Monday, April 01, 2013

Lamar Odom & Khloe Kardashian Not Using Cancer Funds For Cancer Reasearch

Eight years ago, Lamar Odom started the charity Cathy's Kids which was set up to raise money for cancer research. Both Lamar and Khloe Kardashian advertise for the fund on their respective websites and have had fundraisers for the charity and have used it as their charity of choice when mentioning the good things they do for people. ESPN has discovered that in the eight years of its existence, exactly $0 has gone to any cancer entity. So, the question is where is all the money? Did it go to Lamar's fashion line? Maybe Khloe has it. The records show that of the $2.2M raised, 60% went to finance two basketball teams for kids who travel around the country playing. Another $70K a year or so goes to Lamar's best friend as a salary although it is not clear exactly what he does. Money is still being raised on both Lamar and Khloe's websites. When asked about it, Lamar got upset and refused to answer questions. (Thanks Dave)


  1. AWESOME news! thanks, Dave.
    People need to be aware about which charities actually care to REDUCE their overhead costs, and actually DO charity.

  2. Unbelievable, but not surprising. The Ks are disgusting.

  3. That and mama -ian's money laundering church should set off enough red flags to begin their descent.

  4. Time to get the IRS on their backs - they're relentless and the KKlan deserves it.

  5. Ha! In Jacksonville the president and Vice President of the FOP got arrested along with others for money laundering, racketeering, and other offenses stemming from a supposed charity that only gave 2% to actual charities.

    1. bobbi my father was and my godfather still is a cop and when the news broke they were not surprised. they were like "he always looked like a mobster" i lmao when my godfather said that.

    2. I've never liked him either. I met him a few times years ago and after 5 minutes I had a feeling he was sneaky sneaky. The bad thing is he was really trying to keep the drop pension that the mayor wants to get rid of so badly but can't. My husband is pissed because it will more than likely get taken away now after they have already taken a pay cut and paying more for insurance.

  6. Creeps, and a KIDS charity no less. Is anything Kardashian related genuine? Fat chance.

  7. Who is stupid enough to donate to their charity?

    1. Ms.Cool, other -ian family members contribute, getting a tax write off thus funneling cash back to family money making ventures. They test the waters first by getting "public" donations and then throw in a chunk of change. This is a fairly small amount for them.

  8. This reminds me of when they accused Dionne Warwick of taking the funds from "That's what friends are for" which was supposed to go to AIDS research.

  9. OT to greenmountaingal--

    Am I insane to want to move to Vermont? I like trees, I'm hippie-tolerant AND Conservative-tolerant, and I don't like it hot.

    I think near Canada and/or Burlington, but rural.

    If you don't mind me asking. Thank you for ANY advice.

    1. You are definitely not insane. Moving to VT was hands down the best decision I ever made, next to marrying Mr Gmg. We moved here from NYC in need of a lifestyle change.

      I live in Stowe, which is great because its near enough to Burlington and Montpelier, but also has a lot to do on its own while being spectacularly beautiful. You may want to check out towns in Lamoille and Chittenden counties. Burlington is in Chittenden, but there are rural towns like Underhill and Jericho. Also check out Orleans county which is near Canada. Lots of new jobs are being created there.

      Just a word of warning - jobs here are pretty low paying. I don't know your background, but if you're looking to get work here, just be prepared for that. Otherwise, VT is fantastic. Feel free to ask any questions :)

    2. As long as you take your computer and we don't miss out on smart funny Libby posts :). My g-nephew went to look at the University of Vt and was so impressed by the area

    3. Sorry forgot to say my reply/post was @Libby

    4. Move to Portland Libby! We've got trees (boy do we have trees) plus its clean and green with moderate seasonal temps year round! Also, no sale tax AND its illegal here to pump your own gas. Soooo civilized!

  10. You're a legend, Dave.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      @Lucas, depending on the street...

  11. @Libby - Vermont is two hours away from Montreal. Great skiing (if you're a skier). Stowe and Burlington are great. Low-key lifestyle.

  12. Aahhhhh I hope this is the beginning of the end. But it's a good warning to make sure you always look up how much they spend on what before you donate. I think there's a website that shows a chart, and how much they spend on each aspect (admin, the actual cause, etc). Him gettin upset and refusing to answer questions is a total give away that he knew all about it. I'm sure they'll say they had no idea. :(

  13. These are the worst kind of people. When will these scam artists be run out of the limelight?

  14. Oh and @libby, I live in Canada. Montreal is our neatness city by a long shot. If I could live there again, I would in a heartbeat

  15. This is despicable. I hope they get investigated for tax fraud. Anyone know someone at the IRS?

  16. Ahhh wtf is neatess? I tried to say best! Forgot the baileys in my coffee this morning

  17. Their behavior in this regard has segued from greedy, self-indulgent, narcissistic egomania to downright evil. Anyone who would use children, (extremely sick children at that) to enrich themselves is not deserving of redemption. This goes for anyone who commits such a heinous act, whoever and wherever they are.

  18. What about Madonna and her "charity" Saving Malawi, or whatever it's called, that she set up when she was trying to adopt her son? How she promised to build a school that never materialized? Or the fundraiser she held with Gucci, for this same charity? Where is that money? She made all sorts of promises in order to adopt those kids, then backed out of everything.

    Plenty of scammers out there.

  19. @Greenmountaingal - I hope I can ask a few questions, too - does the cost of living correspond with the low pay? Are there any nearby Children's hospitals? Are there any good colleges around? We are thinking of relocating, too. My husband teaches Psychology and is having a tough time finding a full-time job here.

    1. Of course you can ask me questions :)

      Regarding cost of living/pay I think it entirely depends on in what town you're living and what your job is. I come from NYC, so COL seems low to me. It all depends on your perspective. For example, COL in Stowe is high if you own property - the property taxes are high here. But, if you live in the next town over, the property taxes are much lower.

      I'm not aware of a children's hospital, but Fletcher Allen and Dartmouth Hitchcock are excellent medical centers. And there are very good universities here - University of Vermont, Middlebury College, Bennington College, Champlain College, Johnson State College, Goddard College, New England Culinary Institute, St Michaels College & Norwich University to name a few.

    2. Fletcher Allen is home to Vermont Children's Hospital. When I was going to UVM, VCH was holding a highly regarded experimental trial for kids who relapsed with neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer. Kids came from all over the world to be part of that trial.

    3. Fletcher Allen is home to Vermont Children's Hospital. When I was going to UVM, VCH was holding a highly regarded experimental trial for kids who relapsed with neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer. Kids came from all over the world to be part of that trial.

  20. Those people are such revolting puke puddles. Like, I've felt more empathy for serial killers.

  21. Those people are such revolting puke puddles. Like, I've felt more empathy for serial killers.

  22. Anonymous7:25 AM

    @Lucas, I posted this on a thread a few days ago, but as I'm always late to the party. But I just wanted to say that after your comments last week, I officially have an Internet crush on you. =)

  23. Wow - I have cancer and this disgusts me.

    1. Feline, positive energy sent your way.

  24. Oh, gmg, Svetlana--- thank you. Those specifics are so helpful.

    gmg--I am currently disabled, and this is the ONLY time in my life when my 'income' will travel with me. I would rather sink my tiny 401(k)-savings into a small'n'crappy home in a state/area I would LOVE, rather than a small'n'crappy home here (Indianapolis), where it's depressing, flat, hot, full of crime, with nothing other than nostalgia to amuse me.
    ...So when I AM better, and ready to work again, I will already be in a state I like, AND I would already have a home I could support on low wages, if need be. That's kinda the thinking.

    Svetlana: Proximity to Montreal & the delights of Canada in general DO very much appeal to me. I have a friend who lives in Montreal half the year--He speaks no French and he still loves it!
    Skiing? Not so much. Skiers? Yes, please. make it a double. haha!

    Honestly, if I were living in my current place, without my boyfriend, I would stay here. But he and I need to break up, and I can't stand the idea of buying into this city! gah!

    thanks again.
    (Lucas is welcome to give me advice about Washington State.....)

    1. @Libbyif you want west coast Vermont Washington is for you. I grew up in a town about an hour away from British Columbia Canada. It is beautiful, four seasons, but not too much snow. Pretty mild temps. Yes it is a little rainy, but that is mostly in winter. Yesterday was a nice 70. Yyou can come here!

  25. Khloe? really...sick. SICK. Guess that answers the ? 'Is she a real Kardashian...?'

    like said above, please always check for a charity's legitimacy/payout. any charity that's worth their cause would have it plastered for all to see.

    if this is true and you got to know it is, can THIS be the NAIL on the Kashn'Dashian's???

  26. someone should remind Khloe and Lamar that the IRS actually puts people in jail for a long time, and not just for 9 hours of a 3 month sentence.

  27. Anonymous7:33 AM

    And watch this story become one of the biggest news stories of the day! Hip hip! HOORAY!!! hip hip! HOORAY!!! down with the Kardashians! hip hip! now your turn:

  28. Anonymous7:34 AM

    thank you Dave

  29. @libby I've lived all over Canada, and I have a few good friends who live in Montreal. If you need to know anything, I can help!

    To anyone who has immigrated, ever, in their life, or to anyone currently living in London, can I ask how you found the immigration process, and any idea where in London I should live? My boyfriend and I want to move there this time next year.

  30. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I just read your comment Feline, I'm so sorry to hear that. Hang in there!

  31. Kl ho e just needed more money to complete her sex change operation.

  32. Thank you so much, everyone.
    gmg---The proximity to medicine AND colleges is exactly why I'm thinking of that area! The COL calculators are all telling me that it wouldn't be too much higher than where I live now (because I'm in a big city--the rest of Indiana is super-cheap, but super-NOT where I want to live).

    And darling Seahorse--I will always find a way for internet, are you kidding me?!!!

    1. Awesome! We could start a CDAN club in VT!

  33. Libby: I can offer no advice about VT but I visited last year and it was lovely. I live in the Bay Area and moved her from NYC so it all seemed rural to me. I also live close to and traveled for business to the PacNW. It was also great although you don't get much in the way of seasons, which I miss. And as someone said, so long as you continue with the armpit of humorous and insightful contributions, we wish you happiness where ever you choose.

    Honestly people never look into how much a charity actually uses for the cause itself. These are rife with graft and theft. And that was exactly what happened to Madonna. She simply had no oversight and the people she trusted basically stole all the money. It's very sad.

  34. Report tax fraud with form 3949-A. Maybe someone could do a clicky? My phone won't copy at all. Sounds like this should be RICO with the whole family involved. Would love to see them all in court. Especially after Kris Humphries finishes with the fraud marriage charges. They can all go down as grifters!

  35. YAY!!!

    This K-charity sKam makes me think I need to start a charity called, 'Victims of Passive-Aggression' or something. That way, I could use all the charity money on my new home away from Señor Passivo McGressive here, and it wouldn't be a lie!

    Hooray! Let's all help the VPA!

  36. Fucking shitbags. I hope this comes back hard and bites them in the ass.

    FYI: There are legitimate charities out there. My daughter is being followed by COG (Children's Oncology Group), who are researching childhood cancer. I signed her on to a study when she started her treatment and they will follow her for ten years post treatment. (so we have 4 1/2 years of follow up appts and when she is considered cured at the end of that time she will be followed by COG an additional 5 years). They ended the study she was a part of a year after she began treatment because they had found answers and changed her protocol as a result. It was amazing (and scary) to see but they are all over this. anyway, if anyone is looking to donate money to cancer research, look to whomever does funding for COG.

  37. First of all the Vermont Moving Guide trolls need to take it elsewhere. I really am sick of trolls ruining this blog, and Enty, if it keeps up.Im gonna quit visiting this website.
    Now onto THE TOPIC--celebs rip off and exploit charities all the time. Thats why I dont give to most charities, and especially if they have a celeb endorsing or creating them. As for Khloe, since shes that nasty she deserves to stay infertile but most likely she.probably wont, cause usually the nastier a woman is the more fertile she becomes. At least thats been my experience anyway.

  38. @Libby - I live in Edmonton, Alberta, but I'd like to weigh in! We are fairly close to Washington state and Oregon, and both are FABULOUS. If I was going to immigrate to the U.S., I'd definitely go to either Portland or Seattle. I prefer cities. But there are lots of small towns that are equally awesome and you can't beat the proximity to Vancouver Island (Victoria is heaven on earth, it really is...) Then again, I'd also love to see more of the East coast and Vermont's on my list so if you do move there I'm coming to visit! (I keep my area clean, and I'm a very good cook IMHO) :D

  39. @scratchy kitty - the comments site is whatever we decide it is. Get it? You are free to leave if you don't like what you're reading.

  40. If I am a troll, then this blog is ALL trolls. Get a GRIP. I keep my pic the same; if you don't like me--scroll scroll scroll, and feel BETTER.

  41. I'll check back later, guys. PLEASE sully this squeaky-clean, ever-fascinating and oh-so-important KARDASHIAN POST, willya? For ALL the VPA, like me?

  42. Wow Scratchy, what brought that on? You're usually a great sport. Are you having a bad day? And I don't mean that as a snark but can we help you at all?

    Since people are from all over Libby only wanted to get input from the various voices here on if VT would be nice and then others offered up their suggestions. It wasn't THAT off topic to get all stabby.

  43. Ok, gang, now we know that we really don't like Kloe best out of all the Ks. (not that we like any of 'em)

  44. I don't feel bad hijacking this thread, even though I'm new, because this isn't like the Oscar's post or something that we know will be 700 comments anyway.
    Besides, I can't ever guess blinds so this is really my only way to contribute haha

  45. Ps hi Cee Kay! I live in Calgary, used to live in Edmonton. My boyfriend's grandma lives on Vancouver island and visiting her is always the highlight of my summer :)

  46. @Cee Kay Let's start a yeg cdan club! I thought I was alone here. :)

    Definition of irony = @scratchy kitty

  47. Oh, and @Libby, I love your armpit!

  48. Where's Izzie??? We need her to sing "Soft Kitty" to Scratchy Kitty.

    Vermont sounds and looks gorgeous but after living in the
    sub-tropics for so many years I just couldn't live in anyplace where it snows.

    @ SusanB - I don't understand why the IRS isn't crawling over the K-Klan! Maybe Kris and Kim give them free blow jobs?

  49. Thanks Greenmountaingal! I'll be discussing with my husband. Sorry Scratchy!

  50. People on Cdan tend to drop bits of their life onto threads. That's what happens when you read the same site and interact with a lot of the same people daily. I'm guilty of doing it too. But it's certainly not trolling.

    I've asked before and ill ask again, is there any non-Facebook message board we can start so that we can take topics like this elsewhere? I have wanted to get into real conversations with other posters about way OT stuff but don't for fear of rebuke (and privacy, and boring others lol).

    Can you drop a dime on this "charity", Agent? I thought you work at the IRS, or another govt entity?

    SHAME on K & L if this is going on under their noses and they know. Shame on them if they haven't been paying attention.

    Cult of personality in action.

  51. I just looked at form 3949-A (thanks __-__=__) - What if for kicks and giggles we each printed one up, filled it in and mailed it to the IRS?

    WTH, I'm sending one in.

  52. You can't file that form online. You have to print and mail to:
    Fresno, CA. 93888

  53. Is there any way we can get a "like" option here. You guys are all sorts of fabulous! Libby should move to Portland!!! We need her here.

  54. Does anyone watch Portlandia?

  55. @Libby: I second the references to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center--it's in Hanover, NH (home of Dartmouth College, and only about 40 miles south of where I grew up in NH), and is probably one of the best hospitals in the country, especially considering that it's in what's still a mostly rural area.

    I'd invite you to come to the Boston area, but unfortunately, although I love it here, it's awfully expensive to live here. :-(

  56. Sadly, this happens more than people realize. Charities are good scams. And if someone couldn't find a way to trick people into charity to make themselves rich, they formed a church instead.

  57. @ __-__=__ - I've got the form filled out and in the envelope all ready to go. Take THAT Kris Jenner!

  58. Svetlandia: The Opster and I just started watching it (Portlandia) on IFC. We think it's AWSOME!! In fact so much so I'll out a bird on it.

  59. @RexRuther: It would be great to have an offshoot blog for the OT comments to appease others who don't appreciate the OT remarks (and that's absolutely understandable). I don't personally have the skill set or wherewithal to start the endeavor. But if there was one we could all say "OT BLOG" and then link the story we're talking about to the OT/like comments. Does anyone want to do this? Libby? Do you the have time and expertise?

  60. Not to put you on the spot Lib.

  61. @Sherry, oh my gosh. I love that clip! I think I've put it on my Facebook twice now. And I think I'll change my name to svetlandia... :)
    I have no idea how to create another site for OT topics but I would definitely sign up!

  62. Feline, my thoughts are with you, hang in there & keep us posted. Stefa-fa, so sorry to hear what your daughter is going through,thinking of you as well, please keep us posted on your daughter's progress.

    I hate how everyone starts a charity. Donate money to those well established who have a track record of not spending it on their CEO's.

    Love Washington State. My husband & I are going back to Seattle this year. Loved it, Vancouver Island & the drive across the Canadian border to the Capilano Suspension Bridge & back again in one day. Am determined to get to Ballard this time & get to see much more of Seattle. Any suggestions for music, food etc are greatly appreciated, we did the touristy things last time, so bring on the local flavour CDaners. Thanks in advance.

  63. LOL!!! Svetlana..I guess you can tell where my mind was. Hahahahaha.

  64. Hahaha I like it, when I get home I'll change it.

    @feraltart, if you're heading back to Vancouver island, the qualicum area is gorgeous and has some of the best oysters and scallops in the world (I might be a little biased) the drive around there is amazing. Ahh and the crab. Mmmmm.

    1. @Svetlana, thank you. Sometimes I can't reply straight away due to the time difference, & I'm at work.

  65. I used to have a board that I half ass "ran" it's still there but no activity in ages. If anyone's interested I can resurrect it but someone's gonna have to agree to help with the housekeeping of the site. Let me know if anyone is interested.

    (or maybe enty can resurrect the message boards...but I'm assuming there's a reason he shut them down)

  66. What's involved with housekeeping?

  67. Alright. I did it. If anyone else wants to do admin with me, that'd be awesome. It would allow you to add new posts and moderate comments if need be. I kept it to SAMs format bc most regulars are already registered here.

    Here is site:

    Make clicky for me pls, running low on time.

    Started some topics per what's been happening lately.

    Email me at msburritowhore a t Gmail
    If you want to help admin.

    Please repost in other threads today & let me know whatcha think!

  68. SAMs is same, and it's blogspot.

    I hope you guys like it.

  69. @rex
    OMG - you are PRICELESS! Awesome job, and I thought the same thing regarding la trolla
    Perhaps we need to add beauty products section ;) You know I HAVE to have that (And I'm still trying to find something for awesome for breakouts/anti-aging. Mother fucker!!)

  70. Sunny, Yes! This is why I need other admins! Plus I tried to find your blue fancy recipe to put in recipes and failed spectacularly. Pls add immediately.

  71. Love the off-topic comments, keep 'em coming!

  72. Aw man, do I gotta go to another site to read about everyone's life just cos scratchy kitty is scratchy?

    Lame :(

    But love how everyone rallied and sorted something out.
