Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Khloe Kardashian Is Still Ripping You Off

If the entire world thinks your charity is a scam, you would think that in order to implement some damage control that the least you could do is to change your own eBay website so it does not say that every penny of sales goes to said charity. As of this morning, Khloe Kardashian's eBay site still says that all the money from the sales of stuff on the site goes to Cathy's Kids which is the charity that is under fire after ESPN reported that no money has ever gone to cancer research but does support some basketball teams and Lamar Odom's friends. I'm actually shocked that the bad publicity sensitive Kardashians didn't do anything about it. They just let things be and are probably worried they are going to set sued/investigated because I think everyone would like to know where that eBay money was going. They have 847 reviews. Each one of those represents a sale that was supposed to go to Cathy's Kids.


  1. I'm sorry, I just CAN'T with this family.

  2. The Krudashians are stealing! Shocker!

  3. They aren't ripping me off. I haven't and wouldn't give my money to anything with this family's name on it. I won't even by a product they have endorsed, no matter what that may be or how I may have wanted to try it. I call it my own little protest of their world domination.

  4. sigh...i'm losing my fight...

    i would love to have millions. I would love to give some hope to someone in need. If I were KK, I'd have a baby shower all right, then anybody who wanted could join me at the end while we dropped it all off at a woman's shelter...

    I've been unemployed and recooping form an accident. Even on a VERY limited budget, I still scrape for the humane soceity. granted, $15 a mth isn't going to bring each dog a bone but as a dog owner, i HAVE to give back. the occassional hurricane, whatev.

    i just can't...

    1. You're one of the good ones Erika! Good on you - every donation makes a difference! These shameless famewhores have no soul and no sense of decency. Which explains how they got famous for being pissed on...

  5. I know celebrities are untouchable & all, but with this type of fraud, the authorities have to get involved, right?

  6. I can't remember which of our lovely readers(Agent**it?) pointed out that most of the stuff the K's put up on eBay, is stuff that was already given to them for free.

  7. I'm sure every penny goes into a bank account called "Cathy's Kids"...

  8. Enty, The money from the sale of those items (which were mainly freebies given to them for promotional purposes) did go to their foundation. They get a tax write off for that. Then the foundation pays 70k to a friend to "administer" the fake charity. They also get their foundation write off. So the audit of the EBay $ will show it went to the charity. The real story is the audit of their charities and Kris Jenner's "church". Coupled with their Dubai travels and the activity on their leaked CBR's, there are enough red flags to scream tax fraud and "potential" money laundering.

    1. @Agent- I knew you had the good dirt on this topic :)

    2. Exactly! Hopefully this is what opens the door to that investigation.

  9. I think the IRS may be onto them now. I hope so because that report on Outside the Lines pissed me off. I'm glad they focused on Lamar and showed him to be the ass that he is.

  10. The IRS is the only one who isn't afraid to call out and prosecute celebrities.

    I hope they, and the rest of that nasty family, gets investigated.

  11. Can anyone else find anything about this 8-year-old charity? You know, like a webpage? I can't.

  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Eh, I don't know that they'll be held accountable for any of it. No doubt what they are doing is shady as hell, but don't forget where the original $$$ came from-the shady lawyer. I'm sure they have many very unscrupulous lawyer friends through dad-jar fashion (autocorrect and I'm leaving it) who helped them outline how to set these up so as to take advantage of every possible loophole. Too bad, I'd love to see them nailed to a wall.

  13. These people are pathetic. I've seen toenail fungus more useful than they are.

    What gets me is that they still have fans. There are still people who want to buy their stuff and watch their shows and have their photos taken with them. People who want to look like them (makeup collection, clothes) and smell like them (perfume collection) and act like them ("How to Pap" collection - oh, sorry, not that one yet).

  14. So they call their shopping fund 'Cathy's Kids'?

  15. Izzie, I don't understand how they EVER had fans! But people who still defend them and like them now just completely baffle me.

  16. this is unforgivable and seriously bad karma. They better fix it.

  17. I am flabbergasted that these losers have "fans" too. If the media is playing this up you know the IRS is just around the corner. Didn't someone file a fraud form from here the other day? Wait for it...It will happen..

    And great for selling all that free stuff. They are the epitome of greed.

  18. ugh. i checked it out and some of the items are selling for $100 or $200! geez. i'm about to start my own ebay store.

  19. This from yesterday's K-hole & Lamar post:

    __-__=__ said...

    Report tax fraud with form 3949-A.

    I googled the form (it's a one-page form) filled it out and wrote that Kris Kardashian Jenner is using "their" church to avoid paying taxes on their $50+ million dollars a year earnings, slapped a stamp on it and mailed it to IRS, Fresno, CA 93888.

  20. @Mango-I just high-fived you. :)

  21. It appears they've changed the page, it says that "every item" goes to benefit Cathy's Kids, not "every penny". It's also kind of a convoluted charity. We're made to believe that the charity is to help fight cancer, because Lamar's mom died from stomach cancer, but the charity actually helps inner city kids get the resources they need to succeed-which apparently translates into Lamar funding two traveling youth basketball teams. Also, when you click on learn more about Cathy's Kids from the ebay page, it takes you to a page on Lamar's personal website that you (or at least I) are not authorized to view. Um. Yeah.

  22. My husband s niece asked for a Kardashian purse for her birthday. We tracked it down. I was so pleased to not be blood related.

  23. The biggest scam on the american taxpayer is to allow a deduction against income taxes and estate taxes for charitable contributions. There are countless "reputable" charities doing the same thing.

    Khloe and Lamar aren't doing anything different than countless others. The truth is, by the byzantine regulations, they actually sound legit. Look at how much money Livestrong raised and how little went to research.

    Here is a multibillion dollar one that was swept under th carpet just a few years ago and I doubt any of you knew about it.


  24. @Mango: Male or female, you're the man!

  25. Mango, awesome!
