Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lauryn Hill Didn't Pay Her Taxes Because She Felt Threatened By The Military Industrial Complex

If you ever want to know who stays up late at night listening to Coast To Coast and then takes it about ten steps further, then listen for the key words from them of military industrial complex. Yes, it exists, and I am sure there are elements that come after people or businesses. They, or the people behind them are not coming after Lauryn Hill. Why would they? They were huge Roberta Flack fans and still can't get over The Fugees doing a cover of Killing Me Softly? Please. You know what this has to do with? Lauryn smoking waaaaaay too much pot and being very gullible. Lauryn is asking for probation in her tax case and she is set to face a judge next week who will decide if she gets three years in jail or gets to pay what she owes while being on the outside. Apparently Lauryn is no longer concerned with the complex and is happy going out and earning money as fast as she can.


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