Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kate Middleton Moving Home After Birth Of Baby

Several reports are saying that the home of Kate Middleton's parents is in the middle of an extensive renovation  because after Kate's baby is born, Kate is moving back home for six to eight weeks,. Apparently there must not be much room in the palace for guests until it has also completed a renovation. This breaks a long standing tradition. By the time Will & Kate are finished  I'm not sure there will be man traditions still left. They don't really seem to care about a lot of them which are useless, but others which are more respectful, they do honor. The couple had originally wanted to move in with Harry, but they thought that sounded too Two And A Half Men-ish.


  1. Let's Father Dowling this shit out!

  2. I think ts smart it's how they will have a long happy marriage not being controlled by others the way Diana and Fergie were.

  3. Maybe Kate is talking about staying with Mum rather than going back to RAF Valley where Wills is based? That area is pretty remote and I can see a new mother would be happier with her family rather than in the middle of nowhere with a newborn.

  4. Workers doing renovations to their soon-to-be new home at Kensington Palace found asbestos in the walls. They had hoped to be living there when the baby was born.

  5. I f'ing love these two, I can't help it.

  6. @ dragon- you're slaying me today. LOL.

  7. I love that she wanted to be with her mom, and not leave the mothering to a slew of nannies/nurses the first few weeks. Love her.

  8. I suspect it has more to do with the asbestos that was found than any tradition-bucking instinct, but good on her for insisting on going to her mum's rather than some other palace. And good on the Grey Men for allowing it. Perhaps they've learnt a lesson.

  9. I think this is great too. She'll get the comfort of being with her family and not a retinue of nannies.

  10. I was just going to say that, assuming William will be off on duty, it would only be natural to want to be with her family while she gets used to being a mum, but the asbestos makes it even more important. I daresay the Queen has mellowed considerably with age and experience, and realizes that the most important thing is that everyone be happy, healthy, and well-looked-after, rather than strictly following palace etiquette. (If she hadn't, there's no way in hell Wills would have been allowed to marry someone with whom he'd been shacking up for the last several years.)

    Good luck and best wishes to the whole extended family!

  11. Her mother is such a social climber she must be thrilled to bits. I remember when Kate and Will were dating it was reported that Will's photo was the wallpaper on Kate's mother's iPhone. Who does that?

  12. Awe Mango, they are reportedly a close family so a mother's pride is understandable, and as grandmother of a future monarch I'd say she's reached the social summit, so the notion of being a climber at this point is rather redundant.

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I too think it's sweet and cool that she wants to be with her Mom afterwards. And not have it be all palace people and nannies. Damn decent of her.

  14. I love her too! However, I read royal blogs, and the people of Great Britain are not fond of her whatsoever, according to the blogs. They think that Will is super lazy and Kate and family are major social climbers. But, who is laughing now, certainly Kate, with her castles and thousands of dollars of fashionable clothes and fancy holidays. The people on those blogs are mean! In my opinion William is a big dull dud, I want to bang Prince Hot Ginge, and I love how Kate wears her clothes more than once.

  15. Love her and him, they really have their priorities fine tuned.

  16. +1 auntliddy. Royal perks are nice, but they don't inspire the aura this couple possess. I think they're the real deal.

  17. The palaces are impressive but not so comfy. Would you want yourself or a nanny to slip and drop your kid on a stone floor, or worry about kid drolling on a priceless rug? The kitchen is almost a mile from the dining area in Windsor, and the food must be put on a trolly and kept hot along the way. The chill, the dampness the possibility of mold exposure early on and asthma triggers. Would you want to breast-feed in front of palace staff instead of get accustomed to the baby's feeding schedule with your mom there (if that's what she has chosen to do)? Me either. Good for Kate.

  18. @Tiffany - Lots of people in GB love the royals, and clearly the blogs you're reading are written by people who do NOT represent the majority. But there certainly is a faction who despises all things royal, and ever since a complete commoner joined the ranks they've been absolutely rabid. William does search and rescue missions for the RAF - he's hardly lazy! And Kate is a lady and doesn't have a career and so what? It's a gift to make people feel good just by being in their presence and she possesses that. I love 'em too. Stay away from the negatives!

    1. Good to hear, Cee Kay! I thought, wow William and Kate must be horrible people if those blogs were remotely true. I've always liked them and was ecstatic when they got married, and stayed up all night to watch. Good to know Wlliam isn't lazy. I think Kate is doing a wonderful job as a Dutchess. William and Kate are doing a nice job at modernizing their roles, in my opinion. But then again, I'm not over in England, I just get my royal news from the Internet. I was in London when they announced their engagement, which was amazing. I don't get the Kate hate, I love me some Kate!

    2. Oh, and its royal dish .com and enclave24 that are the blogs I've been reading...I need to get me some new royal blogs to peruse.

  19. Dude you really woke up early just to post first lol

    glad you made everyone laugh today

  20. Kate sounds like a sensible person who wants to do what she thinks is best for her and her baby, can't fault her for that.

    My Mum, bless her sweet, sweet heart, flew half way across the country after I had each of my boys, and stayed with us each time for 6 weeks. It was so comforting to have her with us, especially with our first. There's nothing like having your Mum around during something as life-altering as having a baby.

  21. My mother flew over from NZ when I had my baby. It's a shame she is the most irritating person alive, I'd rather not have another baby than go through that again. She made the whole experience about 10x harder!

  22. @ Tiffany. Try this one. It's not a blog and it's not just British but more global.

    1. Thank you for the link! I added it to my bookmarks :)

  23. I really don't understand the snobbery about a commoner joining the royal family from people outside of aristocracy. Just because something is your birthright doesn't make you competent or suited for the role - just look at Prince Charles.

    Kate is relateable, gracious and warm. If you don't have that in a royal family in this day and age it's not going to be very popular. Harry has made some pretty bad mistakes but he's one of the best loved royals.

    I guess not everyone can be happy.

  24. There would be some Britians (?) not happy no matter who Prince William married... After all.. some must have been dreaming THEY were worthy of him(!)...

    Anyhoo... The Duchess can not be expected to have a 'career' if she is expected to live with her husband-afterall, he has been sent to Wales with his Air Rescue Group (small tiny town), then when he is not with them, back in London, then he has his 'royal duties', which of course, people expect her with him... WHAT REGULAR JOB would allow all that time off?

    Of course, she still could work for her parents party supply company, but then others would complain -IT IS BENEATH THE WIFE OF 2ND IN LINE FOR THE THRONE'

    Can't win no matter what you do. I think, from the little I have read, she has done a great 'job'-reusing clothes-unlike her deseased MIL-Diana who spent MILLIONS on clothes. Especially since alot of GBs are doing poorly. She and her husband seem the most in tune with what is going on in the country-unlike the Queen who seems like she is ZONED OUT now (demetia??)and Charles who has always seemed to not give a flying f*ck what the commoners, his wife, his kids, his staff, etc. THINK!!!

  25. And if I see another 'ARTICLE' like the one in PEOPLE 'MAGAZINE' where they 'compared' Kate Middleton and Kim Kardashian's pregnancies-and said they both were giving birth to little princes and/or princesses.... I WILL SCREAM!!!! Yes, KM is a 'commoner' but she has more class in her pinky than KK has in her whole family!!



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