Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Khloe & Lamar Shut Down eBay Store

Apparently Cathy's Kids was never about cancer research. Oh, I know what the websites said and what Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian always said it was about, but we were all wrong. The couple just forgot to tell us that it really is about funding basketball camps for elite players and paying salaries to Lamar's friends for running it. Khloe actually says underprivileged youth which certainly some of the players probably are, but many are not and the teams serve as vehicles for those who run it to then act as managers down the road when the players turn pro and get a percentage of earnings which would presumably not ever stand a chance of ending up in Cathy's Kids. If Khloe and Lamar are so proud of the charity then why did they shut down their eBay page yesterday and remove all the items for sale?


  1. Hope the IRS gets a hold of them.

  2. Please let this be the beginning of the end for this trashy family.

  3. The RICO sweep they did here in FL took years of investigation just to get the warrants. Hopefully this goes quicker since its not a hush hush operation.

  4. Someone could end up in jail for this one.

  5. Enty, glad you read my comment on this on yesterday's post:)

    1. @Agent ita. People are shocked, but it's not a surprise to anyone in the know, they're paying attention because it has a Kardashian attached to it. A lot of charities do this. Why do you think many go under? When they plan an event, so much goes into overhead that almost nothing is left to distribute. A scam. Wanna know another one: when you see celebs pass out meal packages during Thanksgiving.

  6. I can't stand any of those hustlers. They are rotten to the core.

  7. Yeah, it's not nice to lie about funding cancer research, and it's really stupid to scam the IRS. They get really cranky.

  8. I told Thor about this last night (he has *zero* interest in celeb gossip) and even he was shocked. He agrees that toenail fungus is more useful than any of the Kardashians.

    1. Ha ha ha toe fungus that's a good one!

  9. I bet you Kimmy is really pissed off right now ... Klhoe is getting attention & Kimmy wants some attention too so tomorrow we will see pics of Kimmy wearing another aweful outfit & all the attention will be where it should be - on Kimmy again!
    I really hope this turns into a scandel that involves the IRS.

  10. Remember the apples fell from the tree who took out OJ bloody clothes in a golf bag right under the noses of LAPD and Detectives.

    Nothing these people do shock me.

    Maybe Lamar had good intent going into it. But quickly saw the value of turning it into a tax free player farm.

    His mom died of cancer, but a buck is a buck.

  11. While I agree this is horrible, I haven't read about this anywhere else besides here - I mean, I haven't seen anything on news sites like, or Or even newpapers like the NYDailyNews. Until it hits places like that, it won't be a really huge scandal. Or have I missed the news stories? (And I'm certainly hoping it does hit the above sites!)

  12. We can only hope the next investigation is Pimp Momma's "church"!

  13. Susan B (aka Khloe) The NYDailyNews is on the K-Trash payroll.

  14. SusanB, I think I saw it on the front page of the yahoo website. TMZ also reported it I think.

  15. @Wen - I am not Khloe nor am I defending them. I'm just saying the only place I've seen this story is here (I usually don't go to TMZ). I never said I don't believe the story. I just said it isn't a huge story until it hits the major news markets, which has not happened. Work on your reading skills.

    1. @Susan, I heard it on the radio this morning, on a station that is notorious for being 5 years late to every party. If they are reporting it, then it's pretty common knowledge.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      @Susan I know I'm a little late to the post but just saw this at

      Hopefully the link works, but it is about their charity being a fraud

  16. I'm surprised tmz reported this as they are 100% PRO-KIM! I thought for sure they would have some "explaination" for all this.

  17. SusanB, here's where Enty linked to 2 days ago. I think you were absent from CDaN that day:)

  18. Cue the fake miscarriage from the fake pregnancy in five...four...three...

  19. Meaning fake miscarriage to take away the limelight from Kloe/Lamar...

  20. Yeah I think a lot of the delay had to do with Tmz trying to find a way to spin it to be pro kardashian.

    @timebob, dead on. The look on Robert Kardashians face when the OJ verdict showed he knew that he sold his soul.

  21. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What time on said. They have the slimmest lawyers in LA working for them, they will get some bad press but you know they exploited every single possible loophole, technicality and semantic interpretation to do what they did. I bet they get scolded and nothing more

  22. Anonymous8:42 AM

    *timebob (sometimes I DO know wth I'm typing, iPad, leave my shit alone)

  23. @Agent*it - damn, you miss one day, you miss a lot! Thanks for all the referrals but I will iterate - until it hits the big news stations, cable or CBS, etc., it's not a HUGE story and isn't heard by a majority of the population.

    1. SusanB, do you have a note for your absence?:)

  24. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Slimiest, jesus.

  25. So, I'm too late to buy her old sports bra? What about the underwear she uses to hide her nuts?

  26. *hangs head* no note - just needed a mental healthy day. Won't happen again.

  27. I honestly can't imagine who would donate money to a 'charity' these people are involved in. I mean, there are so many real and wonderful charities out there that do such good work. Why give money to people who are very clearly materialistic and shallow when you could donate to a homeless shelter or something ???

  28. I guess it's true what they say about all press being good press. The Kardashians only have negative things written about them and yet they become more famous and more rich. Do people still watch their show on E!? How many do they have now?

  29. @Alma,

  30. That whole family is made up of such terrible people.

    Please let them get what they deserve.

  31. It's on Huffington Post:

    Does that qualify as a big news outlet? I'm not being sarcastic, being a Brit, I've got no idea of what's the most popular US Newspaper.

  32. How do you know for fact that most of these kids aren't underprivileged? You got the parents bank statement? I'm guessing the large majority ARE underprivileged.

    Lamar should go to jail for this that's fraud.

  33. I know hell is freezing over, because I am kind of defending the Kardashians.

    First, look at the mission statement of Cathys Kids:

    The mission of the Cathy's Kids Foundation is to provide comfort and joy to children currently suffering from the effects of cancer.  We strongly embrace the idea that HOPE is the best weapon to fight cancer.

    Second, CK is a "foundation" and not a public charity. Foundations have far more flexibility than public charities on operations.

    Third, the IRS has two big areas of concern with all charitable organizations. Excessive salaries and/or personal benefit is scrutinized along with any political lobbying are what te IRS frowns upon.

    Trust me, I appreciate the irony of thm getting pilloried on his one and not so many other truly egregious things they have done.

  34. @upside downunder:
    I recently (2-3 yrs ago) worked for a "Foundation" as a grant writer/manager/jack of all trades. We were a 501(c)foundation, meaning that we were an American tax exempt nonprofit foundation. We actively solicited charitable donations 365 days/yr. That org was dedicated to AIDS research and education. I also worked for one in the 1990s that provided a drop-in shelter for homeless people. Both were about as charitable as it gets, and both places took their accounting very seriously.

    I should add, both were in Santa Monica, CA (near Los Angeles). Same "neighborhood" as the Odom/Kardashians.

  35. Meant to add: I'm a long (and I mean L-O-N-G) time lurker, just wanting to add some fuel to the pile of stakes before we light up Khloe/Lamar. I LOVE reading all of your posts; can't tell you how many tears of laughter I've cried. CDaN has the BEST devotees!

  36. Ever since the day a CDaN poster made a typo, Khloe's been K-hole (Khole) to me. Everyone always defends her and says she's the least objectionable of the K-Klan but consider this: One of them has to be.

  37. The sad part is they could have had a legitimate thing! Just say you're funding basketball for kids, and let people donate to that if they like. They didn't need to put the whole cancer bit in there.

    That they did, however, is despicable. I hope if fraud is proven, they're nailed for it.

  38. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Probably because their lawyers told them to take them down. And this ladies and gentleman is a perfect example of two people looking like deer in headlights.

  39. This has Pimp Mama Kris written all over it. What a cash whore move.

  40. If you ever have a question about a charity's legitimacy, go to (or org, too lazy to look up). You'd be surprised to see that the charities of many celebs are a way to use other people's money pay people to be their friends, pay for their cellphones, travel, etc. Disgusting.

  41. so how do we get the big news to cover this so minivan majority who only does knee pads for celebs stuff and 6pm news for "real news" would know what we know?
