder...attention to following the law!

    I would assume in jail/or rehab that any prescription meds are held/locked up by staff and you're watched as you take them?

    When i was in the hospital for 2 mths after accident all of my meds including vitamins were handed to me by the nurses and they had to stand there and watch me take them. I couldn't even say "let me have some food before this one i'll take it later" no. then they check me off their list. has to be the same policy in jail/rehab so, no snorts for you...

    although, seeing that she's soothed by sitting on dirty cement floors she could always take a gander to snort the grime off her jail cell floor

  23. I didn't see this injury but we heard it on the news. Glad I don't have to see it. I heard there was a hush over the crowd.

    Lots of people have ADD and ADHD but there are other drugs. Someone should make her Dr. prescribe Ritalin or something different. AND have it medically dispense so no abuse.

  24. You know she stole everything she could fit in that bag. "Black box? No, I didn't see it. It was never here."

  25. Grateful I read this before going to watch that injury video, now I won't (I was planning on it).

    1. @EmEyeKay don't watch it, it is horrifying! I saw it live and really wish I could unsee it like I said above. His teammates were crying, apparently some were vomiting, and the other team was visibly upset also. I almost went to Indy the game and I'm almost glad I did not. From what I have heard from people who were there you could hear the break...

  26. I know this is an old article and maybe has been posted before, but it is still interesting and relevant:

  27. Kris Jenner's nose was deformed from snorting coke.

  28. I say give her the daily dose for a person of her height and weight that should be prescribed to control ADD. I'd like to know how much she actually is prescribed.

  29. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Addicting does to my brain what Adderall does to Lindsay Plowgrams nostrils...

  30. Peter, that is because it is prescribed for you, and you take it as you should. I guarantee Lilo takes 5x the amount she should, and uses it for a rush/appetite suppressant.

    BIG difference.

    1. I agree 100% with you. I just find it annoying when people make judgements on something they don't understand. Ex- Tom cruise on post partum depression, I know he wears heels but has never had a baby so he has no seat at the table for discussion. I didn't mean to attack anyone personally either.

  31. @Anna if that's your reaction to Adderall, then I'm not really sure why you were ever prescribed it. You most definitely do not have ADD, since Adderall would actually help to calm you down if you did.

  32. So I'm trying to decide if Lindsay Lohan will die in the next few years or go the way of Mackenzie Phillips/Danny Bonaduce. Exhausting to think we could witness her shenanigans for another 25-30 years.

    1. I realized this morning that she is 26. Hopefully she won't join the 27 club-Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Janis Joplin, etc.

  33. Maybe some use that, but I never heard it. "Rat" seems to be higher on the Google.

    I'da used "loonier than a pet coon" but then I'd have to explain to some Canadian broad why that it isn't racist.

  34. Paris is another adderall junkie. Lindsay just doesnt get that she shouldnt be taking ANYTHING V

  35. Peter, Tom Cruise comment, ROFLMAO!

  36. Ic, I love that you are using that pic as your avatar. It is ugly as sin. But it does look like cooked bacon...... so maybe you will get some bonus gossip for using it!

  37. About the Adderall(sp?): I was assessed & prescribed something in this family of meds for ADD. Psychiatrist said if it acts as an amphetamine on a patient then they def don't have ADD and don't need it. I go without it when I have time to be orderly and organized and practice being drug-free (my son has ADD & I do not want to medicate him). I suffer no ill-effects from skipping it except I have to work really hard at organizational type tasks and my productivity doesn't come "naturally." Lindsay is sooo snorting those!
