Friday, April 26, 2013

Katt Williams Gets Community Service

I can't even keep track of all the times Katt Williams has been arrested in the past year, but the one where he was trying to escape the police has been resolved. That was the one where he led police on a slow speed car chase when he was on his motorcycle. It was up in Sacramento. He had faced serious jail time but managed to plea his way down to 428 hours of community service which must be completed in the nex tnine months. That is really fast because it is equivalent to about two and a half months of working full-time and he already works full-time, but it does beat sitting in jail for 6 months or a year.


  1. Does his posse go with him to community service? Like while he's picking up trash on the side of the highway, are there 17 other dudes standing around?

    If they help, does that come off his hours, or will the time go in as credit for them to be used against future offenses?

    Can he just get all cracked out and do a 428hr comedy marathon w/ proceeds going to charity?

  2. Your tax dollars could be hiring the unemployed to repair roads and make America's bridges safe again, but instead we have to keep fighting a drug war that CANNOT BE WON.

    Even Chris Christie (R-NJ) said it. Not just us wacky liberals!

  3. Count, I don't think Katt looks like the 'manual labor' type. He SHOULD try and do charity comedy shows, for his inevitable CS. He IS funny.

  4. Now that is a mug shot!

  5. He should do no more time than Lohan's monkey ass.

  6. Monkey Ass! *giggles*

  7. I actually laughed out loud at that pic. The man is funny, no doubt about it.

  8. That's the way to do a mug shot. Take note, Lindsey, I'm sure you'll get another chance.

  9. I got to work with him, long time ago. Smart guy, super nice. Hope he gets his issues folded back into shape. All those kids he adopted need a dad.

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    here here Libby!
