Friday, April 19, 2013

Kris Humphries & Kim Kardashian Are Divorced

And just like that, the marriage of Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian is over. A judge today finalized the divorce. There is no trial. Just like their marriage there was a lot more hype than substance to today. No one gets anything and each of them just walks away from this very much poorer as they are each responsible for their own attorneys fees. No annulment. Just a normal divorce.


  1. Yay! Sex tapes for everyone!

  2. At least Kris was able to make her life miserable for a while and made her spend all that money on attorney's fees. She'll think twice next time she tries to pull another marriage stunt. Can't stand her and I wish every day that she'll go into oblivion just like Paris.

  3. Sad. If he got his annulment, he would have been free to spill the secrets.

  4. what Cathy said. I was really hoping this spelled DOOM for the Klan.

  5. Ah, well.

    Having got bored watching her get f*cked by Ray J in a hotel room, I was looking forward to seeing her get f*cked by Kris' lawyer on the witness stand.

  6. Great! Now hopefully The Humph will fade into nonexistence. I hope the same for Kim... but we have to wait until she has the baby darn it!

  7. 'Just like that'....yea, just like that....all 500+ days after they filed for least she can move on with her life, meet a nice guy, maybe have a baby or two....HAHAHHAHAHAHA. I kid, I kid. She's already knocked up by some random dude and from the looks of it just about to pop! Way to keep it klassy!

  8. Good. I don't care about either of them but the baby is going to have enough crazy things in it's life without having Kris's name on the birth certificate.

    I think the whole thing was fake and they both deserve all the hassle this has been and however much money it's cost to end it.

  9. Thank you, Jeebus. Hopefully we'll never have to hear about this sham of a marriage again.

  10. funny news! she looks pretty in that picture.

    i wonder how his family feels. they were against divorce, right? mine is the same way.

    1. Umm, his parents filed shortly after kris did, so they cant have too much ti say, lol

  11. @T.E. - his parents recently got divorced.

  12. Anonymous11:01 AM

    she does look pretty here, and looked a hell of a lot happier with him than she ever has at any minute with kanye, also not capitalizing his bullshit anymore.

  13. I have no doubt large amounts of hush money was paid to Kris to go away. It just didn't show up in the divorce document.

  14. @topper - I'm with you - money to be quiet and go away.

  15. This doesn't answer the big question: is the non disclosure agreement in place?

    1. @Count - right? Wasn't that the whole point of the trial?

  16. He is so lovely, with those lanky limbs and innocent eyes. It's almost hard for me to read the headline with his handsome face there. It always made me sad to think of him with that human urinal, but he's finally cut the cord and moved on, hey? Good for him.

  17. Dang! I wish he would have held out and spilled! And hopefully brought down the house of Kardashian. When will they EVER go away??!!

  18. I wonder how much they paid him to go away.

  19. I dont care one way or the other, but it wld seem he didnt have the leverage he thought he did. Which is interesting- what are his skeletons?

  20. oh really? sad :(

  21. Ugh..I was hoping they would go to trial so she can be exposed. She would've had to admit to fraud

  22. So happy she's free to marry her baby daddy...ya right, good luck getting Kanye to the alter Kris.

  23. If these two kooky kids couldn't make it work, what chance do the rest of us have?

    I kid, I kid...

  24. Next time Kanye walks past a jewelry shop with engagement rings on display, he ll shudder with fear ...

  25. iinstead of scared straight, kanye will be scared gay. finally to get rid of her it will be worth it to come out and get the hell away while he has a penny left

  26. I wonder how much he was paid under the table.

    Does anyone think Kanye will marry Kim, or even live with her for a while?

  27. Do people really think he's handsome? I think he looks like a complete doofus and not in a good way

  28. I wanted them to stay married until she had the kid.

  29. Amanda, by doofey you mean maybe he looks like he has an IQ in the mid-50s range? That's fair. On the other hand, who wants a smart guy?

  30. Ahhh, Barton -- I forgot about your [unrequited?] love for KH. It's been sweet and touching to read your endearing posts re the lovely, lanky Kris.

    I'll miss them dearly. Perhaps you'll reward us occasionally w/posts re his future activities?

    I know that you're a 'real' person, but you're also a 'CDAN Treasure' -- One of several posters who are always 'gold'.

    Many thanks!
