Monday, April 01, 2013

Kirstie Alley Hates Antidepressant Commercials - Wonders How They Are Legal

When I watch commercials for prescription medications, I don't wonder whether they work or not, I usually just enjoy the 5 seconds they get to talk about their product and then play my drinking game. In the commercials there are about 20 -25 seconds of warnings of what the particular drug will do to you if you take it. About half the time it seems like death is one of the warnings. I drink whenever death is one of the warnings. Basically they are saying if you take this product you might die, but hey, it beats erectile dysfunction. Anyway, there is a new drug on the market called Abilify. It comes with horrific warnings which is normal for the kind of medication it is. An antidepressant. Kirstie Alley took to her Twitter this weekend and wondered aloud how antidepressants are even legal. “HOW is it legal to INTICE people to down TWO mind altering drugs by using cartoon characters to depict the DRUGS? ABILIF. Scientologists hate antidepressants. I often wonder when I see Scientology commercials, how they are legal so I guess Kirstie and I are even. I thought Scientology got you to stop smoking. Apparently not.


MAC said...

Yeah you know what else has death as a side effect...smoking.

Izzie said...

I hate antidepressants and big pharma and I hate that they're using cartoon characters to advertise their product - but ADs saved my life and Kirstie and cult can suck it. That is all.

camembert said...

In Scientology, it's okay to smoke because LRH smoked.

Kels said...

To be fair, Abilify is an anti psychotic not an anti- depressant.

Tyler said...

lol, incorrectly conflating issues again in true Scientologist form, and pay no attention to her smoking habit. Open mouth, insert foot.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I came here to say the exact same thing, Izzie. I hate the machine, but dammit if it didn't save my life. Being suicidal happens when your brain is tricking you because so many chemicals are out of balance for whatever reason. Antidepressants evened me out and I haven't had any serious suicidal thoughts in almost ten years. There really is a place for them. I will say that there needs to be some kind of controls and regulations in place for prescribing them. They should not be given out like candy.

Scientologists can kiss my ass, though.

Agent**It said...

Where's Shelly?

Anonymous said...

How many times do you see advertisements for " If you or a loved one took this drug and died or had complications from xyz, you may be entitled to a cash settlement...." I was working in a Dr.'s office for a year, and the sexy drug reps would come in and buy us fancy lunches every single day, full breakfasts, and often fancy dinners in restraunts, while talking about their drug. I remember the Lady that was selling Actos, now it's been found to cause bladder cancer and is in those lawsuit commercials. My point is, many many many drugs are later found to cause death/cancer/suicide, etc. just be aware that Dr.'s do not know everything and that they are encouraged to write as many prescriptions as possible by Playboy Bunny looking extremely flirtatious, extremely intelligent, educated women. "Oh you know your my favorite Dr.... (purring), why aren't you writing more prescriptions for my drug anymore? Do you want to see my bikini pictures from my Hawaii vacation with my girlfriends? We got REALLY wild!!! ahahahahahaa!" With sky high louboutins, miniskirts and racehorse toned, waxed, tanned legs. (bitches)

Anonymous said...

yes where is Shelly? (Thanks Agent)

DAMD Tech said...

another water is wet statement from a celebrity/politician. How's about we all accept that ALL organized religions have a foundation of hypocrisy? That is also a basic truth.

Amartel said...

Can a Scientologist, or a smoker, opine about overprescription and overeliance on antidepressants? Apparently, that's Not Allowed because Teh Hypocrisy! Boo. Antidepressants are super fab. Anecdote, anecdote. Emotion.
Case Solved. Celebrate with a big Zoloft-laced slice of bacon cake. Mmmmmm, heaven. The End.

MISCH said...

Oh when they start the laundry list of side effects I wonder why anyone takes these

Lisa said...

Not sure about Abilify, but for me, the risk of suicide was 100% before I started on antidepressants that lowered my risk of suicide to .5% or something like that. I'll take that risk any day. Sometimes 'we' don't think about the fact that people who start on meds like these are already pretty sick...and the risks are lower than where they began. What is it about Kirstie that would lead me to look to her as a role model? This changes nothing.

Unknown said...

Well, my cake is Prozac flavored. Fluoxetine, to be exact (pssshh, I ain't paying brand name prices!). And I wouldn't be here today without it. We have to remember that these pills do have a place and they do actually help some people. The problem is that they have just become a crutch for doctors to use for people who don't need them. Getting rid of them completely would hurt a lot of people, though. There just needs to be some sort of balance. But as Anna states, the pharmaceutical companies have some really underhanded ways of making doctors give them out like candy. That whole part of the machine is really despicable.

In my opinion, hell yes I will heap criticism on any scientoligist who passes judgement on antidepressants. All you have to do is read about Sea Org and The Hole and you will realize that they are way too fucked up to be passing judgement on anything. Anything at all.

auntliddy said...

she's a whack job, but I agree about these ads depicting meds as no big deal.

Anonymous said...

ENTICE, not intice.

StewMcG said...

Lisa, well said. Paxil, Klonopin, and Seroquel literally saved my life (major depressive disorder with suicidal tendencies.) I refuse to apologize for needing medication to regulate my brain's biochemistry, so I could eventually lead a stable life.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

Abilify is not new. I took it (combined w Zolfolf, etc..)for about 9 months three years ago. It "helped" for a minth or so then I hit rock bottom. I've now been off all meds for two years and haven't felt better. None of that stuff worked for me but I can only speak for myself.

Maximus said...

Hate to say it but I agree with her. Pharma advertising is pretty awful and helps to the overmedication of the US. Now every person with the sads thinks they need a heavy anti-depressant, anyone who can't sleep every night needs Ambien, etc etc. It's ridiculous and pharma advertising is all about making otherwise functional people think they need something more.

If you are bad enough that you NEED meds, a doctor will see that without you pointing out some ad you saw on TV.

SusanB said...

Cosign with all above who used and are grateful for antidepressants. I too was suicidal for awhile years ago and they saved my life. I've now been off them for over 10 years, but if needed, would not hesitate to take them again.

Anything in medicine is Risk versus Benefit - is the benefit of what the drug (or x-ray, or treatment or surgery) more important than the risk? That's how you have to look at it.

figgy said...

Smoking is a form of self-medication for the mentally ill. Not saying all smokers are mentally ill, but that many with mental illness smoke.

Point being, maybe Kirstie could quit smoking if she saw a psychiatrist and got her issues treated?

VIPblonde said...
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PrettyRicky said...

I think the major reason Scientologists are against antidepressants is because if they take them, they are more apt to start to see things clearly and see through the BS propoganda that is force fed to their members.

mikey said...

Smoking was my drug/addiction of choice. I still miss it - I won't lie! She just needs to STFU.

rocketyank said...

Because they have to list every possible side effect even if its incredibly rare. Like Prozac has been around for a while now and is very safe but some folks have had a bad reaction so they have to let people know. I've been on zoloft for a year and I have virtually no side effects. What irritates me is when people who've never had depression try to poison people's minds against possibly trying an SSRI.

Anonymous said...

@Maximus: people who are under the impression they have alllll the disorders and need alllll the drugs won't be pushed further by the ads, just like people who don't feel they need them wont be pushed into thinking they do. I've not heard of anyone who's ever said "you know what, I thought my life was pretty good, but then my this commercial showed me I had crippling depression so now I'm taking all the pills". Again people, YOU are responsible for you and what you do. Tv doesn't make you take pills, tv doesn't make you violent, tv doesn't make you promiscuous, tv doesn't make you smoke and drink. You do those things.
If anything, those ads have helped to show people that depression can happen to anyone and there are ways to deal with it and it doesn't make you crazy.

And now that turned into a rant, so @Maximus, only maybe the first sentence was directed at you, the rest was to the ether.

ljsmed said...

I'm sure I would not be around if it were not for antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and anti-psychotics. I agree that they are prescribed too often, but certian people (myself included) really enefit from these types of medications.

Anonymous said...

If it helps you, what's the big deal? Mental illness is no joke. The risk of suicide from not taking meds outweighs any side effects. I've gotten alot of help from anti anxiety drugs. Antidepressants didn't really help me much.

parissucksliterally said...

She lost me at "INTICE". Make sure you can spell, before you spew, Ms Alley.

Jessi said...

I will say I agree for the most part with her in regards to the commercials. I don't understand the reason for them though. Is it for the Dr. or for the patient? After listing the numerous complications that usually scares the shit out of me to even want to try them!!

A healthier diet is always a good thing, I tried this for many years up until realizing the best option for me was to combine this along with antidepressants. It works for me and I don't regret taking them.
Now birth control pills, oy vey! These bad boys made me suicidal.

Anonymous said...

"sometimes I have a feeling that I should do crystal meth, then I think 'nah, better not'"

Sherry said...

Ha PrettyRicky! Excellent.

The Opster and I are always making up the list of side effects when they start that part of the commercial will cause anal bleeding, extremely bad breath, the desire to watch horrible films, etc.

And I hate these commercials. I too wish big pharma never was allowed to advertise. Also I read an expose that links right to what Anna was saying about how the drug companies found their drugs sold better if their sales crew looked like professional cheerleaders. In a nutshell..

I was given Prozac after I lost my job because I was absolutely depressed. It did nothing for me..No side effects, no real effects, nothing. I just stopped taking it and I actually felt same as before.

HOWEVER, if my husband doesn't have his meds it's trouble. Anti-depressants have absolutely saved his life and for that I could not be more grateful.

Scallywag said...

Maybe a nice SSRI would help Kirstie make better hair color decisions.

About a decade ago I was unemployed for several months and it was back when the Cymbalta "Where does depression hurt?" commercials were on. I always answered (everywhere). But I knew I was bummed about my current lot, not clinically depressed.

I am a firm believer that we have meds for mental health issues that save lives everyday and improve lives for many more.

I can't say that them advertising on TV constantly is the best thing and in many ways I equate Big Pharma with Big Tobacco. Many people needs meds AND counseling and I don't think the ads make drugs like Abilify and Cymbalta look like magic pills.

Lioness70 said...
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Lioness70 said...
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Hazeldazel said...

There were laws for many years saying pharmaceuticals couldn't be advertised on TV and then when that was overturned, they now have to listed any and every possible side-effect because you need to be well-informed as possible. Not that you will even get any side-effects, but just so you know.

So Enty, how drinks did you take for the weight-loss drug that had "anal leakage" and "uncontrollable bowel movements"? When they recommend you take an extra pair of pants to work in the package insert... RUN AWAY!

Lioness70 said...

Going on the record: Paxil (along with heck of a lot of prayer) saved my life.

I have pure O OCD with depressive tendencies. I had it since I was a kid, but I wasn't formally diagnosed until I was in my 30s.

We all know that these pills are overprescribed. But Scientology's quack remedies are any better? Fix your brain through better nutrition? Shows their serious lack of knowledge about brain chemistry. Fuck them.

caralw said...

@anna I work for a health care organization and we expressly forbidden to take even a pad or pen with a drug logo on it. Of course, I am in the backwards state of Alabama.

KendraWM said...

Anna Nonymous
The reason you are seeing so many drugs pulled is because of a change of law that allowed for shorter clinical studies, the trial phase which is the last phase before it hits the market.
Prior to the AIDS epidemic of the 80s a new drug had to under go years of clinical studies before it could be eligible for FDA approval.

People with HIV or AIDS did not have the luxury to wait that long for a new drug to be approved. So they mobilized and took action had the statue change to a 6 month clinical trial period. So where before a drug would never make it to market because in the years the companies were doing the clinical trial phase all the bad stuff was discovered, now it is being discovered after it hits the market.

Same thing for children medication, companies did not want to spend the money to do separate trials to see how the medication that is prescribed to children actually worked. It took President Bush saying that an company that markets children medication who runs proper trials will get 4 more years on their patent exclusive to get the companies to agree to do it.

The Raving Badger said...

Had a case where the wife was taking Abilify. It's an anti-psychotic. Schizoids take it to keep from having hallucinations and hearing voices. When I started seeing those commercials it became obvious that Americans are WAAAAYYY over-medicated and that the FDA needs to step in on these damn commercials. BTW what the fuck does a bathtub have to do with limp dicks and fucking?!

bella said...

Zoloft and Remeron has saved my life. When I got lot my last depression with bouts of panicattacks, I also got conunseling, which really helped me (along with the meds). Now I can finally sleep and function during the day without crying and getting panicattacks.

lazyday603 said...

TV ads for prescription drugs were illegal until pretty recently. The idea being that doctors should be the ones deciding which dangerous drugs you should be taking, not Madison Avenue advertising firms. The second idea behind the old ban being that patent medicine sellers were a real problem duping dumb citizens in the 19th century. Both pretty sound reasons for not allowing the TV ads. Do we gain much as a society hearing disgusting lists of side effects while trying to watch some entertainment? I stick to commercial free movie channels just to avoid the side effects lists. Ban 'em again.

Lisa said...

When COS unleashes their celebrity spokespeople (Cruise, Alley, etal)on us, I always wonder how they can possibly justify this hatred of mental illness medications when they have zero medical training? My doctors spent many years learning how to treat major depression and anxiety. Not everyone benefits from every medication but many of us are still alive today because of these and to me it's hate speech to dismiss whole categories of medication by the ignorant.

onehotrobot said...

Raving Badger - Abilify is an anti-psychotic, but in the case that it's being spoken of it's an add on medication. It's taken in a much, much smaller dose for depression than it is for schizophrenia (I just started on it 2 weeks ago, honestly saved me from killing myself, has helped me hold on to my job and stay in school.) I have gotten up to my full dose which is about 1/10th of the dose that someone with schizophrenia would start at. It's a very small amount, but makes a huge difference. And it's only something considered in cases of hard to treat depression or when the person needs to see a quick result from medications. I noticed a difference within 3 days and at this point I'm nearly ready to return to work after being out a month. Had I simply had my antidepressant adjusted or switched, I would have had about a 6 week turn around time before I noticed any changes - all while I was suicidal, couldn't work, couldn't do school, and had panic attacks if I even thought about leaving the house. So just because it's an anti-psychotic doesn't necessarily mean the person taking it is "crazier" than someone on an antidepressant.

I like what Lisa says. My doctors are the ones who learnt how to treat depression and anxiety. Adding to that, I am the one who lives with it every day - people who have never experienced depression or anxiety or ADHD, etc have no clue what it's like to attempt to function in life without proper support, including medication.

auntliddy said...

What rocket said.

auntliddy said...

Rave, and 2 bathtubs!!!! It cant be that big, lol

Lucas said...

Zoloft did wonders for me, but is a bitch to kick. Today is the start of my last phase of weaning off of it (properly this time). I'm looking forward to being med-free but you'll never hear me judge people who need to continue taking them.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

@Badger: Yeah, what DOES a bathtub have to do w/the fact that some guy can't get it up? (Do NOT get my mother started on Cialis ads; she'll go on at length about how no woman is ever that thrilled about her husband getting his woody back...) Mind you, I do feel bad for guys with problems and hope they can get help in some form or another, but do we all really need to hear about this on TV during the dinner hour? (I remember seeing Bob Dole doing ads about "ED" and thinking "Dude, I did NOT need to know you can't get it up! AAAAACCCKK!")

Oh, and Hazel: Wasn't that Olestra? It was something companies could fry things in (like potato chips); I suppose the idea was that the damn things would tear through your system so fast that any fat content wouldn't have the chance to be absorbed, but yeah, when "anal leakage" is something you have to worry about, that might be a sign to leave that stuff alone...

Alicia said...

I did Paxil. Prozac , Cymbalta .. I was still getting panic attacks and lost too much weight. I got off the drugs ( which were a bitch to kick ) and leaned the power of Excercise .. It saved me from anxiety attacks and got my seratonin and dopamine levels back up to par after I had to kick prescription opiates. I'm not saying pharma can't help lives , but I do wish accupuncture, Excercise and other natural remedies were prescribed and or funded in research more. That's what saved me. That and meditation.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Oh, and add me to the list of people who need their meds; I won't get into all the details, but when one of your roommates offers to drive to Canada to get your drugs cheap if you lose your insurance, you know you need them. ("Am I that bad?!?" "Um...well...") As much as I want people to understand that mental illness of whatever type isn't a matter of being "weak" but of brain chemicals and pathways run amok, the ads really do work my nerves, and not in any kind of good way.

Lisa said...

I have freely talked about my sons epilepsy but what most don't know is that he is also severely ADHD, impulse control disorder, OCD, oppositional defiant disorder, bi polar and schizophrenic. We have been dealing with the ever changing medication situation for most of his life as there are times some would help and others they wouldn't and also as he grew into adulthood the body chemistry changes and some medications just quit working. The worst nightmare as a parent is watching the child/person you love and not being able to help them other than protect them the best way you can.
I am my sons guardian and oversee his both his medical and financial life as he is unable to do so. If he is given those chances he wouldn't go to the doctor or take his meds and he would have his money spent within hours of having it and not pay a bill. Many have judged Brittney Spears father but nobody really knows just what is going on until they have had to make those very choices for themselves. It is one of the hardest most soul tearing things a parent has to do knowing that their child is not physically or mentally able to do for themselves.

rexruther said...

In the Bob Dole hawking ED drug days, commercial comes on during our family dinner - Wheel or Jeopardy is what we watched at mealtime. Mom looks over at dad pointedly & says, "Well, I'll be darned, [father's name]. Go get yourself a sample."

I wanted to slide under the table. I still can't watch those shows without remembering my dad had ED.

Lucas said...

@Lisa *hug* You have my complete admiration.

Lisa said...

Thanks Lucas but what was I to do? Admit him into some care home? The doctors have gave me that option but it is not one I or any member of our family want. The only way we will ever take such a route is if he becomes dangerous. His sister has stated that should something happen to me that he will come and live with her and she will take care of him.

Sherry said...

Lisa: Hugs to you and your family for doing the best you can to care for someone who cannot care for themselves. I'm sure it's not an easy road to hoe but you're doing it and I applaud you. AND his sister. You've done something right to those kids for her to be so willing to pick up the challenge. God bless you.

trouble bubble said...

@Kendra, I am working in the clinical trial industry and you claims are not true. Although, I am working in Europe and the situation is different over here, it's not that easy to get trials permission from FDA and conduct the trial. In general it takes about 5 years to release the new drug to the market. The drug's safety is tested in 3 phases and there are also Phase IV post-marketing studies. It all depends on indication, but the requirements are as strickt as they can be in this industry

CanadianMiss said...

Sort of ot here.
Does anyone remember an SNL sketch with Jennifer Aniston where she's in a meeting and starts talking about how a prescription changed her life, made everything normal, was just plain wonderful? Her co-workers all look at her funny and ask why she's talking to a plant?

OKay said...

@Anna Nonymous, where do you live??? I worked for a psychiatrist for about five years and we were regularly visited by two female and two or three male drug reps. Yep, they brought lunch when they came (because that was the only appointment time I had to give them!) but they were ALWAYS 100% professional.

Unknown said...

Yes, I will take medical advice from the cult that runs Narconon, the 'drug rehab' killing machine that believes addiction can be cured by hours upon hours spent in saunas each day whilst reading indoctrination materials written by L.Ron Hubbard.

Where's Shelly Miscavige?

rocketyank said...

Pure O is a bitch.

mybrothehero said...

As some people have said, Abilify isn't new. It is used as an anti-psychotic in the higher dosage, in lesser doses it behaves as a mood stabilizer and assists the antidepressant in being more effective (promotes a higher level of serotonin to be absorbed from the dendrites). It is actually quite versatile and can really help to reduce meds someone may need to establish and sustain stability.

There's 30% of the population that don't respond to antidepressants for whatever reason. If someone can acquire mood stability and health a different way that doesn't cause harm to others or themselves, go for it. However i think it's inaccurate to put everything on Big Pharm. I think it's a good thing there are commercials so people can know they have a choice, or for some, have a hope, of controlling mental health issues.

Jenn said...

I'm pretty sure Kirsty is bipolar, unless that's just her alien DNA making her crazier than Cooter Brown. Sometimes,I agree with her--like when she called Polamski a f-king pedophile rapist, and the rest of Hollywood a bunch of suck ups, but other times, eh, she's just crazy. I wish someone would sneak her some meds.

car54 said...

I wish the advertising was prohibited so the meds would be more affordable. My insurance copay is barely affordable for my top tier antidepressant and one of the reasons I stay in my soul sucking job is because I need this medication--I've taken about everything and this one has made a difference. I never feel "great" but it keeps me from bottoming out. I wish the drug companies didn't piss all that money down the drain. Let them keep marketing to the doctors if the need to but TV is pretty unnecessary and a huge expense.

astrogirl said...

I am glad we don't have such advertisements here, seems unethical.

csproat said...

Cartoon characters AND drugs?
Just add buttercream frosting and I'm in HeAVeN!

nunaurbiz said...

I love my antidepressant. I was first prescribed one for severe PMS. I had no idea how just a small dose could make such a difference! When I had a family tragedy, they upped it and man, I needed that. Now back to the small dose and it doesn't alter me except in a good way. I'll take that over your cigs, Kirstie!

Persiaa said...

I just don't understand why people think it's okay to criticize people who take meds for mental health reasons. They wouldn't criticize people who need iron for anemia. Get over yourselves, judgy mcjudgersons.

Bluezz said...

CDaNers, please accept my apologies for my venomous response. I just can't with this chick's BS. Kirstie has no clue.



BTW, your precious Narconon is going down, you silly twat! Maybe you can comfort Tiny McFists & keep the beatings to a low roar against your fellow members as another source of income is being cut off. You seem to be a strong girl to hold him down. Just don't be glib when you ask Davey where's Shelly?

Bluezz said...

When I saw Enty had taken another swipe at Kirstie & Co$, I thought oh good. But I could barely get thru it cuz I was just furious at the gall of this woman who knows nothing of what she speaks/tweets. I'll come back tomorrow & read people comments. Looks like a lot of sharing was done & I want a clear head to absorb your responses.

But just a little 411 for those who only know the talking points of Co$:

Kirstie probably doesn't even know that one of the reasons that L. Ron Hubbard hated psychiatry is because the APA & the AMA would not accept Dianetics & other books without scientific proof back in the 1950s.

And there you have it L. Ron Hubbard got his little bitty feelings hurt by not being accepted by psychiatrists. Thus LRH deemed ALL Psychiatry Evil.

And now you know the rest of the story.

Bluezz said...

@Agent**It If you peruse this posting again, I hope you'll see this. Check out Tony Ortega's article from today:

"LEAK: Narconon’s Legal Affairs Director Admits No Scientific Basis for Advertised Success Rates"


Internal memos show that the success rates on addiction recovery are not proven. 70%, 76%, 82%, & even 94% at one time. If those results were true, there wouldn't be addiction anywhere.

And there's additional info on how they get other non-Co$ drug referral services to encourage them to push the addict/family members to Narconon unknowingly. So the innocent party looking for help has been referred to Narconon without them realizing it.

Set your TVs for Rock Center w/Brian Williams on Friday, April 5 at 10 pm ET to find out more.

Barton Fink said...

Antidepressants have a very low side effect profile (and fairly low effectiveness as well). It probably is unethical for pharmaceutical manufacturers to sell drugs directly to consumers rather than waiting for doctors to prescribe them, but it's part of our industrial culture now that we let manufacturers do what they want no matter what. Alley is just yammering, and I ain't offended. I, too, hate those commercials, with those blah women blahing about blah blah blah until they get that drug that fixes everything!

Ivs said...

Right on @rocketyank.

I ate antidepressants for a while - though it turned out I had ADHD which might explain why the pills didn't make me feel any better. But I really think medications - no matter how "unnatural" - can be what saves a person who has tried everything else. Obviously we are all very different and some of us are going to have bad reactions to SSRI medications, but I still think every truly depressed person owes themselves to at least try it. When you've realized life doesn't have to hurt every single day, the medications are a blessing.

Nyan said...

Maybe if Jonny Lewis had taken his meds, his weet landlady and her sweet kitty would still be alive!


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