Monday, April 01, 2013

Justin Bieber's Security Team Accused Of Sexual Assault - Bieber Is Banned From Austria's Biggest Nighclub

According to the Austrian Times, members of Justin Bieber's security team went on a rampage at a nightclub in Austria this weekend and were taking as many cell phones from fans as they could grab and then destroying them. I guess they don't want any photos to come out. This seems like a typical a-hole movie, so I would not be shocked if Justin wanted this done. The club has since banned Justin forever, so you know, next time he is in Vienna and looking for a place to party he won't be able to party at Passages nightclub. Yeah, that is the way to punish him. I'm sure he will learn his lesson.

What is even more shocking is that many of the female fans who security accosted were also sexually assaulted. Members of Justin's entourage are being accused of groping the female fans including girls as young as 12 and 13 years old.


Tempestuous Grape said...

Why is Billy Corgan about to go down on the Bieb's?

Tyler said...

Wait, 12 year olds in a nightclub? This sounds somewhat fishy to me.

FSP said...

@Grape - I thought the same thing.

I hate typical a-hole movies.

Ban Lil Peen!

Unknown said...

phoenix this was in Austria. They don't really have age limits there for clubs.

Anonymous said...

What Phoenix said. Why is a 12 yo in a nightclub and if it's a concert venue, why can't people have cameras? And why are these young girls not out with a paren pt who calls the cops the moment some hulk manhandles their daughter?

greenmountaingal said...

I hope all of these dirtbags go to prison for a very long time.

Also, I second the motion for a Bieber free April.

it took forever said...

How the hell did 12 yo get pass security to go to one of the hottest nightclubs over there?

Tyler said...

lmao @ Grape & FSP.

Tempestuous Grape said...

@phoenix I spent between the ages of 12-15 years old in Hollywood clubs...granted it was the 80's, but it's not that far-fetched.

Tyler said...

ok.. Not fully on board with their claims though. They could just be mad that their phones were taken from them.

timebob said...

fame & fortune does not make you above the law. I can not wait until his behind the music special and he is sitting in a filthy studio apartment trying to figure out what went wrong.

Count Jerkula said...

Why do people put up with that shit? They aren't cops, F em.

Put a hand on my shoulder and that is assault, so the punch to your throat will be written off as self defense. Either that or the old thumb to the eye.

surfer said...

First off, it's April Fool's Day, so take this with a grain of salt.

I highly doubt this is true, but if it is, there are just so many things wrong with this.

Twelve and thirteen year olds in a club? Sexually assaulted, out in the open? Security team went on a rampage? Not buying it.

Tyler said...

Just looked it up. Passage nightclub in Austria has a minimum age restriction of 21+, which begs the question what was Bieber doing in there then? lol

I also can't find another article (and there are many) that mentions anything about underage girls being involved.

Unknown said...

What's going on!! First the blind about him sticking stuff up his butt in front of his date and now this:)

Izzie said...

I can imagine a 13yo fangirl scared s*less by Bieber's 250lb babysitter - um, bodyguard - and letting him take her phone. So glad I have kids with sense in their brains - they'd fear for their lives if they thought I'd ever find out about them being in a nightclub.

Sherry said...

Hey if you're out in public, in a nightclub you sort of expect people to take out their phones and snap away BUT I agree they have the right to ask them to stop. Do not however, get all grabby..Wonder how much of this story is true. Count me as another will to have a Bieber Free month.

mr. ray said...

I'm with you Count Jerkula!

Glitter said...

I can't wait for him to fizzle out.

Laura said...

Pull up your damn pants, you prissy prima-donna!

Count Jerkula said...

@mr. ray: Thanks. I seen a dude get punched in the throat once. They didn't have to give him a trach hole, but it was rough.

Vicky said...

Over 21 clubs often have teen nights. Especially if a teen heartthrob is there.

ethorne said...

Another day, another douchey Bieber story.

Vicky said...

Also- that is totally Billy Corgan. Well, at least in my mind it is fact.

lostathome said...

I never took Bieber as a smashing pumpkins fan.

auntliddy said...

Yuck, and i hope perps get arrested.

trouble bubble said...

I read the same story on dailymail and no groping was mentioned there. Maybe it's Enty's Fool's Day joke?

TracySwingKid said...

What the frack? What am I missing here? Why would they even think they could go into a club and then confiscate and destroy fellow club-goers' cell phones. I need to quit reading these Toddler snippets. They make me angrier than I ever want to be.

Tyler said...

@trouble bubble, sad to say, I think the sexual assault and 12 year old girls are fabrications because Enty doesn't like Justin. smh

Unknown said...

yes some nightclubs have all ages nights esp in smaller cities or what is the drinking age in Berlin?

PotPourri said...

pretty much lies to me. Bieber knows everyone has cell phones everywhere. Other thing...12 year olds?

Mango said...

I don't give a rat's ass about Bieber. I just want to give a shout out to Tempestuous Grape! T-Grape's in the house!

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

The Austrian Times article says there were young women groped by security, but it doesn't say anything about girls young as 12 or 13.

It does all sound... odd. Were the police called, were there any police reports? Groping and theft are both quite illegal, why isn't there any police intervention in this report?

Pip said...

Tempestous, I love your avie! Strangers with Candy is one of my all time favorite shows!


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